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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


I am a six month subscriber. I subscribed on day one. So with my free 30 days from buying the game, plus my free 30 days for being an "active subscriber" during the legacy patch means I'm looking at a grand total of eight months playtime on my account. I unsubscribed about a month ago, gave Bioware a huge list of annoyances and things I found unacceptable.


I'm going to compare SWTOR to other MMOs, if the thought of reading about WoW or RIFT angers you, then just skip this post.


Top five things that caused me to quit.


1) Travel is absolutely horrendous. I'm thrilled to no end that I can take the shuttle from the planet directly to my ship, I am sick and tired of exiting my ship, running down a hallway, clicking a door, confirming that I actually ran all this way just to enter the main hanger, running across the main hanger, up a shuttle ramp, clicking a shuttle door, confirming that yes, really after all this running I really do just want to get down to the planet and PLAY THE GAME. Sadly to play the game I have to manually take my character through so many twists and turns it's laughable. In RIFT I've got a giant portal from the capitol city that can take me immediately to my desired zone (planet in SWTOR's case). In WoW I can hit up a flight path vendor, tell him my final destination and then talk with the wife, throw the kid around, rough house with the dog, or dangit, sometimes I can just get up and take a dump. Point is I come back and my character is where I want him, all with minimal assistance from me.


2) Lack of things I consider baseline for any new MMO. It took us a patch to get a /roll command... As the tank/raid leader of my guild's ops, I can't tell you how annoying it is to not have a /readycheck. I hate starting boss fights in Vent with "Hey guys, if you're all here could you please jump so I know we're ready to go?". We still don't have dual spec. We still don't have a LFG tool (and no I refuse to sit around and spam the fleet, hoping the ~25 people there are appropriate level range to go run a dungeon with me). RIFT launched with quad spec... WoW has had dual spec for a LONG time. I can accept that WoW's LFG tool is relatively new so I can wait a little longer for Bioware to implement something similar but it still annoys me.


3) Legacy system... I'll admit up front this is a personal issue, but I feel lied to. At their little event in Austin they presented a slide that said something like 90% of the player base has 500,000 credits or less. Later on they discussed Legacy and I could have sworn they said "You can either unlock it with legacy levels or you can buy it with a large amount of credits.". Great, I thought, I'll gladly put in the time to grind my legacy level and save my credits for something else. Then Legacy was released and it was not only a high legacy level requirement but a monumental credit cost associated with several of the rewards. If only 10% of the playerbase has more than half a million credits, then less than 10% of the playerbase has the credits to fully enjoy the Legacy system! Even then, most of the current Legacy awards are meh, nearly all the good stuff looks like it's locked until 1.3 and even then I can only imagine how many credits it will take to unlock that stuff.


4) Again, a personal issue. I paid for the collector's edition. Why, when they finally add a new thing to the CE vendor, is it a huge credit sink? 200k for a pet... Thanks Bioware, but I gave you extra REAL cash, I feel the CE vendor should sell things very cheaply if not free. Whatever, we agree to disagree apparently. I'm not thrilled that I paid more real money for the distinct opportunity to receive my own special credit sink.


5) A general lack of options. Bioware has decided my computer can't handle maxing SWTOR so currently at best I can max my personal character even though everything else looks muddy in comparison except during cutscenes. I'd rather burn my graphic card out trying to push it to it's limits than be told "No, we've made the choice for you."


Why do I stick around? I hope Bioware can fix a lot of the issues I have with the game. I think SWTOR is a good game, don't get me wrong, but it's not a great game, at least not for me. I don't care what it has at release compared to WoW or RIFT at release. At present WoW and RIFT wants as much per month to play as SWTOR does and at present, WoW beats SWTOR (for me anyway) so WoW and RIFT get my subscription.

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The failure is from the customers who were raging at Bioware to open more servers. Bioware delivered. End of story



Gees it was day 1 launch, you dont think BW were expecting an influx and with it the cries about queue times.... yeah they got them but it was Bioware who chose to open more servers rather than raise their server caps... which they then also did very soon afterwards.. proving that they could of all along - that's BAD MANAGEMENT not customer failure - so this makes your point moot!


I rolled on one of the heaviest pop servers from early access/launch... and now its in the bottom 10 pop...

