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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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top 5 reasons I Unsubbed


1) it feels like a single player MMO, YES I CAN group if I want to but there is NOTHING making me feel a NEED to

2)crafting serves no other purpose than to make combat gear - there is no entertainment value in crafting aka designer speeders etc

3)all the good looking armor is very limited to obtain for example BLACK jedi style clothes are ONLY obtainable via empire side BT and all the republic side clothes are baby puke brown making for a total lack of fashion statement

4)at level 50 if you are a casual there is absolutely NOTHING to do other than make a new character and start over

5)there is no long lasting entertainment value stuff to do aka UO STYLE housing buy myself a plot of land on one of the planets ala Alderaan for example and spend the next two three months using the UO style interface to design my killer home

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I had really really high hopes for this game. Bioware + SW + an MMO platform seemed like an unbeatable combo, alas the fly in the ointment , EA, managed to foul it up. Although I loved the story lines I played to 50, the Sith Warrior and the Smuggler as well as the others I dabbled in, Storyline does not a MMO make. This game just feels unfinished. The PvP was ok pre 1.2, Then after it was just ... awkward.

PvE is Lacking, and with server populations spread thinner then butter on the sun, getting PUG groups for HM runs is tough.

The Rakghoul event was cool but I didn't find out about it till a few days in so I couldn't even fully complete it.

I wish that EA would stay out of the RPG market, stick to sports thats what their good at. my faith is BioWare is forever shaken.

The straw on this camels back is all the friends I had playing this game have left. I was holding out for something amazing, wishing on every star for a miracle but it never came. There is now way I can justify spending $15 a month on this game in its current state. Its just not worth it.

The number of servers needs to be reduced by at least half to big populations up. Something AMAZING needs to be brought in to bring people back. Unfortunately it may be to late.

When I heard that BioWare was making a SW based MMO in the Old Republic era I honestly thought " well this is it, this could very well be the game that ends my search " sadly, its not. And now that Diablo 3 is out I can play with my buddies without the subscription fee and enjoy the game I am playing I am doing what I thought I wouldn't be, I am canceling my SWTOR subscription. Thanks for the memories, it was fun while it lasted. Good luck in the future and May the Force be with You.


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Haven't unsubbed yet but been playing Tera, it's something to do. Honestly though it's nothing great and if I had something in SWTOR I wanted to do I'd be lgging in. I like the game, the feel etc etc just I don't Raid, I do all content 1 maybe 2 times then I want something else. I will for sure be ingame when intermission is over and act 4 starts. Heh Tera it seems has more haters than we did at launch lol.
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Before i get started on my rant, i would like to present a few points: I love Star-Wars. I loved the original movies, I liked the first prequel, hell i even managed to enjoy a bit of the second and third prequels. I absolutely love KOTOR and KOTOR2. I played through each countless times. Ive played jedi academy, jedi knight 2, star wars episode I pod racer, etc. I loved mass effect series (until the ending of the third, but ill tell about that in a bit). I loved the way BioWare did story-lines, and the whole ripple effect that spread like wildfire throughout the games. I came to this game with high hopes that it would be no different than my other BioWare experiences. Now for my reasons:


1) Lack of support for problems with payment options: Since launch, i have attempted to subscribe to the game. Every since time i tried, I received an error. I tried credit cards from me, both my parents, even my brother. I tried PayPal, i talked to my bank about potential problems. Nothing worked, and BW did nothing to fix it besides sending me cookie-cutter messages. I was forced to buy time cards. Now i am glad about that, because i can quit easily, which is what will happen.


2) The ridiculous amount of bugs in the main storyline quests for classes: I was lucky with my sorcerer, i will say this right of the bat. I beat the storyline, and loved every moment of it, encountering none of the bugs that existed at the time. my second one was my bounty hunter. I encountered some minor bugs that I could fix with a simple quest reset. it got tedious sometimes because of long quest lines. The worst one of all is the imperial agent. The story has been bugged from day 1. They did not fix it until 2 months later, or so they said. While i played though my story, i did it from start to near finish in about 1 month. I had encountered at least 5 different bugs (not to mention the end game bug) that prevented me from advancing my storyline completely. I had to compromise to a completely different choice to be able to continue my story. the final nail in the coffin for the story was the end one. The fix that was supposed to come today, DID NOTHING. I have replayed the same quest 5 different times now, making the same choice as i did previously because I refuse to back down from my final choice. Yet the quest is still impossible to turn in.


