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Should we have listened? (Anonymous EA employee on a 2 year old article)


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He's 100% right. This game's gonna go down in history though, but not as a success.

Game developers will study this game for years to come to see what went wrong. Getting to 50 in under a week is the biggest mistake ever. They deleted my thread explaining this, but I copy and pasted to a diff theread.


In my thread I describe the game as such:


It's like a logride. It's very fun at first and it's a thrill going down the hill. But once you get to the bottom, you realize that you were being sprayed with urine.

and you keep paying 15 dollars to ride again.


funny, if i did listen to this anonymous person i would be up $150+ for the CE and not to mention the monthly fees since :(

if they dont add some awesome activites and features asap this log ride is going down the drain ;)

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Of course end-game content has to be designed on being "repeatable," so the winner is the game that makes that part most enjoyable. In GW2 I already felt so much more flexibility in my options that it has basically killed SWTOR for me to the point where I'm on the forums vs. in the game - which many posters are acknowledging as a new, desperate trend in the negative outlook surrounding this game. I've been considering going back to WoW - it's awful and I hate myself for it - it's that bad! :eek:


Which is all well and good. I am sorry you feel that way - but I have played the GW2 beta and felt completely opposite - I have no desire or intention of playing that game. SWTOR has given me a much better experience, and I am a fanboi of GW1 and will also continue to play that in the remaining spare time I have left.


We don't want this game to fail but it is anyways. I can't find groups even on high population server Jedi covenant.:(


And how is that BW's fault? As I mentioned earlier, we don't have a population problem, we have a community attitude problem. Quite frankly, I wouldn't want to group with many people in these forums because of their attitudes.

I play on Standard and Light servers and don't have any problems finding groups when I need them - and I am not in any guilds either.



Edited by BJWyler
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More than bugs, missing features or broken aspects, SWTOR's biggest problem is the perceived image it has gained in the MMO / gaming community.


Sorry, I disagree. If the game was better people wouldn't leave.

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First off, when you embed your comments in the quoted section like that, I can no longer quote what you said, so it makes a continued thread very difficult. You should try breaking up the QUOTE sections so that your comments are still in an original post format.


That being said, you've said some things here I just flatly disagree with.



First off, your biases against the game and BioWare are not ones that I share, or ever will share. Any developer worth their salt is going to shoot for the stars and pare it down to what they can deliver. I'd much prefer that to the contrary, someone shooting for a low bar and hitting it 100%.



You said things in this game are disjointed. Can you provide some examples, please?



In Star Wars, as they're escaping the Death Star, Han and Luke are not in control of the ship. They're simply manning gun turrets. Yes the TIE pilots are flying and shooting, as are the X-Wing and Y-Wing pilots at the end in the Death Star assault. But we already discussed that, no developer has ever had both sides of a game like this in from launch and done it well. And they are working on expanding space. That you don't believe they can do it is not my concern. I am not shackled by your lack of faith.



Most attacks are always going to be the same moves, even in real combat. For the most part, soldiers pull triggers. Swordsmen have a few sword moves, but I'm not at all convinced you can make a valid sword-fighting game with a keyboard and mouse interface. It would be nice if they could get us a first-person lightsaber simulator interface where you could use the mouse on a 3D "sphere" UI in the center that would let you move and swing the lightsaber in various ways, but I'm not aware of anyone ever having built something like that. Are you?



I'm not really buying that you didn't use your companion and had substandard armor and weapons and still found all of the mobs easy as hell to defeat. If that's the case then maybe Marauders are overpowered to begin with. The point is, you could have made it more challenging, but you didn't want to. That's on you, not BioWare. Hell, do the missions without any armor at all, and no healer and no companion.



I'm sorry, but this is not a sequel to other games. I understand that they've tied some of the stories together, but this is not a single player game like KOTOR or KOTOR 2. And instead of one story line, there are eight of them.


And you never said what the "heavy fluff" was. What is clichéd about the Jedi stories? You use a lot of generalizations without ever offering any real substance. Work on that.



