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Which Class Has Best Story Line


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That bad hu? So far heard that story line is worthless


Running the consular through this time as a female isn't quite as bad. The male voice over work though, in concert with the Consular story was just too much to take.

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I may be a freak in this but I liked the SI storyline. It could have been far better yet I enjoyed it more than I'm enjoying the SW. SW seems like the grimmest out of all I've played ('all' = the aforementioned SI and SW + IA, Smug, BH, JK).


In terms of humor and a-little-bit-lighter I say Smuggler, no contest. Think it's why I deleted one of my SW's today and rolled another Smug instead- I'll need a lot of comic relief to get me through the SW storyline :rolleyes:

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O_o When was the BH ever considered the best? IA was the consensus "best" storyline going all the way back to beta testing, and I can't recall seeing anything to indicate that ever really changed.




The whole reason I began with The BH was that the story was being raved about. There was little doubt in the early going that it was the best storyline. In fact, I kept hearing about how boring the IA's storyline was.


Again, that changed somewhere, maybe because it was hyped so much or maybe because all the twists became so well known.



I'll disagree with that assessment. Neither side really has "better" overall stories. I mean the Inquisitor is by far the worst of the storylines and it is Imperial. I admit that SW was probably better than JK in a technical sense, but I enjoyed the JK storyline more.The Republic class stories are just fine


I'll disagree right away in that I liked the Inq storyline... Against public opinion, I know, but I had a lot of fun with it and really enjoyed my character. That may be because I think the Inq is the standard to which all other classes should be based when it comes to actual in-game performance (flexible, fun to play, functional, not over or under powered), and that may have made the experience a more fun one.

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Again this is an opinion. I personally have found the Consular story to be about as exciting as watching grass grow in the desert. .


I agree. In fact with six classes under my belt now, the JC was the only one that I thought didn't have a good storyline.

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So hard to pick THE best... They've all been very very good so far.... Personally I think that the Imperial Agent and the Trooper class stories win both but by a very very small difference from the others...
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Despite the frequent panning as the 'worst', I think the story that underlies the Consular questline could be really good and a fitting epic - unfortunately its implementation in-game is painfully repetitive, and despite its potential for varied aims and methods is always just the same kill-kill-kill as any other class, which spoils it. Edited by QuiQuaeQuod
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The JC story picks up in Act 3 and I quite enjoyed it by the end but its boring as bat **** in act one. Imperial agent is great with many moments where you have to stop and think really hard about what choice you want to make.
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I liked agent, till end of ACT 1 - the boss fight and the revelations who stood behind the plot was nice. But then it went downhill, up to the cheesy boss ending. Seems like after act 1, they fired the scenario writer, and just used "generic spy story generator" :)


Also I like all character stories, and each has some notable and epic quests


Sith Warriors gets epic ending of Act 1, when the whole turning to dark side process is shown, Malak and Bastilla style. Jedi Consular gives the feeling of being true Jedi Master, ambassador and diplomat, building an army to rescue Republic.


But, my favourite quest lines are two - Ord Mantell and Coruscant for Smuggler - the idea of recovering own ship is great, feels so rogueish. The second is bounty hunter on Alderaan. The clash between high and dandy aristocrats with a brutal thug who kills for money, along with dialogues and choices you can make, is number 1 in the 6 stories I've played.

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Played the IA to Nar Shaada so far and I'm disappointed. I like the whole secret enforcement for the Empire thing, but I'm just not feeling it.


Sith Warrior is fun. Basically kicking butt and taking names and beating on the people who try to put you down.


Sith Inquisitor, you're basically someone's hoe until like the last minute... I have a weird thing for Khem Val, though, and the game play is all lightening-y and I love it.


Bounty Hunter, thus far, is great; Running around capping people on the bounty list to be the very best, like no one ever was...



Only played a little of Jedi Knight and it's... less satisfying. Save this guy, save that guy, save this planet, save the galaxy.


Jedi Consular isn't much better... diplomacy and not stepping on people's toes and all sorts of roundabouts.


Smuggler is okay, though up until NS it's random and kind of all over the place. Which fits the Smuggler just fine, so there.


Trooper has been getting a lot of crap but I'm liking it a lot so far - it's a classic tale with a bit of a twist and overall, like I said, it's enjoyable.



But really, just like everyone else has posted, the 'best' storyline is subjective and there isn't really a widely-accepted "Best."

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My personal favorite is of course the Imperial Agent. For sheer jaw dropping revelations and a white knuckle suspense ride, no other can compare. The fact that they managed to take elements from every other espionage franchise out there, roll them all into one, and stick them in Star Wars as a believable lore is unprecedented and speaks volumes towards BioWare's writers and their ability to come up with great stories on a regular basis.