3) The amount of Exploits/Hacks in PVP: I am not a major pvper, but i game the pvp system a try in TOR. It was very fun at the start, with many people of all levels and gear. It was very fun, and consisted solely of people enjoying themselves, with no hacks or exploits. Nowadays, after the ridiculous nerfs to some classes, the amount of hacks and exploits is absolutely ridiculous in lvl50 pvp. You can see people teleporting all over the map, running through walls, spawning the bridge in Voidstar by walking through the force-field, not taking any damage from flames/acid in huttball, having no cool-downs on their most devastating attacks, having infinite power/heat/force.


4) The sheer stupidity of CS support: You can submit a ticket about a hack/exploit being used in pvp, and the ticket gets deleted with no actions, no messages, nothing. They will also push the problem to your end, ignoring their sheer incompetence. Taking my agents story-quest for example. The bug is still there for me, and i submitted a ticket. Immediately I got a response saying that the problem has been fixed and to try again.


5) The lack of follow-through on their promises: Self-explanatory really.


That's my 5 cents there. Don't feel like writing a full-fledged novel for stopping to play.

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TOR failed at the only things that matter in an MMO: gameplay and content.


No rated pvp, coming "soon" right? luls.


Horrid raid content, both guilds I was in quit after crushing all of it in the first week, both tier 1 and 2.


Playing diablo 3 and not looking back, only here cause servers are up and down on first day :)


Diablo is what it is and it doesn't lie, its just no-nonsense hack and slash video gaming. Screw "story" and voice acting........


Waste 5 months here on TOR hoping it would be something special, but it fails at even being a WOW clone with star wars slapped on it.


Playing TOR now is like logging into a empty wasteland, riding laps around your abandoned fleet looking for ANYTHING to do..............no thanks.


Soon it will all just be a bad memory, good riddance.

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Quit a couple months ago but check the forums on occasion to see if something is on the horizon.


1. Classes unbalanced. My first toon was a sniper, few of us out there and I know why, compared to juggs or sorcs it was stupid of me to level to 50. They weren't in demand in groups compared to other more versatile dps classes, contribute less than what others wanted and useless in pvp since they were cover dependent or easily shut down with line of sight. Furthermore, I love pvp, but huttball 90% of the time is not fun.


2. Lack of content at 50. So you get to 50, now what? Grind dailies (shudder), work on crafting which is not fun, huttball or completely stupid difficulty scale on instances...oh or you can sit in the cantina watching the world go by.


3. Travel. This can be done well or horribly and here was the latter. Travelling to some places was just silly, jumping through the same hoops 2-3 times just to get to an area. Sure part of the story once is enough but to take elevator, to ship, get into ship, run to controls, use map, land, get out of ship, run to elevator... it's just too much time doing the same thing over and over. Routine doesn't keep people interested. Even worse when you needed to take a shuttle on top of flying!


4. Lack of support. I ran into a few snags and couldn't seem to get any help. EA is a huge company, you'd think they'd have tossed resources at a new game but one can easily predict the outcome. They mass produce crap and rake in the money. SWTOR will be dead in a year or two, just look the fate of "Earth and Beyond".


5. Light side / Dark Side. This really bugged me because the community was promised that choices would have an impact on everything, the truth is they don't. You gain access to some different things and get ugly if you're dark but that's about it really. There's no consequence to being an evil jedi or a good jugg, so i get a blue lightsaber as a sith!? OMG!


I could probably go into a number of other problems with the game but I won't. A lot of promises were made that weren't delivered such as how accessible the game would be for people who weren't using high end machines. I originally installed the game on my "older" gaming rig (by old maybe 2 years) which is fairly decent at running most games. I have x-plane on it without any problems and don't have to turn off a lot. Tor was awful, even with everything scaled back it ran like garbage in the capital areas. Space combat became impossible for me because I'd lag and die so at 50 that got scratched off the list. I installed the game on my brand spankin new alienware m17 laptop and it ran just fine with everything scaled up. I wouldn't call it a beautiful game either at full settings but c'mon, yeah it's playable for people with lower end systems but it doesn't play well. Nor is it cutting edge in any way at the top end.


Truthfully I blame EA more than I blame Bioware. Mass Effect 3 was incredible and impressive on many fronts. That's not to say that BW can't make an MMO because i'm confident they can, but selling out to EA as a publisher is not the answer. EA has a terrible track record and worse customer service. Back in march they updated origin which caused Battlefield 3 not to work on my computer anymore because you absolutely have to have online origin to play. Well after countless tickets and attempts to fix the problem I just got a response from them a week ago by e-mail. 2 months later and it didn't answer my question, just generic garbage copy/paste responses. Steam has been out for years, is stable and perfectly fine but EA had to leave them and go build their own which is completely useless half the time.


