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why is empire so terrible all of a sudden at warzones


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Well, I will have to agree that on Adraas the Republic PUGs are getting pretty horrible, but some Republic PvPers on Adraas are thriving pretty well.


Sure. Put together the right group and Pubs can do alright. But there seems to be a growing trend of generally poor communication Pub side, coupled with something of a gearing issue as it seems that we're getting less of the "old guard" and more fresh 50s with no conception of the value of expertise.


Part of that comes from the fact that major PvP guilds are almost all Imps. Some are genuinely good groups of players but quite a few are simple "dominant" for no other reason than the disparity between ease of entry Pub side versus Impside. Something's happening that's systemic and it's hard to fully pin down. This is a scenario that's probably playing out on other servers as well.

Edited by AlyxDinas
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Sure. Put together the right group and Pubs can do alright. But there seems to be a growing trend of generally poor communication Pub side, coupled with something of a gearing issue as it seems that we're getting less of the "old guard" and more fresh 50s with no conception of the value of expertise.


Part of that comes from the fact that major PvP guilds are almost all Imps. Some are genuinely good groups of players but quite a few are simple "dominant" for no other reason than the disparity between ease of entry Pub side versus Impside. Something's happening that's systemic and it's hard to fully pin down. This is a scenario that's probably playing out on other servers as well.


Not ture.


On our server we had a very strong rep team.


We even tried 1 last pvp on tat, during the end days.


They were still very strong, they just got bored of the failed promises and moved to tera. Then the remainder of the imps got fed up of killin imps, and fallin out, so they also left.

Edited by Herbiliser
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On my server, having 6 imperials to 9 pubs is a common sight, and it just get's so irritating. For the capture missions, you're better off just sitting at a turret and getting a couple medals than trying to fight and just feeding the pubs medals.
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Having PvP'ed on both sides, pubs on my server are generally more civil toward each other, and I rarely seen any rage quit when the game goes badly, and people tend to stay positive when they do lose, I guess that goes with everyone knowing each other well; the imp side is filled with quitters and people with generally way too high opinions of themselves, like as soon as the pubs get 2 turrets in civil war, mass quitting follows, and/or start blaming each other.
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From my experience, republic has at least 2 to 1 more healers and tanks, and the majority of republic on my server wont queue up unless they are in a premade with an optimal class comp.
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Actually there are a lot of incorrect answers listed here. The republic players are most definitely NOT better players than the imperial players. (Mind you I can only speak in ref. to the server - Assassins of Sion) The difference in the matches on this server is due to the fact that Rep's use a ton of healers, while the Imp's choose to use strictly (or atleast majority) straight forward fighters. If the imperial side chose to fight with the mirror classes of what the Rep's are using, the Imp's would be ruling every battle. Vice versa, take away the healers from rep side and they lose BIG. Just ask anyone who has seen the scoreboard at the end of a pvp match between the two factions...... damage inflicted by the Imp's VASTLY out weighs the damage done by the Rep. side. The Rep's don't know how to fight, they just stand around spamming their stun and heal buttons.... period. The Imp's have simply chosen not to waste time rerolling classes and leverage the other aspects of the game. Again, it may be a different story on other servers.
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Actually there are a lot of incorrect answers listed here. The republic players are most definitely NOT better players than the imperial players. (Mind you I can only speak in ref. to the server - Assassins of Sion) The difference in the matches on this server is due to the fact that Rep's use a ton of healers, while the Imp's choose to use strictly (or atleast majority) straight forward fighters. If the imperial side chose to fight with the mirror classes of what the Rep's are using, the Imp's would be ruling every battle. Vice versa, take away the healers from rep side and they lose BIG. Just ask anyone who has seen the scoreboard at the end of a pvp match between the two factions...... damage inflicted by the Imp's VASTLY out weighs the damage done by the Rep. side. The Rep's don't know how to fight, they just stand around spamming their stun and heal buttons.... period. The Imp's have simply chosen not to waste time rerolling classes and leverage the other aspects of the game. Again, it may be a different story on other servers.


LOL your funny you imps on sion out number the pubs and win all day till about 8:30 pm est when some of the better geared pub guilds come on and group up to give you a fight. And let me assure you you imps have tons of healers and I can name about every one of them at least the good ones cause i play against them all the time. To be honest you sound like a subpar guild member always talking trash about the pubs you trounce during the day but crying when you have to face full groups and better geared pub teams in the evening. I would not be amazed if this is dawsonator or furi both those guys talk so much junk its not even funny .

