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My Impressions of GW2 vs. SWTOR


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But here's the kicker, and the thing I can't get over no matter how hard I try, and the reason why I will not be playing GW2:


The characters and animations are so damn cartoonish! I find it so hard to feel any kind of bond or connection to the world or my character or other characters, when they all look like a cartoon that you'd see on the Disney Channel. Same exact reason I never really could get myself into WoW. Tera looks great, and I like the art style, but won't be doing that.



LOL And you think SWTOR isnt "Cartoonish? SWTOR looks like the fricken Sims!

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Isn't this exactly what has happened to ToR? At least GW2 is working on an aspect of mmo gaming that will keep people logging on with the always changing world. Their big thing is everything anyone does could have an outcome to change what's going on so each time you log on there will be something different going happening. In ToR you have people blowing through content and left with either join a "set amount of days from 4-9 raiding guild" of the same content over and over or pvpin 100 percent of their play time.. ToR has already became the same repetitive gameplay thats happened to so many other mmo's that causes people to get bored and start canceling subscriptions and GW2 is shining a light on a new type of world that could keep that from happening.


Someone doesn't re-roll does he? and wow really, you are saying GW2 isn't exactly the same way? underneath it's 'awesome' effect, the only thing it has going for it is dynamic events, that's it, once that punchline gets used over and over enough, it'll be just 'that' punchline that got boring too quickly.

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LOL And you think SWTOR isnt "Cartoonish? SWTOR looks like the fricken Sims!


The design in GW2 is the type of design you'd see four years ago, you may not like the artistic design, but TOR has far better original base design, by a mile, I cringe whenever I look at the over-done Korean Graphics style stolen by NCSoft.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Way to give false information. What's funny is that people who don't know anything about GW2 will believe this garbage. SWTOR is way more cartoony than GW2.

GW2's graphic is better and is more realistic than SWTOR and WOW combined.

If you wanna bash a game, at least get your facts straight.


The characters and animations are so damn cartoonish! I find it so hard to feel any kind of bond or connection to the world or my character or other characters, when they all look like a cartoon that you'd see on the Disney Channel. Same exact reason I never really could get myself into WoW. Tera looks great, and I like the art style, but won't be doing that.
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everyone lets do us all a BIG BIG FAVOR and careless about another mmo better or not. if you like it play it if you dont then dont post about it. love gw2 cool!! dont bash swtor thus being a swtor forum. i am sure they have a great GW2 forum for posting at gw2.com.




Edited by Mrpoodles
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This has to be a troll post right?


GW2 is not cartoony at all, its pretty obvious you havent played the Beta OR hell even watched a video of the game


People love to make stuff up on this forum


Guild Wars 2 had depth to its characters...graphics were more "Adult" then Star Wars.....and the PvP is probably onky 2nd to Dark Age of Camelot in total awesomeness...so ya GW2 is going to be VERY good and take ALOT of players from all MMO's..not just Star Wars


Don't you just love blind fanboism. GW2 may take some PvPers away from other games (and good riddance to the lot of you), but it won't affect any of the MMOs that much.


Besides, no matter how good the game might be, just judging the people from these forums that are going to be playing it, its playerbase is going to make those of CoD and LoL look like a rational, fun-loving bunch of folks.

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Someone doesn't re-roll does he? and wow really, you are saying GW2 isn't exactly the same way? underneath it's 'awesome' effect, the only thing it has going for it is dynamic events, that's it, once that punchline gets used over and over enough, it'll be just 'that' punchline that got boring too quickly.


I have 3 level 50's actually, I enjoy ToR a lot but as a casual gamer not looking take on a second job of being a hardcore raider what does the game offer me other than log in, pvp, and the occasion same ol hm/ops? I'm not saying GW2 isn't the same, no one can say that because none of us has experienced it but at least they are shining light on the idea of it being different. In a review I read of a guy playing in one of the first "dungeons" it was said that you may run the dungeon a certain way then next time you pull a rock out the wall and a different boss come flying out of the wall at you... Mmo's will always have the same repetitiveness to them but at least GW2 is working on changing that, as ToR just has everyone sitting around waiting for the next big patch to release something new to do.

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I agree not the art the art is so beautiful in GW2


But the Animation it feels not like carton


But like an anime skills and just attack are big flashy the is a little issue in pvp with it but could just be you need to get use to it but Like it in PvE for sure it is fun


The Art it is better then SWTOR


SWTOR looks more carton like to me but I like it too in a different way SWTOR is no way realistic


Are you related to the guy who wants the "saber in the box"? Just wondering... :o

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i saw a apple that was a orange that really was a rock and the rock ended up being a pie and the pie really became the cake.


so thats why rocks are rocks.


Was it a rock cake? Cus' those are yum!