TOR had so much potential but it's suicide for any company to roll out a game like this when such high royalties are required to have rights to the game. TOR was a linear game but I get they got the deadline pressure from EA and that's where some of the planning shifted from release to expansions. After all how is it even possible to rush all that content a month after release in a patch!? Obviously it had been already started before launch.


BW you should have just stuck with turning Mass Effect into an MMO since the franchise is yours and you're clearly looking to have it branched out. Given all the really cool and unique characters in that game you would have had very little trouble splitting the group in script and keeping even numbers on both sides of the factions. Some may disagree but I'll be bold enough to say it would have, if done properly, been very good competition for Warcraft. One of my favorite things about TOR was space missions, but it was a side game and again, rail shooters won't hold interest. There is still a large market out there for space games, Eve Online has been running since 03 and while they may not be the most successful, their subs have increased over the years, not the other way around. Something to consider but please, cut your ties with EA! You're throwing your talent under the bus by selling out to those guys. EA is known for what, the sims and a handful of sports games? They've been riding that for how many years? They reap the rewards of other's talents and then dispose of the companies or employees once it's run it's course. Look at their employee lay off record over the past decade to get a glimpse of how they operate.

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I am a die hard Star Wars and memory fan. That being said, I followed the development of this game since 2007. I devoured my way to 50 on my Sith Jugg Immortal. At 50, pvp kept me going. It was always tough to find a pick up group for an instance. Shoulda had some instance queue or matchmaking like DCUO. After a while, it was just hard to justify 14.99/ mo. I like free to play games that you can buy fashion or convenience items or a mount. Those games allow you to pay them as gratuity in a way. Free to play is the way. Bring on GW2. Hopefully swtor goes f2p someday.
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Well I still love the game and plan on being around for a long time yet, but I do hope that Bioware reads and takes note of this thread, everything they need to know to move forward is here.


Imagine how great the game would be if they fixed half of these issues.


I really hope they take the time to read this thread and take the reasons for people leaving to heart.


It seems by lack of communication that they are still in the arrogance phase, it wont be long before jobs start getting cut and they come crawling over to the community for support.


As much as I hate to see people get cut from a job, these guys deserve it. This game is turning out to be a massive flop and this may go down as one of the biggest dev/community blunders in the history of gaming.

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It seems by lack of communication that they are still in the arrogance phase, it wont be long before jobs start getting cut and they come crawling over to the community for support.


As much as I hate to see people get cut from a job, these guys deserve it. This game is turning out to be a massive flop and this may go down as one of the biggest dev/community blunders in the history of gaming.


I don't think those that will get fired are going to be the ones responsible for many of the issues...The Suits.


The upper suits at EA are the ones that call the shots. I doubt that the Devs can implement anything without approval from those people. Just check out the thread titled "Interesting Read: Storm Preparation" on the Gen Discussion forum right here.


I'm sure that the Devs know of all these issues and know they need to be corrected ASAP but their hands seem to be literally tied.

I can imagine how frustrating it would be in that position...

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I am still enjoying the game, as i think most of the people who can play 2 or 3 hours a day. 5 Months in and i still have a lot to do in the game.


I check this thread tho see what are people complaining about.


^ me too. I guess that is what the "hardcore"(no life- don't tell me you have a life, I used to be a hardcore gamer. if i was not at work or school... I was gaming. By myself or with friends who game, but I was always gaming) mean when they say they have finished "all" the content and are bored.


This game needs a achievement tracker, I want to click on some of you players characters and see what you have accomplished.

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i havent unsubbed yet but i will very soon if bioware doest do a server merge soon im tired of loging on and only 20 people on my server nothing to do that would be my reason when i unsub and its a shame cause i like this game
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Just cancelled my subscription. As per the OP's request, here's a few reasons why:


1) The game was either rushed or elements of it were poorly conceived. Just to name a few, the GTN was dreadful, and is now bearable, though still buggy. The LFG feature was poorly implemented, especially for a game with so many different planets and instances (there has to be a way to find each other!). There are duplicate mods/enhancements: they have different names, yet have identical stats... This is just lazy and demonstrates a clear lack of attention to detail.