They've addressed why you can't lose companions. This is again a constraint for launch. If you can get some extra companions, then you can possibly lose one or two of them. But being able to lose your first companion in a game where you're supposed to have a companion doesn't make any sense, and once you've lost them, you're screwed.



I wasn't patronizing you. You're the one that complained that you didn't see much evidence of a war. I don't think it's out of line to remind you that we only have Chapters 1-3 of what I expect will have a dozen or more chapters within the next few years. Plenty of time for a lengthy war left, and you made NO hint or suggestion in your post that you were aware of that.



This was one of the comments you made right off the bat to my earlier post:




I'm sorry, but that DOES equate to a judgement of failure. You're saying they have COMPLETELY missed the mark and didn't even capture the Star Wars universe "at all". Maybe you can rephrase as to what you actually meant?


What's more, you're validating my original comment. The problem is that with an IP like Star Wars, people have their OWN expectations as to what the movies are, and what their core fun qualities are. I have maintained that there will be some fans who think the game failed in recreating their desired and beloved universe, and others who will think they did a great job. Unfortunately, these cannot always be blended together.


Overall, I don't see you being objective and explaining faults. I see you using generalized terms, being overly dramatic in your commentary, and not offering much of anything to back any of it up, even when asked to directly, and comments that are arguably incorrect like "This is the sequel to KOTOR and KOTOR 2."


Maybe we're just mis-communicating here, but I'm trying my hardest to see if you can be more explanatory in your comments. I'm enjoying the dialogue, but I just wish you could be more specific and use some detailed examples of the things you just sort of glaze over with a quick comment. I hope you can, because I think you're looking at some of this wrong. But I can't be sure until you tell me the substance behind your thoughts...




In terms of Bias I'm far from it. It's disjointed in some of the stories I've played so far, the pacing feels quite off sometimes the way the story progresses from point A to point B seems... Strange. There are some points during the Jedi Knight story that are utterly boring and feel like they could of been left out (most of the Quesh segment for example).


My lack of faith comes from Biowares failure to deliver on what they promise. They consistently say one thing and do another. (RE and new schemes, warzones etc) This is why I don't have complete faith in what they're bringing to space combat, but I have the patience to wait and see. I don't expect everything now, in fact I would of happily waited another year or so for the release of this game for it to be in a polished state.


In terms of combat: Many star wars games have come at Lightsaber combat in a far more entertaining way, whilst still having repetitive actions (though more moves). The Jedi Knight series was pretty good at combat in a frantic button bashing way whilst still have a set number of movies. The Gun play works quite well in this game but of course it's not as personal as close quarters battle which is where more effort has to be put in. It doesn't matter that we have a set number of attacks, they could of used those same attacks but given them more animation and variety.


I said I used my companion as canon fodder. Fed her to the wolves so I could get on with killing. She went down very quickly I still survived and managed to complete the bonus series. I had orange armor but the upgrades were below my level (38). My HP went down fast yes, but using cloak of pain and blood thirst as well as saber shield got me through the fight. Don't forget you can solo most 2+ heroics as a bounty hunter or trooper.


They haven't just tied in stories from the previous games they've explained what happened well after KOTOR with the emperor and other characters. This is a sequel as it continues the story of Revan, explains what happens to the Exile as well as HK-47. The only thing that's changed is that you don't play as these characters any more and you take on a new perspective.


In regards to this not being a single player game: The lack of people around whilst questing and the fact that you can just go back and solo most flashpoints (bar 47 plus) speaks against that. I've hardly seen anyone while on my quests and I'm on a high pop server. This is far more like a single player game than it would appear.


Fluff: Extra padding to extend a story. Another words dialog or actions that slow the story down.


The Jedi Stories are cliché in the sense of : Light side "oh look there's a sith lets try and stop them" "I'm a good guy don't worry guys I'll save you all!" Or dark jedi: "You're all going to die" Or "What's in it for me" or... "I'll kill you all if you don't pay me". There's no middle ground and that's what makes the Jedi's story so cliché even by star wars standards.