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Actually there are a lot of incorrect answers listed here. The republic players are most definitely NOT better players than the imperial players. (Mind you I can only speak in ref. to the server - Assassins of Sion) The difference in the matches on this server is due to the fact that Rep's use a ton of healers, while the Imp's choose to use strictly (or atleast majority) straight forward fighters. If the imperial side chose to fight with the mirror classes of what the Rep's are using, the Imp's would be ruling every battle. Vice versa, take away the healers from rep side and they lose BIG. Just ask anyone who has seen the scoreboard at the end of a pvp match between the two factions...... damage inflicted by the Imp's VASTLY out weighs the damage done by the Rep. side. The Rep's don't know how to fight, they just stand around spamming their stun and heal buttons.... period. The Imp's have simply chosen not to waste time rerolling classes and leverage the other aspects of the game. Again, it may be a different story on other servers.


even if what you claimed were true (which I don't know since I play on a different server)... if one team has a better combo of players that makes them the .better. players in that regard - by default. being a good player is not just about roflstomping the enemy all by yourself just because you make so much dmg. it's about a good set, good tactics, knowing your class (and knowing which class you need)


on top of that you .won't. win any warzone just with heals. the opposite. take voidstar for example. lots of heals might be helpful to defend, but it is certainly not helpful to attack. and if the opposing ops has lots of actually good dps (say lots of scoundrels/operatives that know how to use their stuns/slows/blinds/stabs the right moment) a healer is dead before they can even try casting a heal on themselves (yes this includes the time another healer would need to heal the target, because if said ops knows what they are doing they will stun one healer and then attack the other one)



btw: on my server lots of imps actually have taken the time to reroll. after the 1.2 whining about healers being 'useless' now (lawl) you barely see a match without at least 3 marauders now...

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Every server has a different story. Here's the story of mine.


In first 2 months Imps outnumbered Pubs atleast 2:1


Many Imps seemed to focus on mains, Pubs played Alts a lot.


Warzones were filled with Imp 50s farming lowbie pubs and fellow imps.


Illum was completely controlled by imps all day. More farming for Imps there. Imps had atleast 20 BMs before pubs had 1


At this point gear gap was huge. Full BM Imps beating centurion geared Pubs and typing /lol calling pubs bad.


Pubs sucked it up, scratched and clawed for the next couple months, banded together in a couple large guilds as well.


Pubs started winning more and more by the day. Got gear better at there classes.


Just before 1.2 Pubs started wrecking. Imps started crying. Massive trash talking ensued. Imps still claimed to be "better pvpers"


Since 1.2 complete pain train of Pubs crushing the Imps at every turn. Such bad beatings all the Imps who ran there mouths saying they would beat other servers once cross server came started quitting. Lost the heart to compete. Now entire faction gets farmed daily.


Republic overcame an enormous disadvantage and has won the battle of Darth Xedrix for now.


Honestly this story is sad. Now server is in a deep decline Many factors probably came into play. Some people got bored with no rateds, bored with game, re rolled to higher pop server. Who knows. This is just a simple story of Darth Xedrix. A PVE server that HAD a lot of hardcore Pvp on both sides and now 1 faction dominating.


Bioware lack of cross server, transfers and 8 man queues are killing the pvp!!

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Well according to our Imp friends, (or not) on our server, they are bored, of playing the same people every day, so decide to just 'let us win'. Its likewise, were bored of them too, but I just said that out loud ! :p


We needed cross server queues like yesterday.

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There is a large sense of boredom on both sides. 1.2 had such hype only to letdown some players.

But, I do believe a lot of the people once revered to be good on there server were brought down to earth either by nerfs, other side finally being equal geared or the healing nerfs/ time to kill change.


Either way there seems to be a large swing of the dominance on many servers.


Huge pendulum swings are never good IMO.

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LOL your funny you imps on sion out number the pubs and win all day till about 8:30 pm est when some of the better geared pub guilds come on and group up to give you a fight.


I haven't seen any of these so called "pub guilds", all the pubs I see after 8:30 fall at my feet : )

Besides, I think we all know that a premade runs better than pugs anyhow, so that would hold true of a premade Imperial team taking down pub pugs as well.... why even bring up a useless point?


To be honest you sound like a subpar guild member always talking trash about the pubs you trounce during the day but crying when you have to face full groups and better geared pub teams in the evening. I would not be amazed if this is dawsonator or furi both those guys talk so much junk its not even funny .