WHY.. for a combination of all the issues repetitively stated by the vast majority of posters in this thread and many other threads here and across the web..... sure there are always gunna be haters and fanbois, but a large chunk of those players have spoken in the only way that makes a real difference and thats by unsubbing... try denying that when your next sat there waiting for your ques to pop, or seeing that basic of features the LFM go live on your server but so few players to use it

How many times are you really gunna be happy server hopping, rerolling etc etc as the exodus of subs continues... and its continuing... free months can only pad numbers for so long... like someone wrote in another thread today.. the 6month subbers, the free days subbers.. all come to a end this month.. what will be left to enjoy the so eagerly anticipated 1.3 and the early summer transfers (which will likely do nothing for server pops other than maybe the big 3 or 4 getting clogged, so that the very opposite of whines will again hit the forums, just like at launch)


But your obviously enjoying the game and so did I for a time.. but if your gunna try and wear the shiny white armour, at least make sure it fits first... and rose tinted glasses dont match the look I am afraid to say....

Edited by Bloodstealer
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the 6month subbers, the free days subbers.. all come to a end this month..



Six month subscribers will not end this month or even next month. They also have the bonus 30 days from buying the game, and the bonus 30 days Bioware gave for the Legacy Patch. That's 240 days of play time for any six month subscriber. Long story short, the six month subscribers have ~90 days of playtime left assuming Bioware doesn't give them even more free playtime.

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Six month subscribers will not end this month or even next month. They also have the bonus 30 days from buying the game, and the bonus 30 days Bioware gave for the Legacy Patch. That's 240 days of play time for any six month subscriber. Long story short, the six month subscribers have ~90 days of playtime left assuming Bioware doesn't give them even more free playtime.


Well I was close then :) ....


The Legacy patch was not a 30day for all tho I believe that was for Lvl 50's or those with Legacy lvl6+.. anyhow your right my bad.. the point was not about the date more the effect of when they do run out.... especially IF 1.3 / transfers etc etc are not in place / WAI...

Either way I think it will be a pretty twitchy time for alot of servers already suffering.

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Well I was close then :) ....


The Legacy patch was not a 30day for all tho I believe that was for Lvl 50's or those with Legacy lvl6+.. anyhow your right my bad.. the point was not about the date more the effect of when they do run out.... especially IF 1.3 / transfers etc etc are not in place / WAI...

Either way I think it will be a pretty twitchy time for alot of servers already suffering.


Definitely, definitely, I'm not thrilled to have been counted as an "active subscriber" in the recent quarterly report and with how much playtime I've got left, I'll be counted in the next quarter as well. Sadly even without the 30 days from the level 6 Legacy boost six month subscribers still have ~60 days left.


All that being said, I expect next quarter will also include another huge loss of subscribers unless Bioware does something drastic.

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1. Server Transfers - Noone to play an MMO with


2. Mercenary is crap


3. No large scale PVP


4. Save PVP maps - over and over and over and over again


5. PVE raids/group instances are bad - Look to Tera on how this should be done.

Edited by MrSIlverSurfing
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6 month subscriber with 95 days left of which I don't plan on logging in again. I have been following TOR since the day it was announced, read the comics, read the books, have the CE, and playing since day 1. And today I have unsubscribed.


There is no order to this, just random thoughts that all add up to me clicking the bye bye button.


First off, the meat and potatoes of update 1.3 should have been update 1.2. Chances are I wouldn't be typing this had that happened. Why should I care about a new flashpoint or operation when I can't even find enough people on my server to do the ones already available? Which leads to the point... Having my character stuck on a dead server is not worth paying a monthly subscription.


Dead planets. Any planet I go to typically has under 10 people, and most often I can count the amount of people on one hand, and sometimes with one finger. Guess which finger I use. Sorry for that but I need some humor to get through this.


Nothing to do on a planet once you've out leveled it. What's the point of making these huge planets if you're only there for 3 levels and possibly return to get any missed datacrons.


Companion stories did not alter my game experience in any way.

No conversations between companions. BW, do you remember the first KOTOR?

The end of each companion story left me wondering "Is that it?"


I never want to do a daily mission again, in any game. Furthermore, I can't tell you the storyline for any daily mission as I have hit spacebar through them every single time. Even after 1.2 I skipped the voice over for the Torvix quest the first time as the game doesn't give me any reason to care about the outcome of daily missions.



