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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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First of all I only played about 2-3 times a week for 2hrs each time. Just casual gaming was what I wanted out of this game.

I had the freedom (or the illusion of freedom) in other MMO's. Don't want to raid today then i'll just fish or go mine something. Why not some pod racing or something?

Wich brings me to my first problem, no freedom at all. You have to follow on a path and thats it.

The closed world is another thing, I always felt like I was walking in a small corridor filled up with the dumbest mobs ever.

Second problem, since I only played for 2-3 times a week I had to download a patch or whatever every single time I log on.

After a while the downloads stopped working on some main assets and went into a repair loop.

2 weeks later that problem mysteriously solved itself, so I could log on again, only to find empty servers.

An MMO is not playing alone...

I will not even go into low framerate, loadingscreens, CTD, and all the other things that should not be happening in a 2012 game.


And last of all Where is the wookie I was looking forward to play?

Edited by Bodhisatvah
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I think everything has been said and no point repeating anything. Unsubbed, and just no urge left too log on or play alts even for the story lines. Soz ! Hope game improves in future, and may come back. All the best to those of you that stay, just cause it says Star Wars and Bioware on the box, it ain't enough anymore.


Good luck too all of you, and take care.

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The game simply is not an MMORPG with replayability. I know single games that have kept me more entertained.


I'm still here because I have about 20 days left on my free time, so thats why I'm hanging around, although I think the reality of a patch or content being released in the next 20 days is being very optimistic...


I unsubscribed mainly because of a moderator here trolling me on the forums, I'd mention his name but it seems only bioware employees can break the rules. Gonzales named a player in public and said his account had been acted upon, I mention a GM's name in a post and get a warning...


You cant complain about customer service or they delete your posts.


but all that aside.


1. This doesnt even remotely feel like starwars, perhaps when the ambient kicks in on tattooine... but this doesnt even feel like a better version of KOTOR


2. This is not an MMORPG as advertised, its an MORPG with instances no bigger than 300 people, and that lags to death


3.Raids, raid and more raids... I came here to play Starwars, not gosh darn WoW, If you are going to copy a game model do it better, not clone it.


4. Too many servers, not enough people - might as well be playing a sinple player game


5. Diablo3. I dont play it, but when an isometric single/slight morpg game comes and and more than half yoru players leave for it, that should sound alarm bells, but instead you don't even ramp up your development for 1.3, instead "oh a few weeks" guess what, most of us won't be here when it comes out.




Graphics. This engine is already looking so DATED. Look at Tera!!! Unreal engine is the way to go.

Edited by Talarchy
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1.) SERVER POPULATION - This is hands down the number 1 issue with this game. When on 99% of the servers (all excl. Fatman) you see "Geared Healer LFG ANY HM" for 2 straight hours in general chat, before the frustrated healer finally gives up and logs off... You have a problem.


2.) SERVER POPULATION - When you level from 48 to 50 while waiting for 1 warzone queue to pop... You have a problem.


3.) SERVER POPULATION - When you level 3 characters to 50 on a PvP server and encounter world PvP exactly ONCE... You have a problem.


4.) SERVER POPULATION - When your entire guild leaves the game due to the server being dead... You have a problem.


5.) BIOWARE OVER-PROMISING AND UNDER-DELIVERING - When a company pulls a blatant bait and switch on their content release (see ranked warzones), in an effort to regain the hemorrhaging subscribers, said company quickly loses my trust and no longer gets "the benefit of the doubt" when it comes to future planning and content releases.


6.) CUSTOMER SERVCE - The constant censorship of these forums and actually paying for resources to collectively ignore the community, rather than paying the same resources to communicate and interact with the community. It would be like calling your ISP for tech support and rather than having the Tech quickly help you with your problem, they instead waste the same breath and say "I'm sorry this question has already been asked. Please check our website and see if you can find the answer posted there."


There are many more problems I could list, but really when you analyze the root cause, it all stems back to server population and having no other humans to play with.

Edited by HanfordBlows
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One more thing that got to me.


The first time I played this game I got the feeling "man this is made by the worst WoW Dev team ever". But ok I'll go along with this.

