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Unsubscriber's Thread: Tell us a few things


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Unsubbed - 16 days left.


I've unsubbed mainly because I am a PvE player and the content at endgame is stale. You do it a few times and then you rinse repeat for months? That isn't fun.


Also the main staple of endgame is all about commendations and dailies. I've never liked either. Not saying that it's a bad game, it just isn't for me.

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1. No LFG and dev attitude suggested they were somehow freaking morally opposed to it or something! So absurd! Even now they are grudgingly dragging their feet with it. People who pay for this product have jobs and don't want to come home and sit in town waiting to do an instance.


2. Attitude of the community. While I've always hated this in every MMO, in this one it is BAD. There is an overabundance of bizaros who I can only believe don't play MMOs but love Star Wars IP that have rose colored glasses permawelded to their eyes. *** the people that love this game and defend it are absolutely bonkers insane. Just read what they say...


3. Game felt broken and un-mmo-like. Go to a load screen... run across a line... to another load screen... to another load screen... to a small area that is very narrowly controlled for movement. Not a galaxy to explore... a collection of single player areas...


4. Underdeveloped, poorly released, badly designed, game that needs a massive overhaul to even become playable. First weeks the combat system was so horribly laggy I couldn't even stand playing. The Hero Engine?? Really? WHY couldn't it have been finished on release? Why did they fritter away millions of dollars on voice acting instead of making an awesome sci fi genre game? I WANTED this game to be good. I couldn't even pretend it was. No server transfers. No LFG. Barely workable auction house. Combat unresponsive and broken. Sure, they are working hard to fix it... NOW...


5. Depressingly flat odd feeling game and visuals. Public areas with weird npcs that aren't even clickable just standing their moving their arms around bizarrely with no sound. Flat static terrain that really disappoints me and takes me out of any feeling of immersion. Even when I walk through the space ports or whatever... it feels like I'm walking through a very elaborately designed model... not a real buzzing happening sci fi immersive space port.


Bottom line is the game was not in any way shape or form on any level what I had hoped for an average-ish mmo. I am so desperate for a sci fi mmo that I THOUGHT I would take anything... well I guess now I learned... there are some things that I just can't stomach.

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So i played this game for over a month and im done with this fail. Heres my reasons for quiting:


1.DEAD ENGINE- Engine is horrible: Unstable fps, long loadings, bad graphics, low population cap and other things.

Pls god take this engine far away from this dimension.


2.GAME FEELS VERY OLD- No LFG freatures, no cross-realm things, no addons, no dual spec, no guild leveling,no achievements.........


3.TERRIBLE DESIGN OF FPS/OPS- U just cant do them many times, once u did some fp ur done with that fp, and whats even worse they are all the same.


4.NO LIVING WORLD/CITIES- Planets are plastic and not interesting, no reasons to explore them. Theres no main cities, theres only fleet which is very bad.


5.DEAD SERVERS- Like 90 % of ur servers are kinda dead, shame on u Bioware/EA.


Cant wait for Pandaria!

Edited by Mishko
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I think I'm going to unsubscribe. Main reason, lack of SGRA and same gender quest flirts.


I like the game, it's fun. It's the first actual MMORPG that I'd actually call an RPG. The story and leveling is great and I'm willing to over look things like the lack of chat bubbles or a dungeon finder because of that. However, after waiting 6 months and 2 major content patches I'm just not going to wait any more for them to implement SGRA.


I currently have two level 50s and I'd love to level up more characters but the lack of SGRA has killed any desire for me to do that.


When (more like IF at the moment) they do add SGRA I might come back, depending how they do it. If they make it retroactive, if they make current companions romanceable by any gender and make quest givers flirtable by any gender, then I'll definitely be back. If not then I can't see myself playing the game again.

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This game is sinking just like Warhammer did not quite as quickly, but bioware clearly relied heavily on Mythic which was a massive mistake. Since to this day I've yet to see as many poor decisions in one game since WAR. I just log in to this game (well I haven't logged in for 2 weeks I think) and I just get the same vibe WAR gave me. The game just feels startling amateur even months after release.


Missing sound effects, poor performance, little to no music while questing. Why why why can't we just get an appearance tab? Why do we have to muck around with this amoring modding enhancement crap just so we just don't look *********** stupid? Horrible crafting, buggy content, the only saving grace is the pvp is somewhat fun. It feels like bioware handled the leveling process and story arcs, and mythic handled everything else.


Not to mention they clearly favored the evil side yet again, the imperial side just feels better in every way. Better voice acting better art better animations. It's not better enough to make me keep playing but it is what it is.


