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Should we have listened? (Anonymous EA employee on a 2 year old article)


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LOL of course they are proud of the soundfile. The storyline with the voice overs are one of the unique, interesting features of this game that offers immersion.


So sick and tired of people bashing this game. Does it have problems?


Yes. So do ALL other MMOs. Never seen one yet where people where not griping on the forums over one thing or another.


But I still enjoy getting out there with an alt and seeing the planets from a new perspective with each class storyline.


If you are a hard core pvper, yeah, this may not be the game for you. But then hard core pvpers seem to blow through the games designed for them in a few months anyways.

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You dont spend 300mil making a game and let it fall apart, you will be amazed what an expansion and some mega marketing will do for the game.
It will be too late by then... It is already too late... GW2 is coming out in the matter of months and I don't see any sane players sticking to this pile of crap.


People are leaving in droves and the hyped "WoW killer" has killed itself. After the free 30 days, you will see a MASSIVE drop in subscription numbers.

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LOL of course they are proud of the soundfile. The storyline with the voice overs are one of the unique, interesting features of this game that offers immersion.


So sick and tired of people bashing this game. Does it have problems?


Yes. So do ALL other MMOs. Never seen one yet where people where not griping on the forums over one thing or another.


But I still enjoy getting out there with an alt and seeing the planets from a new perspective with each class storyline.


If you are a hard core pvper, yeah, this may not be the game for you. But then hard core pvpers seem to blow through the games designed for them in a few months anyways.


Lol immersion... oooo***... i agree it was immersive for mayb e the first 10-15 cinematics.. then it got old and spacebars began to take a hammering.

The game is empty, planets lifeless, offers nothing random, far too easy to level on your own due to the heavy (though quite well done) storybase .. there is nothing MMO about this.. not even the PVP element offers anything exciting from openworld pint of view.


I was on Quesh grabbing a few Codex last night.. went over to Sith Territory, got the I am flagged for PVP message... but nothing, not a single Imp was there, so went to the Republiuc/Three familes area where Sith need to go for completion of quests.. saw 1 imp but I could do nothing except holla emotes to it.. I had more fun healing the mobs he was attacking do they could dis him... pointless pointless pointless... the game has nothing that hooks anyone for any length of time really if were all honest.. crafting.. meeehhh, pvp... pffft, voice... yawns, planetary exporation....zzzzZZZZZZzzzz (especially as the COdex system has so many things either missing, changed with no explanation, or simply bugged)

Other MMO's I play.. and there are 2 I still pay and play for from Beta (no.. not a WoW fanboi), they have hooks and draws that have kept me coming back month after month.. the biggest being people in the community... SWTOR fails sooo badly in this aspect.. why?? cos its been designed to function as a single player game with a bit of fluff to try and force grouping at endgame... When I subscribe to something I test it, and then sign up for the long haul once I am hooked... SWTOR, I think nothing further than the next monthly billing cycle..

I have played since Beta, subbed till now but sadly I cannot keep my eyes open anylonger with it, which is a shame because I grew up with Star Wars... and this just never hit anywhere near the mark for me. The content is lacking any kind of difficulty until you hit NM,because the lack of community almost forces you to miss out things like Heroic 4's, Flashpoints and Ops grps for World bosses etc, it has no genuine grouping tools, guild tools, achievements and is dogged with performance issues.. sure some will be fixed, added etc etc but in a 2010 MMO that was gunna be the industry overhauler... it sadly needs its own overhaul... over the past 5+ years it seems BW must of had blinkers on and failed to implement even basic MMO features that many had a creation 5 yrs previous.. that I am afraid speaks volumes imo.


If you really believe SWTOR offers anything near immersive qualities then sadly I believe your MMO profile must be very very limited. :rolleyes:

Edited by Bloodstealer
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The anonymous EA employee from 2 years ago was right.


Yes, there are some aspects of this game that are spectacular (the voice-acting and story-quests, mostly).


However, the rest of the game feels very incomplete and behind-the-times.


An above-average script and quality voice-over work doesn't make a MMORPG.


The list for what BW did wrong and/or sub-par with SWTOR is vast. (Bland and empty planet design, mediocre end-game content, failure to deliver on promises, lack of World-PVP, class-imbalances, numerous bugs that have been ignored, no server transfers, botched Legacy system, limited space combat, poor character customization with everyone as just variations of different colored humans, and much, much more...)


The game simply feels like a disjointed single-player RPG. When the best way to spend your time in a game is levelling alts, you know something is wrong.


They had an amazing IP and setting, and let it go entirely to waste. Just a shame, really.

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LOL of course they are proud of the soundfile. The storyline with the voice overs are one of the unique, interesting features of this game that offers immersion.


So sick and tired of people bashing this game. Does it have problems?