In my opinion, they outdid themselves with the Agent storyline.


Taking nothing away from the other great stories in the game, the Agent just appeals more to me. I grew up during the last two decades of the Cold War, watching James Bond movies, reading Nick Carter: Agent of AXE novels, the Bourne novels and later movies, watching "24" on TV, and of course the old Mission: Impossible series in syndication. I noticed elements from each of these franchises during my Agent playthrough, and I couldn't help grinning at the referrences. :D


There are some twists in the Agent story you will never see coming until your jaw hits the floor and you are left going "waitWHAT???" or some other form of complete surprise. Also, the Agent has some of the coolest dialogue in the game. :cool:

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I've played the inquisitor and COnsular stories all the way through, the BH and Smuggler most of the way, and the Knight halfway. I've also observed the entire commando line and chunks of the agent and warrior.


First, I don't get the hate the Inquisitor gets at all. I thought it was incredibly engaging. I was originally leveling with friends and, by the time I got to Tatooine was so into the story that I started a BH just to level with them because I couldn't "put down: the Inquisitor line. In particular, the Voss segment was absolutely great and had me rushing to see what happened next. Perhaps its just because I tend to like more mystical types of things anyways, but I loved it.


In contrast, I think the BH is boring. It's far to disjoint for my tastes. Certainly, the idea that each planet is it's own bounty works for the character, but for me as the player it just makes it very hard to get invested in the story. Even in act 1 where all of the bounties were tied together by the Great Hunt it still just felt like I was doing one random thing after another, and in act 2 when the bounties really are fairly disconnected it simply gets boring as heck.


The Consular... I can see how folks might think its boring. Personally, I liked it to some degree. I liked the mystery of act I with the illness, and then in act II it was a tad boring UNTIL the mystery of the children came up, at which point I was pretty caught up in trying to see the next revelation about it. The only time it got all that boring was after Voss, when I knew how it was going to end, although the entire Corellia storyline of taking the planet back and the support from all of the different armies you have compiled was fairly exciting.


And, of course, the Consular has the best companion by FAR in the game: Tharan, who with Holiday is hilarious and awesome both in cutscenes and in combat.

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Played the IA to Nar Shaada so far and I'm disappointed. I like the whole secret enforcement for the Empire thing, but I'm just not feeling it.

Things don't really pick up until the end of chapter 1, and then, well... it's a heck of a ride. I stand by the idea that allowing yourself to get emotionally invested is important to really loving the story, though. My agent (and I) were completely harrowed and traumatized by the end of ch. 1, and then ch. 2 was just so very upsetting. (Partly because of how my agent felt about things, and partly because of the unexpected ways that the story intersected with things in my own past.) My poor agent was just so completely brutalized by the time she got to chapter 3.

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Things don't really pick up until the end of chapter 1, and then, well... it's a heck of a ride. I stand by the idea that allowing yourself to get emotionally invested is important to really loving the story, though. My agent (and I) were completely harrowed and traumatized by the end of ch. 1, and then ch. 2 was just so very upsetting. (Partly because of how my agent felt about things, and partly because of the unexpected ways that the story intersected with things in my own past.) My poor agent was just so completely brutalized by the time she got to chapter 3.


nice to see my agent and i weren't the only ones x.x

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Haven't finished any story so far, so I can't say which one will be best in the end. I have tried the beginnings of the BH, Smuggler, Agent, JK, JC, SW, SI and Trooper, and the fact that my trooper is lv 38 is a giveaway that his story has been pretty interesting so far (that and the fact that the dude kicks ***). I did play the Agent up to lv 29, so m pretty close to getting to the end of chapter 1 and it has been fairly interesting so far. Let's see how it develops further.


I'll eventually get em all, but since the my Trooper is stuck on a dead server, I may just drop it and follow-up on the SI/Agent one's for the mo. :rolleyes:

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Things don't really pick up until the end of chapter 1, and then, well... it's a heck of a ride. I stand by the idea that allowing yourself to get emotionally invested is important to really loving the story, though. My agent (and I) were completely harrowed and traumatized by the end of ch. 1, and then ch. 2 was just so very upsetting. (Partly because of how my agent felt about things, and partly because of the unexpected ways that the story intersected with things in my own past.) My poor agent was just so completely brutalized by the time she got to chapter 3.


Chapter 2 had a Bourne feel to it. Not necessarily the character, but the organization and how I was being used a lot like he was used.

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Chapter 2 had a Bourne feel to it. Not necessarily the character, but the organization and how I was being used a lot like he was used.


all i remember about chapter 2... was me RAGING thru it all, quick little vacation with some face lock time with a smurfy little dude on hoth, some ...episodes...due to the brain dammage where people ended up dead...and more rage.