This turned out to big a rant sorry I canceled finally and I needed to get it off my chest.


I posted this in another thread probably wasn't the best spot so I'll post it here.

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Gotta say well done OP... this is probably one of the most interesting threads for a while on here... highly repetitive posting and that's telling it's own story, no voice over cutscenes required to cover over the cracks here......


I have about 15 days lett and its my last 15 days... I have very recently re-rolled from what was one of the busiest servers at launch but has declined massively over the last 5 months.

The shear ignorance BW shows to its playing community is mind boggling to say the least.

I foolishly set out and defended this game, with all its early issues and forum flaming but... lkately I too have given up trying to find anything in the game to keep me hooked and immersed... put simply the game is nothing more than an outdated empty shell one or two other games that came about a long time back..


- The shear number of servers combined with its heavy mirroring just leaves the game cold and empty.


- Pretty much everything is on rails - space, planet roaming, combat, nothing is random, nothing is left to chance and nothing is really innovative.. heck Star Wars is about war, colaboration, deceipt, exploration and destruction... there is simply nothing in this game that brings the Star Wars elements out imo.. even Space battles are nothing more than a Simpsons visual rollercoaster... nothing new - rather very old, very boring, very out of touch.


- Crafting.. why bother when you can simply buy most the good stuff in game, or make them re-usable Biochems.. that can be used once per fight.


- I am not a PvPer but dont mind trying things out... but gee they could of done sooo much more with it, but instead made it so out of balance, mundane, highly repetitive with no suprises other than occasionally the Wz that loads a tad quicker if your not on one of several planets with ridiculous load times.... No Open world PvP even though there are designated zones on planets... why bother when there are so few people in any given shard ... pointless!


- Server pops - No its not the players fault.. at launch no one really knew what the pops would be like after the 30day incl time ended... and no one wants to wait 2hrs at launch to play the supposed next big thing - they just spent alot of money on .... sure there were whines to open up things a little.. BUT Biowares interpretation was to open up a whole host of low pop, low cap servers on top of all the other low pop cap servers.. rather than tweaking the server caps to start with.

Sure launch was great and very few server issues.. why cos they managed it by installing 200+ severs all with low pop caps and spread the gaming community way to thin.... bad management decisions are simply fail bad!! and its taken all this time to open their eyes to their own poor decision making .. but transfers and mergers should of always been there as a option to players even if it meant having limited free transfers per account, same as name changhes and legacy naming... basic features that their development team seemed to think were not necessary or had little use...


- Featureless, out of touch game that shows the lack of MMO experience in the team.. lets face facts its a Single Player Game with a bit of endgame co-op and we having been paying monthly to play it that way..


- Companions too many and to date I think only one companion has any kind of story which can be altered by the decisons you make... why not all of them - because you either ran out of ideas or ran out of time/money to put effort into it imo. You cannot build them the way you want either, they are a typical Bioware pre-made co-op tool it has utilised over and over in its sinlge player RPG's


- No LFG - I will let the masses decide what's prefer X-Server or Same server... there are pro's and cons for both - but in a game with such drasticly low server pops... I see X-Server creating more issues than benefits.


- Game performance - Simply awefeul beyond comparison, across a wise range of hardware set-ups... when my 5 yr old cruddy laptop with a dual core T7500, 256MB NVIDIA 8600m mobile GPU, 4GB RAM, running Vista 32-bit - outperforms my Quad core, 16GB RAM and 2 Radeon 6970's in crossfire on Win 7 64bit - then something must be wrong somewhere - I should not be seeing FPS drops from 50-70FPS to under 10FPS in many areas ... and when its busy on my new server home (150+ to fleet) its nothing but a stutterfest.. forget WZ's and Illum is nothing but an FPS train wreck... this game should be holding 100v100 all out faction assaults but cant even manage an 8v8 WZ well ... something is very wrong... no other games I play have such incredibly poor optimization forcing me to reduce setting so low it looks nothing more viually appealing than the original KoToR how many years ago.


- BUGS.. I expcect bugs in an MMO, especially so soon after launch and the majority will get fixed no doubt.. but the game is fast becoming a fire brigade nighmare.. fire fighting is now the new innovative approach to SWTOR its so obviously not tested properly .. heck we cant even have our toons shadow copied to PTS to test out stuff live across different levels of the game - - a free service we would provide to assist your QA but ohhh noo - - amateur approach at best.