  • Haven't played a PVP warzone since 1.2
  • World PVP is dead.
  • On a PVP server and it is so rare I see a player of the opposing faction as the planets are designed to keep the two separate. Rolling on a PVE server would have made no difference in my playing experience.
  • Nothing to do with my ship besides move from point A to B in a galaxy map.
  • No space combat. Rails do not count.
  • No ship customization.
  • No option to choose a different ship.
  • Fleet pass cooldown length is absurd. Yet you force me to go to the fleet in order to waste time trying to find a group to do end game content.
  • No global chat.
  • No LFG tool.
  • No dual spec.
  • No day/night cycle
  • No weather effects
  • Limited character customization


Any choice I made has been of little consequence.


No desire to make an alt as there is no way I am going through all that planet content even a second time. Why can't I just level through the class story? And don't say I can use flashpoints and PVP as an alternative to level because guess what, the server is dead! And no option of making an alt on a populated server since legacy does span multiple servers.


My character died at 50. Never had the opportunity to play an Operation or any hard mode Flashpoint besides Black Talon, Foundry, and Boarding Party. I've struggled to find people just to do the weekly for hard mode flashpoints. For example, since last week I've been able to do one hard mode flaspoint and still need two for the weekly, and now I am into week two. So much life wasted typing "DPS LFG any HM FP" and listening to space crickets.


Well that's enough though I could easily continue. I am surprised how much I don't care about this game from the amount of anticipation I've had to play it, and how much I typically love playing Bioware games. Maybe I'll come back in a year or so, who knows. I guess that depends if you fix the numerous issues and what you do with space combat.


All of this leaves me with one impression about the current state of this game, TOR does not speak Star Wars to me.


May the Force be with you

Edited by skekUng
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I just want to point out that the 400k lost subscribers was from EAs Q4 - January through March 2012 - 1.2 was release the second week of April and the subscription losses from that awful patch won't be known until after the end of our current quarter - April through June 2012 - so we won't know until early July, if anyone is even left to pay attention by then.


no, in their investor report they stated the 1.3 million was as of april 30th.



States in in that document.

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I was hoping this game would be SWG x1000 but unfortunately it falls short in many areas. I feel this is a single player game that they are trying to make into a MMO. There is nothing MMO about this game. I cannot justify giving my hard earned cash for an unpolished and lifeless game. I just unsubbed a few minutes ago.


Here's my top 5 reasons:

1 - No open world pvp (Illum) and repetitive warzones : I would rather play Star Wars Battlefront 2 then SWTOR pvp. It takes forever to get a game going in swtor.

2 - No open world space flight/exploration/pvp: How can this be Star Wars with no free roaming space flight/combat? jumping to lightspeed between planets is so linear.

3 - Crafting: it was a waste of not only time, but credits. When I reached 400/400 in cybertech there wasn't even a congratulations in game! In lotro at least you got a congrats for reaching the max level heh. I've still been trying to get a Biometric Crystal Alloy for my smuggler to make grenades. With a dying population it's hard to get a group going to run the flashpoint I need to get these. I gave up on getting any weeks ago.

4 - Lifeless planets: planets with just npcs is not an MMO. server mergers should have been done months ago.

5 - Player housing/Ship customization: I know ships are supposed to be player housing but just having a vault on it doesn't make it feel like player housing. Can't decorate, can't add anything to them.. and all the ships look the same... I want to build and design my own! hell why not, for $15 bucks a month.

Ok I have one more:

6 - Being able to add companions to family tree... I romanced my companion to level 50 and now I can't add her to the tree... maybe she divorced me and I didn't get the letter heh


If this game goes ftp I may consider coming back... there is just so much that needs to be done it may take a year to get it up to speed... I was waiting a long time for this game and wished it had been better... what a shame.

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I have been unsubbed for a month or so (don't know why I can still post, honestly), I check on the game occasionally, like today, but find that they may be headed in a direction that won't ever bring me back. Unfortunate, as it actually made me miss WoW instead of forgetting it (hadn't played for almost a year).


Oh well, missed opportunities happen all the time in business.


Edit: I just checked my sub status (to see why I can still post) and it says I have 10 days left on my sub. Did I get the 30 free days even though my sub ran out before it was implemented? And they counted my sub in their quarterly numbers? Ohhhhh, that's deceitful!!! The trickery!!!

