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Am I the only one who actually likes this game?


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Just curious, and I want to add your talking to one of the most critical people, like, ever. What does it for me is the..how could you not..story. You have class stories, world arcs and episodic flashpoints and operations that develop your role in the galaxy.
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Just curious, and I want to add your talking to one of the most critical people, like, ever. What does it for me is the..how could you not..story. You have class stories, world arcs and episodic flashpoints and operations that develop your role in the galaxy.


Its a GREAT game. You are right. Story is good, voice acting is good.


But its a HORRIBLE MMO. Every feature that makes it an MMO was horribly implemented and designed.

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Its a GREAT game. You are right. Story is good, voice acting is good.


But its a HORRIBLE MMO. Every feature that makes it an MMO was horribly implemented and designed.


Pretty much this. If you parse most of the complaints...They all revolve around the MMO elements of the game. NOT the game's primary selling point: Story.

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Its a GREAT game. You are right. Story is good, voice acting is good.


But its a HORRIBLE MMO. Every feature that makes it an MMO was horribly implemented and designed.



to the OP, are you level 50 yet?

Because once the questing is done, which really doesn't take that long, there's not much. And what's there isn't good.

The raids are bland, and pretty much a straight line.

The PvP is mediocre at best.

and there is no extension of the story planned, at least from what I've seen.


They will never be able to create enough story content anywhere near as quickly as we can clear it.

The future of the game will be release a new OP, WZ and story quest every 2 months, people(even casuals) will clear in a week, then wait a month or 2 for a new patch.

Edited by Zilrota
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Its a GREAT game. You are right. Story is good, voice acting is good.


But its a HORRIBLE MMO. Every feature that makes it an MMO was horribly implemented and designed.


I dunno, I like the idea that it has a story you can experience with friends, and like I said, the flashpoints and operations themselves I find cool. It is the only MMO where I can ask my guild "What has been your favorite flashpoint story?" but other than that and social ranking alot of elements are lacking that are supposed to build the community, especially the PvP (thank goodness I am a not a PvP player in general), however the rakghoul event was a large step in the right direction. Perhaps the absolutely atrocious community is why I posted this thread.

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i love the game, to enjoy more of swtor you to be in a guild with ppl you love to play with..


in fact i think every other mmo will become boring no matter how good r they. unless you in a great guild.


Lotro is fun with a good kinship (guild)..


EVE is awesome if you in great pvp guild, boring if you just stay in 1.0

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to the OP, are you level 50 yet?

Because once the questing is done, which really doesn't take that long, there's not much. And what's there isn't good.

The raids are bland, and pretty much a straight line.

The PvP is mediocre at best.

and there is no extension of the story planned, at least from what I've seen.


They will never be able to create enough story content anywhere near as quickly as we can clear it.

The future of the game will be release a new OP, WZ and story quest every 2 months, people(even casuals) will clear in a week, then wait a month or 2 for a new patch.

This is what my thread was saying that got deleted. A unique thread just removed for no reason....makes me very mad.



The best analogy for this game is this:

It's like a log ride. It's a thrill while you're going down the hill. Then you get to the bottom, and realize you weren't getting sprayed with water, but rather urine.


Yes I am level 50, and have enjoyed the endgame for a while now actually, I am just progressing slowly. I have been fifty for about two months and have not done Nighmare modes, completed HM KP or even tried EC. Yes the raids are linear, but I came from WoW and all the raids there were linear, here it at least has a really good story. I like the episodic nature of the flashpoints and operations, it feels like I am developing my character's role in the galaxy out of the class story, and the mechanics, especially later down the line, are pretty fun and challenging. I actually play alot of different games and also play the best MMO of all time...LIFE, thus I can enjoy this game at a reasonable pace, and this is boosted by the fact that I have joined a really fun and solid guild filled with nice but competent players in standard server where my name has pretty much been made the BEST HEALER EVA (alright maybe not, but players recognize me :) ). This game I do believe is good for experiencing a refreshing alternative to WoW with a, I iterate, really good story. Yes the PvP needs TONS of work and there must be more incentive to exploration, but I am enjoying the multiplayer KotOR style of it. And rakghouls are awesome :rak_03:

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I love the game. But I am frustrated by seeing the developers make the exact same rookie dev mistakes I have watched every MMO dev make since Ultima Online. The key one, the one that is my biggest pet peeve is massive balance changes done in one fell swoop.


