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UI Feature Feedback Request


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I would love to see an event on screen that reacts to procs (as with Power Aura in WoW). Something that tells me that Riposte has procced without having to look at quickbar.


If not, at least some form of shiny background trigger on the button for when it procs.


My biggest issue is with riposte but it could be said it's needed for most proccable buffs such as the crit proc after an overhead slash (need to see when it's going to fade) or the Pommel Strike proc when somebody else stuns an enemy.


Bottomline is that I don't feel like having to glue my eyes to the quickbar instead of the action on screen, because of those procs, is fun.

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There are three things I really want to see added to the UI...

  • First, re-sizable buffs and debuffs (both on the raid frames and player portraits).

  • Second, some sort of notification that an ability has procced, it doesn't even have to be like power-aura's in WoW, a simple text message in the middle of the screen or glowing (procced) abilities would do.

  • Third, health percentages on your focus target.

Edited by Malifor
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The ability to autohide a frame during combat.

The ability to save and load key bindings locally.


Yes! I'd love if the mission tracker would auto-hide during combat!


I second the keybinding comment but I realize this affects everyone much less often.

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Cast bars. You half got it with the Flip Horizontally option. Now just make it so the bar fills/decreases in the opposite direction too, instead of just moving the spell icon.


Ability to turn off portraits when not in combat.


Ability to seperate the buffs from the frames. Allowing bar buffs instead of icons would be great too.


Player skinning of the UI would be great.


Allow us to turn off portraits for individual frames.


Companions on the Raid frames! Or even better, a seperate element for party companions. I often duo as a healer, and like to keep the party frames small. This makes the party companion frame absolutely tiny.


As a dedicated clicker, I'd love some form of click healing, a'la Healbot/Vuhdo. I suspect that's a pipe-dream though.

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I really like the UI customizations that were added in 1.2, and I'm glad to hear that you're continuing to improve the system. My suggestions below come from the perspective of someone who likes a clean, minimalist UI that allows the player to focus more on the gameworld and less on interface elements.


Things I'd like to see:


1) Detachable/customizable buff and debuff displays.


2) Some sort of spell alert system for important procs and cooldowns. On my Assault Specialist Vanguard I feel like I spend more time watching the action bars for Ionic Accelerator procs than actually looking at the fight. I really like being able to keep my eyes on the game itself, rather than on the UI.


3) Action bar paging on modifier keys. IE, the ability to hold SHIFT and have Action Bar 1 switch to a different set of slotted abilities, then release SHIFT and have it return to normal. Basically lets me save screen space and reduce clutter.


4) More opacity control and options. I'd like the ability to have UI elements that fade in or out completely based on whether I'm in combat, or based on mouseover. I have an action bar set up for stances, buffs, vehicles, and such that I don't really need to see most of the time. It would be nice to have it invisible under normal circumstances, and have it pop up when I hover the mouse over that part of the screen.

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BUG: Every time I enter the new warzone added in 1.2, the UI element that shows the score is positioned under my map. I have to go into my interfaces options and drag it over EVERY TIME I load into that one, regardless of how many times I've already done it and hit save.


SUGGESTION: Some kind of on-screen notification that an important ability has procced so I don't spend 99% of my play time staring at my portrait waiting for a tiny square to appear.

Edited by Ripps
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(1) Resize/Move Buffs/Debuffs


(2) Resize/Move Main Map


(3) Individual Remove of Portraits

Don't need to see what I or my current companion look like all the time.


(4) Toggles to have Main Map automatically disappear (a) when entering combat, (b) when standing still.

When I'm looking at the map and attacked, the first thing to do is turn the map off and when not being attacked I often stop to check bearings or look at the game art.


(5) Toggle to Minimap to allow absolute view (north always at top of map) or relative view (direction character faces at that moment is top of map).

Some people prefer to orient a map to their facing, saves a mental step in adjusting headings and it's what current Earth armies teach for that reason.


(6) Options to change Minimap destination border icons (i.e., mission objectives off the map edge) to some form of coding/icon changes which give some idea of the distance to the off-map objective.

Could be 10 meters or 10,000 from the current system. It's cumbersome having to check the Main Map because those minimap border icons don't tell the off-map distance.


(7) More variety in map vendor icons, such as heavy/med/light armor vendors.

Takes a while to look through all the vendors in a crowded vendor area.


(8) Allow for 2 different sets of complete saved UI (including which chat windows are open) and a toggle keybind to switch between the two.

For my own example, on entering combat I don't want/need the Mission Tracker or General Combat to block the screen or distract; when exploring on a speeder I don't need my hotbars or character status to block the nice scenery. Other players most certainly have their own preferences for battle/non-battle screens.


(9) Add setting to Main Map fade to not fade the blueprint itself (the map drawing) along with the map background.

The map lines are the important part and shouldn't be lumped in to fade right along with the background.


Thanks for the feedback chance.