There, that's my WOT.. I grew up with Star Wars, the industry has been screaming out for good Star Wars themed MMO for years.. and this is what got delivered... some might say poor engine is to blame (suggest you go read the interesting blogs from Hero relating to this as well), others say poor player community (yep we are the worst critics), I say its a bit of everything but a large chunk of that accountabilty has to fall on those within the core of the game and its development... cos tbh I SWTOR fast becoming a memory of what could of been.. and no matter how many free weeks you put out there to pad your quarterly figures its more than apparent that the sub retention is sooo very not there, if it ever was.. and its a small minority of people with poor PC's that are suffering with performance ... shheeesh cmon were not that stupid!!!

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1. No LFG and dev attitude suggested they were somehow freaking morally opposed to it or something! So absurd! Even now they are grudgingly dragging their feet with it. People who pay for this product have jobs and don't want to come home and sit in town waiting to do an instance.


2. Attitude of the community. While I've always hated this in every MMO, in this one it is BAD. There is an overabundance of bizaros who I can only believe don't play MMOs but love Star Wars IP that have rose colored glasses permawelded to their eyes. *** the people that love this game and defend it are absolutely bonkers insane. Just read what they say...





I have a job, family and a RL and I am glad about the way it is. My server is medium and its just great to be able to pick your group and not let a random tool pick them for you, so that you end up with the wrong type of person in your group and tend to start somewhere in the dungeon but not at the start. Wow failed there big time, but as I said I wouldnt mind an improved wow tool - but even Blizz is unable to fix their broken tool.




I love the community on my server, people help each other, you always find others to group and that elitist community of wow does troll the forums here yes, but I am glad my server doesnt have them. Playing Tor is actually fun and does not feel like having a job, like it does at wow where you MUST deliver all the time and need to play perfect due the pressure that the ruling elitist put on every player there.

I do play MMO´s since more than 10 years and Tor is a great game that in its current state is fun and should be an example for many new MMO´s of how to do it and that there is a way of making a succesfull, traditional MMO and not a Singleplayer with dungen queue and shooter community like at Rift, Wow etc.

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Unsubbed 4th May, account expires 25th May


Reasons for leaving.


1: Low pop server (50-60) peak on fleet.


This makes for long warzone queues and an empty GTN.


2: PVP changes in 1.2


On my main I didn't PVP until lvl 50 and then only started because I wanted the belt and bracers for my Sentinel which were better than anything I could find elsewhere soloing. Of course with no PVP skills or gear I was facerolled on a consistent basis for a couple of weeks, but I stuck with it and payed my dues and got some skills and some gear and started to enjoy it. At the time of 1.2 launch I had 50/50 split between Centurian and Champion gear.


Then along comes 1.2 all my gear is useless due to the new emphasis on Expertise I have to buy Recruit gear and go through the faceroll stage again to grind up to Battlemaster. Cannot be bothered.


3: Leveling Alts, Specifically keeping them geared.


My second toon I'm leveling by doing PVP (10-49 bracket is fun since gear isn't as big an issue so Its a more level playing field) and doing class quests (to avoid repeating all the side quests I did on my main). The problem with this is you get less gear drops leveling this way so rely on crafting and the GTN to fill the gaps. Big gaps in the GTN due to a dead market make this impossible. The only times I was fully geared for my level were 20 and 40 when I got stuff from the PVP vendors.


4: Tough to get the look I want.


I don't like the Jedi look but I do like the jedi class so with my main a Sentinel as soon as I could I switcehd to smuggler gear with jedi mods, happy days. Just started leveling a Sage however he appears to be destined to wear silly party hats, robes and victorian length skirts.The tranny look really doesn't do it for me. I solved the problem with Kira by grinding space missions and kitting her out in a civilain pilots uniform but it looks my sage will have a long wait before he can look anything like how I want since only consulars use light armour.


5: Quality of life. Questing + PVP


When combining questing with PVP to mix things up you are presented with two quaility of life issues that make it unappealing to the point I rarely mix the two now.


a: Load times getting to and from the warzone are painfully long and I have a very good PC


b: With no vendors in the warzone anymore if i run out of pvp medpacks or adrenals then theres no point queueing any more. Why can't planet vendors sell them? Or if its been a while since I went to the fleet once I hit my cap of 2000 comms again there is no point queueing any more.


6: The dailies.


Are the same everyday. They should have been designed to include some random elements in terms of maps, mobs, mechanincs etc to keep them interesting



This is my first MMO and I've put more hours into this game than probably any other in the last 20years and i've enjoyed it immensely but now the novelty has worn off I'm starting to see the many failings. The biggest most obvious of which is server population levels. The game feels like its bleeding to death and the powers that be seem unwilling or unable to fix it.


