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  1. I have seen some questions about making it possible to duel in the fleet and the response on the developer tracker thread. Even with the server transfers and most of those servers having decent populations, it is still very rare to encounter other players of either faction on other planets while questing etc, This makes the fleet pretty important as it is the only major gathering spot. This being the case having a spot to duel in the fleet while we await queues would really be a nice way to kill some time. I understand the concerns for performance and the distraction so why not: Make a new level to the Fleet accessed from one of the elevators that is essentially a dueling arena where you can challenge others. Even a barebones empty room would be welcome, however the potential here could be taken much further with boxing ring type arenas in each corner and a main arena in the middle for organized matches (like those that mostly take place in smuggler's den atm).
  2. So... Please correct me if I am wrong but from what I have seen the new warzone coming in the next patch or two is yet another 8 v 8? One of the major problems with SWTOR is how badly it is lacking in PVP content, and more and more 8v8 warzones do not help this. Bioware you could add a dozen new warzones and if they are all 8v8 they will be fun for a week but in the end add very little to the games PVP. To really mix things up and give the warzones a different feel please for the love of god already add a 12 v 12 or more.... Regardless of the gamestyle of the current warzones the 8v8 gameplay always feels very similar regardless of which warzone you are playing. If you really can not figure out how to do more then 8 v 8 (sad if that is the case...) then focus on bringing back open world pvp please and not more 8v8 warzones....
  3. It would not be so bad if the model they were using did not kinda give the finger to the more dedicated players. Basically from what they have said the free 2 play model will be pretty limited (max warzones/flashpoints and no ops) so for anyone actually wanting to play the end game you still basically have to pay. This would be fine if for those loyal paying customers extra benefits were received but from what I can see you get nothing more for paying the subscription fee then you have been getting since launch. They really need to throw in some useful reasons to keep subscribing. Also I think people do not like hearing about F2P in general because it usually means that MMO is getting downgraded and its often assumed that game updates will suffer because of this. This is a big deal considering the speed and quality of game updates so far is the main reason people are leaving. F2P is fine but if your game gets boring fast at level 50 people still are not going to hang around...
  4. Hey, this has been bothering me since the start of the game. Not a big deal but it would be really nice if we could zoom out a bit further. Just find the maximum zoom is still pretty close to your character and it makes hectic situations, mostly pvp, a bit harder to keep track of.
  5. Heh... really don't see why you need more than 8 characters, but of course to each their own. Would have been ideal to have a couple server transfer options but I am sure there would have been a few problems with that. They have already mentioned they will be adding additional server transfers in the future so you will have to wait for these, but mostly likely it will be a paid transfer.
  6. I have had this happen to me a couple times, but never by an Op, nor while playing on my op have a ever caused this to happen to another player. Think it is more just a general cc bug.
  7. It would seem to me the long overdue release of ranked warzones in 1.3 is a really really bad idea if I am understanding it correctly. From the patch notes it sounds like you will only be able to to queue for these in full 8 player teams, so no solo or 4 man teams. Without cross server queues is this not a really dumb idea just for how long queues will be? Not to mention forcing pvp players to find a join a full team when all they may want to do is jump on for a quick few rounds is just silly.... I suppose if the server transfers get to all the low pop server (which is most of them sadly) before 1.3 that will help a bit. Even before all the server pops took a dive though queues could be pretty damn long. Needing 8 men, unless you are playing at peak hours, ranked warzones will be really frustrating and incredibly unfriendly to the majority of players.
  8. I kind of liked arenas in WoW, although the rating system was terrible... For SWTOR not sure if arenas would work well or not only thing I know for sure is PVP needs a lot more then just warzones. Even if they keep adding new warzones here and there, they get old really fast. For those who focus on PVP, warzones quickly become a grind for gear and more of a chore than anything, The main reason for this is the only option for PVPers is warzone grinding right now and we are stuck with 4 warzones which are all the same 8v8 (making them feel kind of the same fights a lot of the time with different scenery...). A revamped Ilum would help in this a bit but if we have to wait months just for Ilum to be fixed I imagine BW will not be breaking the mold and giving us anything new anytime soon... So whether arenas would be a good idea for SWTOR or not, if the choice is between arenas or just more uninspired warzones I would definitely choose arenas... as it is I want to love this game but the pace at which they add PVP content is going to make it pretty hard in the long run.
  9. Methosnc

    Pvp and lvl 50's

    I wouldn't worry about it too much honestly. At the moment it is a bit unbalanced with the lvl 50's mostly because of the extra abilities they have access to and being higher up the skill tree. The Warzones will likely be bracketed eventually though but if they did that to start all the people who hit 50 first would be waiting forever to play a single round.
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