Originally during the beta you could lose companions. It was changed later. As was the advertised "Choices matter!" Now all that matters is which useless NPC you kill or save for them to come back once. I've only witnessed an NPC that I saved or spared coming back once in the entire story for the sith warrior.


In terms of what I meant by not capturing the SW feel. Lets take what we've seen of the Jedi for example. No where in the story do you serve the senate. Seeing as the Jedi serve the republic there's none of that to be seen in this games story thus far. While some of the planets feel like they fit straight into the star wars universe there are quite a few that don't. Some like Tython look more like your typical fantasy MMO setting with a few temples stuck in for fun. The only part of this entire map that feels like SW is the Jedi temple itself. Some of the creatures don't really seem like they're part of the universe either especially on Taris. The general design of some of the armor just doesn't fit at all for any period of Star Wars. Yet again some of it looks like it would fit into entirely different games.


In terms of an MMO it doesn't succeed in bringing people together in a community. Most of the people I've come accross want to solo their story and rarely want to do heroics. It's damn hard to find a dialog on most planets and people rarely talk or interact with each other. It's a very rare occasion you see some one from the opposing faction as well.

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Sorry, I disagree. If the game was better people wouldn't leave.


What a gloomy world you live in lol. No matter how good a game is, people will leave for various reasons. Whether it's the story that bored them, the content doesn't appeal to them, the pvp isn't challenging enough, pve is too hard or too easy. No game is perfect, and no game touches every single player's satisfaction. Even if this game was much more developed, there will be a crowd that would wish for something different.

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What a gloomy world you live in lol. No matter how good a game is, people will leave for various reasons. Whether it's the story that bored them, the content doesn't appeal to them, the pvp isn't challenging enough, pve is too hard or too easy. No game is perfect, and no game touches every single player's satisfaction. Even if this game was much more developed, there will be a crowd that would wish for something different.


It's not gloomy, just disagree with the opinion that the reason the game is failing is due to bad pr. It's getting bad pr because the game just isn't doing it for a ton of people.

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Sorry, but that article is a load of crap.


This game is teeming with good qualities, and has a lot more than "sound".


The environments are exquisitely done, beautifully designed, and pretty easy to navigate.


The mapping functions are almost TOO good, and make it extremely easy to find what you need to find without having to hunt all over the place, becoming frustrated in the process.


The combat is quite a lot of fun and varied enough to make it something entirely other than a boring button-fest.


The mobs on every planet I've been to (which is all of them, if I'm not mistaken) are well-tuned and well-suited to the levels of your characters at the time.


The leveling process itself, including map progression, planet progressions, and the somewhat side-by-side nature of mission layout is a fantastic idea, making it really easy for completely different characters to keep up with each other at a relative pace, if for instance two friends, a Jedi Knight and a Republic Trooper want to level together and play the game together.


Space combat is a lot of fun and worthwhile throughout the game, at least until you get to Drexel Sweep and start getting your ship turned to slag every run through. No I haven't read the tutorials yet, I'm too busy trying to get to the end of Chapter 3.


As to that sound, yeah, they did some exquisite work. The voiced-over mission content is fantastic, and has raised the bar for MMOs everywhere. Plain Jane dialogue in a pop-up box is going to pale in comparison forever more.


When you swing a lightsaber around, you've got the SOUND of lightsabers. When you're blat-blat-blatting through outer space, it SOUNDS like you're in Luke's X-Wing from Star Wars. T7-01 is almost indistinguishable from R2-D2 of the movies in terms of his little blurbles and bleeps.


I'm going to add just one more bit in here. The HEART of this game, is Star Wars, through and through. THAT is what is "nailed" in this conversation. BioWare "nailed" Star Wars down. I understand that people liked SWG. We get it. Never played it myself, never really had the urge, but I get it.