It's my intention to give the game a second chance but as with a node in PVP they're easier to defend than take. Getting me back will be tougher than keeping me here and they've failed at keeping me.

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1. Pve is a complete joke, operations get cleared in less then a week on nightmare and the only challenge presented was when a bug appeared and we had to redo the boss


2. PvP players such as myself were robbed and cast aside like a used tissue.


3. Nothing to do in the game once you hit 50 but make another 50, then make another 50, then make another


not 5 but i feel its good enough

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I have a job, family and a RL and I am glad about the way it is. My server is medium and its just great to be able to pick your group and not let a random tool pick them for you, so that you end up with the wrong type of person in your group and tend to start somewhere in the dungeon but not at the start. Wow failed there big time, but as I said I wouldnt mind an improved wow tool - but even Blizz is unable to fix their broken tool.

Why would and LFG mean you get some random tool ... if you want a healer your LFG sets the specific.. yep there are healers and there are healers for example.. but you have no idea of knowing... if you did then you dont need the LFG at that point you need a static group or play within guild but there are many times that that isn't possible for a whole host of reasons... Additionally if you dont want a joiner coming in half way thro or at the end, then as group leader take your LFM down .. your group obviously didnt need another joiner at that point so its a no brainer to ask that you take an pinch of responsibility for the group.. and thats why you also have the ability to put players on ignore or boot or simply leave the group yourself....freinds lists have a double edge to them as well you know :)

What I see here are just excuses coming from someone who is actually on a busy'ish server and is happy and content but dislikes change.. great, but maybe look at the vast majority of posters here and maybe at least try to empathise a little with their situations - and by that I dont mean the "I have a family, a job a RL - where does that even have the slightest relevance to LFG tools and server pops etc etc - I have the same, in fact I am a single parent but I fail to see how that comes into any of this discussion.




I love the community on my server, people help each other, you always find others to group and that elitist community of wow does troll the forums here yes, but I am glad my server doesnt have them. Playing Tor is actually fun and does not feel like having a job, like it does at wow where you MUST deliver all the time and need to play perfect due the pressure that the ruling elitist put on every player there.

I do play MMO´s since more than 10 years and Tor is a great game that in its current state is fun and should be an example for many new MMO´s of how to do it and that there is a way of making a succesfull, traditional MMO and not a Singleplayer with dungen queue and shooter community like at Rift, Wow etc.

You have a gone a long way to contradict your first point - if your community is sooo great and helpful and easy to group, why then should an LFG be such a negative thing for you, you say that there are no elitists to compete with and its all good so a random player coming to group should n't be an issue either for that very same reason.... or are you blowing smoke out of all orrifies in what you write.

No one forces anyone to compete with better players or the more hardcore players etc etc and every game, every server, every community has these people... so what.. ignore, boot etc its common practice.. or run in your own channel, your own stastic or your guild.. if you want to pug (and in TOR its pretty much the only way to group for many players on many servers) you should always go into the PUG with the mindset of ALWAYS EXPECT THE UNEXPECTED -

I seriously have to question your understanding of an MMO if you think this game promotes anything other than single player compared to many other games on the market.... the shear lack of groupiong tools, solo storyline, pre-fabricated companion to aid your solo play, random PVP grping, zero open world, no ranked PVP, solo space combat, no guild housing and almost no character custoimisation in stats apart from gear... its on rails, just like playing Baldurs gate or similar (which I loved BTW but wouldn't fork out a monthly sub to keep playing... would you??)...

All of this i am afraid speaks solo / single player game with a few harder quests/raids that need co-op at endgame to try and retain people who reach the end of the story as is, quicker than others... and to do that they dangle gear as the carrot (not unheard of I know)... and then when you have it it gets a nerfbat to add another gear carrot to keep you there while they are in fire fight mode to save the game from its more glaringly obvious inadequacies .....




Sorry if it sounds like I have targeted you in any way, its not what is meant, I just find your post to be alarmingly short sighted and unwilling to look outside your own box.

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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.







1. Bioware has no clue what they are doing. This much should be obvious by now. They keep beating around the bush and show no real concern for this game. It's a job to them. Not something they poured their heart and soul into. Mainly talking about the mouth pieces that try to calm the fanbase down with double speak and nonsense. And it's getting so easy to tell when they are lying / doing damage control it's just ridiculous.


They come with no real back up plan for ANYTHING that do. Just change stuff, break stuff then expect people to tolerate it when it happens on a regular basis. You think losing 400k was the end of it?


The only thing holding this game together is worn out glue. That worn out glue being the Star Wars IP. If this was some other game, half of you wouldn't even be playing it. Especially the ones that know jack about MMOs.


