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Official Q&A Thread for May 11th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post

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Are you going to introduce some kind of penalty for the people who leave WZ ? It's all over the forums - for example 15 min penalty ( deserter debuff ) , or to be tied to the wz that you have left and not to be able to join another one untill that one ends. That way people would have an incentive to stay in wz and there won't be cases when you enter a wz that is 80% finished and you can't win anything from it - neither valor nor commendations .
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Although each character class has a unique story line and purpose most classes on the republic and imperial side are mirrors. You did an awesome job changing the abilities and animations around so it didn't seem monogamous but are there any plans to make unique faction classes some of the other mmos out there had classes specific to a faction i know the job of a bounty hunter and trooper are different but there roles and skills are mirrors im talking about a complete unique class for each. Any plans in the future?
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Can you give us a run down of the effort that goes into the weekly game updates?


By that I mean how much lead time do they operate on? From the time an average bug is identified how long does it take and what is involved in getting the fix into an update?


But I'm not just interested in the bugs... If you can tell us about the technicalities for changing things in game... like are you selecting things out of a menu or are you in the code tweaking things?

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Is there any chance you're going to fix the countless bugs already in game before introducing more content which in fact creates even more bugs?


Is there a reason you spend so little time Beta testing your content, and having limited access during testing to most of the new features before putting them live and thus having to do excessive maintenance due to faults and bugs?


Also, any chance you're going to stop answering the majority of questions wtih "We're working on it." please?

Edited by chaosdefined
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Hey Bioware! I have to tell you i enjoy your game very much. The patches are really frequently and the content is really cool. But something is bothering me a bit. I brought a Collectors Edition and got this little Training Droid, which i used just one time and thought: Ok, it is pretty useless. My suggestion is, turn this TrainingDroid into a Mobile Operation TrainingDummy. Maybe it stays for 5 minutes and got a 1 to 2 hour CD. What do you think?
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I understand that currently Green color crystals are for some reason not available. Can you please explain why this is? And are there any plans to introduce craftable PvE/PvP +41 Green color crystals, it is an iconic color after all?


Also it's great that you removed the alignment requirements for the Red/Blue/Green crystals with 1.2. Can you please explain the reasoning for this, since Red is canonically the Sith color and Blue/Green is canonically the Jedi color.

Edited by Rhaphael
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I would like to ask about server merges. Low server population is a service level issue not a personal issue. Bioware should just merge servers of the same type. They are losing more players due to a dead servers and paying more to maintain empty servers. They should just merge servers servers of the same type (PVP, PVE, RP, etc....)
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- when will be available Animal mounts ?

- How is going engine fixes. Network code ? If the client has more then 100 ping Character Responsiveness happening.

- Music loop option will be available soon ?

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Why haven't we heard about nightmare mode yet for Denova, has that been abandoned? Is there any intention in the future of making it worth it to do 16 man operations? 8 man is significantly easier, and rewards the same loot per capita as 16 man.


The community doesn't want 8 man to be harder, in fact we want 16 man to be harder, we just also want it to be worth doing. I think the community recognizes you just can't tune a 16 man fight to be equal to 8 man, if you make it the same it will undoubtably be easier, and if you add mechanics it will be harder.

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Could we get a GTN listing feature that would make it significantly easier on crafters to maintain prices vice retrieving individual expired items and relisting with a newly calculated price? I suggest this option when listing: "utilize a 'reduce price by [1%/2%/5%/10%] every [1hr/6hrs/12hrs/24hrs] for [.5/1/2] days' dropdown menu. Edited by Drewhat
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While 1.2 was in PTS, there was a patch note that stated that the armormech and synthweaving communities would be getting almost every armor appearance via orange schematic.

Armormech[/synthweaver] crafters may now reverse engineer almost any modifiable outfit into an empty custom (orange) shell of the same name and appearance, which may now gain an augment slot when crafted with critical success.