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all i remember about chapter 2... was me RAGING thru it all, quick little vacation with some face lock time with a smurfy little dude on hoth, some ...episodes...due to the brain dammage where people ended up dead...and more rage.

I really didn't expect it to hit me as hard as it did. I didn't start playing my agent until my husband's was ~1/2 through ch. 2, so it wasn't like I wasn't expecting what was coming. I just didn't expect it to be so difficult on a personal level. I mean, there I was out running errands like a week or so after finishing ch. 2, and shaking with rage because I didn't feel like she (or I) had had enough closure, and I had to go through the whole scene in my head again and figure out what Livia would have said (screamed, really, as she was not holding together very well at all by that point, and apparently neither was I) during that final confrontation in order to let us both get past it.


It's also been kind of a joy to watch a friend of ours do it completely unspoiled... there has been so much 'OMG this is awesome, wait WHAT?' throughout the story. Fortunately (unfortunately?) it is not hitting her quite as hard as it did me. She is on Voss at the moment, and last night, shortly before server maintenance she finished the bit in the Gormak lands, and I was all, 'you should really go talk to your contacts before the server goes down, it will give you something to think about,' and she was all 'well, I want to finish this quest but whatever *quick travel* WHAT THE ....?' And then she started apologizing to Vector. it was adorable.


So yeah, best story ever.

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I really didn't expect it to hit me as hard as it did. I didn't start playing my agent until my husband's was ~1/2 through ch. 2, so it wasn't like I wasn't expecting what was coming. I just didn't expect it to be so difficult on a personal level. I mean, there I was out running errands like a week or so after finishing ch. 2, and shaking with rage because I didn't feel like she (or I) had had enough closure, and I had to go through the whole scene in my head again and figure out what Livia would have said (screamed, really, as she was not holding together very well at all by that point, and apparently neither was I) during that final confrontation in order to let us both get past it.


It's also been kind of a joy to watch a friend of ours do it completely unspoiled... there has been so much 'OMG this is awesome, wait WHAT?' throughout the story. Fortunately (unfortunately?) it is not hitting her quite as hard as it did me. She is on Voss at the moment, and last night, shortly before server maintenance she finished the bit in the Gormak lands, and I was all, 'you should really go talk to your contacts before the server goes down, it will give you something to think about,' and she was all 'well, I want to finish this quest but whatever *quick travel* WHAT THE ....?' And then she started apologizing to Vector. it was adorable.


So yeah, best story ever.




i couldnt look him in the eye for days after... kinda had that guilty skulk going on

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thougth i like all the class storys ive played so far (played allmost all except BH and troop to high level, i wish i hadnt played IA first cause while the other are good or great i just feel that the agent has something more and i feel a tad let down by the rest.


but this is of course 100% my opinion not fact.

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I've completed the Warrior, Agent, and Bounty Hunter stories and am currently in act 2 of the Inquisitor story and so far I'm going to have to say that Agent's story was so good that it almost made me forgive George Lucas for the prequels...I know he didn't have anything to do with the writing in this game but still, it was that good. I've got a lowbie knight and trooper as well and I'll have to try the smuggler but I refuse to play the consular, just too boring of a class and their armor looks rediculously horrible.
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I've completed the Warrior, Agent, and Bounty Hunter stories and am currently in act 2 of the Inquisitor story and so far I'm going to have to say that Agent's story was so good that it almost made me forgive George Lucas for the prequels...I know he didn't have anything to do with the writing in this game but still, it was that good. I've got a lowbie knight and trooper as well and I'll have to try the smuggler but I refuse to play the consular, just too boring of a class and their armor looks rediculously horrible.


The consular armor isn't as bad on females, on males however it really is some sick sadistic joke.

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Things don't really pick up until the end of chapter 1, and then, well... it's a heck of a ride. I stand by the idea that allowing yourself to get emotionally invested is important to really loving the story, though. My agent (and I) were completely harrowed and traumatized by the end of ch. 1, and then ch. 2 was just so very upsetting. (Partly because of how my agent felt about things, and partly because of the unexpected ways that the story intersected with things in my own past.) My poor agent was just so completely brutalized by the time she got to chapter 3.


You know, I liked agent from the beginning. But I'll agree that towards the end of chapter one it went from "ho, hum, derping about with a gun" to OMG, I WILL FORSWEAR SLEEP TO GET THIS STORYLINE FINISHED." (And the end of chapter 3? Yeah. There was a lot of computer time being put in there...)


The best part about it is that it's well told enough that it improves. I'm replaying it and just...a lot of stuff that seemed pretty pointless in Chapter One is really important later on. (Just subtle.) It's pretty awesome as there are all these neat little details woven into the story. Agent is incredibly well written. With that said, it's not for everyone, I think. I described some of the events to a friend and she just blanched and was like "Never".

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