Then I got to killing, The first group of 4 mobs gave me some fear (4 of them 1 of me as a lvl 1) To my surprise they fell to the floor. So took on 2 groups (8 mobs) hardly any trouble. (try to kill 4 plainstriders in WoW as a LVL1).

I didn't die untill lvl 12 how is this possible? I am not the best player at this kind of game.

After 22 lvls of holding my hand walking along the prepaved roads I got sick of this. I wanted to do some FP then instead but hey nobody around.

Why do I get a freakin companion to defend me in an MMO? I want to do things with other players!

Where is the playable wookie? Why can't I explore the universe or even the planets the way I want to? These are not planets they are levels!

Why is there nothing else to do but killing dumb mobs? Can't even do the crafting as a mini game.

I used to play SW battlefront on PS2 back in the day and that gave me an awsome Star Wars feeling. Here I just got a lightsaber and an intro to make me feel like i was in Sar Wars.

I'm also not a big fan of storylines in games, I click trough them when I can. So you can imagine what I felt like when I clicked the first quest (my fault, will never buy a BW product again)

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1) Sterile worlds that in no way reflect the ongoing conflict, for example the last character I levelled got to 50 without seeing a single player from the opposing faction and as such there's no world pvp.


2) No world pvp


3) No world pvp


4) No world pvp


5) Switching Ilum off... pretty much showed BioWares intent to continue ignoring any form of WORLD PVP :mad:

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1) Dead servers


2) Dead servers


3) Dead servers


4) no open worl pvp at all even on the 1-2 populated servers left


5) Bioware trolling every post i make and deleting them. (including the 1 to ask about how many servers thay plan on removing when transfers hit)

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<snippity snip>


5) Switching Ilum off... pretty much showed BioWares intent to continue ignoring any form of WORLD PVP :mad:


Disagree on this one mate, turning Ilum off was BW acknowledging that they dont have a scooby about R v R PVP

You can't cure a sickness until you acknowlege you have it. All we need to do now is convince them to go and see a bloody PVP Doctor:rak_04:

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I'm firmly aware that this is definitely an, "Its not you, its me!", kind of thing, but you asked why I unsubscribed, so here you go.


1) Story

For all the trumpeting about the quality of the story, I found it severely lacking. Full disclosure, I played a Jedi Consular, which seems to have the rep for having the worst story of the lot. In any case, I would have loved not space-barring through nearly every single cutscene, but I found myself doing just that only to be greeted by the three choices- one of which was invariably lily-white and altruistic to a fault, one which was somewhat neutral, and one of which was out-of-character evil and over the top.


That's lame, or more accurate- that's lazy.


To me, a weak, unengaging story is one thing there is absolutely no excuse for in a game like this. There's no hardware requirements to consider, there's no worrying about faction/ class/ whatever balance, there's no investors/ management cutting your knees out from under you excuse that can compensate for a poor storyline. There was more than enough time in development to produce compelling storylines for each class, and definitely something better than some Dark Jedi dialing-in to Light Jedi making them do bad stuff until I show up to shield them or something. My goodness.


2. Lack of new abilities

Again, maybe this is just particular to my class, but I was surprised at how often I received an actual new ability versus upgraded versions of existing abilities. Kind of gets old grinding along to level up only to find that I can now train up three existing abilities that have only improved mathematically.


3. Hard to group with my friends

As there is quite a disparity in my friends' personal lives (and therefore free time), there was quite a disparity in what my friends and I could do together in game. Towards the end when we stopped playing, there was a 10-12 level gap between us (25-40, if you take the most extreme examples). There was nothing we could find to do in the game as a group that was beneficial to the whole group. Now, yes, I know- this is an MMO. Lowbies shouldn't whine, etc. etc. I agree to an extent, but again- why'd we quit playing? That's the question that's being asked here and I'm answering. The higher levels weren't interested in playing alts and got tired of doing flashpoints for 5xp with the lower level characters.