Yes. So do ALL other MMOs. Never seen one yet where people where not griping on the forums over one thing or another.


But I still enjoy getting out there with an alt and seeing the planets from a new perspective with each class storyline.


If you are a hard core pvper, yeah, this may not be the game for you. But then hard core pvpers seem to blow through the games designed for them in a few months anyways.




voice over is not for everyone the same as pizza is not for everyone but I don't go around saying McDonalds sucks because it does not serve pizza.



The original article is very well known and is a fake made by a hater a few years back and still being used by haters today and is in fact the only place where this 300 mill figure comes from. SO anytime you see someone quoting 300m dev cost then you know where they are getting that info from.

Edited by corbanite
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The opriinal article is very well known and is a fake made by a hater a few years back and still being used by haters today and is in fact the only place where this 300 mill figure comes from.


Well, this "hater" alone speaks more truthful words than EA and Bioware officials combined. And he is absolutely correct about one thing - SWTOR is an utter failure. 200 million budget and come out with such a half-assed product? Not to mention that they have had 6 months to get a *********** grip. Instead, they are screwing up even more.

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It will be too late by then... It is already too late... GW2 is coming out in the matter of months and I don't see any sane players sticking to this pile of crap.


People are leaving in droves and the hyped "WoW killer" has killed itself. After the free 30 days, you will see a MASSIVE drop in subscription numbers.


Anyone who ever called this game a "WoW killer" is a fool. Only WoW getting to the point where people don't want to play it anymore will kill WoW.


Amazingly enough there's room in the world for two (or more) large, popular MMOs. You don't "win" anything by playing the more popular game. And flaws or not SWTOR is expanding. So I think it'll survive GW2.


Honestly, is doomsaying so much fun?

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I stopped reading when it stated "EA knows it and so does George Lucas"


George Lucas didnt and doesnt have a close input on gaming using his IP. He wouldnt of played the game, know enough about MMOs to know if itsa a failure or not. This artical stinks of lies. Annoymous... gotta love those guys ey.

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I just lol to all the SWTOR flamers outthere. Go and play something else, shut up and leave those that actually love the game play it.

All the rumours of GW2 are unfounded, that game will be a complete failure, just read their forums. However, it will have their own player database much as SWTOR and every other MMO outhere.

I just dnt get it, if people dnt like SWTOR why on earth they keep posting in their forums. When i dnt like a game, i plain and simple just leave it and pass on to other one /shrug.

We shall see where this will go in about another 3-4 months and i aint seeing the game falling apart, quite the contrary to be honest.

Its true that they still have to solve some immediate problems, majorly server populations but its coming.

Edited by Kophar
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I just lol to all the SWTOR flamers outthere. Go and play something else, shut up and leave those that actually love the game play it.

All the rumours of GW2 are unfounded, that game will be a complete failure, just read their forums. However, it will have their own player database much as SWTOR and every other MMO outhere.

I just dnt get it, if people dnt like SWTOR why on earth they keep posting in their forums. When i dnt like a game, i plain and simple just leave it and pass on to other one /shrug.

We shall see where this will go in about another 3-4 months and i aint seeing the game falling apart, quite the contrary to be honest.


Well, lets see, I invested 2 50s and a 41 worth of my time on it, got tier 3 of PVE and War Hero for PVP gear, watched my server rot as well as pay monthly fees.


Currently, I hop on, queue for over an hour, this being an hour right after the dailies reset (yes, its in the morning but, not even 7-8 on each side are on and queued?) and then finally get a warzone pop. After that warzone, half of the losing side decides its not worth getting rolled over and over again and not bother queueing (thanks alot for no cross server queueing). Right at this point, I start getting that crappy feeling of why I am even logged on, to put bluntly, starting to get this metaphorical after taste of fart in my mouth.


At this point, I am wondering, why the hell do I try to bother when this game just laughs at my sad face. So till Diablo 3 launches in 9 days, that will tide me over to Guild Wars 2, I am browsing these forums, watching the amount of people that are dissapointed in this game, boosting my accusation that swtor is currently failing (like someone mentioned "TORtanic").


I dont simply shrug and leave a game that I am still paying for, so I watch its forums and the amount of people flaming it.

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The anonymous EA employee from 2 years ago was right.


Yes, there are some aspects of this game that are spectacular (the voice-acting and story-quests, mostly).


However, the rest of the game feels very incomplete and behind-the-times.


An above-average script and quality voice-over work doesn't make a MORPG.


The list for what BW did wrong and/or sub-par with SWTOR is vast. (Bland and empty planet design, mediocre end-game content, failure to deliver on promises, lack of World-PVP, class-imbalances, numerous bugs that have been ignored, no server transfers, botched Legacy system, limited space combat, poor character customization with everyone as just variations of different colored humans, and much, much more...)


