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Name one thing that would make you play for another three months


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I guess it would have to be meaningful solo content for level 50. The Dailies get boring and a great deal of end content seems to be about grouping and repeating flash points.


Now grouping and flash points aren't a problem and maybe the LFG tool will make it easier but there has to be soloable content to do while waiting for this. The Raghoul plague was a good idea and that sort of thing would be very welcome. Only more meaningful.

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I guess it would have to be meaningful solo content for level 50. The Dailies get boring and a great deal of end content seems to be about grouping and repeating flash points.


Now grouping and flash points aren't a problem and maybe the LFG tool will make it easier but there has to be soloable content to do while waiting for this. The Raghoul plague was a good idea and that sort of thing would be very welcome. Only more meaningful.


This will always be the problem if you try and copy the top dog at end game. Having said that it will still be a long time before I'm finished with alting, datacrons and such so I'll be around for many months yet.

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improve battlemaster to war hero rewards in appearance AND how they are obtained

balance servers to take into account a healthy balance of imperial to republic ratio both in numbers and gear

completely change your artwork direction for gear for republic current war hero gear = :mad:

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  • Free server transfers + accountwide legacy (name can be different on different servers), let the population sort out where it wants to go without penalty.
  • Dual spec.
  • Simple macros.
  • Actual class balance.
  • Purple Twi'lek.


Oh wait, one thing? :(


I can never have just one...

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Can I say two? Star Wars!


mmm, yes, this is Star Wars.


But i see some problems in the videogame about the "feeling" of Star wars.


In Star wars there are lots of alien MAIN (or at least secondary) characters: Chewbacca, Bossk, Taun We, Kit Fisto, Cad Bane, Jar Jar Binks, Jabba the Hutt, , Zuckuss, Yoda, Nien Nunb, Logray, Wicket, Sebulba, Dexter, Nute Gunray, Greedo, Ackbar...

In SWTOR you can not have as character NONE of the above. Just makeup humans.


In Star wars there are dozens of different starship classes, from starfighters to capital ships. In swtor you can only have ONE model and related to your class. No starfighter, no space battles (just a boring mini-game), no freedom to do as Han Solo (smnuggler class? a KILLER like the others) and move around the galaxy freely (just a taxi system to move your "space house" that is exactly the same for everyone).


In Star Wars there are main characters that actually can do other things that JUST fighting, from the point of view of a swtor, which class would you give to these characters?:

- Chewbacca: is mainly a mechanic, a technical character.

- Lando Calrissian: is mainly a trader, a charismatic character.

- Leia, Amidala: politicians and leaders, another charismatic one.

- C-3PO is a translator, R2 a mechanic.

- Anakin: began as mechanic and crafter.

- Watto is trader

- Ackbar is a leader, a general.

- Wedge Antilles, nien nunb, Biggs draklighter, Jek Porkins...great pilots

- Mon Mothma, rebel leader.

- Mara Jade: Operative and force user...


All of them can wield a weapon, but... wich would be their class in the game?

JEDI /SITH or SOLDIER/BOUNTY HUNTER or SMUGGLER/AGENT???? because these are the ONLY options you got. The classes are extremely limited to three kind of characters: force users, fighters and smugling fighters. Which is the difference between so much force user actually? Can you tell me what the hell is a consular, sage, shadow, guardian?... anyway all do the same, killing. So I don't feel like being in Star wars.

And take a look at Final Fantasy gear... level 50 character gear is incredible.


So I would like that it IS like star wars

Edited by rickyard
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To keep up with a speeder they'd have to be some fast creatures. What sort of creatures would you like to ride around the station?


Have you seen how slow our speeders are? I'm pretty sure a reasonably motivated pack mule could do the job just fine... :p

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If they bring back SWG, i will keep my subscription to SWTOR as long as BioWare wants.

What i really want, is a menacing sith army, you know the one the trailers and Revan talked about being the ultimate force, all i see in the "True" Sith Empire is squads of Cannon Fodder getting slaughtered by slaves with guns.

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Solo content at 50, with auto generating dungeons with different mixes of bad guys each time, with different loot tables. Think torchlight, old diablo... Something to spend the time with until the next big release or till my guild (on a very light population server) can scrape together the people to do something this week.


Sure i could do those things on other games, but not with a lightsaber. :)

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The ability to space people asking for a server merger when its been confirmed that server transfers are coming soon. Transfers are better then mergers, you get to pick where you go and less chance of being forced to change your character names or at least less of a chance of being force to change all of the names.


And what exactly do you think is going to happen to the populations of the servers they're offering the free transfers FROM vs the populations of the servers they're offering free transfers TO? You don't think there's going to be this little population disparity where a bunch of people bail from already failing servers and leap onto flavor of the month free transfer destinations like bargainhunters at a Best Buy on Black Friday? Frankly, if they're planning ANYTHING other than actual server merges after they herd the majority of the distressed like sheep from low pop servers to high pop servers, then they're not bright enough to follow in the footsteps of many an MMO before them. Yes, it's definitely to their advantage to get people where they want them through the free server enticement first rather than forceably, but that won't change the fact there are just too....many....servers......


And no....I like the game, I'm desperately hoping my server is a TO server, and not a FROM server so I keep all my names, and if it merges and I do have to change my names, I'll be most upset. But for the health of the game, I'd far rather see merges sooner than later. They do no one favors by pretending a server with fleet pop in prime time below 25 or faction wide pop of less than 1k is STANDARD. That should be LOW. 3k between factions on a world server is ridiculously low if you want to encourage actual grouping and socialization on a serverwide basis.

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Jedi Characters need hood-toggle so they don't look like tools during cutscenes.


Unify colors, hide helmet, and hood toggle for companions.


Server merges rather than transfers would be nice.


An option to replay class quests at level 50 (maybe a heroic mode?)


Wing-Commander/Freelancer/X-wing vs Tie fighter style space combat, missions, trading, and exploration.


Legacy bank for all your characters.

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