I've not played a ton of other MMOs, so its entirely possible that MMOs just aren't for me. I played a lot of Warhammer Online and liked it quite a bit. I felt compelled to play that game. It was fun and I spent a lot of time playing it- PvE, PvP, alts, crafting, you name it. After the first few hours during launch, I never felt anything close to the same compulsion to play SWTOR as I did WAR.


Lastly, I've been waiting on this game for a long time. I grew up with the movies (was 3 when Star Wars came out), played the RPG from West End Games in high school and college, pre-ordered as soon as the email went out. The point is, I wanted to like this game. I really did. I'd planned on playing this thing a while which is why I pre-paid for a six-month subscription (barely talked myself out of a year!).


I think the last time I played was in February.


Just happened to stumble across this thread while cleaning out Chrome bookmarks and thought I'd stop in to see if they were still doing the free weekends all the time (which frankly, was kind of a kick in the pants as I only ever play on weekends, kind of made me wonder why I was paying a sub, but whatever- that's another topic that I don't care enough to get into).

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I have two days left in my subscription. I haven't logged into the game to do anything for a month. This will be TL, DR (I have become bitter). Reasons I have unsubbed:


-Outright lying to customers. This is the greatest offender and the reason I'm not coming back. There are various examples, not just for this game but for the companies involved in general. Ranked warzones with 1.2, falsifying server populations on 1.3 video, promise of keeping developers for frequent content updates and then firing half of them 5 months in, the PvP server incident where they almost punished people who reported abuse from a GM, and many others. There is no integrity left.


-Plethora of bugs but more importantly, the extremely slow response in fixing them. It takes months for quests that were bugged on release to get fixed (that object is in use). Introducing a patch means you'll get your graphics messed up, your sound messed up, loading screen will start popping up like a ****-site ad, etc. Content stays bugged for months before there is a fix and usually the problem is covered up. Droid in Directive 7 will keep spamming BHs because it somehow doesn't like certain people, almost everyhthing about Soa (took months to fix) was bugged to be considered broken/unplayable. I don't like beta testing games. When these bugs are prevelant, there's no "hot-fix" to address them. Daily quest is bugged? Why don't you temporarily double the rewards of another quest to compensate? This kind of action is never taken and thus a small problem turns into an infected pile of mess.


-Server population is no longer an issue, it has now physically bled the game dry. If this game were to have a more solo-oriented endgame, the lack of server transfer on release and the extremely slow response to population decline would be tolerable. You need people to do endgame content. Servers cannot provide the requisite amount of people so players cannot play the game. I do not believe this can be justified by ifs and buts. And no, I won't be paying monthly subscription to log on once a week to do solo quests (the end of which stil requires a group of 4, LOL) so I can get BH comms for gear. That would be like paying 15$ for 8 hours of gaming.


-Absolute blackhole of a community management system. If there's tens of threads popping up about an issue, perhaps it needs to be officially addressed with a sticky post, not have every single thread locked down to be buried or redirected to a player discussion about the issue. There's no "face", there's no tranparency, it almost feels as if there's a script running on the forums locking down threads that have flagged phrases with automated responses. There are free to play games with better human connection on their community management.


Perhaps the game will tank, perhaps it will imrpve and be a stellar success. I'm not staying around to see how the chips fall, because I don't see the problems of this game as acute problems. I think these are systemic and pretty much ingrained to the way how they handle things.

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I made a mistake thinking I would enjoy an MMO just because it's kotor era Star Wars. Just not my thing. It's too tedious and grinding (and at 36 I'm no stranger to RPG grinding by any means). The biggest deal I have is that the proportion of 'time invested' to 'fun had' was far too skewed in the time area. It's just not good enough to keep paying for the privilege to play it. I've got a sealed 60-day time card if anyone is interested. My apologies if I'm not permitted to say that on the forums.
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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.





First, I generally enjoy the game. But there comes a time around level 30 when things become stupid hard. I had to respect several time to try to find something that works, but the expense of respecing was crazy high and soon I was totally broke and still didn't have a spec that worked. I ended up playing another class for a few weeks until the price to respec came down. I finally found one that worked and was able to play another 10 levels before it started to get hard again. That's when I quit (January). I left the forums at that point.


