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Official Q&A Thread for May 11th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post

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A couple questions regarding the upcoming feature allowing any player to add augmentation slots to existing modable armor in their posession:


1. What will the cost be?

2. Are there any restrictions on the types of items which can utilize this feature?

2. Will there be a safeguard in place to ensure the continued value of crafted augmentation slot items?

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I'm sure this is still low on some peoples priority list but will we ever see a fix for the datacrons that can't be reached by the type 3 and type 4 body styles? Please? It really is just a matter of a minor archetectural adjustment. For those of us with the type 3 body it sucks to not be able to get that last datacron after hunting down all the others.
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When can we expect some PvP changes? i.e. Rated WZ's, 8 man Q's, world pvp? We have waited months for this content and it has been removed from patch 1.2 What are your responses on everyone unsubbing due to lack of PvP content?
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EDIT: Wanted to change my question.


While the optimization's and changes to space stations are definitely welcomed, the overall travel on planets is still cumbersome. A change I think would help this would be the ability to go directly to our ship from all travel points on the planet. Thoughts?

Edited by Veradicus
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Regarding mirrored classes. There are two AC's in game that match up to dual wielders. Commando Troopers to Mercenary Commando's and Gunslinger Smugglers to Imperial Agent Snipers. In these situations it seems to me that the dual wielders have a benefit of being able to have orange customizable gear in both hands, while the two handed weapon and generator classes only have a single modifiable item.


How does the game balance these stat differences out or should we expect to see modifiable offhand's as well?

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It is possible to make it so that groups that queue together in Warzones can simply all requeue using the "Requeue Warzone" button? I like to group queue but it feels like we often miss out on the next queue because of the time it takes to reform the group and requeue. Plus, it's a pain. Thanks!
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When will pvp be fixed to allow player skill to determine the winner of a fight rather than how much expertise you have? And when will pvp have its own balancing mechanic that doesn't interfere with pve? I'd actually consider going back to pvp if these were to happen.
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From this thread http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?p=4302302


I'd like more detailed information on the pipeline for resolving low population servers - I'd like to know a smaller window of expected delivery of these changes and what the changes entail exactly - if free transfers are allowed, which servers are being targeted? What factors go into determining if a server is eligible to be transfered from or to? Can I transfer all of my characters and my legacy level? What restrictions will be in place?


Even if this information is not entirely accurate, revealing some information about it and allowing community feedback will EXPONENTIALLY increase the positive reception of the actual changes.

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After having seen and contributed my opinion to many threads on the forums, what was the primary reason that expertise was implemented into PVP gear? Many of the complaints against expertise that I see are in regards to the difference between recruit level gear and battlemaster/war hero, but I have been competitive on alts in recruit gear and don't feel full BM gear is difficult to obtain by any means. I think I calculated between 25-50 hours depending on skill, wins, pre 50 planning, and how many dailies/weeklies are completed. Any numbers you may have on the subject may be helpful in persuading those against expertise.
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With Server transfers coming closer, can you be more specific on which servers will be getting transfers free TO their servers. I play on a server that is very light (Rwookrorro 5-15 people on the fleet) While this isnt the worst, it certainly makes some features not usable like, Flashpoints, Warzones, GTN, etc. My question stems from a concern that the lowest population servers will be getting all the love while little old me is stuck for who knows how long on a dying/dead server.
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Question: Will our Companions (old and new if new ones are implemented) be able to be further expanded upon? (I.E; will we get to discover more about them, will certain old/new companions be mod-dable, or even a few of them newly romanceable? *cough* Lord Scourge *cough*)


... er sorry if that comes off as more than one question. :o I'm just really curious as to how much expansion will be given to our companions who appear to be just as important as our Player Characters. :)

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At the moment doing daily quests for "soon to be replaced" epic items feels like unrewarding work. Are there any plans to add some social stuff to spice up the whole daily quest system? By social stuff I mean something along the lines of reputation factions with pets, mounts, social gear, titles etc as rewards. Maybe reputation level unlockable stories and companions!? :eek: Edited by Ixum
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I would like some sort of time table for your PvP related content. I know you are planning server transfers and this is great. I am looking for some time frame for 8 man queues and ranked warzones. I mainly PvP and these two things are what I have been waiting for since the 1.2 video came out.


Will these features be tied into server transfers? Or will this be a one step at a time thing, IE first transfers, then 8 man groups, then ranked warzones and then cross server PvP.

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Could you please confirm that there is a bug critical crafting of, specifically, the following:


* Rakata relics by Aritfice

* Rakata belts by Synthweaving


There have been multiple posts indicating that the RNG that determines the critical success chance is either broken, or that the crit chance is way lower than is expected. For example, for synthweaving, the chance should stack as


+5 (Jaesa bonus), +5 (full affection), +10 (base chance)


Multiple people reported not seeing those odds. Yes we understand that this does not _guarantee_ a 1 in 5 crit, that these are only the odds. People have reported excessive streaks of unlucky rolls, however.


If this is a bug, please fix it. If it is "just the nature of RNG" please consider changing that mechanic to something else. I don't want to be "unlucky" in the game. If I am equipped and supplied to crit craft a belt, I want to do so and continue to enjoy the game.

Edited by konstan
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