Edited by Meldwyn
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Not unsubscribed yet.


1. No Heroics..cant get groups

2. Crafting and crafting supplies. Not on GTN, etc. Why bother with anything except slicing on alts, and Biochem on main.

3. 8-10 50s on Fleet during peak hours. Thats all.

4. Bugs...constantly bugs...graphic, voice over, etc and no one listens except a BOT program

5. So much available in this universe and yet, its rinse and repeat quests, rinse and repeat FPs, poor crafting (these should be the premium PVE gearing) etc. No gambling, no speeder racing, nothing to keep you occupied while spamming for groups on a low pop server. Oh and finally........the space combat is so sub-par....especialy in the era of x-wings, y-wings, A-winds, Tie Fighters, improved Tie fighters and Tie Bombers.....where is the love for these iconic items? Long winded but come on, hire the good guys back, ask Lucas Arts for some input and do it right before this dies the slow death is has started. :mad:

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My entire raiding group unsubbed together when we realized the only reason we were still playing was to play with each other.


Reason: SWTOR is a single player game masquerading as an MMO with co-op modes. The main draw is story, but once you get through that, there's no reason to continue.


We had extremely high hopes for this game but in its current state there's no point in paying $15 a month for it.

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Quote: Originally Posted by Bloodstealer

the 6month subbers, the free days subbers.. all come to a end this month..


Six month subscribers will not end this month or even next month. They also have the bonus 30 days from buying the game, and the bonus 30 days Bioware gave for the Legacy Patch. That's 240 days of play time for any six month subscriber. Long story short, the six month subscribers have ~90 days of playtime left assuming Bioware doesn't give them even more free playtime.


I am a 6 month subscriber from day 1 and i still have play time till august 20th. That's 3 more months!

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I am a 6 month subscriber from day 1 and i still have play time till august 20th. That's 3 more months!


I am so happy that I couldn't afford a 6 month or the CE...


"You have 43 days of playtime left"

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I am so happy that I couldn't afford a 6 month or the CE...


"You have 43 days of playtime left"


I am still enjoying the game, as i think most of the people who can play 2 or 3 hours a day. 5 Months in and i still have a lot to do in the game.


I check this thread tho see what are people complaining about.

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I unsubscribed a few moments ago... but may hop on a few times throughout the 33 days I have remaining.


My decision has nothing to do w/ other/competing games. The decision to unsubscribe was solely made on the merits of SWtoR as a game I could play/enjoy for the long-term.


Truth is, I've simply grown disinterested over the past few months. The story is fine, the classes are nice (love my Shadow) and there's quite a bit of unrealized potential. Despite these things, I just can't bring myself to log in anymore- at least not enough to justify a running subscription. I'm not even sure if transfers/merges would be enough to retain me at this time. I suppose I'd give the game another honest look were servers consolidated but, again, am not quite sure any longer.


It's a bit heartbreaking... but it would be misleading to say that it was a difficult decision.

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I bought a 6 month sub so i'm still technically subbed, but I don't think i'm going to renew at this point unless something drastically changes. Here's my reasons for leaving:


1. No LFG tool. There were literally dozens of threads in beta asking for a LFG tool, but unfortunately they listened to the very vocal minority that said it would ruin the game. I have no reason to do the dailies anymore. I have the new campaign relic, I have the daily speeder, and I have over 10 million credits, the only thing I have to do at end-game is PvP or run HM's and OP's. I actually enjoy running those, but even on the second highest pop server it takes me over an hour to get enough people who are geared and have time. I've even tried to get learning groups together so I can teach people how ops work and help them gear up, that takes even longer because many people are scared of the entry barrier.


2. PvP is a mess. The resolve system doesn't work. It sounded cool in theory but it's time to scrap it. Being CC"d for 8-10 seconds is no fun, even if you aren't killed. Being rooted for 20-30 seconds with no way to ever move is also no fun. I think I could enjoy the 4 maps we currently have if we had a decent DR system.


World PvP is non-existent. To be honest I didn't even know i liked world PvP until I played GW2, now I understand why people are always wanting it. Ilum was a joke, but world PvP can be a blast. Honestly, just copy and paste what GW2 is doing and that would be perfect.