You do not drastically change how a class plays over night and keep a happy fan base, you piss people off who've developed a character they enjoy playing. Free re-specs don't lessen the sting here at all. Adjustments need to be made incrementally and over time, the game (in theory) will run for years, there's no reason to rush this process. And make sure that bugs that may be causing balance problems are fixed before going anywhere near adjusting abilities. Prime example, the adjustments to sorcerer/sage healing were based off of numbers that were skewed by the existence of a bug that essentially let them heal much more than was intended. Yet more changes were made that probably weren't even necessary.


Then you have a test server that is functionally useless because you cannot transfer your characters to it freely. Without this option, the PTR will forever be useless as anything more than a preview to upcoming patches.


Those two are good for now. I can go on, but nobody likes walls of text.

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Just curious, and I want to add your talking to one of the most critical people, like, ever. What does it for me is the..how could you not..story. You have class stories, world arcs and episodic flashpoints and operations that develop your role in the galaxy.


You are not alone, not at all.


Some of us really do love this game, I'm one of them. :rak_03:

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its really just KOTOR 3 with some MMO elements that are poorly done.


Its really not a bad single player experience at all, in fact it was a great experience leveling but once you complete that. The rest of the MMO mechanics are either 1. missing or 2. done poorly


I mean come on, i ran into an opposing faction member about 3 times while leveling to 50 on a pvp server... The fleet is a great concept with poor execution. There is no sense of exploration, datacrons are a nice element but really the only reason you want them is for the pve/pvp edge.


I wanted SWTOR to succeed but with EA/Bioware slacking at PR and updating the public on what they are doing. Combine that with sluggish content additions.. I mean really everything in 1.2 should have been in launch. Rated WZs were promised and then canned, no ETA on those just a "coming soon".


Ive played enough MMO's over a 12 year span to know when it isnt looking good, it isnt looking good. History will repeat itself. Which is a shame because they have had 6 months to get this ship in open water and they still seem to be stuck at port and now have several leaks....

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I love the game. But I am frustrated by seeing the developers make the exact same rookie dev mistakes I have watched every MMO dev make since Ultima Online. The key one, the one that is my biggest pet peeve is massive balance changes done in one fell swoop.


You do not drastically change how a class plays over night and keep a happy fan base, you piss people off who've developed a character they enjoy playing. Free re-specs don't lessen the sting here at all. Adjustments need to be made incrementally and over time, the game (in theory) will run for years, there's no reason to rush this process. And make sure that bugs that may be causing balance problems are fixed before going anywhere near adjusting abilities. Prime example, the adjustments to sorcerer/sage healing were based off of numbers that were skewed by the existence of a bug that essentially let them heal much more than was intended. Yet more changes were made that probably weren't even necessary.


Then you have a test server that is functionally useless because you cannot transfer your characters to it freely. Without this option, the PTR will forever be useless as anything more than a preview to upcoming patches.


Those two are good for now. I can go on, but nobody likes walls of text.



^^^^ This....My classes that i enjoyed so much are worthless in raids, i never get to raid anymore cause my DPS is so low, i was before 1.2 top dps, now it's changed so much it's just not fun anymore and plus when progression is key our raid leader wants only the highest dps powertech & sniper, rest are pretty much garbage, the game has been drastically ruined

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I do enjoy the game, or at least I did until I got to endgame. The stories were great, the setting is awesome and so is the soundtrack. It all felt a cut above the average mmo, then endgame happened.


Rank 50 hits you like a brick wall on this. There's no dungeon finder so it's such a bother to find groups and no dual spec so doing multiple activities is also annoying. People are losing their patience and as a result they're leaving or as I like to call it "Gb2/WoW"


I want to enjoy this game but BioWare are making it very difficult. I want to do the dungeons, I want to do the heroic quests, I want to do the Operations with friends and guild members but nobody plays anymore on my server. It's dead as a dodo and I'm losing interest aswell. The foundations for a good mmo are all here, there's plenty of content, the classes are interesting, there are incentives to play multiple classes and there is plenty of scope to expand.


The sad thing is, it's taking far too long to implement things that should have made it for release. Why isn't Dual spec included? Why isn't dungeon finder in the game? Why aren't pugs and premades seperated??? These aren't just luxuries, they're extremely important to help players enjoy this game. Now we have to wait for BioWare to play catch up and you can bet that they will always be two steps behind Blizzard.


In all honesty I'm getting sick of waiting and I know plenty more people feel the same way. Stop with the fluff like legacy and get the vital stuff like cross-server dungeons and PvP out already.