2. Bioware tries too hard to be "different" and "unique". Always seems to amount in utter failure. All my friends hate this game. A guild I was in of 200+ people quit. Our servers top raid guild quit after ONE MONTH. I kid you not.


3. Legacy. Probably the most easiest thing to implement properly and SOMEHOW Bioware even managed

to mess that up. Legacy gear is stupid and useless, legacy system is just a huge credit grindfest. Classes

destroyed and Bioware has no clue how to balance a game that is more mirrored than Warhammer Online.


4. Game is a grindfest. This is NOT a casual game.


5. Dead servers. Dead servers. DEAD SERVERS. And this is not something new. Servers have being dead months back. Bioware said there was no problem, that server transfers/merges were low priority and DE went as far as to just say something crud like, "the server populations haven't changed"...Really DE? So no one quit or joined the game since the start?


Why I am still here?


I'll gladly pay $15 a month just to make you angry.


Oh, and because GW2 isn't out yet, GW2 beta isn't up and I have nothing else to play.

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I unsubbed about a month ago. I seem to have a couple of months of play time left, despite that.


The reason for unsubbing? Logging in to see three people on Fleet.


I chose my server carefully at launch. I found a European PvP server without too much Russian spam, without too many creepy, entittled RPers, and only shortish queues.


I was a little shocked at how many servers were brought online to cope with the 30 day launch "hump". I assumed it was a sign of unusual agility and foresight on BW's part, that they were able to dynamically react to the needs of the playerbase. Obviously, part of maintaining such optimal server pops is the ability to not just spread them but re-concentrate them after the initial 30 day period plays out (which happens without fail with all subscription MMOs). No matter how many times we learn not to make assumptions, it seemed a logical conclusion that they'd handle this.


So, months after launch, and we have a wall of light pop ghost town servers. It's a shame, I like the game,it plays well, and is fun (despite a few problems). I want to play it, but after a few spins around the cycle of finding a decent guild, working out which of them can play and which are just LOLcats, and then seeing the guild dwindle, I got sick of it. The lower the pop, the worse you have to settle for. Finally, the server dwindled to the point where I'd login to see three people on fleet and one other in my current guild.


Having got a couple of classes to the level cap, geared to handle endgame PvE tanking and healing, and cope decently in PvP, I simply can't be arsed to waste time making alts elsewhere to try and mitigate BW's fail - the current lack of server transfers and the legacy system almost discourages this, anyway.


So screw it, Skyrim is a more interesting single player game than SWTOR, and costs a lot less.

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Thinking about unsub'n before my next payment hits, and if I had to list a Top 5 reasons why...


1. PvP is pretty terrible. Warzones are a grind, and if you chose to ignore the grind, you're disadvantaging yourself too much for it to be an enjoyable experience. Open World PvP was a good promise, but BW decided its easier to solve a problem by giving up on a good idea.


2. PvE is pretty boring. I like the story/lore that is tied into the flashpoints and Ops, but as a way to spend my time, they are pretty dull. Yes, they burn however many hours, and sure they award gear, and maybe this is just the last little piece of SWG BitterVet coming out of me, but the problem with SWTOR, and just about anything else that has come out since WoW launch, is its just more of the same. Pretty much every damn fight is "hit that guy untilt his other thing pops up and dont stand in/under bad stuff"


3. Replayability - Beyond the stories or the desire to play a archetype you havent yet, there is zero reason to restart a level 1. Legacy was a nifty idea to give peeps reason to, but then instead of the act of leveling itself being the currency, you gotta farm up credits too...news flash, dailies are boring as hell. Other games had twinking, tiered open world pvp, etc.


4. Too much overlap while leveling. BW made such a big deal about each class having its own story and own experience, to have the amount of quest overlap between classes that exists now is just a let down. Sure it would have been a lot more work, but if you claim that each classes trek to 50 is going to be different, make it bloody different.


5. Warzones are terrible (rehash of #1) The PvP crowd I am friends with want an objective that freaking matters. Merge the servers to just shy of having a Q to log in levels; Go steal Anarchy Onlines notum wars, a little bit of SWG base bashing, a bit of AoCs keeps, mash it all together and put it on like 4 planets of nothing but Tatooine+ sized pvp areas that guilds/alliances of guilds can claim, develop and PROTECT in return for some bonuses.



In the end, I probably wanted this game too hard because its Star Wars, cause if it was named anything else and had different textures/model skins I would have quit long before now.

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I have 38 days left (had a game card and 30 free days added to that) Have been logging to make WZs here and there. I don't have a payment plan, don't plan to add one either.


