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Powertechs need an urget nerf


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powertechs/vanguards have got to be nerfed urgently



they are either full dps killing war hero geared players in 3 to 6 seconds depending how geared they are.




tank specced in dps gear which is basicly someone with the defense of a tank and the damage of a pure dps class.



something has got to be done because they cant stay how they are right now they are just far to powerfull to be kept like this.

ive noticed alot of people rerrolling to either vanguard/powertech because of it and its just rediculous.

Edited by JediDuckling
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I was talking to a guy in chat today while I was questing and he told me he was rerolling a vanguard while they're still op...fotm rollers are at it again. Guess the heats off maras already.


well mara's are melee and you expect melee to hit kinda hard but not that hard.


powertechs/vanguards you cant even escape them. you knock them off the ledge they pull you down from it. you try to get away they stun you. they can kill you in less than the time the stun lasts for.

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I can 1v1 a pt on my garudian and it's a close fight

And the win depends on who makes the most mistakes


Also instead if demanding nerfs why not advocate for buffs for your class if you feel it's not performing as well as others

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If they are in DPS gear, then they are not someone with all the tanking/survivability + DPS.


they dont have to equip a sheild gen or need the use of the tank stats as they use the tank toggle which for powertechs/vanguards increases their armor by 60% and a damage reduction buff which is about 6% i beleive.


some do use the sheild gen with it as well.

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I can 1v1 a pt on my garudian and it's a close fight

And the win depends on who makes the most mistakes


Also instead if demanding nerfs why not advocate for buffs for your class if you feel it's not performing as well as others


because the issue im pointing out is overpowerd

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Eh just wish their damage was a little more predictable (ala marauder/jugg smash, operative burst, tankassin force lightning). Maybe I just don't know powertechs but isn't a random proc what allows them to take off 40-50% of your hp?
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they can kill you in less than the time the stun lasts for.


No they can't. They are very strong dps, but lets not go overboard here. The aren't going to kill you in 3-4 globals, sorry. Are you pvping without your gear on?

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Eh just wish their damage was a little more predictable (ala marauder/jugg smash, operative burst, tankassin force lightning). Maybe I just don't know powertechs but isn't a random proc what allows them to take off 40-50% of your hp?


depends if they crit.


when rail shot crits i lose half my hp in 1 go and i have 19400 hp and 1200 expertise

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because the issue im pointing out is overpowerd


I just dont see the damage being the issue

And I'm thinking that alot of classes need a buff to survivabilty

To bring them inline with other classes

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Its not so much that their damage is so high its that their damage type is tech. So both your armor and defense dont affect them. Against one you only defence is the amount of hitpoints you have and any CC. To kill one you have to be a DOT class , hope them commit, kite them around and hope no one heals them. As a sage healer I havent been able to kill one but on paper that's how it would be possible. You'd save your knockback for when they pull you.


Maybe snipers would have it easiest.

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No they can't. They are very strong dps, but lets not go overboard here. The aren't going to kill you in 3-4 globals, sorry. Are you pvping without your gear on?


im talking about ones that know what they are doing that crit and they can kill you in about 4 seconds im not even kidding.


they are to strong to be left like they are now.

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every time I look at the pvp forum I pretty much always see within the top 15, 2 - 3 threads about a certain class or advanced class needing to be nerfed. WHY!?!?!?! Are you that horrible at playing this game that you need to go whine and tattle to mommy that you got your @@@ kicked...shockingly...by another player? If you have trouble vs a certain class in pvp, guess what that means? You're doing it wrong, rather than go charging in headfirst like you did the last 50 times, take a second, rethink your approach, try something different, maybe try playing that class for awhile learn that classes strengths AND weaknesses. But please stop whining about nerfing such and such class, cause once they nerf it, the rest of your nerfing herd will need a new to class to focus on nerfing....and it could be you...:eek:
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every time I look at the pvp forum I pretty much always see within the top 15, 2 - 3 threads about a certain class or advanced class needing to be nerfed. WHY!?!?!?! Are you that horrible at playing this game that you need to go whine and tattle to mommy that you got your @@@ kicked...shockingly...by another player? If you have trouble vs a certain class in pvp, guess what that means? You're doing it wrong, rather than go charging in headfirst like you did the last 50 times, take a second, rethink your approach, try something different, maybe try playing that class for awhile learn that classes strengths AND weaknesses. But please stop whining about nerfing such and such class, cause once they nerf it, the rest of your nerfing herd will need a new to class to focus on nerfing....and it could be you...:eek:


unfortunatly over that childish rant you poorly typed about my thread you are totaly wrong.


powertech/vanguards dps is far to strong and its not a learn to play issue its the fact people are going to seem bad at pvp when a player is abusing these obsurdly strong class/specs

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I just dont see the damage being the issue

And I'm thinking that alot of classes need a buff to survivabilty

To bring them inline with other classes


the damage is the issue as powertech/vanguard have the highest burst damage in the game right now and its also overpowerd.


the issue is they need to be nerfed.