But Star Wars was NOT about setting up your life as an interior designer. It was NOT about standing out in the plains mining resources and creating pets for sale. It was about swashbuckling your way through the galaxy in a life-or-death struggle against the enemy and their dastardly plans. It was about escaping planets, rescuing Princesses from the clutches of evil warlords, gathering with like-minded rebels and fighting together to destroy your enemy.


Or, contrarily, it was about banding together with your fellow Imperial officers in a quest to crush this insignificant rebellion which had the audacity to refuse your obviously superior plans for ruling the galaxy with an iron fist. It was about succeeding in your goals and performing better than your competitors to insure your progression through the Imperial ranks and prevent yourself from being force-choked against a bulkhead due to incompetence.


BioWare got it done. And I highly doubt that this was some last-ditch effort that came together in the last two years. They started with the right goals. They started by determining the core of the movies, the core of what the game should be, and made it happen.


I could go on.... but let me just paraphrase once more.

That article is complete crap.


Spot on :)

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"As to that sound, yeah, they did some exquisite work. The voiced-over mission content is fantastic, and has raised the bar for MMOs everywhere. Plain Jane dialogue in a pop-up box is going to pale in comparison forever more."

It hasn't raised the bar. It's shown everybody that full on cinematic cutscenes for every quest isn't wanted. Most people spacebar thru the common quests. Cutscenes for the main quest are cool, and I watched every one of those. But they really aren't a necessity.

I expect very few companies will follow in Bioware's footsteps. They might've raised the bar, but it was a bar that no one wanted raised.

There are so many other features in mmos that could've had their bar raised. They picked the wrong one.

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Sorry, but that article is a load of crap.


This game is teeming with good qualities, and has a lot more than "sound".


The environments are exquisitely done, beautifully designed, and pretty easy to navigate.

Ur no, sorry but no. The enviroments are average at best, I can list many game with far better eviroments. And easy to navigate? You mean because its essentially on rails the whole time? Sorry but I dont find that a good quality.


The mapping functions are almost TOO good, and make it extremely easy to find what you need to find without having to hunt all over the place, becoming frustrated in the process.

Because thats what we need ion games, more Hand holding why not? Just make the game even more unengaging and boring because you dont have to think for yourself.


The combat is quite a lot of fun and varied enough to make it something entirely other than a boring button-fest.

The combat is fun? Its almost an exact carbon copy of WoW, which was boring to begin with. Throw in all the stupid CCs and PvP is a complete cluster f.


The mobs on every planet I've been to (which is all of them, if I'm not mistaken) are well-tuned and well-suited to the levels of your characters at the time.

Wrong again. The planets are all to easy. If you follow the story and planet quests you will ALWAYS outlevel a planet before you get to it. The completely screwed up the flow.


The leveling process itself, including map progression, planet progressions, and the somewhat side-by-side nature of mission layout is a fantastic idea, making it really easy for completely different characters to keep up with each other at a relative pace, if for instance two friends, a Jedi Knight and a Republic Trooper want to level together and play the game together.

This I agree with. Amazingly.


Space combat is a lot of fun and worthwhile throughout the game, at least until you get to Drexel Sweep and start getting your ship turned to slag every run through. No I haven't read the tutorials yet, I'm too busy trying to get to the end of Chapter 3.

Thats hogwash. Space combat in this game is boring and uninspired. I had more fun playing Starfox then the space combat in this game with its repeat clone missions which are basically the same mission from 20 levels ago.


As to that sound, yeah, they did some exquisite work. The voiced-over mission content is fantastic, and has raised the bar for MMOs everywhere. Plain Jane dialogue in a pop-up box is going to pale in comparison forever more.



When you swing a lightsaber around, you've got the SOUND of lightsabers. When you're blat-blat-blatting through outer space, it SOUNDS like you're in Luke's X-Wing from Star Wars. T7-01 is almost indistinguishable from R2-D2 of the movies in terms of his little blurbles and bleeps.

I dont see how this is "praise worthy really, but hey, if it makes you feel better. In my opinion they couldnt have really screwed this up...


