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UI Feature Feedback Request


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More quickbars. With an option to toggle them on off (similiar to the companion quickbar icon). Also make this toggle bindable or let us bind it to certain events (during heroic moment - show legacy ability quickbar; when no weapon is equipped & incombat show the valor-legacy ability bar).


Buff-/Debuffbar improvement. A way to differentiate between my de-/buffs on a target and someone elses (colored edge). Some people also said they wanted to have timers. A filter would be "omg *** yes plz".

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Love the changes in 1.2, excellent work guys and gals :) Things I would like to see would be

  1. Ability to save keybindings and import into other characters - being a lefty this is a big deal for me, I basically have to completely redo the keybindings for every character :(
  2. A timer bar that you could place just below your characters bum so you can see when things are off timer would be great - but guess this could be done with extra toolbars :)
  3. UI elements snapping to each other or the option to have them snap would be great so you can get the algnment spot on :)

They would be my top 3, I'm sure there are a few other good ideas in this thread for you to work on also :)

Edited by DavydM
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Most importantly I feel the UI desperately needs color choices other than the default light blue. I would love to have different colors that appeal to each of my characters' outfits / style. And not like SWG did with just a handful of color options, please allow the player to choose a color scheme on a R/G/B slider scale for different elements such as backgrounds, outlines, drop shadows, etc.


The other feature I would love to see is an option to hide elements of the UI (of the player's choosing) while not in combat. IE: A bar mod I had in WoW allowed my action bars to be hidden while exploring, but in combat they would become visible. It made for a great cinematic experience while still allowing me the use of my abilities when I needed them. There was a modifer key, of course, that allowed me to show my bars when I needed them out of combat. This feature would really shine for those of us who want to use our 60" plasma TVs to play the game on. :D Unfortunately without this feature my screen stands too much risk for image retention (image burn), so I have yet to be able to play this game on it longer than a few minutes to see how majestic it looks. :( Some day... some day...

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Hello everyone.

Thanks in advance for your thoughts. We’re looking forward to seeing your suggestions.


Target of Focus!!


Target of Focus is SOOOO good for so many things. If set to a DPS your target-of-focus window becomes your raid assist window. If set to a boss, a healer can easily see who the boss is targeting. So can a tank! Target of Focus is Great!



Also, I love Skill-Target-Forwarding.


Skill target forwarding is when you cast a DPS ability on a group mate it forwards it to that group-mate's target (if it's in range of you). And if you cast a heal on an enemy, it goes to that enemy's target automatically. No more "Can't attack an ally" messages and no more accidentally healing yourself when you meant to heal the boss's target. I won't lie, this one makes the game way way easier. EQ2 has it and it just makes it impossible to have trouble with targeting.

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1. Resizable buffs

2. Resizable health bars (main UI as well as above enemy players heads in game)

3. More fonts and ability to change size of text inside health bars

4. More class icon options

5. Removable portraits

6. "Power Auras" style UI alerts for ability procs

Edited by WrecklessMEDIC
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So far I think it's great and love how much customization is available I would however like to see the following things introduced.


Vertical Castbar Option

Hide Nameplates for everyone but guildies and/or group members.

Scale Buffs and Debuffs

Some kind of toggle option for a grid on the UI editor to help line up UI.

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Dont have time to search through 11 pages of peoples comments, but i still hope im not repeating anything


i would like to see in the UI settings/ editor: a way to "sync" my companions armor to mine. not really important: but when playing as a trooper youve given a strict military feel to the class, which i love. however your missing out on the most important part of being a soldier in any armor, dress right dress. uniformity is a form of discipline in the military.


i would also like to see some sort of mission tracker map icon, select a mission in the tracker. click a button and it shows you where you need to go on the big map. yes we have a system like this in place but its kind of clunky, as in i have to bring up the map and look at the icons mouse over them and read which quest it is.. then bring up quest log then hit quest then read quest to find out if im missing the clickie to make robot A weaker for the fight.


a way to view weapons in the dressing room. i cant count how many times ive wasted money on a weapon that had a kool icon but wheni put it in my toons hand it looked like a stick with a trigger on it. (and please understand that i love the diversity in the weapons, i also understand that true beauty is in the eye of the beholder. if johnny jedi wants to have a blaster rifle on his trooper that looks like a landing leg from the millenium falcon, im all for it.)


