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Inheritance & Birthright gear: Utterly stupid?

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While I am a big defender of this game normally...the inheritance gear is a laughable idea.


What good is a level 14 weapon/gear? Seriously? Why do I even need it? By that time I am getting better drops from quests. It doesn't scale with your level. Its totally useless. I really hope the devs expand on the idea.

Edited by Arkerus
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Your wrong, it is 100% useless for everyone. Level speed does not matter, its only for very low levels, slow or fast its gonna be worthless really soon.


Cost vs Usefulness is wayyyyyyy off. It needs to scale with level to be worthwhile.


Don't be one of those people who get on here and defend every single bad design choice the game Devs make. Don't be that guy!!! :rak_03:


It's better than being the guy that comes onto a forum of a game they supposedly play and like only to bash it.

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I think they are bound to legacy. Also, its for alts, and some people may level alts at different speeds. They may be useless to you, but not everyone.


So how many Jedi Knights or troopers for example, are you intending on making. I have 2 Jedi Knights, 1 sentinel 1 Guardian, I dont plan on making anymore, which makes a level 14/34 piece of gear for Jedi knight completely worthless, needless to say I made both of those before the Birthright / Inheritance came out. Ive filled 6 of my 8 available slots and nothing in this game is worth 200 daily comms that can only be used for max 4 levels before gear available becomes better....


I would even stretch to say that if you made 8 of 1 class it isnt worth it.


Now if Bioware want an Idea of how it should have been implemented, here it is.


Birthright / Inheritance grants a token (ie: Legs) that can be traded in MULTIPLE times on ANY character under level 40 while leveling. So I loot a piece or purchase a piece and then can freely trade that token throughout my legacy to my next leveling character and use that item to Upgrade my Armour every level upto level 40 and then pass the token to my next alt.


Meaning that over the course of game time If i looted all the Tokens for Birthright / Inheritance available to all pieces, i would never need to purchase / trade for a piece of Armour ever again on any alt i leveled up to level 40.


In fact i have no idea why we have Birthright and Inheritance when one would have been enough. The whole system probably explains why a few people got the sack at Bioware.

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Oh dear. I turned in a kit for a mh weapon for an alt for the first time earlier this week. I had just assumed that it was going to scale with level. It is so absurd not to that it never even occurred to me that it might not work this way. I am glad that this was the kit they give you and not one I had farmed 200 commendations for, that would have caused a lot of swearing when I found out.
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Is there something I'm missing about Inheritance gear...It costs 200 daily commendations to buy a lvl 14 piece of gear, that is good for only a few levels. What could Bioware have been thinking, to where they would consider it even a remotely decent idea? The way it is implemented now, is so frustrating as to be maddening, that something so ill-thought out could even be put in the game at all.


Right now, the item is only about the equivalent to Purple+1, and since the only version available is at 14ish or 34ish it's worthless after a few levels.


The only way paying 100-250 daily commendations for a piece of this gear could have been worth it, were if the item levels up with you somehow. Or else the same kit could be used multiple times across different characters.


As it stands now, it's just so stupid as to be painful to contemplate.


So what gives? Is Bioware this clueless or am I missing something? I hope I am missing something, cause it pains me to pay money to a company that thinks someone is so stupid as to grind several weeks worth of dailies for basically, a purple item at lvl 14 or 34.


Idk, I think BOA things that level with you are stupid as well.

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Even if it changed to being adaptive gear, I think it'd still be pointless, since all the mods would only benefit that one base class. So if you felt like doing the same storyline all over again, it'd only help once - for 200 comms. That's ludicrous! Maybe 25 comms - I might do that.


Edit: Even if you made it for another base class, it still wouldn't be worth anywhere near 200 comms.

Edited by psi_overtake
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The entire legacy system is stupid and it detracted from the major issues that resulted in the 400,000+ players canceling their subscriptions.


Legacy armor was flawed from the start, why would I waste daily comms to buy armor that is no better then orange stuff you almost have a complete set of by your mid 20's?

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Even if it changed to being adaptive gear, I think it'd still be pointless, since all the mods would only benefit that one base class. So if you felt like doing the same storyline all over again, it'd only help once - for 200 comms. That's ludicrous! Maybe 25 comms - I might do that.


Edit: Even if you made it for another base class, it still wouldn't be worth anywhere near 200 comms.


They would literally need to put experience bonus's from killing MOB's, completing quests, and doing PvP to make them desirable.

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its because of important development things such as inheritance gear as to why we don't have ranked wz's or server transfers.....


Such groundbreaking development must come first and does take great time and care.


Pretty much This...

they focused too much on Legacy...its useless for the most part but they (devs) never understood that...

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they gave me an inheritance kit, i traveled to cash it in, got the item, looked at it with my O_O face saying Wut the is this BS..... then I threw it in the trash and was annoyed I had to waste a trip waiting for the stupid load screnes during travel that makes leaving the fleet fail.

This was basically my reaction as well. I don't loathe the legacy system like some on the forums do, but the whole legacy/inheritance items thing just seems terribly poorly done.

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To be honest all they need to do was to make it a gold set (between blue and purple) with a recommended level on it;


Set 1: Recommended level 25, can equip at level 1 and receive 4% of all of the stats for each character level you have and max stats at level 25.


Set 2: Required level 26, recommended level 50 and receive 4% of all of the stats for each character level you have from 26+ and max stats at level 50, the level 26 stats being just slightly higher than set one.


Then the items would be worth buying as you could get to 50 and be boarder line gear wise for Eternity Vault and/or some of the HM flashpoints.

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