2) The loading and instancing. The load times aren't absurd, though Alderaan and Belsavis tend to take a while... The main problem I have here is with the frequency, rather than the duration. Especially in the days when space stations were required before boarding your ship/shuttling to a planet, the number of times you found yourself either staring at the Bioware/EA logo or reading a helpful tip was a bit outrageous. Not to mention the double loading screens (and self-loathing) that accompanies queueing for pvp while doing your daily level 50 duties on Belsavis! Further, the fact that nearly every cave I walk into has a prophylactic green shield in front of it so that no one else may sneak in and participate in (impregnate) my MMO gameplay is not a design I personally find appealing for this genre.


3) The lack of open world PVP. It's not so much that I require open PVP to be sated, but rather that I felt miffed by the failure of Ilum and the consequent capitulation of the development team. I have a feeling Ilum was meant to be a major time sink at 50, and that its miserable design/implementation/reception caught Bioware hopelessly off guard. For the wotlk players out there, imagine Ilum à la Wintergrasp and how amazing that could have been... Simple incentives like an unlocked raid for your faction or server wide buffs might have made a big difference. Unfortunately, the fact of the matter is there was very little reason to cooperate with members of your faction beyond the proximal removal of nomadic groups of Republic scum, and ample reason to compete (and eventually loathe)... Think player versus crate farming.


In general, I suppose the game fell short of my expectations. And yes, my expectations were high, which were no doubt shaped by the MASSIVE hype campaigns EA rolled out 14 months prior to launch (yes, my puny human mind was warped by advertising). While playing the weekend Betas before launch, all I could think was "wow... this is a really polished Beta" and enjoyed the hell out of it. Getting to 50 was fun, and being 50 was fun for a couple months. My second leveling experience opened my eyes as to how many generic side quests there are (and how few story quests, seriously, play a Sith Warrior on Belsavis and pay attention to how much of the map you're actually required to visit... I could swear my sorcerer already freed you, suspiciously re-attired Dread Masters).


If you're still reading at this point (question yourself as to why), I guess you might be able to guess my main criticism of the game. Before launch, they promised to "put the RPG back into MMORPG". I would contend that they absolutely did. Without a doubt, this game felt like a mid-2000s RPG complete with basic morality meter and disappointingly bland companion personalities (oh hey Corso Riggs, if Hitler was a woman would you still hold onto your metaphysical deontological Kantian position that it is always wrong to hurt women?). This game just didn't feel, to me, like what an MMO should be in 2012. Frankly, it lacks what many games have had for years, and hasn't done anything all that revolutionary to set itself apart, aside from full voice acting, which in the end will likely delay the arrival of new content....

Edited by Xaeo
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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game?

1. The Devs never keep their promises.

This is one critical issue not only as a game company but it is a taboo to all business enterprises.

Gaining trust takes forever. Losing trust can be done in seconds.

Funcom has done enough damage to themselves, and we will see if BW will be the next.


2. The Devs know nothing about the state of current Online games.

People nowadays are consuming the game contents so fast that in order to keep them playing, you need an

ultimate recycling system aka PVP.

But it seems they have failed this badly, and upon reading their 1.3 goals, I have made my decision,

play 3 months of D3, then move to other Korean MMO or PSO2 until TESO is out.


3. Lack of people to play with.

Like most of you are facing, many of the servers are nearly dead. And the transfer/merge is taking too long.

I would just quit and play other games like TERA or GW2 or even Mario Party rather than waiting till Summer.


4. PVE has almost no relation with PVP.

I PvP alot. But Since PVP has their own set of armor, I have close to none interest to PVE end game contents,

which killed one of the reason to log onto the game.


5. New games keep coming.

Why stick to something that you have lost interested while there are many other games around? I love new stuff,

YOU love new stuff. If I am not satisfied with the current state, I am not wasting my time and money keep playing it.

There are always games out there to keep me happy than just login, clear daily quests and logout.


Why do I stick around?

Because my sub hasn't run out. And I have the right to come and check your funny posts.


Overall, SWTOR is still one of the best MMO out there. But its current state can b discribed as a Ferrari driven by some 65 years old. Its a waste. I loved the game, but sadly it could not catch up with my speed.



Here is what I can tell for the last time. Keep the up the community and GL.