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Hmm, this is a joke?


If nothing else GW2 looks 100 times more realistic than this.


This game (swtor) is incredibly cartoony it's art style is cartoon. I really think this is a troll.


I would like to make a challenge to the people saying GW2 story is bad. Who actually knows the first dam thing what its about? Checking google then replying like a ******** is cheating btw. I really don't see how people can say it's bad I guarantee 99% of people saying it don't actually know what it's about.


GW2 story is very good, and it has been since GW1, hell GW1 was the first decent MMO that had story based progression and the only game of its kind for years. It also had fully voiced story missions and cutscenes etc. Saying "oh its instanced" means nothing, every single story area in SWTOR is instanced.

Edited by RTCBrad
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No surprise after reading most of the replies that most favor SWTOR. It's an SWTOR board, so it's to be expected.


That said, GW2 is a much better game in just about every single aspect. Art style is something that can be debated for years, you will either like it or you won't. To say it's too cartoony is absurd. SWTOR is very cartoony. There's a reason that developers go for stylized graphics instead of more real ones. The game will not look as dated as quickly as a game like Age of Conan. It also allows developers to make the game less graphically intensive, so players can run it on a toaster if they need to. One can see the appeal to a developer/publisher as to why thy would prefer stylized, a potentially much larger audience can play their game.


I played GW2 beta. The beta ran better than SWTOR live. Bioware did not optimize SWTOR in the least bit, so needless to say, I'm very excited to see how great GW2 will run once live.


SWTOR has very standard MMO gameplay, they tried to be revolutionary basically with nothing. GW2 in my opinion is not revolutionary either, more evolutionary. It takes previous ideas from many MMOs and implements them better. Public quests, termed Dynamic Quests, are a better version of those PQs from Warhammer. Learning weapon skills one at a time per weapon was something that I found to be pretty unique. The game is much harder than pretty much any other MMO I've tried. It FEELS hard to play. That is a good thing to me.


There are no 'holy trinity' classes in GW2. That's definitely unique, and something that I've been wanting to see forever. Gone are healers, tanks, and DPS. Everyone gets a heal. With GW2 more action based combat, there is no need for a tank - though some classes are more suited to take damage better. You dodge, you kite, etc - that is how you "tank" a mob in GW2. It's fun and can be challenging. There are no more traditional questing. Players now help NPCs in an area and they get rewarded for that.


PvP in this GW2 beta was much more enjoyable for me compared to SWTOR. It's clear that the ArenaNet guys know what they are doing when it comes to PvP. Bioware doesn't have a clue. In GW2 I'm not CC'd (and by that I mean pushed into fire, off bridges, and stunned 70 billion times) to death like SWTOR. In GW2 I don't die in .2 seconds because damage is out of control like in SWTOR. In GW2 skill more than pressing one of your 8 CC buttons to stun/push/pull people like in SWTOR takes precedent .


The only thing that SWTOR really has on GW2 is story. By that, I mean everything that encompasses it, like cutscenes, etc. The story in SWTOR is the only reason I continue to play this game. I find it highly enjoyable and I will miss it with other games.


I may play both due to GW2 being F2P, but it's unlikely. SWTOR just isn't that good of a game. GW2 will be a good MMO, the developers know what they are doing, unlike EAware. If a player looks beyond the Star Wars IP, and the pretty good story, what does SWTOR have left to really say it's an amazing MMO? Nothing.

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For a while, due to the constant hype, I was absolutely sure that GW2 would be the next big MMO and that it would be the death blow for SWTOR. After watching lots of live streams of the beta weekend, Guild Wars 2 looks like a mediocre MMO without any PvE endgame (no raids, seriously?). The PvP seems a bit more interesting, although WoW does competitive PvP better and WvWvW is just Gate Wars 2. Guild Wars 2 must be the most overhyped game of the last years. But we'll see, maybe I just don't understand what so many people see in GW2. Edited by Knvkl
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Let GW2 come out and give 4 or 5 months to get the polishing touch. After all, SWTOR is still far from being fully polished. I believe GW2 will become a great game and GW is a solid reason to believe in GW2.


While I do love SWTOR, if there's one thing I dislike is the art direction. The armor... omg... fire that designer already.

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Simple question...


If you guys like GW2 so huggy much...then why are you here?


Perhaps going to the GW2 boards, and heaping praise on them, would be more apropos?