I check the forums regularly because I want to see some improvement (regarding everything, not just about my issues) and came across to this topic. Here are my reasons:


Feeling Ordinary:


When I herad that this game will be heavily instanced, I even thought the best if it. I said "Ok, at least I may change the world, have my impact on it and whenever I return to these places, I may see them again." Wrathgate instanced zone in WoW was successful I think. Granted, I had issues with other players (We were in the different phases etc.) but overall, I found it successful. So I thought this game would be something like that. No chance. I have 3 toons. 2 are 50s (Sorc and Sentinel) and a level 30 BH and unfortunately I couldn't change the world a bit. Whatever I have done, whatever I may have changed is inside some building, some cave. I captured an Imperial base, but the flags out of the building are still Imp. I never felt as an important person, despite the fact the that was the aim in game all along. As someone stated before, whatever I choose in the queist, the result is just a mail. I don't see that character again, I don't hear from him/her.


Also I don't differ from other people in same classes. All the Inquisitors (yup, not even ACs differ) did the same things, had the same companions, we are all the same basically. In terms of gear, we all wear the same things because of the set bonuses. (Of course this differs between ACs) So modding oranges are not that practical in the endgame.


I never cared about being a hero of the Imp/Rep. I never interested in a seat on council/table of Mandalor/ etc. But since you gave me all that experience, please do it in a "unique" way that I feel "unique".


All the loading times:


Everyone said it, no need to repeat. I don't want to experience all that loading times whenever I leave the fleet.


Idea of "Fleet"


I am not a chlostrophobic person, but being in that place is draining my life energy :p . I don't like the architecture, but I need to participate in the general chat or give/return quests on terminals. Also other places has longer loading times than the fleet. So I have to. What was wrong with Dromund Kaas or Coruscant? I heard that they were the capitals in beta and some whiners requested fleets? Who listens to that request?


All the planets are for nothing:


In my times in SWG, WoW, Rift, etc. I haven't cared about the given objective based content. I explored the world, took screenshots, find some visually magnicifent spaces, shared the spots with friends. Tried climbings or jumps that looks like impossible. All the worlds were there to explore. In this game, everything is stale, static, nothing is changing. Absence of day/night cycle is assuring me that what I see will be the same whenever I get back there. Nothing will change. When I finish my quests, I don't need to stay on that planet any longer. Also all the matte paintings in the planets (that mountain in Alderaan, slightly same one in Hoth) are disturbing me a lot. Not just that they are too noticable, I know that I cannot reach that place, that place is just a painting. This kills the need for exploration for me.


The Staff is not sincere nor trustworthy:


This is something of a more personal thing than the others. This "fully voiced mmo" has lots of same sentences voiced by my character. Most of the time he says "Let's get it done", "Boooooring", etc. and even does it in story quests. There are same phrases in JK, BH so this is not just an issue of Inquisitor. I never do that in life. Shepard never did that in ME (As I recall) but He repeats the same things. So when this starts happening, I start space spamming. Because my toon doesn't care what the opposite was saying, why should I?


Also I didn't noticed much in my first toon but there are really lots of aliens speaking in their tongues. In Tatooine it was nearly more than half. As someone else have said here, they are basically speaking in the same words. There is nothing original about that. So they filled this character where there is a shortage of questgivers. This is not the "fully voiced mmo" that I expected, to be honest. That was one of the reasons that I left leveling my BH, even the fact that gameplay was interesting and story was somewhat consistent.


Anyone wondering when will they add another Timeline video? They said that "they will continue to add them even after the game is out" but we are still waiting. That incident with the ranked warzones are another thing. Also legacy perks, they were "either money or level" but in the end we were decieved again. They always give phrase "coming soon" of "we are currently considering it" or something like that. I don't have any trust or belief to the team. I sent surveys, in game suggestions but every action is useless I think.




Don't want to offend anybody but my first story, Inqusitor was a complete disaster in my book. Maybe I've been playing and DMing pen&paper games for a long time, maybe another issues but there were nothing to interest me in that storyline except the incident between Zahn and Khem Val. Other than that, everything happened as I suspected, I never said "whoa" or "really". There is no twist, ne point in all of the story. It begins as a tale of a juvenile minded empoweved soldier who tortures people with no reason. It is just garbage in my point of view. I never dreamt of seeing the Broterhood of Sith that shallow, that childish. JK was just like I expected it to be and it was a more compact story. You go, you save the world, you get the girl. I got what I expected. I didn't said that I liked it. BH was (not finished so I can comment only to level 30) consistent, what you would expect from a BH who is glued to Empire...


