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Arenas and why they are a bad idea for swtor.


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Having played WoW for 5+ years now, I can say that BW is right in refusing to implement any kind of arena into this game. Arenas were the worst thing to happen to WoW. If I recall correctly they are what lead to classes getting buffed/nerfed over and over again just for the sake of balance and in the end of I recall one the devs said that "Arenas were the worst idea they ever implemented in WoW". Also but most importantly arenas promote the whole "look at my rating, i'm better than you" mentality which just isnt needed in a new MMO like swtor.


In fact, and I know I can speak for I would say 75% of the player base when I say this, the whole reason I left WoW was because of the whole elitism that goes with the game nowadays. I wanted to escape that. Basically if your rating sucks, your considered a "baddie" and not worthy etc etc. Sorry but no i hope BW never implements arenas in this game as we dont need those kind of players here in swtor. If you want arena, then what you need to do is go back to WoW. Ranked WZs are an awesome idea when they do get implemented and imho and I know I can speak for alot of players when I say this, are going to be awesome. I know im looking forward to it.

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Ranked WZs are an awesome idea when they do get implemented and imho and I know I can speak for alot of players when I say this, are going to be awesome. I know im looking forward to it.


Where does this blind faith in BW come from? What, over the past four months leads you to believe that anything they implement will be "awesome" at launch?

Edited by sirbobert
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Having played WoW for 5+ years now, I can say that BW is right in refusing to implement any kind of arena into this game. Arenas were the worst thing to happen to WoW. If I recall correctly they are what lead to classes getting buffed/nerfed over and over again just for the sake of balance and in the end of I recall one the devs said that "Arenas were the worst idea they ever implemented in WoW". Also but most importantly arenas promote the whole "look at my rating, i'm better than you" mentality which just isnt needed in a new MMO like swtor.


In fact, and I know I can speak for I would say 75% of the player base when I say this, the whole reason I left WoW was because of the whole elitism that goes with the game nowadays. I wanted to escape that. Basically if your rating sucks, your considered a "baddie" and not worthy etc etc. Sorry but no i hope BW never implements arenas in this game as we dont need those kind of players here in swtor. If you want arena, then what you need to do is go back to WoW. Ranked WZs are an awesome idea when they do get implemented and imho and I know I can speak for alot of players when I say this, are going to be awesome. I know im looking forward to it.


Arenas ruined WoW? Last time I checked, they still had millions and millions of subs. TOR is going to have ranked WZs where a player's rating will be tracked. It'll be the same thing here as in WoW.


There is elitism in EVERYTHING that is competitive, real life or fake. It's what drives people to compete and be better. People just want to be better than other people. It's a fact of life. They want to be elite. If you can't handle it, either don't pvp or go play a single player game.

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I kind of liked arenas in WoW, although the rating system was terrible... For SWTOR not sure if arenas would work well or not only thing I know for sure is PVP needs a lot more then just warzones. Even if they keep adding new warzones here and there, they get old really fast. For those who focus on PVP, warzones quickly become a grind for gear and more of a chore than anything,


The main reason for this is the only option for PVPers is warzone grinding right now and we are stuck with 4 warzones which are all the same 8v8 (making them feel kind of the same fights a lot of the time with different scenery...). A revamped Ilum would help in this a bit but if we have to wait months just for Ilum to be fixed I imagine BW will not be breaking the mold and giving us anything new anytime soon...


So whether arenas would be a good idea for SWTOR or not, if the choice is between arenas or just more uninspired warzones I would definitely choose arenas... as it is I want to love this game but the pace at which they add PVP content is going to make it pretty hard in the long run.

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I dislike arenas, because they reduce the strategy to a survive / heal / dmg fest with some nice positioning tactics. I also fear for the future of tanky-tanks and overall balance changes because of arenas.

Objectives to fight over offer an interesting twist and adds another layer of strategy.


To add: an equal path for progression would be okay. But arenas in WoW killed the BG fun for me since everyone interested in competitive PvP migrated to them (since at that time there was no ranked BG system).


The elitism will happen as soon as there is any ranked system. So as soon as ranked warzones are implemented.

Edited by Zocat
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Right because Hutball doesn't favor any classes, Am i right????


Classes will ALWAYS need to be balanced and there will also be Fotm no matter what. So you shouldn't not make content because it might happen

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Making objective based pvp your only option is a bad idea... People want deathmatches! 4v4 would be fine.


If you balance the classes. I'd hate to see 4 maras on one team at the current state.

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baddies not wanting people to know there bad


This a million times over. Only baddies are against the idea of Arena's. Nobody is forced to do arena's. You should probably stay away from rated wz's once they start.

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Arena can be quite a bit of fun, but the problem is you can never balance it so it's fair for every class.

Wonder how many full marauder teams would be in the world top 100 teams. Maybe around 90.

That's until maras get nerfed and some other class gets buffed and a new fotm class takes its place.

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Having played WoW for 5+ years now, I can say that BW is right in refusing to implement any kind of arena into this game. Arenas were the worst thing to happen to WoW. If I recall correctly they are what lead to classes getting buffed/nerfed over and over again just for the sake of balance and in the end of I recall one the devs said that "Arenas were the worst idea they ever implemented in WoW". Also but most importantly arenas promote the whole "look at my rating, i'm better than you" mentality which just isnt needed in a new MMO like swtor.