Bioware i hold you guys in high regard, im never leaving this game. im here till the servers go dark. and as long as you guys are asking for ideas i will always be here to offer them, as will some of the more loyal posters in these forums. congratulations on a great game, yes its still in diapers at the moment, but hey... who dosent love a cute baby?!

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For some reason I find it really hard to keep my own health in check, no matter where I put my own character frame. Those frames are, IMO, way too busy and distracting from the main information with lots of bright (blue) colour.


Of course, that can be worked around by using ops frames as group frames, but that only works while not in a group and lacks companion information.


It might help to have a slider to darken and/or desaturate the background to make information-bearing elements more prominent.

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On the issue of additional hotbars I'll add that for me it is not only because of the number of abilities, but because I want to be able to better organize the abilities on the screen. The number of hotbar slots would be OK if I could split up the existing hotbars into several smaller ones.


Better buff/debuff icons I want mostly because I care more about some than others. As an example playing as an Operative, I don't really care so much about seeing the buff icon for Coordination, but what is really important for me is always being aware of my Tactical Advantage.

As an Assassin I don't care at all about seeing the buff icon for my charge (I can already see on my hotbar which one I have), for my Mercenary I don't care about seeing the icon for my cylinder, and so on.


As a healer I would also like to see more options for the Operations frame.

I'd like the actual health bars to be able to take up a larger portion of that person's area, and have there be less dead space that's not used.

I'd also like to be able to change the color of the health bar (one color when full health, gradually going into another as health goes down).

Finally I'd really like to be able to choose which buffs/debuffs I see and which ones I don't, because at the moment it's almost impossible to tell when someone has a buff/debuff that I care about.

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A: Option to remove character portrait from character bar. I know what my character looks like.


B: Option to get rid of current character bar entirely and replace it with separate health, resource, buff and debuff bars that can extend vertically, horizontally, or in an arc shape.


C: Separate "proc" buffs from deliberately cast buffs on a movable bar.


D: Flytext announcements for buffs gained, including "procs" of skills that reset cooldowns on abilities.


E: Ability to put specific abilities on a "watchlist" that displays an icon when the ability is about to come off cooldown.


F: Redone debuff icons with the same countdown timer text that you can display on quickbars.


Essentially I like to play with all necessary information centrally located so I can watch my resources without taking an eye off the action. Watching the character bar to see when cooldowns are up or when my trooper is back to Fast ammo regen isn't fun.

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I would love to add additional buttons to the bottom quickslot bars beyond 12. If I could have 14 on each that would be perfect, because it would allow me to put all the abilities I use often in one place, instead of having to slot some of them on my side bars.
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Scale Buffs/debuffs

Moreover, I'd really like to see MY HoT near the operations frame, so I can keep track of them, and Debuffs I can dispel in a Decursive kind of way.


Other than this if you people really really are on the path of no Addons implemented, I'd need some kind of Damage Meter to misure my dps, maybe just on ship dummies so people won't freak out?


Aaaand finally ( and I'm ready to be insulted here) I used to raid in the Game that Shall not Be Named, and healing witouth healbot is a pain.

I had to put my healing on 1,2,3 etc and that impair my movement cause if I'm clicking 1,2,3 I cant't click Wasd, and I have to use the mouse to select target and my target is always changing....long story short, is a mess.

I miss my elegant shift,alt mouse click combinations!


That's about it, I think. I loved my Ui right now by the way.


Oooh wait, TOTALLY useless but I loved it so much...3d portraits. Pretty please?:p



Edited by Shiroiyami
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I thought the implementation of the UI changes in 1.2 was done flawlessly. Nice job. However, we need a fix for pops and Time Zone problems and pvp. Please stop modeling after WOW, if I wanted to play WOW i would have gone there. Add a social arena where people can experience more community, it feels like a solo game. Thank you.
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I like to remove the XP bar on my Lvl 50's but keep Legacy bar. Or a small "box" whit a % on how much I have left and how much I done. An option to show both at the same time or just 1 of them. Same for the XP for the non lvl 50's.
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For the most part, the UI changes in 1.2 are great. A few suggestions from a healer perspective:


1. As a healer, the thing I most need is an easy way to see debuffs on people. Something along the lines of a separate and configurable UI frame (per player) , or to position outside the raid frames (e.g. I have my raid frames on the left in a vertical arrangement, so showing debuffs to the right of the frame would make them much easier to see).