I am not any of the above mentioned players, so please don't trash talk them on my account. Again...... only pubs I have seen on at night can't figure out how to use anything except their stun button and heal button..... rocket science right? LOL

Edited by SiThEnErGyFoRcE
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even if what you claimed were true (which I don't know since I play on a different server)... if one team has a better combo of players that makes them the .better. players in that regard - by default. being a good player is not just about roflstomping the enemy all by yourself just because you make so much dmg. it's about a good set, good tactics, knowing your class (and knowing which class you need)


on top of that you .won't. win any warzone just with heals. the opposite. take voidstar for example. lots of heals might be helpful to defend, but it is certainly not helpful to attack. and if the opposing ops has lots of actually good dps (say lots of scoundrels/operatives that know how to use their stuns/slows/blinds/stabs the right moment) a healer is dead before they can even try casting a heal on themselves (yes this includes the time another healer would need to heal the target, because if said ops knows what they are doing they will stun one healer and then attack the other one)



btw: on my server lots of imps actually have taken the time to reroll. after the 1.2 whining about healers being 'useless' now (lawl) you barely see a match without at least 3 marauders now...


Trust me when I say nothing that guy said was true. The server is heavy Imp and like I said pretty much all day till about 8:30 pm they walk on pub scrub teams. But we do have a few good pvp guilds on the PUB side and from about 8:30 till about 12 midnight who put up a good fight and win alot of games. But to show what I mean last night prime time we had 23 ppl on fleet so what this guy is seeing is guilds like mine etheral who come in with a balanced group of healer and DPS over and over again for that small time window at night and yes we kick tons of IMP butt in the process. They have great healers by the way and I can name just about all the really good ones on the imp side on Sion.


What I have been seeing as of late is alot of FOTM reroll Mara's comeing in as of late. Im talking like over half the imp team and they all just bum rush counting on thier dps to make us easy kills. When we dont die and proceed to crush them you get posts like this claiming we spam our stuns and heal buttons and have no skill its just sour grapes on his part. These guys are so full of thier own Epeen epicness after crushing scrub pub pugs all day they have a hard time adapting to when decently geared and half decent pubs come on and crush them cause they dont change tactics.

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guilds like mine etheral

There, thank you for making my point. So you're saying that when Pub "premades" play "pugs", pubs win...... REALLY?? So what you are also saying is this - that when it's pugs on pugs throughout the day, pubs get trounced. So the conversation comes full circle, back to the point that there is a lot of misinformation in this thread about pubs just "being better players". It's obviously untrue. (We are not discussing premades vs pugs here, that's another discussion for another thread.) Point made, have a nice day.

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I haven't seen any of these so called "pub guilds", all the pubs I see after 8:30 fall at my feet : )

Besides, I think we all know that a premade runs better than pugs anyhow, so that would hold true of a premade Imperial team taking down pub pugs as well.... why even bring up a useless point?




I am not any of the above mentioned players, so please don't trash talk them on my account. Again...... only pubs I have seen on at night can't figure out how to use anything except their stun button and heal button..... rocket science right? LOL


Sounds like sour grapes to me boss stop your crying and L2P when faceing decent pub groups. You guys run all day against scrub PUB pugs racking up wins cause the poor pubs cant even field a full team. No reason to get butthurt when you get some decent comp on be thankful and learn to adapt no come cry that the PUBs have no skill and only spam heal and stuns.

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guilds like mine etheral

There, thank you for making my point. So you're saying that when Pub "premades" play "pugs", pubs win...... REALLY?? So what you are also saying is this - that when it's pugs on pugs throughout the day, pubs get trounced. So the conversation comes full circle, back to the point that there is a lot of misinformation in this thread about pubs just "being better players". It's obviously untrue. (We are not discussing premades vs pugs here, that's another discussion for another thread.) Point made, have a nice day.


Due you have a point I never said pubs where better players I said we premade with decent class combo of healers and dps. Your the one running around saying we suck cause we only stun and heal. Stop being so butthurt cause you lost a few games in a small time frame at night. And yes you have plenty of good healers if you dont know them thats your problem cause i can name them to the man when i am fighting them. if you dont get thier heals its more than not your doing something stupid that is ticking them off.

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Sounds like your daytime pubs are crying, stop making excuses and trying to change the subject to "premade vs pugs". You're losing your own argument


Your intial post had nothing to do with the topic in this thread you just went on a rant about PUBS haveing no skill and alot of healers while you guys are all dps and no healers who cant be bothered to reroll. Had you left your trash talk out noone would have to come in a correct your misinformation. Stop crying L2P you have sevral decent pvp guilds like subpar and tons of healers its your own fault if if you dont take advantage of them.

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I love it when a thread poster has to start backpedaling, and using the old "L2P" because they think it sounds so macho hahaha! Get a clue and find some new terminology :) My point has been made, thank you for playing, I am moving on.


Im sorry did you have a point? I coulnt tell through all the crying and sterotyping you do in your posts.

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