In fact, and I know I can speak for I would say 75% of the player base when I say this, the whole reason I left WoW was because of the whole elitism that goes with the game nowadays. I wanted to escape that. Basically if your rating sucks, your considered a "baddie" and not worthy etc etc. Sorry but no i hope BW never implements arenas in this game as we dont need those kind of players here in swtor. If you want arena, then what you need to do is go back to WoW. Ranked WZs are an awesome idea when they do get implemented and imho and I know I can speak for alot of players when I say this, are going to be awesome. I know im looking forward to it.



If BW actively said they will not implement arenas Ill unsub right now. Please link this to me if this was actually stated anywhere official. I know many others coming with me if this is true, and thats not a threat or me being mean or whining, nor have I been close to leaving (because I enjoy pvp). But if pvp doesn't expand and we just get new 8v8's with "totally not the same objectives" gameplay then you win, and you can have this game to yourself.

Edited by MrXen
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If BW actively said they will not implement arenas Ill unsub right now. Please link this to me if this was actually stated anywhere official. I know many others coming with me if this is true, and thats not a threat or me being mean or whining, nor have I been close to leaving (because I enjoy pvp). But if pvp doesn't expand and we just get new 8v8's with "totally not the same objectives" gameplay then you win, and you can have this game to yourself.


Then pack your bags bud cause this game isnt for you. I'm happy to here that swtor wont even acknowledge arenas. We jsut dont need elitism in this game tbh. If you want elitism go back to WoW.

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I'm definitely against the idea of arenas, pvp should be around objectives not FotM classes


Exactly. I dont want arenas in my mmo. Id prefer objective based PVP than some sandbox deathmatch. No ty. You want that go back to WoW.

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Have to respectfully disagree, Arena is like the nightclub of mmo. In one game I played the drama was so thick I grabbed a bag of popcorn. You can always hang out outside no one is forcing you to go in.
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Or 4 Sorcs

Or 4 Powertechs

Or 4 Tanksins

Or 4 Operatives

Or 4 Lolsmash Jugs

Or 4 Cull Snipers

Or 4 Mercs spamming tracer missle


Honestly compared to marauders those classes there are a walk in the park to deal with. Right now Marauders are the WoTLK Ret paladins of swtor. They are just too OP. They will get dealt with though next patch im sure. Hopefully nerfed "to the ground baby"

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lol so.. what your saying is a high rating in arena will give people a superiority complex?

but when people get a high rating in warzones they will not have a superiority complex?


1. swtor is not WoW.

2. a 4 v 4 duel takes a tremendous amount of teamwork/strategy/communication.

3. who says arenas have to be ranked?

4. who says there cant be restrictions on the amount of same class characters in a group?

5. ANYTHING that adds diversity to the game will be most welcome. without ilum the only pvp available right now is warzones.

6. try thinking outside the box. for example why not make it where you can que for warzones to farm commendations/valor or you could que for arena just to make some extra credits?


what your doing is called assuming... do i have to tell you what that does?

instead of saying don't add a new feature, you should be asking how can we make this feature work.

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Honestly compared to marauders those classes there are a walk in the park to deal with. Right now Marauders are the WoTLK Ret paladins of swtor. They are just too OP. They will get dealt with though next patch im sure. Hopefully nerfed "to the ground baby"


This is just nonsense.


When you get some gear you'll understand that we have some pretty balanced classes in this game.

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Honestly compared to marauders those classes there are a walk in the park to deal with. Right now Marauders are the WoTLK Ret paladins of swtor. They are just too OP. They will get dealt with though next patch im sure. Hopefully nerfed "to the ground baby"[/quote


Good powertech Bh and sins have more on demand burst than a maura as of now, you just don't see as many of them. Shoot even a good op stealther has more burst on opener than maura. A guarded healer still takes like 5 people to kill . The problem is not marauders it is team comps, and somewhat the expertise changes that lead to stronger dps. mauras arnt as Op as you think just like op healers arnt eaither, and sorcs are not as bad as people think. There is just not many coordinated 8 mans.


Id rather have a dps jugg, maurader,, any skilled range, a pyro powertech, and a op and sorc healer, and 2 sin tanks. than 4 of anything

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This game really shouldn't even have PvP as messed up as it is.


You surely can't design a game around PvE then just toss PvP into the mix.


Or you get whacked out PvP like this.


This game isn't solo or skill based PvP and it sure isn't group based.


It's class based PvP. The worse form an MMO can have.


Rated Warzones WILL. BE. A. JOKE.


I repeat. A. JOKE.


And people want "rated arenas"? No comment!


Whoever runs the PVP for this game doesn't even remotely understand what's

wrong with the PvP though it's spammed on the forums 24/7.

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Then pack your bags bud cause this game isnt for you. I'm happy to here that swtor wont even acknowledge arenas. We jsut dont need elitism in this game tbh. If you want elitism go back to WoW.


As I said, if you can prove it I WILL leave gladly and take my friends with me. And I don't play WoW and never have, but nice insinuation, tends to show you have no proof or common sense and are talking out your rear-end. Also: because you played WoW while playing for several years (as stated in your post) and you hated arenas doesn't mean no game should be allowed to make something similar to arenas because it bothers you. Elitism is elitism (hint hint), not related to arenas, its related to competition, we already have competition, see the logic and the direction I'm going with this? Idiots these days.



What I and others mean about arena: small scale pvp (rewards don't matter) where we can queue easily for a 1v1, 2v2, maybe even a 3v3 and where we can fight in an undisturbed area because its fun. How anyone can claim this will break the game, make them cry, kill children, explode bioware, or is stealing from blizzard is beyond me. :rolleyes:

Edited by MrXen
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