3. Legacy was disappointing. The idea of the legacy rewards system was great. Even after 50 you could progress your character further over a long period of time. It boasted things like new abilities, upgrades, etc. What you delivered was a terrible credit black hole of worthlessness. Do something exciting, make upgrades for existing abilities, they don't have to be power upgrades, make them visual upgrades, make us stand out for being a higher legacy. Also put in some useful upgrades, the ones in 1.3 look promising, but i'm not sure they are ever coming.


4. Linear non-repeatable content. For a game that encourages making alts more then any game i've ever played, you'd think at least the content would be a little less linear and have some replay value. This unfortunately is not the case. All the quests are virtually identical from planet to planet (except class stories, those are good) and there is absolutely no choice as to where you get to level. Every republic player goes to the same planets in the same order and does the same quests for every character. To remedy this you would need to double the amount of planets and give us multiple options like in other MMO's. However it is too late for that, you focused too much on voice acting for that to ever be a reality. Another less costly option would be to include level scaling so you scaled to the level of the planet you were on and still got XP. however to do this you would need repeatable content and still more zones.


5. Loading screens. In a typical 2 hour play session I spend 20-30 minutes looking at loading screens. It simply is not acceptable. I've played lots of other games, MMO's and non-MMO's and have never had to load this much. I don't know what the problem is, but unless the performance is greatly improved and the loading screens reduced by a significant amount it just isn't worth it.


6. Dead world. The world feels dead, lifeless, unimaginative. I was so happy when I found a battle between republic and imperial NPC's on Ilum, they were hiding behind boxes and shooting at each other. I finally thought I found life in the game... then I killed the imperial NPC's... the republic just kept shooting at those boxes. It was just a static animation, they didn't care if there were imperials to shoot at or not, they shot regardless. Picture this:


the imperials are coming. To prepare for the assault a quest appears in a small fort to gather supplies for the coming invasion. You have 30 minutes before they arrive, you need to upgrade the bases defenses. You start gathering the necessary supplies and as you hit certain thresholds the walls are upgraded, there are turrets added, more defenders come. At the end of the 30 minutes the imperials arrive in force. They manage to smash down your gate and are pouring into your base. Depending on how fast you kill them more and more of your fort is destroyed. They come in waves and waves until finally you kill off the last of them. Now you need to repair. Hunt down the imperials that fled and retake the supplies they stole. Gather raw materials from the surrounding countryside. Rebuild the base. Now we need to plan a counter attack. The imperials have fled to a nearby bunker. We need to train some recruits, gather machinery to build weapons. Once you have enough firepower and troops you set out in a caravan towards the imperial base. Along the way you encounter ambushes you have to fight off until you arrive at their base. Once there you have to kill their defenders and capture key points in the base. If you manage to succeed they retreat to their larger base which was previously inaccessible. You can now raid that base since they had to open the gate to retreat there. At the end of that labyrinth of a base is the commander of the planet who is now a world boss that can be killed for unique loot.


Of course all this happened because you( and your friends) were there to defend against the initial assault, if you weren't there then the imperials would have wiped out the republic base, taken it over and started sending out troops further into republic territory until they tried to capture the next base.


This is an example of how I imagined a living world. As some of you may know, this is a very real chain of events from a level 20 zone in GW2. This is not some made up fantasy, this is reality. This is one of the "smaller" event chains in GW2, and a great example of how a living world should feel.


Good post. I cut and pasted this into my exit questions when I cancelled. 93 days left in subscription.

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I unsubscribed a few moments ago... but may hop on a few times throughout the 33 days I have remaining.


My decision has nothing to do w/ other/competing games. The decision to unsubscribe was solely made on the merits of SWtoR as a game I could play/enjoy for the long-term.


Truth is, I've simply grown disinterested over the past few months. The story is fine, the classes are nice (love my Shadow) and there's quite a bit of unrealized potential. Despite these things, I just can't bring myself to log in anymore- at least not enough to justify a running subscription. I'm not even sure if transfers/merges would be enough to retain me at this time. I suppose I'd give the game another honest look were servers consolidated but, again, am not quite sure any longer.


It's a bit heartbreaking... but it would be misleading to say that it was a difficult decision.


This kind of sums up me and my friends sentiment.


We're not going back to WoW or any other MMO. For that matter this may be the end of the line for MMOs for us as we have become jaded of the entire genre over the last 10 years or so.


We came in with certain expectations - some were met and others weren't. Basically what looked good in paper to us (the extensive story lines and VOs) ended up not working so well in a MMO.