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1. I'm leaving because I wanted some semblance of KOTOR III and didn't get it

Bioware's strength has been the story driven single player RPG. But what do they do instead? They try to be Blizzard Entertainment and make a Wow clone. I'm not going to lie, I got some enjoyment from the game but only because I was playing it as if it were a single player RPG---at least until I come a cross a Flashpoint or Heroic and have to wait for 2+ hours just to find 3 more people to help me advance the game. And then I have to deal with the people. I had someone throw a tantrum because I won a roll for some dropped equipment fair and square. That was pretty much the last straw. I want to play MY game, not inadvertently ruin someone else's. What else did I feel like stressing? oh yes---At no point during any of this nonsense did I feel like I was playing a KOTOR game!


2. Arbitrary Credit Sinks (hate them hate them hate them)

3. Cartoon-like graphics style (This I noticed as far back as the initial announcement and it raised some serious red flags even then. Is this really the best the studio of Mass Effect could do?)

4. No LFG tool worthy of the name (If we can't find groups we can't play. No play means no fun and eventually, no subscription.)

5. Space Combat (Fun at first, but got boring fast. I played the X-wing v. TIE Fighter and X-Wing Alliance as a kid and they were better.)


This last note goes out to Bioware or EA or whatever you're called now:

I'm one of those "casual" gamers EA speaks so dismissively of. (Another name for us is "customers" btw)

Forget the soulless, faddish MMO format. You've made just about all the money you can with SWTOR. Now if you want more money, just give us KOTOR III already! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Edited by darth_asinine
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1. Lack of content.. we had at one point 50 active members in are guild 2 raid groups going and have cleared all raid content and we are causal raiders.. only a couple nights a week.

Over the last several weeks we have droped to below 20 and as of tonight are main and last raid group decided to stop playing due to the lack of content.. i dont mean just raids or flshpoints.. once you have hit 50 you get your gear you run the flashpoints to death and raids and pvp.


but what else is there to do? theres no content at lvl 50 no goals to work at no infulance to gain with any factions

if your an alt lover theres lots to due.. over and over again or just geting in but if you have been in at the start by now your at least lvl 50 and done.


2. the pvp is horrable.. we rolled on a pvp server and there was little to no open world pvp.. a couple random areas wibut you expect to be triping over sith on a pvp server once they closed down llum.. there is little to no open world pvp now.


3. bugs..(raid bugs) the fact that it took them until 1.2 to even remotaly fix .. some extremly rough raid bugs.. did not hold well with us or what we expected for the future.


4. Under delverying. 1.2 was a huge let down.. most the legecy things that are useful are not even unlocked, rated pvp and 8 man 8.. many of the major promises that we expected where not given.. so you tossed us a month free.. and called it a good members reward?.. lets be honest it was a we ****ed up please take this and hope it makes you feel better.


5. server pop this is not a major one for us as we had a big guild for some time.. but it is an issue for most of your players.. you should be mergeing low pop servers into new servers.. and allow server transfers for players to play with there freinds.


In closeing.. you need to add content to make players Want to log into your game.and not just on raid nights and content for all.. so folks who like to play alts can go back and do some new low lvl challanges and you really need to add day to day conent for lvl 50 players not just some boring .. dailys that feel like pokeing your eyes out just to get a few credits.


Your games not going to die or close down becuse there are folks who like this game still and who are hardcore starwars fans.. but D3 just came out, secert wars is coming and g2 wont be to far away these are al games that are going to pull players away of all ready low pop servers..do somthing soon.. before you find its to late to act.


Play safe all..

Madmac 50 smuggler

Co-GM of Virulence Port Nowhere

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52 pages and counting, is it sinking into you at BW how truly pissed you have made the player base, if not i am sure it soon will.


EA has used your name with theirs to truly smear your name, this is a sub par game and the more i read the madder i am getting. Crappy coding, rushed code even.

A Mountain of lofty promises, and mear scraps of anything given.


Legacy system, so who cares, it sucks and beyond the 50 that has been 50 for a month who the hell can afford, it, crap tastic Auction house, a generally glitchy game that has mystery gathering nodes that you cannot get to, buggy mobs, graphical and mechanic glitches galore, PVP broken, mobs that attack you thru floors, a fix that you have to type /stuck to get unstuck. Who did beta and how long?

Not to mention no players, wow guess their free thirty days ran out on top of what you all made us buy to get our free 30 days.

I am surprised Lucas arts even gave their handle to be put on this, their are a lot more races, items, animals, worlds, hell a lot of everything you didn't include, and were supposed to stay around and hope you give us what was promised on Launch.