In the end, the 4th pillar is not that strong as I have seen. Also the remaining quests on the planets besides story are unbearable in the second run (for me) I want different leveling paths in a themepark game. If it was a sandbox, I wouldn't need any quest hubs. The toon improves as you do what you do. But in this themepark state, I need diversity. There is none.


Usually the posts are about the lack of endgame, the unequality and lack of polish on PvP, lack of space content, mini games, repetitive endgame content and I agree with all of them because I also experienced most of them (not the operations). I was drawn to this game because it is SW but beside that I always dreamt of having a "Wintergrasp" style fight that includes numerous mechanics in this game. Illum was my only chance looks like and it even has no mechanics at all.


But also I wanted to point it out that all the leveling process (1-49) was not flowers&rainbows for everybody. I had my fun moments, granted (the playing of my inquisitor was quite fun) but I never enjoyed more than I enjoyed WoW and if the leveling wasn't so easy (played 2-3 hour per day, 4-5 days a week and it took 12 days) I wouldn't have reached endgame.




As I've said before I never want to offend anybody who enjoys this game. Good for you. But I want this game to fail. So that developer team can learn from the mistakes. Because this 5,5 months showed me that Bioware haven't learned a thing. They tend to ignore the playerbase and since the most of the complainers (like me) are going out soon (people say that we cannot send post without active subscription, never tried to be honest) There will be less and less critical feedback. People said for months that "you cannot please everybody" and it is right. But "we have PvE, PvP, exploration, lore, everything!" attitude was the thing that destroyed SW:TOR. And still is destroying as I see it. We still expect them to repair PvP, ropleplayers want all that chair mechanics, readjustments on the world so they can get out of cantinas with their low level characters, PvE raiders demand the fix of the bugs which prevents them to experience the content. The list goes on but they are failing in every aspect of it. Because they were the ones that stated "they will give everything" When they stated, we demanded. Now they are failing.


I am truly sorry for the long post, never intended it to be this long. :(

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I have to say I'm enjoying the game and I have no axe to grind. Yes, there are some things that could be improved but there are many, many good things.


I see so many threads with posters claiming that they have unsubbed. Some even seemed to have unsubbed weeks or months ago. I'm always curious why they stick around.


If you are one of the people who played for a time, then decided to quit, please answer the following questions:


What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


Maybe we can get some good feedback by putting this all in one place and maybe we can clean up other threads by putting this all in one place.





I'm still around on my free month, unsubbing before the next payment if D3 has me hooked and/or there are no improvments done to this one. Things that are needed.


1. More diversity in WZs, bigger teams (atleast 16 per side and much bigger maps would be nice).

2. X-server LFG/WZ queues.

3. W-PvP that works and has a meaning (DaoC frontiers and similar)

4. Much more un-instanced PvE content, like dailies on every possible planet at 50, aswell as a daily quest cap (30 maybe?).

5. Server transfers/merges and the closing of dead servers.

6. Dual spec, no doubt about it, should be released very soon IMO, would help with forming groups.

7. STO space combat or similar, it had a proper MMO feel but still felt like space combat.

8. A new graphics engine. Not that it will happen, but it would be very nice to be rid of the non-optimized hero engine pos.


Thos are in no particular order, if I had to chose something to be in the top 3 it would have to be point 5, 6 and 2. Those are pressing matters IMO.

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I quit the game right away after the 30 days that came with my ce ran out, then i came back after a month and a half or so to finish some alts (got 5 50s, pvp ranks ranging from 75-63), sub ran out right after 1.2 so i got the 30 free days but i'm not really using them as i can't be arsed, i had started leveling a sentinel since you either play that or you're a nobody, got it to 47 but couldn't really be bothered anymore.


My top 5 reasons would be:


1) No cross server finder tool for flashpoints and operations. I have honestly done more group content on tera in 10 days than i did on swtor in 2 months + and 5 50s. Those things had to be there since launch, no excuses.


2) No cross server queuing for warzones. Again, no excuses.


3) The game is really poorly optimized, despite having a fairly decent pc that doesn't have any troubles with ANY other new game that came out at the same time or AFTER swtor, performance is as bad as 15-25 fps when you join wzs while in leveling areas/instances they're strong at 80 or so, loading times are ridiculous and happen way too often.


4) Poor design choices such as no dual speccing, no ac switching, tedious travel systems, no combat log, no recount function (not just meter but EVERYTHING that thing provides), no mods, poor (and latecoming) ui customization, an utterly useless legacy system/features literally nobody cares about and isn't good for anything but wasting developers' time.