I only just restarted and have only gotten to level 22 so far. We'll see how it goes.


But in addition to that, I also don't like micro-managing the sheer number of add-ons to all of my equipment. Instead of just having to find and upgraded chest piece, I also have to find 4 mods for it. So instead of just 6 pieces I have to keep current, I also have up to 24 mods! It's a big turn off for me. I just want to quest, not spend half my time worrying if my equipment is properly modded.


I know I'm the exception, but I don't like pugs, group quests, raids, or PvP. Just questing...

Edited by Glowrod
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I finally threw in the towel 2 weeks ago, my guild is gone, my fairly balanced RPPVP server is slowly dying, I was screwed over in 1.2 with re-modding the armor on my Sage...


1. My Guild is Gone; I belong toa very old MMORPG PVP guild, they left because PVP was grindy, boring and badly designed, and there was no reason or effective way to have open world PVP


2. Design Flaws: PVP (see above) Balance (should have delayed release to ensure better class balance) Bugs & Exploits (Illum nuff said)


3) No Community


4) Not enough sandbox, I felt like I was on a hamster wheel from day 1


5) Biowares failure to execute on time or within reason, communication with the playerbase is guarded and not open.

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He took the time to list genuine grievances, and you speak of complainers while adding nothing constructive to the discussion. Also calling "most of the complainers" PVPers is just ignorant especially when his first two complaints are about endgame PVE and features he would like to see implemented. Lastly rolling alts is not end-game content it is an alternative to end-game content. Some people like to roll alts others don't; and in this game after playing once to 50 on each side you have seen a majority of the story content which can be a deterrent to rolling alts.


Sorry, but when most complaint threads on this forum start out with, or contain the comment "I'm primarily a PvPer" it isn't hard to take the leap that most complainers are PvPers.


People take much greater leaps in logic with much less evidence than that all the time around here.

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Mergers don't fix why people have left to begin with since launch.


Great, the illusion is back, that servers are full. But for how long?


If it takes this long to figure out how to merge servers, then imagine how long it will take to fix the reasons people left in the first place.

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BioWare knows why players have left...I found this post from Blizzard interesting ....


"By looking at actual stats, actual progression, time spent playing, where, and to what extent, ... so yes, we absolutely are able to tell without a doubt that the plan we're enacting is actually what players playing the game want and need, and are not just listening to people on the forums."


So...if Blizzard understands how to take thier own internal tracking data primarly and use that...instead just the input from opinions by the players as thier main source of understanding why players quit or stay....hopefully BioWare is using that same smart method....but I am not so sure they are..:p

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I just unsubscribed.


I started playing the game about two months ago. Leveling up to 50 was a blast, quest hubs are clustered very nicely. Cut scenes actually immersed me in the story so I knew why I was killing 10 of x, or clicking y glowing computer consoles.


End game is another story. The daily quests are fairly boring - even for daily quests. Running flashpoints became just about obsolete after 3 flashpoints and one 8 man Explosive conflicts (assuming I could even find a group for them - even on a populated server). The Operations also seemed underwhelming. The SoA fight was interesting and something I'd never done before, but everything else seemed familiar - like lukewarm coffee or socks you've worn all day.


All of these were not deal-breakers - but the combat engine is. Server population (which I believe is just an urgent issue until people start looking at the deeper problems of the game), flashpoints being too easy to gear from (first time that complaint has ever been made, i'm sure!), and conservative boss mechanics can all be "fixed" with additional patches to one degree or another.


The combat engine (for lack of a better term) can not. We are all aware that mmo combat is typically a spreadsheet powered by a metronome under the shadow of a pendulum, but I nonetheless felt incredibly distant from the fighting (even when I wasn't a sniper). Nothing felt visceral, everything felt like a WWE match or bad kung-fu film. Lightsaber strikes and blasters kind of sweeper over monsters. My character skates on ice and abilities never seemed responsive. I'm not a big fan of Diablo 3, but the way combat feels and is executed in that game is something more towards which a 2012 MMO should be approaching or at least be visible on the horizon from the very top of your game's crow's nest. The combat just never felt fun.

