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Official Q&A Thread for May 11th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post

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With 1.2 i expected all skins to be R/E to custom mode , it seems deep down there is hardly any armour/weapon skins custom :( . Will you please implement a proper useful and interesting crafting system where all armour n weapons will be able to be custom ?
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Dear SW TOR ... i was wondering are there any plans to continue the story beyond level 50 and maybe up the Level to level 60 and also are there going to be new planets added at a later date such as Kassyekk and Mannan (Sorry about the spelling) :)
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Hey, is it possible for low level characters to have a purple crystal? It's just I started playing around January and when I was in Dromund Kaas I'm sure I saw a level 17 marauder dual wielding a red and a purple saber, so I told my guild and they just said I was seeing things. So I would just like confirmation whether I need glasses or not...
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Given community member issues with some companion stories (betrayal) and forcing players to take on companions with diometrically opposed moral outlooks, and the removal of the companion death/abandonment mechanic, are there plans to revisit the dialog options to provide more variety ie:


Companion Betrayal:

- 3 current responses = (lightside) I forgive you, please stay on my ship (paraphrase)

- Replace with:

- Existing Lightside Choice

- (Dark) `Your death would be too quick a punisment you are now my (Slave/Prisoner)" Put Shock Collar/Binders

on the companion and add the option of Shut up prisoner!/Slave!(Shock) to future conversations.

- (Neutral) `Consider yourself demoted, from now you will have to regain my trust.'


Incompatible Alignment:

- (Darkside Companion for Lightside Character) `Your crimes have determined your fate, I will put you where you

cannot harm those around you!'

- (Lightside Companion for Darkside Character) `Your weakness is evident, you will serve as a reminder to my crew

or I will find some more practical use for you!'


In addition creating 2 crew missions (with no cost and no reward) lasting 12 months would both allow characters to get offending companions off their ship. Eg: Imprisoned or Sent to the Spice Mines of Kessel. Of course this would require fixing the `companions appearing in bridge chat whilst on crafting missions' issue.

Edited by VelRathis
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If on server A I had five lvl 50 toons and Then I made a toon on server B on a more populated server and got that toon to 50 but did not make the legacy name when server transfers become available and I wanted to move two lvl 50's from server A to server B what will happen to legacy thats at 45 atm
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From the recent Q&A:


Orange Lightsaber crystal schematics for +41 PvE stats drop off Primal Destroyer – the Rancor world boss on Belsavis.


He's not a Rancor. Just had to be nitpicky and point that out. :)


My question:


From this round of Q&A, Daniel provided a very enlightening response to the question about nerfs/buffs and how the classes must be conformed to the target, objective game math in order to properly balance the game. He called the classes that get these nerfs and buffs depending on over- or under-performance "outliers" and said that the team has to prioritize which outlier is either over- or under-performing in the most egregious manner. Then, he stated "How we identify outliers and how we determine which is the most egregious is... another bigger topic."


So, can you go into more detail about how you determine how egregious the under- or over-performance is and thus how you decide which class is gonna get the buff or the bat?

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In many other MMOs, it's customary for some of their expansions to come out with additional classes, are additional classes planned for future expansions? A Jedi Illusionist (something like Corran Horn in the novels) or an Artillery/Engineer type class that could include droids as a playable race would be excellent.
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Could you please add an additional function to the assigned strafe left/right keys so that they also cause spaceships to go left and right in space combat, in addition to turn left/right doing this?
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The guild bank system is a big step in the right direction. However, many of it's features like the money ledger, are exclusively accessible by the Guild Master (GM). This prevents GMs from delegating the bank management to officers, such as a designated 'Bank Officer', which is the preferred approach of many guilds. Was this a conscious design choice, if not, do you have plans to revisit the accessibility settings of the Guild Bank system?
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With the most recent patch of 1.2, many new gear items showed up on the GTN with augment slots. And of course we've seen umpteen hundred gear items that were crafted to try and get that augmented gear item. Will we be given a way to add augment slots to already bound gear such as Rakata or Columi gear. The reason I ask is, I and I'm sure many others look for that certain look when it comes to our characters, and these are the 2 designs I actually like. So it'll be nice if this option was given to us at some point.



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The May 4 thread mentioned "Augment Tables." Does this mean that augment slots will be primarily created by these tables (as a money sink) and that those of us with crew skills are going to be reduced to only making the augments?


(It's a yes or no question. Something along the lines of "We want to reduce the randomness... and crafters will still be able to create items with augment slots at huge cost and little sale value if they choose to do so..." isn't an answer. I'll also bet that the question above mine is the one chosen on the topic since it's been answered before and doesn't mention the concerns of crafters.)

Edited by Sithhelmet
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Do you have plans to introduce more direct means of transportation (shuttle) to daily areas in the future? Currently it takes 3 loading screens to get from the fleet to the black hole daily area, wich puts many of us off from running the quests. Edited by Nemmar
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Companions: with the locked companion specs some of us feel like being forced to use specific companions versus choosing them for their personality and look.

................=> Are there in the works any kind of feature mitigating this issue (hint: companions kits)? Long term, medium term?

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Why do you keep promising us monthly content updates and yet you fail to even get close to monthly?

First Content patch was karaggas Palace in January.

Second Content patch was Explosive Conflict and even that is not finished (no Nightmare Mode and the biggest joke of all, no Rated Warzones, also I understand to delay something because its still broke but get your **** together man)

That makes, correct me if I'm wrong, TWO Content updates, which is about 4 Content Updates short.


I'm getting sick of believing your lies.


Damn, I bet this post will be deleted aswell. I just cant help myself.

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Thank you for the cross-faction mail. :rak_03: HOWEVER, is there any way you can make it so you can either:


1. Add cross-faction friends and characters to your email list or

2. Make it so at least when I have a legacy alt on the other faction, his name will pop up in my mail as I start to type? As it stands right now, when I start to type, the 4 Republic alts pop up, but for the Imp alt, I have to type out his whole name. :rak_02:

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With the upcoming addition of belt and wrist craftable orange gear in 1.3, could we please get schematics for Battlemaster orange belts and wrist? My Marauder looks great in her orange quality Battlemaster gear with augments, but the War Hero belt doesn't match which I find annoying.
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