Now, I know this got changed as it went live. I can live with that. But, when will we see it? No, I'm not just talking bracers and belt. Your artists have many aesthetically pleasing models in the game. When will we have access to craft most of them as orange moddable shells?

Also, are there plans to let us RE our purple artifact armors into orange? A lot of time was spent to get these to artifact. They are virtually useless.

Will we ever be able to choose the color of the armor we craft?

Yes, I know this is more than one question. So, I will simplify.


When will armormech and synthweaving have the ability to create 90%(combined between the 2) of the armor models ingame with the color of their choice?

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How will the add augment feature work. I'm afraid if this is just implemented as an easily craft-able add augment to all items it will kill the orange crafting market. Why bother crafting orange items if all you have to do it craft an augment.


Some sorta balance is needed.

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The single biggest factor that keeps me from using the GTN more is its inaccessibility. While I am questing on a planet, I don't want to stop what I'm doing take a shuttle ride back to the spaceport, hop on a shuttle to the orbital station, get into my ship, fly to and dock at the fleet, walk through the hanger, and take an elevator upstairs, all to simply list my items on the GTN. Not to mention the reverse process just to get back to questing. Today in 2012, I can list items on eBay from my home computer, work computer (shh, don't tell), or anywhere I want with my cell phone. Why can't SWTOR give me the ability to sell from anywhere? What is the balance issue that makes me have to use 15 minutes of quest time just to get to and return from the GTN?
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Alot of improvements were made in 1.2 that allowed players to transition to end-game PvP a little easier. The following question adresses the same issue with PvE.


As many players will agree, finding groups for hard modes is becoming increasingly difficult. Are there any plans to allow players alternate ways of acquiring end-game PvE comms and gear? Perhaps a daily that allows you to gain 10 columi, 10 blackhole or 10 tionese comms.

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Are you going to improve or add new space missions? Have you thought in changing the rail system to another one like for example black prophecy system or something similar? Will be able in the future PVP space combats? It's good to think that SW is not only blasters and light sabers... ships in sw are really important!!!
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Can you please implement cross server Que's asap? Unless it's during the 2 hours of prime time, level 50 ques are horrible. While I sit and wait hours for more people to even start my War Zone, the Imperials gets gear and valor all day while they farm each other. So by the time i finally do get a group, it's against a bunch of Imperials in full War Hero who, ( as of 1.2), can 3 hit me.( I'm in full battle master, a healing sage, and i can't keep myself alive against one moderately good DPS.) So basically in a jist, the populated side gets geared faster, while the underpopulated side get's left behind struggling in Que. Just to get a game where we are down 2-4 people and not only that, the other team has the best gear acquirable. There is no statistic to win, no matter how much I try. I suggest you make your system a little more logical. My server ratio is 1 to 6, and it's one of the more moderately populated servers, so i couldn't imagine how bad this problem is for other people.


I play this game for Player vs Player. The fact that i'm paying 15$ a month to hop around the fleet hoping the handful of level 50's on my server Que up, just to get get a match and get destroyed beyond anything in your power, is extremely ridiculous. This is a very serious issue you should be inclined to deal with because I can name 20 people from my server alone who aren't subscribed anymore because of it. :sul_mad:


p.s I'm not complaining out of frustration. I addressed the same issues in a class thread, and got told to give patience and try again. I've since then given ALOT of patience, become the best healing sage on my server, and yet see these drastic disadvantages.


- with Love,


Edited by Hypnopaedian
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Simply are there any plans to improve lightside vs darkside alignment rewards? I've suggested interchangeable casts/abilities with mirror class based on different ranks. Could you comment on how that may or may not work?


E.g. To explain a little further, lets say that at a rank of dark I, a jedi sage would get to swap telekentic throw for sith sorc force lightning (each rank might unlock one more optionally swappable abilities up to light/dark 5, strictly between mirror abilities/classes). I would love to see something along those lines to make dark jedi / moral sith have a more authentic lightside vs darkside experience!!! It would really add to depth, immersion, customization, and authenticity of each characters experience.

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