The game simply feels like a disjointed single-player RPG. When the best way to spend your time in a game is levelling alts, you know something is wrong.


They had an amazing IP and setting, and let it go entirely to waste. Just a shame, really.


this is spot on sadly

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Well, lets see, I invested 2 50s and a 41 worth of my time on it, got tier 3 of PVE and War Hero for PVP gear, watched my server rot as well as pay monthly fees.


Currently, I hop on, queue for over an hour, this being an hour right after the dailies reset (yes, its in the morning but, not even 7-8 on each side are on and queued?) and then finally get a warzone pop. After that warzone, half of the losing side decides its not worth getting rolled over and over again and not bother queueing (thanks alot for no cross server queueing). Right at this point, I start getting that crappy feeling of why I am even logged on, to put bluntly, starting to get this metaphorical after taste of fart in my mouth.


At this point, I am wondering, why the hell do I try to bother when this game just laughs at my sad face. So till Diablo 3 launches in 9 days, that will tide me over to Guild Wars 2, I am browsing these forums, watching the amount of people that are dissapointed in this game, boosting my accusation that swtor is currently failing (like someone mentioned "TORtanic").


I dont simply shrug and leave a game that I am still paying for, so I watch its forums and the amount of people flaming it.


So... stop paying for it and leave?

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So... stop paying for it and leave?


You think I haven't? Due to the awesome 30 days that they gave all the 50s of my server (on top of the other 30 that they billed me for anyway before putting the extra 30 in), I am technically still paying for it. Its funny, they gave free 30 days to so many on our server yet, I would find more parents in an orphanage than players on our fleet.

Edited by Terelius
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Currently, I hop on, queue for over an hour, this being an hour right after the dailies reset (yes, its in the morning but, not even 7-8 on each side are on and queued?) and then finally get a warzone pop. After that warzone, half of the losing side decides its not worth getting rolled over and over again and not bother queueing (thanks alot for no cross server queueing).


Like i said in my above post, its coming. And again, if you dnt like it, stop paying and move on.

Another thing that i honestly dnt get it, its all of this comparisons of D3 with current MMO's, i dnt know what a single/multiplayer game has to do with an MMO and how can that be compared to them, but ok.


Anyway, whatever. Tired of all the same mumbo jumbo from ToR flamers/haters, just begone allready.

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You think I haven't? Due to the awesome 30 days that they gave all the 50s of my server (on top of the other 30 that they billed me for anyway before putting the extra 30 in), I am technically still paying for it. Its funny, they gave free 30 days to so many on our server yet, I would find more parents in an orphanage than players on our fleet.


Hey, not everything goes as expected :(. I hope with the coming transfers and content updates that this game makes a change for the better. If not, I'll stay here until something else takes my interest.

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All the rumours of GW2 are unfounded, that game will be a complete failure, just read their forums.

Just a question... Have you even played GW2? Because you can't compare a turd with a jewel.


And the feedback on their forums is generally positive unlike that of SWTOR, which is exclusively negative. So using your narrow-minded logic actually backfires as SWTOR seems to be the epic fail. The only complaints that I see on the GW2 forums usually come from WoW players, who are not happy with the simple UI, the lack of add-ons etc. The game does not have MAJOR issues and the complaints revolve around different set of preferences and nit-picking. In SWTOR, we are talking about features, which should have been present at LAUNCH, considering the inflated budget.

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The EA Louse? Really? Didn't they get debunked ages ago?


Just a question... Have you even played GW2? Because you can't compare a turd with a jewel.


And the feedback on their forums is generally positive unlike that of SWTOR, which is exclusively negative. So using your narrow-minded logic actually backfires as SWTOR seems to be the epic fail. The only complaints that I see on the GW2 forums usually come from WoW players, who are not happy with the simple UI, the lack of add-ons etc. The game does not have MAJOR issues and the complaints revolve around different set of preferences and nit-picking. In SWTOR, we are talking about features, which should have been present at LAUNCH, considering the inflated budget.


If you would kindly remember SW:TOR's pre-launch, nearly exclusively good things were said about it too. I have no doubt that when GW2 does come out, people will be whining in droves

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Just a question... Have you even played GW2? Because you can't compare a turd with a jewel.


And the feedback on their forums is generally positive unlike that of SWTOR, which is exclusively negative. So using your narrow-minded logic actually backfires as SWTOR seems to be the epic fail. The only complaints that I see on the GW2 forums usually come from WoW players, who are not happy with the simple UI, the lack of add-ons etc. The game does not have MAJOR issues and the complaints revolve around different set of preferences and nit-picking. In SWTOR, we are talking about features, which should have been present at LAUNCH, considering the inflated budget.


Sigh, go and play it then.

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