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Eh just wish their damage was a little more predictable (ala marauder/jugg smash, operative burst, tankassin force lightning). Maybe I just don't know powertechs but isn't a random proc what allows them to take off 40-50% of your hp?


And I'm sorry, but rail shot doesn't hit for 8k. The biggest burst you'll see will be thermal detonator + a timed rail shot and they happen to crit. The thermal was put on you a couple globals prior and doesn't detonate immediately, allowing them to time out overlapping hits. Also, you'll need to be burning for rail to hit at max damage, so you also took a flame burst or incendiary missile on a prior global as well. Their damage is actually fairly predictable now with the 6 second cooldown on rail shot procs. Before the nerf, if they were lucky with rng, you'd see a rail shot every other cooldown. Now the most you'll see within three globals is two, assuming rail shot was ready, off its regular 12 second cooldown, followed by a proc. After that in a continuous fight, you'll only see rail shot at 6-12 seconds afterwards depending on proc.

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OP is a liar. I'm fairly certain it is mathematically impossible to stack your gear to crit for 9k with a single railshot. You can't even get close. People break 5k IF they are OPTIMALLY geared and their opponent is CRAP geared with a crit, that's a disparity of almost 50%. Why can't i report threads for being simply outright lies?
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Time To Kill Vs Time To Die


Do the math, Powertech hybrids -and the rare 31's- have 5 interrupts and destroy ranged players...The have too many things in there PvP bag of triks including strong DPS.

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Time To Kill Vs Time To Die


Do the math, Powertech hybrids -and the rare 31's- have 5 interrupts and destroy ranged players...The have too many things in there PvP bag of triks including strong DPS.


five? interrupts?



let's run through what can be considered an "interrupt".


the REAL interrupt that locks out the ability; quell. 8 second cooldown, 6 if talented, same as marauder, key tool for PVE content as a melee range class.


the "stuns" that can interrupt if the person isn't resolved;

electro dart, a 4 second single target stun.


carbonize, an AOE stun that lasts 2.5 seconds


Grapple, must be used between 10 and 30 meters and thus can't interrupt things like ravage that are rooting you and are close range.



That's four potential interrupts, and using three of them as interrupts means you have no CC, leaving you essentially naked against enemy CC once those are burned.


If you aren't counting the fact that gap closers are generally used to... well... close gaps... at the beggining of fights, and the fact that most stuns are used to offset enemy stuns, then you're left with a class with one melee range interrupt. simple expectation for a melee DPS class.


Just to clarify, the only "real" ranged class I consider viable in PVP is the gunslinger/sniper. Arsenal Mercs are one trick ponies and need to be buffed to make them PVP viable again. Sorcs are so dang squishy on their own that if you're talking one on one fighting they should run from ANY melee class. Snipers/Gunslingers on the other hand are immune to the base interrupt in cover (down to 3 interrupts), immune to grapple while in cover (down to 2 interrupts) and can time their CD to make them immune to crowd control and knockback abilities for a time with entrench (down to 0 interrupts).

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depends if they crit.


when rail shot crits i lose half my hp in 1 go and i have 19400 hp and 1200 expertise


SON OF A B***H!!!!!!!!


I've been playing a VG now in Assault spec since 1.2 and I've been trying to gear to that end now (though it's slow going at times). With mostly BM gear now and eyes set on the WH upgrades....




Oh and as relates to our impressive defenses, well I'm not gonna rehash the literal technical manuals that have been written about this since the game's release. I'll just say this, look in to what the stats of armor, defense, shield, and absorption each mean and to what types of damage they can or cant apply. There's some pretty big holes in that "wall of defense" we got.


But yeah, go ahead and nerf us. Half the entertainment I get from this game now is seeing just how silly the changes made can get :confused:. Don't half-step it either, nerf our healing while you're at it - talk about out of control!!!

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