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I know a lot of people complain about lack of end game content. If you look at the signs, there is a massive amount of content to come. For example; the return of the emperor. He will be the deathwing of tor lol.


I am happy with the game and anticipating all the awesome content that is to come. What people seem to forget is, that Bioware has the luxury of pulling all new content from the Star Wars universe and the many many games and lore that has been released. Soo much potential :)

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Can't we have one thread...just one...without the doom and gloom posts?


Or is that too much to ask?




Too much to ask!!!!


I kid, I kid.




I like the game, yes.

I would like it a lot more if they quit tripping and falling on their faces in the implementation department…far too much hype and too little follow through. I had left due to bugs and returned for the free week (and terminally cute pet) to see how things had progressed on the gameplay front.


Well that week things went so smooth that I resubbed and started to really enjoy the game again. And now it seems they are back to breaking something new every time the try and fix something…but I am hoping that they will get their act together soon.


So yeah, story is great. MMO centric mechanics are fare. CS is abominable (but we know that would be the case because of EA) but I have hopes they can improve things overall. I would like to be enjoying this game for a long time, and hope they can get it together.

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Just curious, and I want to add your talking to one of the most critical people, like, ever. What does it for me is the..how could you not..story. You have class stories, world arcs and episodic flashpoints and operations that develop your role in the galaxy.


Had this discussion once with a group of people in vent. It got heated really quick, because for the most part, people think that criticism of one aspect of the game means you hate the game, or despise bioware, etc. This is simply not true.


The overall game is great. Meaning, the classes (for the most part) the storylines, the questing, etc. These are all very well done. Heres the problem.


Once you hit fifty, if you get in a decent guild. Raiding is pretty easy. The fights pre-explosive require little to no coordination. To give you an idea, I went in on my fresh fifty bounty hunter one night. We cleared HM KP and EV and I was in 5/5 Rakata, with Columi mh/Rak OH, with a decent dps trinket drop. It required less than two hours to full clear both of them.


So there isnt much in the way of diffculty in raids. If you arent raiding, and you're geared. Well... theres nothing to do but dailies. And by nothing, I mean just that. Nothing. Theres no rep to grind. No awesome new recipes to farm, or even drops to farm. Theres no player housing in any form to decorate, and god help you if you're on a low pop server. Because then you really dont even have what little pvp there is to fall back on.


They got alot right. But what they didnt get right, was what keeps people coming back for more. Keeps people logging on day after day. Its the senseless fun, make your mark on the world, small things that really matter. Like in SWG when you could spend 8 hours just decorating a house. Or spend 4 or 5 hours touring other peoples houses to get ideas of what you might do to decorate your house. Its the bland crafting, that basically requires little or no effort (companions are great dont get me wrong) so you que up a few hours worth of crap and log off. Its the horribly designed gear, and lack thereof. (I mean really, was it absolutely necessary to make the IA/Smugger class look like a five year old dressed in moms oversized jumpsuit with a strainer on his head?) Dont even get me started on Star Wars Fox railspace of absolute boredom and doom. Or that wonderous and exotic ball of ice and lag called Ilum and the abortive attempt of world pvp.


Ok. On a side note. I still dont get it. They took part of the mythic staff. Mythic did a great job on RvR lakes. Did they just not get that whole idea? Was it too complex?


The point is. The side activities that people do while raiding are glaringly absent from the game. This is an issue if they want longevity.


So while some of us may like the game quite a bit, we would REALLY like a clue as to when this other stuff might be put in the game or even if it IS going to be put in the game. Because quite frankly, if its going to be missing, they are going to lose alot of people in the long run. Its part of what makes an MMO an MMO.


Its not just raids. Its all the other crap that makes us feel like somehow the world is actually ours.

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Just curious, and I want to add your talking to one of the most critical people, like, ever. What does it for me is the..how could you not..story. You have class stories, world arcs and episodic flashpoints and operations that develop your role in the galaxy.


No you are not. In fact, you are among the vast majority.


What you see here is a very tiny percentage of players starting thread after thread with the reason they are dissatisfied (most of which is conjecture). The entirety of this board is in the range of .01 percent of the player population.


The rest of us are enjoying the game, the content, the stories very much.

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Can't we have one thread...just one...without the doom and gloom posts?


Or is that too much to ask?





I'd like to see this on *any* forum, about any topic. There's always *that guy* who pronounces the worst of whatever, & everyone else is stupid.


And yup, I like the game.

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