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Give Bioware a break !


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I love SWTOR, its the best game i have ever played and sometimes it pains me hearing some people slagging Bioware off offering no constructive criticsm. Its fine you voicing your opinion, just be constrcutive with your thoughts, if something needs fixing - offer ideas on how it can be fixed rather than saying "this is rubbish, sort it Bioware!"


Bioware are a very successful games company, they know what they are doing !


People seem to forget:


1) They have done Guild Summit asking / BEGGING people to give them feedback on what they want to see put into the game - They do want to improve the game !!


2) They do a Q&A every week BEGGING us to ask questions on the future of the game and what we want to see, that they then answer. - Ok sometimes their answers are a bit vague but this must surekly be because its something they are already working on that they want to keep under wraps or they cant commit to a date yet


3) People are asking for so much - Ok there are some things like LFG tool that should have been in since day 1 and a little more control of the amount of servers they created but everyone makes mistakes and im pretty sure BW acknoeldge this and are looking at sorting it but give them time ! What doesnt help is people asking for stupid little insigificant things like being able to sit in chairs, ride a tauntaun, etc. Let Bioware focus on the big things first.


4) Bioware have LOADS of people working for them - so just because they are asking a question on future developments (planets, events etc) that doesnt mean that a dedicated team isnt working on fixing bugs. Like with every company, a certain amount of staff will be working on bugs, some others will be workiong on new things. Its perfectly acceptable that the new development team will come up with new things for the game before certain big bugs can be fixed as it is a different team.


5) Bugs are getting fixed but some take longer to fix than others - if you are have ever done any computer programming you will know that sometimes bugs occur even with a finished product.


Whilst i know there are certain things in the game which are annoying, i am fully confident that Bioware will sort it.


I wonder how many people will now slag me off for these comments ?

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you do realize this is a public forum, on the Internet, right? are you new here? BW could invent a pill that cures cancer AND makes perfect toast, and people would still find something to complain about, at great length and volume. that's what the Innerwebz are for.
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I will not OP! I'm right there with you!


I find it downright disgusting, that the people that love this game, are being outright shunned on the official boards.

Edited by JediElf
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Points #1 and #2 are sticky points for many people. There are many constructive threads in the healer forums and the PvP forums (some of which were outright deleted) that have gone to great lengths to compile lists of bugs, suggestions, and concerns. This was also the case during beta. There have been many constructive threads on the PTR forums telling Bioware that a feature or change they implemented will have poor or unintended results.


For the most part, all of these constructive threads were completely ignored. If you spend a lot of time in the healer forums for instance, you'll notice that people have basically given up even trying in this regards.


In any case, for people who are thoroughly enjoying the game, I fail to see how the contents of the forum would detract from your ability to do so.

Edited by ironix
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I am guessing this thread will be closed OP, but let me tell you.


BioWare simply did not really listen to beta testers.


They in my opinion cared only about metrics and numbers.


I belive it was james Ohlen who pretty much told us that 99% of the time they were just using us for metrics.


Which is why even though EVERYONE said the GTN interface was garbage for example, it still made it to release.


Bad design decisions that were brought up almost a year before release were completely ignored.


You know that bug in that Flash Point?(Whichever one)


I bet that a bug report was put in thousands of times for months before release.

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You know that bug in that Flash Point?(Whichever one)


I bet that a bug report was put in thousands of times for months before release.


Which one? Well... practically all of them. >.>


I know, I was a consummate reporter of bugs. Silly me was under the mistaken impression that if I filed bug reports, bugs might, well... get fixed. :p

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Bioware listens to our feedback? rofl no. The weekly Q and A is nothing more then a placation meant to give us the illusion that they want our feed back. As others have pointed out Bioware does things based on metrics we cant dispute or debate (because Bioware wont show us the numbers). Georg Zoeller has been out right hostile to people disagreeing with him, go look at his responses to Accuracy, tank stats in PvP, and expertise threads. He has his numbers, actual player experience, theorycarfting, and opinion be damned.