Oh and may i say good redesign on a class, meaning BH / commando that had nothing wrong with it and i enjoyed a great bit but cannot stand to play now, way to really de-fang a game imbalancing class.


Seems like rats deserting a very crippled ship that is going down, and that would include your employees it seems, you need to fix these problems and more and oh did i say that they needed to be fixed yesterday?


No they needed to be fixed months ago..

Edited by shadobndr
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Like so many others here, I had super high hopes for this game. I played SWG since beta, quit with the NGE, and was clamoring for another effort into the Star Wars universe.

I do enjoy this game, but to me, it just feels off. Like it is not completely done, or not exactly what the initial vision was, so to speak.

Everyone will have to bare with me, I will make some comparisons to other MMO's, i apologize, but it is the nature of the genre.


1. For an MMO, the game to me feels awfully linear. I feel like there is a definitive starting and stopping point to each planet. I realize the need for story and such, but I never feel like exploring, I feel like every planet has you pushed out the door, heading from quest hub to quest hub until you have mopped up the planet and are being ushered into the next. One of the things I liked about SWG and WoW, was there was lots of filler and fun things to see and do, I am one of those people who loves to explore and find goofy stuff, and SWG's theme parks were the best.


2. Space combat; I know this is beating a dead horse, but anyone who ever played SWG, Earth and Beyond, Freelancer, I-War2, will know space combat can be done well, and not be overly complicated. The on rails is beautiful the first 20 times I did the missions, but they get old, fast. Again, feels like being pushed in a linear direction. (I didn't mention EvE because it is one of the most over-complicated over-hyped space sims of the last 20 years, /puttargetonback :) )


3. Population; On my server, at 10pm on saturday night, I saw 2 people on hoth, and 10 at the fleet.. ugh.


4. Companions; Ok, I dig the companions, but I feel like there is a overabundant need to have them. I feel like the companions are a fun novelty, but honestly, it is just me spending double the credits to armor up another player to protect me because I am too weak to fight on my own. And at the same time, the companions seemed to have dumbed down boss and elite fights for me, made them a bit too easy.


5. The final straw for me was the lame attempt to keep players by giving the lvl 50's a free month.

I've played since beta, I have numerous alts, I play when I can, 10+ hours a week, but I am also a father and a husband, and apparently I didn't get the memo that my server is dead, so I've never seen the inside of a OP or half the flashpoints. So I watch as all the people complaining about the game are getting a free month of game time, it made me lose what faith I had left.



Bonus Reason: I remember reading article after article about how big the worlds were going to be. Even playing through beta I thought, "bah, it's just starting areas". But I have to say, dang some of the worlds seem tiny.


I really really wanted to like this game, and I will probably resub somewhere down the road, there are a lot of things that were done incredibly well, but I can't justify paying a monthly fee for what to me seems like mass effect with a chat room.


2 days left on my sub, I really hope to be wrong and have a reason to come back. I hope everyone else feels the same.


A for effort. :)

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1. My entire guild left TOR a few weeks ago. (playing TERA/WoW now)

2. I can go a whole night in queue for a warzone and wont get one.

3. Both servers I have characters on are dead.

4. Sick of the no communication and side-stepping of player questions by EA.

5. Two of my characters are useless now thanks to healer nerfs.

6. Every planet feels like I'm boxed into running down little corridors.

7. Lack of addons and basic features MMOs of 2012 have. (and some old ones even)

8. Nothing really to look forward to in the game. (Rakghoul event was horrible).

9. Giving only level 50 characters a free month when many of us have alts which we play constantly, from early access.

10. The whole Oceanic release soured my view rather early on, although I stuck with them for a time.

11. Loading screens that seem to take longer and longer with each patch. I literally go make a hot drink sometimes while I wait, and I have a good connection and decent computer.

12. Still no SGRA. This kills half of the "amazing" story a player is supposed to experience for me.

13. No Flashpoint finder.

14. New Warzones that feel rushed and so small you can tell they were pushed out to us before they were ready.

15. The "whack-a-mole" approach to class balancing.

16. The half done "improvements" with patches, i.e. Legacy and colour matching.

17. Lack of things to work for pvp-wise.

18. The lack of support for RP servers, i.e. no naming policy, very lax approach to rp griefing.

19. The slow ingame support (although that has improved, somewhat).

20. The total arrogance shown by key Dev team members and animosity they show toward players (customers).


Yes, I wrote out 20 examples. I have more, but I'll stop at that.


