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Please start merging servers, there are way to many light servers


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BUMP, plus one or whatever else can help to get some BW's attention.


Guys, really, make a free transfer from light server with 2-3 peeps on fleet to average servers. Seriously, 15 minutes WZ wait time to get same people in fight?


Or world PvP. Hours for searching and you can't get ANY enemy ;(

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I would of thought by now that they would have done this. the pvp on our server is bad. We fight the same people over and over and the world pvp is non existent. I want a bigger population to be able to go out and fight. For being a pvp server there needs to be world pvp.
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As a healer the variety in PvP on my server is now becoming annoying... at least 60% of my time today in WZ's was facing off against the same imps and straight away they'd mark me. On Aldaraan I could have an Imp conga line going round a trurret, up the central slops and hopping off the edge in the hope of LOS'ing them all the while casting the only HOT ability that would hopefully trigger my instaheal in order to save my wretched life.


I REALLY hope they start doing server mergers rather than character transfers.... Character transfers would just split the great republic community we have on our server at the moment where as server mergers would INCREASE our numbers and ensure we can all play happy families with new peopel! :D

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I'd be happy to fight the same people over and over. On Shii-Cho, it's all too often I can't even get a match. I've been waiting for a half hour now. Longest wait this week was 75 minutes. Last week it was 83. Pathetic.
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Im really tired of pvping with the same people over and over. I want to pvp with different people and different guilds.


Haha, you just know paid server transfers will be rocking long before merges and cross server queues

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Coming in Game Update™ 1.3 aimed for Soon™


I wish they would let us know when this soon is. I think if they were able to give SOME date it may give people something to look forward to. Just listening to general chat in the fleet is not pretty. Very few people even talk about SW, all the talk is about other games and how few people are around.


Though, if they missed that date....

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