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Not saying I won't resub, I truely love this game, Legacy, story, companions, not another single mmo comes close but the below which is gameplay issues which ruins the game.


Advise, fix game play mechanics and you'll get your consumers back.


(1) Commando/Merc DPS/Survivability after all this time only recently been Addressed but no Fix's. Going on 4-5 months of PvP, and feels no matter how many tickets and Posts we make. They just arn't getting it.


(2) Empty Servers.


(3) Slow responces and fixes to broken and not working as intended content. Even getting them to acknoledge and/or fix EV SOA seemed a monumental task.

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I find myself agreeing with many of the points that people are making and then being a little disappointed that the devs seem to be ignoring doing anything about it.


First of is Story. An enjoyable addition to the questing but I have quickly found has no effect on the game at all. Playing through my trooper and nothing I do seems to effect anything to the point I'm just space baring through all the conversation. I sell out my commanding officer to the council and nothing, I say I don't want an imperial spy on my team but I get her ad nauseum. And this has been the case with every story I have played through. Bioware said they were bring story to the MMO what they managed to do was wonderfully expand the quest giving/turning in system but there is no real choice or consequences or conclusion its not really a story as its meaningless.


Then Combat. Its blasters and Lightsabers and Jedi and explosions. But for whatever reason none of it feels grounded in physics or the world. An explosion goes off and it has not real physical feel to it, we can run through each other and monsters and there doesn't feel like there is any impact. This was acceptable back in 2005 with SWGs but now it feels like the combat is impotent.


The Look and feel. I can't say I will ever really understand the stylised graphics any more than the choice of space combat but the game seems very much like it is designed for an audience around the 12 years old age range. Which is understandable if that is their target audience but from people that have come from Kotor or even the orginal movies it can seem like Star Wars lite. Even with a 100 hours of story and play time for each class, travelling through destroyed diseased worlds it doesn't have the impact it should have. The story doesn't bring me in while the look and feel make what should be meaningful encounters almost childish and commical. Crazied scienties working on a plague in a doomed world is turned into colourful characters with glowing green canisters.

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Posted this in another thread but I think it is relevant to this discussion.

Reasons I used to play (these are in no particular order):

1. The class story was interesting

2. Companions were interesting liked the romance but wish it were same gendered as well

3. The scenery was nice on the planets (albeit static)

4. It's Star Wars. If it wasn't for this I would have quit long before I did.

5. Cinematics were good (although sometimes they could be buggy)

6. Legacy was cool

7. Personal ship was a nice idea

8. I liked that I could use crafting mats that were in my hanger bay

9. Datacrons

10. Codex


Reasons I quit (these are in no particular order):

1. The class story lacked real choices (didn't go through all of them but the stories I did see lacked any meaningful choice)

2. Class story on republic side was boring (I wanted to play a Jedi Knight but couldn't stand the story)

3. Lack of exploration (some of the planets like Coruscant or Nar Shadaa are just hallways)

4. The planets are very static with no weather, no day/night cycles, and the mobs just stand there waiting to die

5.The music is good, for the small amount of time it plays, but on every planet I have to listen to the sound of my speeder for just about the whole time I am there.

6. OPs are easy, when you don't hit bugs, and gear from them is way too easy to get

7. I can't level alts, after leveling a character on each faction, without having to replay the same story in the same order. Yes there are class quests, but they are far and few between.

8. PVP is gear based without it you get slaughtered. Didn't mind 1-49, though it got tedious playing the same warzones again and again. It is also unbalanced, not that I expected it to be as it is a difficult thing to do.

9. World PVP happened to me exactly once while leveling.

10. cant swim all the water features are shallow

11. No x-server LFG

12. Extreme population problems and lack of action to correct it

13. The game runs terribly and graphics aren't that good

14. Combat is not very fluid and there are ability delays

15. The game copies heavily from WoW

16. No same gender romance options

17. Lack of in game combat logs

18. Lack of addons. Some people hate them but for people with disabilities it can be very beneficial and allow them a much better gameplay experience. I'm not disabled I just saw a post about this and it made me realize how it could allow much better access to the game and content for some people.