I unsubscribed a couple weeks ago, still have time on my account though for another few months. I currently play WoW and am waiting on my copy of Tera to arrive. While I don't expect Tera to last a long time either, I have a fall back with WoW for my MMO fix.


I come back here because I like to see if EA have woken up to what is happening and taken some responsibility for killing a perfectly good game. I can also assure them that they are not only losing casual players as my guild was made up of full time players.


I still hope that the game will do a 180 and start becoming worthwhile again, but as soon as I am settled into something else, I will probably uninstal TOR from my computer for good. I don't hate the game at all, but I do hate the lack of action and interest EA show it. If the vendor doesn't care, why should the customer?


Being totally new to EA and Bioware games, this was not a good experience for me of the brand. I seriously doubt I would pay for anything from this company again, looking at my CE edition (now stuffed in my closet), it only serves as a harsh reminder why I can't be positive of this company.

Edited by Akaela
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I have 14 days left, I am unsubbing because there is nobody left in my server! Merges should have happened months ago in Feburary or March , its almost june and nobody is left, most is 20-25 on fleet and thats at PEAK TIME!!! In the early to late mornings there is literally zero on fleet! I really wanted to stay and enjoy this game, time for me to move on since the people at BIOWARE cannot do a simple task of merging servers, so sad really. It dies because of bad management and inept devs that do not know the basics of MMOs and are learning as they go.:mad::mad::(
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I have not unsubbed, teetering on the edge and hanging on by the skin due to my love of Star Wars.

Here is what's making me consider quitting every day:


1. Cluess developers in charge of class balance.

2. Display of poor planing and bad prioritization by the dev team

3. Lack of LFG

4. Lack of players coupled with lack of x-server WZ, server transfers and mergers

5. Meaningless world PVP, endless pvp grind coupled with meaningless PVp.


I have more, but you asked for 5.

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I've not yet unsubbed but am seriously considering it and not because I don't enjoy the game itself. Previous posters have covered points in brilliant detail, so I'll just briefly echo them.


Populations, Merges, etc.

My server has not seen more than 40 people on the fleet in the last few weeks (maximum, primetime). Fleet numbers haven't hit 100 for months. PvP is only playable for a 3 hour window on weekday evenings. Guilds are hemorrhaging members and all PvE that isn't an 8-man progression raid is dying. I don't need to go on... transfers, mergers and cross-server PvP should be priority #1.


Planet Design

In several ways. Many feel like corridors... I wish they'd be more expansive, a la Tatooine, and feel a bit more open. Also the progression as you level. Having done the Imperial storyline three and a half times to 50 I'm sick to death of it. A choice of which planets to progress through would really freshen the game up... there's only so many ways you can 'PvP a bit here, skip one planet, do this bonus series instead of that storyline...' etc.


Scope of Activities

The on-rails space missions are a fun distraction the first few times, for a total of maybe two hours. Then they are terrible. Star Wars is a space-heavy entity. Please do more with it. Trade/crafting/gathering could be vastly expanded. Whether in the form of mini-games or quests there is so much you could do within the Star Wars Universe... Pod Racing would be awesome, for example. Even stuff you've done before. Pazaak, anyone? Breath some more life into the game and players will have more reasons to log in and stick around.



Ranked WZs pulled 6hrs before 1.2 when you must have realised they hadn't been properly tested for weeks?

Every question about a new feature met with "We're very excited about this, it's coming soon."

No direct, sincere message or announcement about tackling the population crisis?

This kind of stuff, that really alienates and in some cases truly p*sses off your playerbase. Some of the earlier points wouldn't be as pressing or relevant if Bioware communicated more effectively and honestly with players.


My main gripes ^



50 Mara, 50 Sin, 50 Merc, 40 Sorc, 20 Scoundrel


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Im not unsubing...yet.


I really hope BW allows me to transfer my entire legacy to another server: they encouraged us to create several toons and build a legacy, so now i want to stick with my legacy.


If i have to move only one toon or pay a huge amount of cash per toon, im out.

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I have a bit over 30 days left on my subscription (thanks to the free month they gave us), but I can't see me logging into the game anymore. I still browse the forums from while to while...


My top 5 :

1. empty server : good luck doing some heroics or getting any pvp pop up.

2. pvp : I would want to level my 2nd character solely in pvp but due to above I can't get any to pop except during prime time (so I get maybe 3 WZ's each evening)

3. linear : even if they do the merges and transfers soon, I don't see me coming back since the game world is so bland and linear and I can't see me leveling through those horrible zones again.