2. An option to make my own buffs easier to see. When I play my combat medic, its difficult to see (at a glance) whether my Trauma Probe is still active amongst the numerous other buffs. Perhaps make the buffs I have placed larger and before any others.


3. Companions in raid frames. Handy for healers who use raid frames when in a party :)

Edited by Ghost_Dancer
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seperate frames for player-buffs, player-debuffs, target-buffs, target-debuffs

seperate frame for procs

ability to scale and filter buffs/debuffs (show only mine debuffs on target)

buffs/debuffs with countdown

abbility to turn off portraits/names


nameplates: ability to turn off names, title, guildname - show only healthbar

Edited by nailer_
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Overall I'm happy with the current customization available in fact I personally am in no hurry for mod ui


I would like however:


Better visual feedback on certain procs/buffs

I like floating text myself e.g. [You gain Wrath][You loose Wrath][You gain Barrage][You fry a jawa] etc.


Clear distinction of your effects versus your raids' both on friendly and hostile targets

Hmm we have 4 sorcerers but there are only 3 afflictions on the boss, is mine one of them?


Not strictly UI , but tab targeting functionality doesn't always seem consistent, I'd like to be able to see and change those settings. e.g. [Prioritize in visual range][Prioritize left to right] etc.


I agree with nakomaru on this one, though I consider this a ui bug more than a feature request:

"Allow targets to be clickable even when the camera is against certain walls/forcefields, like bridge forcefield in Voidstar."

I have this problem while tanking large mobs as well it is very difficult to click through or around them, and tab targeting sometimes has its own idiosyncrasies.

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Main things for me would be to have options to center UI elements horizontally and vertically. Would also be handy to be able to turn off character portraits and to adjust the positional of character name as this will provide more options for placement.


Finally, there should be an option to lock an element in place so you cant accidentally move it while editing other UI elements.

Edited by smexymage
replied to wrong topic
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"Let me change the location, color, and size for in battle pop up alerts"


I know that you can atm get around the font size issue and I have done so, but its still very annoying NOT to be able to put the alerts in another place.


Also, I would really love the ability to turn off (ie not see) other players titles and legacy names. As it is now I can turn off their nameplates completly or not at all. Its really annoying to see some very long text names with all that crap.

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Hello everyone. Now that you’ve been able to use the UI Customization features implemented with Game Update 1.2, the developers would like to request your feedback. In this thread, please post to let us know what UI features or functions you would like to see implemented in the future.


We are already working on a few areas based on your feedback, such as additional hotbars and more customizable buff bars. While we do not have an estimate for when these features will be implemented, we are hoping that more great ideas will come from you!


Thanks in advance for your thoughts. We’re looking forward to seeing your suggestions.


if you people would not have nerfed most of the classes and would have deliver for once bugfree content it would be a good addition .

But since you enjoy providing buged content it is sadly that is not pleasing improvement .

I mean honestly 3 weeks testing on the PTS and once its on the normal server its bugged i would call it high time to live up to the e3 promises of 2011

Superior Quality and Superior Support its hight time for that.

after 6 years with hero engine such mistakes are not acceptable

so take action now and not in a few months

I understand that mistakes can happen but so far each update made matters worse .

So i start to ask myself do you plant bugs so that customer support has something to do and test their quality

witch sadly to say has not improved after 4 months.

My Suggestion is that before you release content triple check it as for the PTS i question that is usefull because its purpose is that if updates are tested ont it . There should be no bugs remaining when leaving the test phase

If I review the performance of Bioware in the last months I get the impression you are being understaffed because after launch til 1.1 we had few bugs now after 1.2 this bugs have been trippled so only exponation is that designers are pulled of from EA for other projects.

And your spread to thin to counter the problembs this MMO has

So i would do something about this as well

Edited by bloomfireblade
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