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Did people quit because their Gear got Nerfed?


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I turned 50 right before 1.2 on my Gunslinger that I had been playing for the previous month


The Recruit gear was good for me, and BM took like 10 days to get.


But I relogged onto my original character with full Champion (~600expertise)....and was surprised how weak he was comparatively.


It got me thinking that many may have felt really pissed off that all the work that went into getting CHampion+ gear...was completely worthless, and they were so discouraged about being weak and having to grind again that they just quit.


Names I used to remember playing with haven't logged in weeks.


I would be in favor of Gear trading old Champ for War Hero...for full BM(at least)..as to encourage them to relog.

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I doubt gear is as much of an issue for people not relogging, they probably are more angry that rated warzones got pulled and didn't even look at the gear changes. Since PVP is essentially the same as pre 1.2 except for a big buff to expertise, one new warzone that is incredibly similar to alderaan, and easier to obtain battlemaster with a super grind to war hero added.


They should have buffed champion more, though. recruit was supposed to be between centurion and champion, it is far above it in actuality. Unfortunately that would require retooling the stats for the gear to properly reflect its advantages beyond the non-expertise stats, something that bioware has failed at repeatedly (reference rakata itemization, issues with battlemaster buffs not taking for people who custom optimized their gear, etcetera)

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I turned 50 right before 1.2 on my Gunslinger that I had been playing for the previous month


The Recruit gear was good for me, and BM took like 10 days to get.


But I relogged onto my original character with full Champion (~600expertise)....and was surprised how weak he was comparatively.


It got me thinking that many may have felt really pissed off that all the work that went into getting CHampion+ gear...was completely worthless, and they were so discouraged about being weak and having to grind again that they just quit.


Names I used to remember playing with haven't logged in weeks.


I would be in favor of Gear trading old Champ for War Hero...for full BM(at least)..as to encourage them to relog.


Most of the PVPers quit once they announced that Ranked Warzones weren't making it into 1.2 and there was no ETA on when they'd be in the game. Had nothing to do with gear.

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I cancelled my sub, so am only playing while I have the 30 days free play.


I did not cancel becuase my gear got nerf'd, I was in full BM so actually it got a buff thanks to the extra expertise.


As mentioned by someone else, I cancelled due to rated WZ being pulled the day before the patch went live with no warning. I am only playing now (all be it rarely) to get as much WH gear in the hope they release ranked WZ before my 30 days free expires.


It is also not helping me consider returning by having the massive grind to get WH gear. The promised deserter debuff has not been implimented, I vote for a 30 minute debuff to re-join, if you leave a WZ, I am of the opinion they should give this to people who DC or alt F4 aswell. And it also bugs me that there is an on going sound issue in WZ and to some extent the fleet and other areas.


They have 20 days to keep me, I am sure I am not alone and that there are many other problems that are runing this otherwise good game, what a shame.

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No, people quit because the overall game is bad.


a little harsh...I told them when I unsubbed that there was too much difference between premade vs PUG....due to build synergy Max/Min'ers. That the PvE dynamic effected PvP too much.


That's my biggest gripe with the game.


I would like more class/build uniqueness for pvp and not a "best build" pigeon hole.....but whatever. Games not terrible

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quit because the people incharge don't know how to run a MMO


anyone with a small bit of insight could've predicted all the huge f'ups in ilum etc..

Grind out BM gear at start?.. guess what.. introduce ilum and instant BMs...


Item exploits?.. billions of credits into game, the dupers got 1 week ban?..


Speed hacks, CC hacks, CD hacks, energy hacks, takes then forever to catch them, 1 week ban...


I'm guessing with the lack of hack detection and deterrent, it was actually a good move not to bring in rated WZs as the rest of the playerbase would just leave.


My servers died, and guild went from 40active at any given time of day to 4.. everyone quit.. and entire server is like that despite what their skewwed stats show.. takes way too long to get into a WZ now etc...


Games on way out and unless vast changes occur, SWG will outlive it.

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On the amount of time I can devote to playing this game, I was just short of top level pvp gear the day the servers patch out the gear nerf. Now I fine myself back at the start of a few month grind wairing gear that is not viable against people that play all day and are fully equiped.



Why should I bother play/paying for a game that will just screw over casual gamers like this? Just so I can be amost viable again and watch yetanother gear neft nock back to stage 1. Sounds like a waiste of time to me.


In a word mega gamers won't queit, but casual gamers will find little interest in the product they are pushing

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Gearing is less of the problem. There's a clear upwards mobility path. Although I will admit that there's something a bit misguided to a design decision which basically rendered Champion gear useless to those who had it. BioWare appeals to the base stats and the set bonus as a benefit but Expertise post 1.2. has become the single most important stat ever for PvP. For good and for worse.


No, gear is only a symptom of the problem. And much of the cause rests in server populations, reward structuring, and matchmaking itself. It creates a system where player who are actually pretty bad are able to generally coast on the exhaust fumes of their peers, provided they are in the dominate faction. Meanwhile, the barrier of entry relative to the smaller faction tends to be excessively high, even given the availability and subsequent path towards gear.


Stricter matchmaking would go a long way to alleviating this. What solo player, recruit geared, is going to want to keep playing match after match against the same opposing faction premade? Especially when his relative movement upwards is not equal to a fresh player on the same side, regardless of whether or not they might actually play "better" than their counterpart? There's a reason for the sheer number of players dropping mid warzone matches, after all. And it is tied largely due to a lack of a) a sense of true progression and b) a lack of fair competition, or at least system in which a player might find genuine competition.