I'm going to add just one more bit in here. The HEART of this game, is Star Wars, through and through. THAT is what is "nailed" in this conversation. BioWare "nailed" Star Wars down. I understand that people liked SWG. We get it. Never played it myself, never really had the urge, but I get it.

THey got the heart but the GAME has no soul to it. Its very Star Wars, but it lacks originality, it lacks that creative spark.


I wont argue about what "Star Wars" is about. That depends on the type of gamer you are. I will only say you need diversity for an MMO to survive....


BioWare got it done. And I highly doubt that this was some last-ditch effort that came together in the last two years. They started with the right goals. They started by determining the core of the movies, the core of what the game should be, and made it happen.

Yeah they made it happen alright... But just getting it done, when in reality it should have been an amazing piece of work coming from BioWare, sadly disappointed a WHOLE LOT of people.


I could go on.... but let me just paraphrase once more.

That article is complete crap.


And in closing, I think even if the article is fake(I dont know to be honest) they hit a lot of things dead on. You can tell by just playing the game especially if you were in beta, that it lacked direction and a soul of its own. They LITERALLY copied the ability progression from WoW almost exactly. They couldn't decided if they really wanted to make your choices matter. They completely changed crafting like 3 weeks before launch. That just screams mis-management.



My responses in red above.

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Door is ---> way


Go away if you don't like it. Go run to GW2 and set up shop there. You are going to find it's just as bad.


Well at least you can say one thing about GW2(Which I wont be playing anyway)


They at least tried to innovate. They at least put a little "soul" into their game.

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My responses in red above.


I love it how you explain all your points as fact *rolleyes*


I agree with the poster you responded to myself, however it's my opinion. Yours is quite negative it seems...

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I love it how you explain all your points as fact *rolleyes*


I agree with the poster you responded to myself, however it's my opinion. Yours is quite negative it seems...


I didnt state them as facts, but I have a very strong opinion about what I believe. I love how you use *rolleyes* like its really needed to carry on a discussion on here.

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I love it how you explain all your points as fact *rolleyes*


I agree with the poster you responded to myself, however it's my opinion. Yours is quite negative it seems...


And while I'm at it a few things i said are fact.


Im sorry but the space combat in this game is the most uninspiring, boring, souless, mind numbing thing I have ever seen. The fact that he wrote he "Loved" the space combat? Please. They could have done so much more with the space aspect of Star Wars. They failed that part of the game on so many levels it astounds me.

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Read it, that was two years old, at that point was it too late to change things already?


You know, this same blah blah blah was prosecuted in the forums way back when the game launched too. It's not more relevant or true now then it was then. An anyomous blogger claiming to be a disgruntled emplyee facing layoff at a company has something negative (and unverifiable) to say about a future company product (two years before it is released). :rolleyes:


Now, contrary to the anonymous off the record blogger..... Ray and Greg had these comments in response:




"Last month a disgruntled EA employee about to fall victim to lay-offs published a vicious diatribe against Warhammer Online creator BioWare Mythic, its staff, and claimed that forthcoming MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic will be a disaster"

Edited by Andryah
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It better be worse, I mean no monthly sub and all


Get used to being disappointed. Arenanet simply has a different business plan. Instead of charging for a subscription fee, you buy "perks" in the game which ultimately have no impact on class balance. Plus they will roll out expansions at $60 a pop - those engaged will buy. It's a sound model.


You want to defend BW and this game - go ahead. But don't chastise the people on here posting how they are frustrated/annoyed/unsubbing etc. I'm frustrated, plan to unsub if things aren't done before other games come out, etc etc. BW best listen since it's a pretty common theme these days.