They could have spent a fraction of that money to make another KotOR which would have been undoubtedly awesome.

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Just left. Hadn't played in months and forgot my sub was still active. That's how much I disliked the game. It was so bad, I forgot I was paying for a sub.


Was an eq1/eq2 vet, played em all, blah blah blah. Point is, this game just isn't fun, engaging, and challenging enough to merit $15 dollars a month. The graphics, the combat delay issues, poor instancing, repetitive dialogue and quests, lack of population, drone-like customer service, bugs, and generally sterile environments all contributed to my unsub.


I still hope that the game does well, but in my mind it will exists as another tremendous IP squandered by patently stupid c-level decisions, poor art style, bad mechanics, and everyone trying to re-write the MMO in a near SWG-level botch.


It's probably the best (and most polished) worst game out there.

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If you notice my join date, I preordered this game with high hopes. If you look at my previous posts, the first few months were spent forgiving and pardoning Biowares moronic mistakes. But if you look at this 6 month period objectively and not as a Biodrone, you'll see this game as been been a huge mess of bugs, exploits, bugs that dont get fixed, sparse sharded servers controlled by bioware for God only knows what reason, broken pvp, irrevelant professions, and repetitive rewardless end game PvE. I mean come on, nightmare mode is a joke, just up the hit points and enrage timer.


The whole game with the exception of the sound and voice overs was extremely lazy. Its like they thought we were too dumb to notice the whole game was on rails. Even the conversations, you pick a response, the NPC spits out some predetermined response that goes right back to the predetermined conversation. There is no choice in this game. Lazy is the best way to describe it. Even the way all the playable races are just reskinned humans with various growths on ther head, all because it would be too hard to make helmets fit on them. I'm posting because I'm pissed off at the developers. They claim to read these forums, so read this. Take your lies and shove it!

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Might keep my sub active until 1.3, might not. But not going to be playing much anymore- it's just boring.


1) Server populations. Transfers/merges are long overdue, to the point where it may be too late.

2) Endgame gets boring after a week. And while the cinematics are somewhat entertaining (I have 5 characters), leveling is extremely repetitive and easy.

3) No LFG. Yeah, they say it's coming, but not much else to do until then.

4) Poor communication and deceptive practices from whoever's in charge.

5) Based on #4, no reason to think things will improve, at least in the short- to mid-term.


And it still amazes me that resources are being devoted to features nobody outside BW gives a crap about (Legacy, idiotic Spiderman armor sets, cutscenes for WZ's etc.)

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Good post. I cut and pasted this into my exit questions when I cancelled. 93 days left in subscription.


Agreed. #4 and #6 are especially true in my case.


Despite appearing otherwise, the universe is a soulless set of corridors wrapped in fish tank wallpaper and inhabited by stationary life forms.

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I have exactly one month left from my gametime. After that i will no longer play this game:




- Low population. And since EA refuses to admit that it's precious game got population problems it won't be addressed any time soon. I rerolled 2 times because of low population. Now the population is falling again. I have trouble finding groups for Heroics, FP or HM or OPS. WZ queue is 10 minutes at least. Oh did you know? I saw an article on the Escapist detailing exactly how much subscriber does EA need to actually profit from the game. 500k. Someone from EA said (i have to quote this!):


"SWTOR is important for us. It doesn't make more profit then the Sims or Sims City or Medal of Honor, but it does better then the Tiger Woods franchise".

And expect the same level of attention given to us, players and SWTOR. BTW the article has been removed 3 hours after it was posted.

- Legacy: Instead of giving out new content we are slapped in the face. Play alts! Collect all the datacrons again! Do the same boring quests again! Really? I refuse.

- Stupid gear designs. Too much recycling. Lack of customization.

- Game design flaws. In a quest selling an ancient technology on the black market yields me...two...TWO thousand credits. Repairing my gear costs me 100k :D But with that epic reward i can finally buy...a stim! :eek:

- The game is way too casual (easy). You can easily outlevel the content you are forced to play. There is no challenge.


And I was a fan.

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I am still enjoying the game, as i think most of the people who can play 2 or 3 hours a day. 5 Months in and i still have a lot to do in the game.


I check this thread tho see what are people complaining about.


Do you actually have to check the forums to understand the lacking elements of the game?

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