Edited by AlyxDinas
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I quit playing my full- (or nearly full-) champion geared character. I spent a lot of time grinding that in solo PUG warzones at a relatively casual rate of play. Took me quite a long time in absolute terms (i.e., number of days/weeks from start to finish).


I'm not going to buy recruit gear just because I got screwed on my champion gear. I'm just not going to play. I'm in until my time runs out at this point. After that, if I don't have a way to upgrade my guy's gear other than buying recruit gear like any ol' 5-minute fresh 50, then I'm done I think.


I don't care that I can just go buy the recruit gear. If I could trade in my champ gear for recruit gear, then maybe I would. At this point, buying recruit gear is a credit sink on top of a previous grind. No thanks.

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Quote: Originally Posted by Icysunx


No, people quit because the overall game is bad.



a little harsh...I told them when I unsubbed that there was too much difference between premade vs PUG....due to build synergy Max/Min'ers. That the PvE dynamic effected PvP too much.


That's my biggest gripe with the game.


I would like more class/build uniqueness for pvp and not a "best build" pigeon hole.....but whatever. Games not terrible

The truth is often harsh but thats about it. Its a very boring game.

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I logged in post 1.2, played a few games on my Mercenary. Got a kick out of the big damage from Heatseeker but for the most part got repeatedly stomped by melee with nerfed damage reduction, nerfed cooldown on jet boost, nerfed tracer damage which we have to use for a good 60% of our rotation even in pvp as arsenal. Logged out, logged in on my Marauder and played a few games. Repeatedly killed several Battlemaster healers that couldn't keep up with the damage output of a recruit geared toon. Laughed hysterically trying to figure out how in gods name Bioware figured this was balanced. Now I don't bother pvp'ing at 50. It's not amazing sub-50 but it's far superior to the level 50 pvp that results in marauder, powertech pyro, and tankasin with dps gear gibfests. If I pvp nowadays, that's where I'm at. Until they do some heavy balance work I won't bother going back. I have no desire to play either a ridiculously overpowered class in pvp nor an underpowered class.
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One reason that people aren't pvping as much could have to do with premades running rampant. I know that there have been afew times where after I get home from work and don't have alot of time to play I just want to get my daily done and I have to deal with fully augmented war hero/bm premades on vent steamrolling the same people over and over again (the low server population is the cause). I'll usually just stop queuing for the day if that happens.
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Well, I was pretty pissed that my 3 Chars I played, who had full champion, are useless now. I don't know how bioware can do extremely dumb stuff like that. What were they thinking? Not only is my farmed gear useless, I also have to spend 300?k credits per toon for Recruit gear -_-
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Well, in a way, yes.


My champion geared merc is mostly retired, and a reason for that is the gear nerf. After 1.2 he felt really really weak, and part of that was probably his gear. So, instead of starting all over with him, I started gearing my sorc instead (now full BM). So, while I didnt quit, my pre 1.2 char is rarely seen in WZs anymore.

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Most of the PVPers quit once they announced that Ranked Warzones weren't making it into 1.2 and there was no ETA on when they'd be in the game. Had nothing to do with gear.


This resulted in less WZs on low/standard server, resulting in even more people who did quit. Add to that the annoying long grind for WH gear.

Gear had nothing to do with it like you said :)


Getting BM gear is so fast now that gear difference really doesn't matter- and the recruit set makes a difference. If only all the new 50ish players would realize that.

Edited by Twor
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Most people quit cause Bioware in its infinite wisdom decided that fluff like "Legacy" would get priority over real content and real issues. Most that re-subbed were left with bad taste at last minute when Ranked warzones were pulled at last minute ( < 12 hours ) prior to 1.2 launch. That fiasco did not do BW any favors as a followup to Ilum.


Much of the attrition also seems to be tied to server population issues. Bioware should be putting ALL their resources into making the server merges happen ALOT quicker then summer, deliver Ranked ASAP and reassure the playerbase that they have a plan for open PvP that is viable like GW2 realm vs realm vs realm.


Should also be noted that plenty of the players that left were the stronger ones that did not really have anything to prove and were doing fine after 1.2 hit. They just got fedup that PvP is an afterthought in this game. Ironically bleeding populations will affect many server's viability & PvE. Many of the competitive raiding guilds are located on PvP server.

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I know of 2 people who quit because their Champs gear got nerfed, and the Recruit gear stats were so lame in comparison. My one friend got all her Champ gear pre 1.1.5, so she worked pretty hard for it, and when BM gear got the expertise boost, she said screw it.
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My centurion/champion geared operative was turned into junk when 1.2 went live, the power stat in them was converted into defense which is completely useless as an operative, especially a healing operative. I had to buy recruit gear to replace those particular pieces until I got enough comms to get remaining BM pieces. Even then I pretty much stopped pvping on my operative altogether.


I now replaced the armoring slot with armoring from dailies and only use it in dailies and HM's, the 2pc 15% increase to recuperative nanotech is handy alongside columi/rakata 2pc -4 energy cost to RN.


Regardless of Zoeller telling you expertise is the most important stat, it's the second most important stat, recruit with 900 expertise isn't going to do you any good when you only have 13K health, players will still hit you for 4-6K a hit and that's only 3 big hits to kill you, meanwhile full BM geared players with 18-19K health and 1200+ expertise will just laugh at you in recruit gear.


PS- yes premade vs premade matchup should've been in the game, there are other games that has that type of queue system but this one doesn't, hopefully they're adding it with ranked WZ's but I have a funny feeling it won't.

Edited by Sookster
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