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You know, this same blah blah blah was prosecuted in the forums way back when the game launched too. It's not more relevant or true now then it was then. An anyomous blogger claiming to be a disgruntled emplyee facing layoff at a company has something negative (and unverifiable) to say about a future company product (two years before it is released). :rolleyes:


Now, contrary to the anonymous off the record blogger..... Ray and Greg had these comments in response:




"Last month a disgruntled EA employee about to fall victim to lay-offs published a vicious diatribe against Warhammer Online creator BioWare Mythic, its staff, and claimed that forthcoming MMO Star Wars: The Old Republic will be a disaster"


And yet notice they didnt "refute" a word of that article.


Frankly Ray Muzyka and Greg Zeschuk seemed to have been WAY TO hands off in the development of this game.


Hell have they ever even posted on these forums? I dont even think they know what is going on with SWTOR half the time. They sold BioWare and are living in retirement land somewhere IMO...

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Just a question... Have you even played GW2? Because you can't compare a turd with a jewel.


And the feedback on their forums is generally positive unlike that of SWTOR, which is exclusively negative. So using your narrow-minded logic actually backfires as SWTOR seems to be the epic fail. The only complaints that I see on the GW2 forums usually come from WoW players, who are not happy with the simple UI, the lack of add-ons etc. The game does not have MAJOR issues and the complaints revolve around different set of preferences and nit-picking. In SWTOR, we are talking about features, which should have been present at LAUNCH, considering the inflated budget.


I've played GW2. The PvE in that game is terrible. Polished, but very grindy. The 'main story' part is uninspired and has very poor voice acting. Some people may mock the dialog choices in TOR, but the lack of any choices in GW2 is very noticeable and very annoying. The non-story portion of GW2 PvE (ie: the vast majority of PvE) feels like you're just wandering from place to place for no real reason, getting 'heart quests' where you just grind away at that area for a while until you move onto the next.


The dynamic quests are different, but that's both good and bad. Good in that there can be some epic, chaotic fun when there are a lot of people around (pretty much the only fun in PvE) but bad in that they just start randomly and the way scaling works means that if there are people in your area who are trying to do their own thing and are avoiding the event, the people doing it will likely get flattened since the game assumes everyone in the area will participate. It also means don't ever go afk in most areas of the world or you could have an event spawn on you randomly while you're away.


The game also has enormous money sinks. If you die (which happens a *lot* and you can never outlevel an area to make it easier since you automatically scale back down to lower level areas) you not only have to pay to get your armor repaired, you actually have to pay just to rez yourself if no one else is around to rez you. On top of that, they've included a lot of 'incentives' to get people to use their cash shop, like the tiny bank that's shared between all your characters (which is 5 *total*, unless you spend real $$ to buy more slots).


I will say GW2 did one thing right, and that's the PvP. So much better than the stunfest TOR calls PvP. GW2 has no dedicated healers, everyone has pretty good survivability and the option for some defense skills, and there is very little CC outside of snares. *If* I end up getting GW2 (and that's a big *if*), it'll be to ignore the terrible PvE completely and have it for some occasional PvP, just like with GW1. Either way GW2 will have no impact on whether or not I continue to play TOR, which right now I plan to.


So to all the people to think GW2 is some savior MMO that will destroy everything in its wake, by all means buy it. And when you're disappointed with that game too, they have forums for you to whine on as well. Right now their beta forums are just like the TOR beta forums where: mostly positive with people looking forward to the game. After release, it'll be just like TOR's forums, and WoW's forums before that, and the old IGN DAoC and EQ forums before that all the way back to the beginning of forums. Same as it ever was.

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Door is ---> way


Go away if you don't like it. Go run to GW2 and set up shop there. You are going to find it's just as bad.

I did the beta weekend...

There's no way it's going to be bad at all. It's going to be great.

GW2 is inspired, they have an amazing open world pvp system, they have amazing unique quests, unique characters, etc.


I'm already halfway out the door. Trying to save some people some of their hard(maybe) earned money.

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I love the game, and I hope its around a long time, and that we get many many more updates. I think the haters should just go away. There is no pleasing some people. I could spend all kinds of time saying why I think the article is BS, and why I love the game, but I have better things to do...like play the game. ;)
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