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Name one thing that would make you play for another three months


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4. more planets. So many still out there, like Kashyyyk and Yavin IV and Endor, etc.



A planets update would hook me in too! Money on the table. You know if they added planets there would be new environments, new stories, and new missions.

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Since I got injured and now require surgery which cancelled my scheduled military training this summer, I will continue to still play instead of taking a temporary break. SWTOR is still as awesome as when I first started. I don't need new incentives to keep playing
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  • I would like a full freeform space flight/exploration mode.
  • I would like missions that can be completed without having to group and spawn further missions based on success or failure.
  • I would like a reward system that gives players currency and items simply by helping them or others in the vicinity of the objective without having to group.
  • I would like planets that are alive with activity and speech from NPC's.
  • I would like player and guild housing.


Points 2, 3 and 4 are defining traits of Guild Wars 2. So maybe you want SWTOR to be a different game?

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I'd like to be able to remove at least one companion that I loathe, & possibly replace it with someone in line with my character. There's no way I'd ever take Tharan, Ashara, Xalek... Skadge... probably not. It is completely jarring to be stuck with companions you despise.
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Freakin server merge would solve nearly all the problems people have with this game.


Nah. I am on 1 of the heaviest servers and I am still bored out of my mind. Making the game more than a gear e-peen fest would be a start. A Star WARS!! that involves more than 8v8 and actually affects the world we play in is the only thing that would make me reconsider. Merge servers and give us realm v realm v realm where at the end of a pre-determined time the winning realm gets buffs until the next round. Or Superman capes. Nothing says "I'm better than you" quite like a Superman cape. And tights.

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Merge servers and give us realm v realm v realm where at the end of a pre-determined time the winning realm gets buffs until the next round. .


Is this a typo? Did I read three factions? I'm interested to hear how you'd like to see RvR in SWTOR.


To me the big hurdles are

  1. Only two factions.
  2. On the losing faction? Just swap to your alt!
  3. Video Lag
  4. Avoiding "musical keeps" ala Warhammer Online

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I really enjoyed star wars, I thought this game was well done overall, but unfortunately in the end it is just like every other MMO out there, here is why.


PvP, same old BG systems that ultimately end up as gear farming sessions, unbalanced game play due to server size and activity or gear based non skill systems and just randomness based on who joins and what classes you have available. Until someone takes on the real world open rvr systems like Daoc or Warhammer did these BG systems will always end up this way, in the end it is the design that ultimately fails.


Questing and end game, once again after leveling 2 50's and multiple 30's I found myself completely bored, I would have much rather spent my time on my 50s doing more story line quests then rehashing the stale quests over and over and over again. The problem is you reach 50 to fast, once you hit 50 you have little options, dailies which are done in a matter of an hour or two, companion quests which after a week of again those are over, joining a larger guild for end game stuff which is why I left WoW in the first place I got tired of have to show up at X time for X amount of hours just to fight over gear or be forced to subject my playing experience to a bunch of rules someone else made up. I totally forgot about the space missions, I think after 15 or so of those I erased it from my memory, way to boring and the rewards are not worth it.


Community, once again this community is far and away better then WoW's but I still found myself turning general chat off on occasion, this is the root of why MMO's struggle, I have yet to see a good community since Daoc/Warhammer or SWG, not that it is bioware's fault I thought they did a lot of good things to keep the community strong but in the end it is the crafting and auction house systems that degrade communities, SWG, Daoc had strong communities and I really think it is because of the crafting systems they had, these games are just to focused on grinding for gear, I personally think the best gear should be player crafted it makes a better community imo.


I know many may not agree and I think it is just my personal style that reflects some of this criticism, after 6 years of wow and a few MMO's in between I think people have gotten tired of the end game experiences that are carbon copies of the games we just left, wow left me with such a bad feeling of community and guilds, I saw so many guilds destroyed over gear and raiding I just found myself wanting something completely different and casual and star wars filled this gap for a few months, in the end though there was nothing for me to do but exactly what I did not want to and that was end game raiding. I personally am waiting for diablo 3, I can't wait for the mindless hack n slash I so loved in D2 no raid times, no arguing over gear and I don't have to listen to the barrens chat, just a few close friends and we can do everything diablo has to offer.


The one thing that would make me play for another three months is an end game system that does not require a Guild to do, I wish we could run end game instances with companions and just a few close friends but that does not work so well.

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Server MERGERs. (Not solo transfers) If community is so important to Bioware, they'd push more of them together and boost up the Server Populations to play with. Transfers won't save anything.
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The one thing that would make me play for another three months is an end game system that does not require a Guild to do, I wish we could run end game instances with companions and just a few close friends but that does not work so well.


Well end game instances are definitely doable but pulling off ops with just a few close buddies is really hard. Even though outside the game I have way more than seven close friends their play styles and interests are so much different. For example I might have a friend who would do an op with us but he's too busy rolling alts to even get to the end game.


I too would like to see more content geared towards parties instead of ops. A "Four Man" content update would be very cool indeed. More heroics, more flashpoints, more daily hubs, and comparable rewards to other content would be nice.

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Free Server Transfers to a server of my choice for all my toons.


This would ultimately lengthen my subscription by at least 6 months.


You are in for some disappointment, then. Because to go to any server you want, it won't be free (if you think they are going to open up free transfers to anywhere so everyone can roll on the high pop servers, I'd like some of what you are smoking.)


Oh, there will be no mergers either, for those of you asking for them.


Now, all I want (I'm going to be subbed for 3 months anyway) is an X-server LFG tool. Unfortunately, that is a ways out, as Bioware needs to attempt their single server one first (it will inevitably fail, and might take a few iterations for them to realize single server won't work) so they can eventually work on the one we need, X-Server.


It'll come. We just need to be patient.

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(un)Dead servers chase more people away - I've no idea why people and companies buy into the myth it's better to have zombie servers than just less servers. :confused:


Incorrect. But keep fighting the good fight. Tranfers from dead servers, then dead servers closed (which, despite what you or others might think, is not a merger) is the most that will be done.

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Class balance.


Right now, it's not there, and that's the most important part of pvp. Until they bring operatives, mercs and sorcs up in their ability, and nerf marauders to be on par with other classes- this game is pretty much a joke when it comes to pvp, and the huge change in WZ queue times and lost subs since 1.2 is more than proof of that.

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How would you expect Bioware to deliver on this? Make cappable flags on planetside? "Keeps" like in Warhammer online? What would be "having world PvP" be for you?


My guess, his overpopulated side of choice zerging down the opposition so he can claim to be a skilled PvPer. This seems to be what World PvP devolves into in a 2 faction game.


Instanced PvP is balanced at least numbers wise; it's why world PvPers hate it, I think.

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A cross server lfg tool that and faster bug fixes and i would pay twice the subscription fee for life .as it is now i dont play anymore .I just read the fouruns from time to time to see if there is any news on a CROSS SEARVER lfg tool cooming.
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