19. No alien species, I mean seriously they are all pretty much recolored humans. Would have liked to see Togruta, Cathar, or Trandoshans as playable.

20. Character customization is seriously lacking; a lot of clones.

21. No way of character customization changes after creation; ie changing hairstyles or adding scars.

22. Nothing to in end-game that is non-combat like pazaak, swoop racing, or pod racing

23. No chat bubbles

24. Can't sit in chairs

25. Space Combat is unintuitive and on rails

26.Crafting is almost useless and is going to be even worse in next patch

27. Lack of intuitive guild features

28. The amount of bugs and the time it is taking to fix them

29. Gear design was terrible (I liked the gear I got in the beginning better then tier gear)

30. Can't have my companions in my legacy tree; this is a very bad oversight.

31. Social points were a good idea but they are poorly implemented.

32. No reputation grinds; it adds to re-playability and can give cool non-combat rewards

33. Can't customize my ship

34. Too many loading screens

35.The fleet was poorly done all the vendors on the fleet should be on Dromund Kaas and Coruscant. Also the Republic fleet looks terrible.

36. The GTN

37. Customer service; they had closed many of my tickets without resolving them. Also the hoth incident where they called players liars and fraudulent.


Sad part is I could probably think of more if I thought about it but I feel this is enough. I really tried to like this game but as it is I would rather wait. If they change some things for the better I will come back and play again. For now I am gonna keep my eye on GW2 and since it has no sub fee I will be able to come back and play this as well, if they make some changes.

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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.





I continue to play off and on as I bought a 6 month sub on launch (I'm a sucker) and although painful to see my server and guild slowly dying I feel compelled to get my monies worth out of this purchase (It's a Scottish thing).


My reasons for throwing in the towel:


My servers population is in rapid decline. I often find myself alone on planets. Had I wished to play a solo game I would have bought one.


My Guild keeping in line with my servers population decline is now collection of grayed out names showing most 'last played' a month or two ago. Lonely times.


Burnout. I started playing this game in Beta a year ago. Of the hundreds of bug reports submitted almost all were ignored, and those bugs persist to this day in game. The PR mouthpiece that we see from Bioware has infuriated me over the months. I wish they could step back and try to look at what and how they present information to us from our (customers) perspective just once.


The game is small. I have leveled six characters to level 50. The bulk of the story is the same. The planets are small. there are no real alternative paths in leveling aside from the two factions. In short I'm bored with their content. There just isn't enough 'game' to warrant my continued play.


Lack of variety in character development. When one first creates a character one becomes aware of the lack of appearance options. That lack of options persists as one skills up their characters as they progress to 50. One simply can not break out of the preset templates the developers have assigned to us. Maybe I'm spoiled having come here from Champions Online and City of Heros, but the constraints upon character differentiation within the ACs is huge. I feel as if I am playing a Bioware character through the same old story each time I level a new character.

Edited by Catsmeat
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I just submitted my cancellation unfortunately. But I felt that my time is better spent playing more unique games. Here was my reason that I left in the "Why are you leaving?" box.


"The voice acting was truly top notch, something every mmo should strive for. Unfortunately the content is quite repetitive, the graphics are frankly sub par, and the game is just too much like WoW. There was a real opportunity here to do something wonderfully different... But instead I feel like you guys basically ripped off WoW because it was the safe thing to do. Innovation is what makes great games what they are. I sincerely hope SWTOR goes in a different direction in the future. I will certainly be watching for some change, as I am a huge Star Wars fan and I desperately WANT an awesome Star Wars MMO to play. Thanks for all your efforts, as misguided as they were."


I hope that everyone leaves constructive comments when they unsub.... But more than that, I really hope that Bioware/EA reads them.


Thank you to all who I played with, That first run to 50 wasn't bad at all, and after 50... well...yeah. Have a good one guys^^

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Posted this in another thread but I think it is relevant to this discussion.