Beta and PTS feed back is largely ignored, Bioware was warned in beta about faction balance, class balance, bugs, and terrible game performance, all of it was ignored. Then they were surprised that the game had the exact issues that players told them about a year ago. Developers getting blank checks from EA lead to a culture of incredible arrogance were devs hold players in contempt and outright dismiss player concerns and feedback.

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To quote what is rumored to be the actual statement of a Bioware employee: “If we could give people a magic hat that would create for them the exact RPG experience they’d always dreamed of, they’d complain about the color of the hat.


People will continue complaining no matter what, and Bioware knows this. It's perfectly normal. Thankfully, forums are only one of the many sources of feedback at their disposal.

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To quote what is rumored to be the actual statement of a Bioware employee: “If we could give people a magic hat that would create for them the exact RPG experience they’d always dreamed of, they’d complain about the color of the hat.


People will continue complaining no matter what, and Bioware knows this. It's perfectly normal. Thankfully, forums are only one of the many sources of feedback at their disposal.


so they largely ignore the forums, because it has overwhelmingly negative and yet probably the most helpful ideas, and they look at, say, twitter, where everyone gushes about their latest companion romance and ohlen hawks deals on origin for #swtor.

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so they largely ignore the forums, because it has overwhelmingly negative and yet probably the most helpful ideas, and they look at, say, twitter, where everyone gushes about their latest companion romance and ohlen hawks deals on origin for #swtor.


Yes helpful ideas in the form of, "GIVE ME THIS OR I WILL QUITZORZ RAWRRAGEBLARGH!!!"


Yup, very helpful

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so they largely ignore the forums, because it has overwhelmingly negative and yet probably the most helpful ideas, and they look at, say, twitter, where everyone gushes about their latest companion romance and ohlen hawks deals on origin for #swtor.


I'm talking about indirect sources, such as metrics from players who are actually playing the game. Those never lie.


I'm not saying they are doing an excellent job, I do have my share of complains too, but I was merely replying to the OP.

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OP, you make some good points, and as a long time BioWare fan myself, I am right there with you. I take into account that this is their first MMO, and fully voiced no less. That right there speaks volumes for their abilities. Are there bugs? Yes. Are there some extremely HUGE bugs that sometimes make the game unplayable or the story unable to continue unless you manually tweak graphics settings? Yes.


BUT, they are also doing a lot in order to address and fix those bugs. This game launched too early, and I can guarantee BioWare wasn't behind that. EA has a habit of doing such things. I cut BioWare all the slack they need.


Their storytelling is top notch as usual, and puts George Lucas to shame.


Now, I need to go watch Avengers. Peace out. :)

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Well i dont like it when someone just hating just to be hateful.


But the thing is.This is not some crappy consol game they have made, this is STAR WARS.

And as a paying customer and STAR WARS fab i will be hard on them when they fail to deliver

on the most basic things when it comes to the STAR WARS IP that i love.Not to mention as a PvP player

i get kicked in the face by the PvP team when they do nothing but making my gaming experience into crap.

Because they want to force the pvp community into doing their pve while lvl up.


These are the things that i as

a paying customer will raise my voice about.I mean this is a game were players cant even look like they belong

in the STAR WARS universe because the devs think they are working on wow 2.So yeah because of these things

some of us gets pretty angry at times.And what ever they try and tell you, the only thing a US company will react to,is angry customers holding back money.

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I unsubbed today, Bioware dont care they want your cash, they looked at WoW and EA / Bioware just went oh we can make shed loads of cash, they had some really sweet and cool ideas AT THE START, now they lie at every point, Ranked WZ a good crafting system ? nooooo.


They beg people to stay and play so they can get your sub, maby when more people unsub they MIGHT start to give people the stuff they want but am not waiting 6 months a year to find out.

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the weekly Q & A is a complete joke. They pick and choose the questions and they NEVER choose a hard one or one that the community is really looking for an answer to. It's like spitting right into the mouths of their customers.
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