4. crafting : useless, just a stupid time and money sink, especially on a dead server where nothing sells and where you can't find any crafting material on the auction house.

5 : Bioware vocality : little to no informative posts by any bioware staff on these forums makes me feel like they don't want their product to succeed.

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  1. The Client.
    It feels awkward no matter what anyone says or thinks. Loading screens galore, plus random crashes coupled with a hot machine if I play too long. It's brand new...I know it's not me.
  2. No (Cross-server) LFG tool.
    What we have already doesn't count and if you aren't going to merge servers give us the CROSS SERVER LFG tool we need.
  3. PVPing just to PVP. Waiting Forever To PVP. Being Outnumbered Always. No Cross Server PVP.
    What is the hold up? The answers seem obvious.
  4. Lacked The Basics + Bland Species Choices
    It only recently came out of Beta and still needs more work just to catch up with the basics of MMO's already out there. It's not like they couldn't look and see what was needed. I can't do a back-flip for a customizable UI when it should have been there from day-one. This isn't a pat-yourself-on-the-back addition, it's a someone-should-be-berated-for-not-having-it-there-at start. Sadly, I don't think 1.2 was enough to hold me.
    Most of what it gave should have been already available.
    The species choices are just boring. A green human, a blue human, a human with a metal eye (Cyborg a species?), Bald or horned guys.
    It would have been easier to swallow had they added some better and more EXOTIC choices in there (Cathar, Togruta, etc ) and dropped some of the species that just look so boring and repetitive. They dropped the ball and went the easy route and it's not going to help them in the long run.
    Cyborg definitely needs to go in favor of some cooler species that would EASILY have made this game just that much more interesting. If WoW and Guild Wars can do it, Bio/EA can too.
  5. Free-To-Play Games Look Better and Work?
    I've seen them and read the reviews. It's starting to look like I have no reason to pay to play this one. :(


I just don't feel they can do all the things they need to and should do before my 32 days are up.

A lot of the people I played with when it started are already gone long ago.


What a let down.




- DH

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6 days left.


My husband bought me D3 and allthough its not a true MMO its alot better done.


1. My server died so i rerolled and the server i just hit 50 on is dieing aswell went from 200ish at fleet on peeks to 80-90 in a few weeks this does not bode well.


2. i love PvP and this game promished some cool pvp Illum open world and War zones but well ... yeah .


3. the Legacy patch was immensly stupid to me i wanted to buy the target dummie the mailbox and a GTN and i thought i had legacy points enough but low and behold i have to shell out all my credits to get theese things, id just like to mention i wanted theese things to lower the loadtimes as my ship loads alot faster then most anyother zone.

I fell a bit cheated becaus at PAX one of the Devs said that 80% of their players had less then 1mil credits and legacy would be something you could buy with legacy OR Credits, as i dont support credits bought for real money and this was the only option viable for me in the end i decided to just call it quits. But im sure the credits farmers are happy and that the 20% who has more then enough credits are just sloshing it away on legacy items.


4. This issent Star Wars, i never felt like i was batteling the empire it was almost always some other things and most missions made me feel like i was either Super Woman or the Maid all Quests are OMG HEY YOU SAVE THIS PLANET !"!!1! or yeah this stuff broke go fix now . allso why is it that on PvP servers we dont fight over controle of the planet ?? not saying you should exclude the faction that dosent contole said planet but is it really so hard to code in some objects that mean a little and give an incentive to do some open world pvp.


5. Gear design why is BROWN the universal color for the Republic ? every pice of armor i get is brow and looks like it was donated to me be some homeless person, where the Empire looks like they are gearing up for War and allmost from the start look really good, same can be said about the fleet design clearly both the Empire and Republic used the same Space fleet designer as they are the same in design yes the republic has alot more brown and homeless shelters, where the Empire one looks like a battle station the Republic one looks like spacejunk tide together with brown on the inseide.


6. overall class balance, what ever happend to small changes see where it takes you my first level 50 was a commando and i stopped playing it after it got gutted and rerolled, i now play a gun slinger and they seem fine but still one patch to kill a class not brilliant.


7. Space combat ? again this issent Star Wars this is me playing and 80s arcade game.


8. over promsing and underdelivering. how it issent clear that you shouldent make promishes that you cant keep.


i have ALOT more but i cant be arsed at this time as it dossent matter the things im looking for this game will never deliver.


Good luck to all of you staying in this game.

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