Reasons I used to play (these are in no particular order):

1. The class story was interesting

2. Companions were interesting liked the romance but wish it were same gendered as well

3. The scenery was nice on the planets (albeit static)

4. It's Star Wars. If it wasn't for this I would have quit long before I did.

5. Cinematics were good (although sometimes they could be buggy)

6. Legacy was cool

7. Personal ship was a nice idea

8. I liked that I could use crafting mats that were in my hanger bay

9. Datacrons

10. Codex


Reasons I quit (these are in no particular order):

1. The class story lacked real choices (didn't go through all of them but the stories I did see lacked any meaningful choice)

2. Class story on republic side was boring (I wanted to play a Jedi Knight but couldn't stand the story)

3. Lack of exploration (some of the planets like Coruscant or Nar Shadaa are just hallways)

4. The planets are very static with no weather, no day/night cycles, and the mobs just stand there waiting to die

5.The music is good, for the small amount of time it plays, but on every planet I have to listen to the sound of my speeder for just about the whole time I am there.

6. OPs are easy, when you don't hit bugs, and gear from them is way too easy to get

7. I can't level alts, after leveling a character on each faction, without having to replay the same story in the same order. Yes there are class quests, but they are far and few between.

8. PVP is gear based without it you get slaughtered. Didn't mind 1-49, though it got tedious playing the same warzones again and again. It is also unbalanced, not that I expected it to be as it is a difficult thing to do.

9. World PVP happened to me exactly once while leveling.

10. cant swim all the water features are shallow

11. No x-server LFG

12. Extreme population problems and lack of action to correct it

13. The game runs terribly and graphics aren't that good

14. Combat is not very fluid and there are ability delays

15. The game copies heavily from WoW

16. No same gender romance options

17. Lack of in game combat logs

18. Lack of addons. Some people hate them but for people with disabilities it can be very beneficial and allow them a much better gameplay experience. I'm not disabled I just saw a post about this and it made me realize how it could allow much better access to the game and content for some people.

19. No alien species, I mean seriously they are all pretty much recolored humans. Would have liked to see Togruta, Cathar, or Trandoshans as playable.

20. Character customization is seriously lacking; a lot of clones.

21. No way of character customization changes after creation; ie changing hairstyles or adding scars.

22. Nothing to in end-game that is non-combat like pazaak, swoop racing, or pod racing

23. No chat bubbles

24. Can't sit in chairs

25. Space Combat is unintuitive and on rails

26.Crafting is almost useless and is going to be even worse in next patch

27. Lack of intuitive guild features

28. The amount of bugs and the time it is taking to fix them

29. Gear design was terrible (I liked the gear I got in the beginning better then tier gear)

30. Can't have my companions in my legacy tree; this is a very bad oversight.

31. Social points were a good idea but they are poorly implemented.

32. No reputation grinds; it adds to re-playability and can give cool non-combat rewards

33. Can't customize my ship

34. Too many loading screens

35.The fleet was poorly done all the vendors on the fleet should be on Dromund Kaas and Coruscant. Also the Republic fleet looks terrible.

36. The GTN

37. Customer service; they had closed many of my tickets without resolving them. Also the hoth incident where they called players liars and fraudulent.


Sad part is I could probably think of more if I thought about it but I feel this is enough. I really tried to like this game but as it is I would rather wait. If they change some things for the better I will come back and play again. For now I am gonna keep my eye on GW2 and since it has no sub fee I will be able to come back and play this as well, if they make some changes.

This is an excellent, thoughtful post detailing nearly all of the disappointments I've experienced myself. It's a staggering list of deficiencies in a game that launched with so much promise. Thank you for posting it.
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Just unsubbed today...here are a few of my reasons.


- Sound problems (cutting in and out)

- graphics are severely lacking for a 2011 MMO (blame the hero engine)

- PVP is completely unbalanced (my poor trooper is garbage at survival and dps in pvp) with these infini-stuns

- crafting is worthless

- planets are boring

- major gear grind (i look foward to GW2 cause this will not be the case)

- Population renders game unplayable in any type of group content

- Legacy was a waste

- leveling alts is very boring after the first go around

- combat ability delays and broken animation

- horrible customer service

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