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10 Good
  1. guess what its in game already go ahead and try it i mean that in a nice way few of us have stuff we want get in game so far.
  2. Next update possible inculde legacy boosts that help in gearing alts plz its annoying having to spam dailies so something like you get a few comms from just logging in or something to make it easier and quicker cto gear alts at 50
  3. What was the design behind the the different classes i.e. what kind of role is each one supposed to be like burst dps sustanied dps burst heals that kind of thing also curious about the tanks too.
  4. /signed I for some stupid reason deleted my lvl 28 vangaurd in favor of making a commando but then of i deleted him to make a gunslinger because my guild needs more ranged dps and they are better dps, now i cant make a trooper cause i got full 8. Really there is no reason to not have even 10 slots tho id prefer 16 or more with the legacy down the road we'll have all 50s and new stuff for lowbies wont do anything for us and what about guild needs some of us got the time to lvl alt of an adv class we have tried on the other side so our guild can take advantage of our multiple rolls and abilities so they can pick and choose what adv class they want in an op or coming up later in a cross server 8 man pvp op. Sorry if this was long winded or been already said
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