Edited by JediElf
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Here's the thing OP there's a reason they call some games fantasy games because there a FANTASY, you want historical looking game with historical references they have one, it's called LOTRO. About the closest thing you will see to English historical castles. With the standard Emersion of gobo's and orc's. Have fun. Edited by CKNORTH
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For a while, due to the constant hype, I was absolutely sure that GW2 would be the next big MMO and that it would be the death blow for SWTOR. After watching lots of live streams of the beta weekend, Guild Wars 2 looks like a mediocre MMO without any PvE endgame (no raids, seriously?). The PvP seems a bit more interesting, although WoW does competitive PvP better and WvWvW is just Gate Wars 2. Guild Wars 2 must be the most overhyped game of the last years. But we'll see, maybe I just don't understand what so many people see in GW2.


Exactly, but don't worry, all the GW2 fanboys can get disappointed by themselves, I wasted £45.99 on a pre-purchase for it, because I believed the hype, played the beta and realised how much wool they have shoved over our eyes, some will buy into it more than us older MMOers, but the shine is going to wear off very quickly.


They made this for PvPers and people who love group PvE content, problem is, they have two great things and NOTHING else going for the game.

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I agree with OP I hate cartoonish graphics. When I 1st saw the lightsaber design for TOR a long time ago when they used to be huge I said to myself "forget it I'm not playing this game it looks stupid". Thank God they changed that and scaled it down eventually...


Bottom line is I like realistic graphics. If you ask me the most realistic graphics today are in STO - the character creation mechanism there is amazing. Sounds funny but the female captain I created there is a woman I want to marry. That's how realistic and detailed she was...

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To be perfectly honest, I hated the thought of GW2 from the start, being a SWTOR "Fanboy". However, as I heard more and more about GW2, it sounded pretty cool. The videos got me intrigued. And after testing it out, frankly, everything about GW2 somehow seems somehow..."smoother" or more "fluid." I almost wanted to say more "WoWish" but I won't use that phrase. The gameplay mechanics and features...SWTOR has a lot it can learn from it. In fact, after watching Game of Thrones, this whole "fantasy" setting which I got so sick of after games like WoW/Dragon Age/Witcher/Fable, actually started appealing to me again.


But here's the kicker, and the thing I can't get over no matter how hard I try, and the reason why I will not be playing GW2:


The characters and animations are so damn cartoonish! I find it so hard to feel any kind of bond or connection to the world or my character or other characters, when they all look like a cartoon that you'd see on the Disney Channel. Same exact reason I never really could get myself into WoW. Tera looks great, and I like the art style, but won't be doing that.


Really, I get the point of "fantasy," but fantasy should be rooted in reality, something that creates in our imaginations the suspension of disbelief - that such a world could exist, maybe on another planet, or some long forgotten past. Where in the real world have you ever seen the shades of green, purple, brown that are so prevalent in WoW and GW2? Nowhere. D3 at least looks like it takes place on a real world. WoW and GW2 just look like they take place in a Dr. Seuss novel, or a Johnny Depp flick.


So really, IMHO, the biggest advantages SWTOR has over GW2 are story, more "grown-up" art style, and the Star Wars license. I give the nod to GW2 as far as gameplay, PvP and technical fluidity of the game engine. But why, WHY do game developers continue to design games as if they are meant for children, with overly cartoonish characters? Imagine GW2 with D3 art style...now that would have been epic.


If GW2 is "cartoonish" I'm not sure what you think SWTOR is.


You want to talk about scale, proportion, and color, and call GW2 out for being disproportionate and too colorful? How about you jump into SWTOR and stand next to Malgus. Better yet, grab a Type 2 male and stand him next to a Type 3 male. As for color, how's Quesh working out for you--or Belsavis? Scale? When was the last time you walked through a normal-sized door? SWTOR suffers from the same overly-exaggerated scale and proportion that STO does.


SWTOR's aesthetic is hardly more "grown up" than GW2's. In fact, I'd judge it exactly the opposite of what you have.

Edited by Dezzi
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Exactly, but don't worry, all the GW2 fanboys can get disappointed by themselves, I wasted £45.99 on a pre-purchase for it, because I believed the hype, played the beta and realised how much wool they have shoved over our eyes, some will buy into it more than us older MMOers, but the shine is going to wear off very quickly.


They made this for PvPers and people who love group PvE content, problem is, they have two great things and NOTHING else going for the game.


They have great PVE and PVP but that still isn't enough?


Someones harddddddddddddddddddd to please.


On topic worth noting that an example in realistic graphics without a doubt is AoC. SWTOR is one of the most cartoony mmo's on the market.

Edited by RTCBrad
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Exactly, but don't worry, all the GW2 fanboys can get disappointed by themselves, I wasted £45.99 on a pre-purchase for it, because I believed the hype, played the beta and realised how much wool they have shoved over our eyes, some will buy into it more than us older MMOers, but the shine is going to wear off very quickly.


They made this for PvPers and people who love group PvE content, problem is, they have two great things and NOTHING else going for the game.


As opposed to SWTOR, which has everything going for it? Give me a break... :rolleyes:

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