5) 1.2 destroyed any resemblance of pvp balance the game enjoyed, it wasn't perfect but it was acceptable. Since 1.2, it simply became a joke, with the strongest classes basically becoming even stronger and the so-so / gimp ones becoming even worse. Simply put, a terrible patch balance wise.



not sure why i even keep checking forums by time to time, cause i doubt i'll ever come back, save for some miracle patch that adds/fixes everything i mentioned, guess i'm just curious and want to see for how long can bw keep their "our game is like this by design" act going before admitting they screwed up badly on many fronts.

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What are your top 5 reasons why you left the game? Why do you stick around?


I'm an unsubscriber. I unsubscribed because it is both tedious and inordinately time-consuming to get a group for PvE content.


If and when the group finder tool comes into the game, I will re-evaluate.. if I haven't moved on to something else by then.

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I haven't unsubbed yet, since I still have some friends that want to give it a chance and we still raid, but that's about all we do now. We basically log on for our raid nights and play other games every other night.


To reiterate what others have said, SWTOR does not feel like an MMO. The world feels static, there is no incentive to group, there is no open world PvP to speak of and there is nothing keeping the game going once you finish the main story and hit 50.


All of the effort and development seems to have been put into the story and legacy, but the problem is, that can't keep an MMO going. Great for single player, but as an MMO, there needs to be much, much more.

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I like the solo planet leveling, but I have done it multiple times.


That leaves groups of which I prefer pug. I have rerolled twice on different servers chasing population shifts already. They think transfers will fix this but I doubt it, it didn't in wow. Wow didn't get good until they had cross server group finders which did work well if you weren't worried about making life long friends.


I am leaving and won't play anouther of this type of game unless it has xserver LFG. In the mean time I will play Diablo since supposedly all the content is soloable.

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I'm a bit of an unusual case, I'm one of the dreaded solo players in an MMO, I literally only play the game for the BioWare brand storylines. Thing is...6 months in I'm running dry. Which means until they add more solo content to build on the class storylines (which I imagine won't happen until an expansion comes out down the road) I'm out of stuff to do.


I don't want to raid, or PvP, or any of that stuff...been there done that, no desire to do it again. And the fact that legacy is server restricted with only 8 character slots and the planet side-quests are just repetitive enough to keep me from rolling any what-if alts (i.e. light side sith, etc.). Just not enough of a payoff to be worth the effort. Only a couple of the class storylines were interesting enough to be worth repeating anyway.


I just don't think BioWare can crank out content faster than I can consume it, and anyway I only want the goods and not the padding that goes along with it. I'm sick of the padding. I would rather have had KoTOR III, IV, V, VI etc. at this point.

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1. Server Populations


I was on a very lowly populated server before I transferred to Ajunta Pall. Groups were impossible to find for flashpoints, no one ran ops except for a single guild which had trouble filling their spots and it was near-impossible to sell items because no one was looking at the GTN.


The problem is that everything in the game - crafting, ops, flashpoints, groups, grouped pvp, GTN, guilds - require one thing in common. PEOPLE. Even on my server which is in the top 10 most populated servers, it has been increasingly difficult to find groups for things.


2. Lack of "Just-For-Fun" Things to do


I may be flamed for this, but I'm going to go ahead and bring up WoW. This game is so incredibly similar to WoW, it's hard not to draw comparisons. In WoW, there were many things in the game that could be done whenever, and wherever, just for fun. Things like raiding towns, dueling outside of ironforge or stormwind, and the like. I remember, at any time of the day I could go outside of Ironforge and have fun dueling people for hours on end. Even if there was a lack of end game content, or a lack of character building things to do at the time, they were things like this to do to mask it.


It's called user generated content, and this game has none of it.


3. Very Poor Optimization


I can play SC2 on Ultra Settings. I can play Diablo 3 on High with no FPS issues. So why do I get 25 FPS when I play Swtor on low settings? These complains have been voiced since launch, and unfortunately it seems like it's a problem with the engine and won't be going away any time soon. A lot of people can't even do 16man raids simply because it lags too much.


4. Lack of End Game Raiding Support


A REAL Combat log? Damage meters? Ready-check? Unless I download another program, it's impossible to tell how much damage I am really doing, and even then, I can't compare myself to others.


5. Legacy


The Legacy system is a feature that encourages single-player gameplay. Go level alts. Go level more alts. Go quest on planets.


This is an MMO, not a single player game. It's a fun feature to have, and it's fun knowing that your characters are "officially" related, but it's really just a single player feature that hurts the community of the server. We need more things that encourage player interaction and give incentives to work together, and Legacy does the opposite.

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