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Oh, also thought of two things:



1 - When you get upgrades, list whether it's an improvement to any of your companions instead of having to summon them to find out. Or at least to the two that you play the most.


2 - Have the stat comparison tool compare MODS equipped too, instead of just equipment.

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Would be nice to have Scrolling combat TxT customizable where it's not just stuck directly over a mobs head. Not being able to see the numbers over large mobs heads really sucks. I'd like to be able to have the combat numbers rainbow around my character and have options for size color ect.
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- a real dps meter. i know that some folks who are bad will be left out cause they cant cut it, but right now you're just forcing other folks to fail more cause they are dragging an anchor around with their raid. also, KNOWLEGE IS POWER! if we know how we are doing compaired to others, we can talk to them to work out better rotations and whatnot to improve our preformance, as it is: we have no idea if someone is dps'ing like a champ or standing there picking their nose the whole time


- threat meter, the applications should be obvious


- target focused target. im not sure if i just missed this somehow but if i could set my focus target then hit a key to switch to it instead of try to find it manually or clicking on it on the screen, that'd be great.


- increasing the size and length of the cast bars, including the focus target's cast bar


- having some sort of sound and/or visual warnings we can set for boss events

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- increasing the size and length of the cast bars, including the focus target's cast bar



You can do that already with the UI customization tool if i'm not mistaken.



- having some sort of sound and/or visual warnings we can set for boss events


Not a fan of this one. Deadly Boss Mods is too much hand-holding imo.

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I know they've put a lot of work into it, but to be honest, I've not changed my default set up! :) Then again, I wasn't really complaining about it earlier either.


I do like the adjustment to the vertical companion bar, allowing me to have both sidebars visible.


The only quibble I have is the location of the 'unify to chest' icon/tab on the Character screen. It took me forever to find it, and after asking in chat, I still didn't see it right away. And even now when I know it's there, the little button is not very visible. It doesn't have to be a huge, red launch-the-missiles button, but I feel it could use something to make it stand out for new players.

Edited by Cerion
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I second everything said on buff/debuff scaling/highlighting/separation.

Would be greate to have Heroic Moment Bar/Social Bar/Stealth Bars too.

But most of all I would like to double-stress the following:


Option to scale the size of the debuffs (or something to make it easier to see them on one's personal character, and also in operations frames, where it gets yucky for healers).

Some way of knowing which debuffs on a mob were applied by you (so you can know when you need to reapply X debuff).

This! But not only debuffs on the target, buffs on myself too. Please check this WoW addon for the tip.


  • Clickable, non-overlapping, non-scaling UI nameplates.
  • Allow targets to be clickable even when the camera is against certain walls/forcefields, like bridge forcefield in Voidstar.
  • Improve tab targeting (e.g. increase range; trend towards center of screen; reset the tab targeting cycle after the camera has been moved > 50 degrees; do not cull targets that are out of character LOS, even though they're in the middle of the screen, like when you're above someone on The Pit)
  • Include legacy character names on the mailing auto-fill list, prioritize over friends list, which prioritizes over guild list
  • Auto select "To:" field when composing mail
  • Retain "Compose" tab focus after sending mail, with retained "To:" name highlighted
  • When a new target is selected, immediately blank the current target portrait or eliminate new target portrait latency completely.
  • Mission cred/xp/item rewards in mission log
  • Reduce deadspace on many UI elements such as player/target health. It should look more like an ops unit frame if we want it to.
  • High memory usage option to keep map/character sheet/skills/etc window in primary memory, so that opening them does not induce hitching.

All of these too, especially the ones related to targeting and of those tab targeting is a most annoying one (BTW, it seems the the Target Nearest Enemy ability is bugged, sometimes it takes SECONDS to switch to the really nearest one).


edit. It would be nice to have an option to have normally hidden toolbars which would popup only when I hold a key or only when I click (right-click, ctrl-click, whatever) a player in my ops frame (and would disappear after I invoked any action from it). And it would be nice if those magic toolbars would be drawn as a small circle around my current mouse cursor. This can make ops healing much easier.

Edited by Jeka
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Please, allow to resize UI windows.

Or at least change their height!


It is very important for Crew, Crafting & Missions windows. :)



Also, replace Mission Grade [Menu] with radio-buttons


[Mission level XX-XX MENU-LIST]



Mission level [10-16] [17-24] [25-32] [33-40] [41-48] [49-50]

Edited by Glower
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Implied targeting. Allow hostile actions to take effect on a hostile target of my friendly target, and allow friendly actions to take effect on a friendly target of my hostile target rather than defaulting to self.
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merge servers with LIGHT populations and give us 8ppl ops PvP queue (and DONT disband it after warzone!) and ranking warzones. Or you still think customazable UI will hold players in game?
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UI upgrade was great as a whole, however as some mentioned, improvements could include recoloring options different UI themes, etc, but that's not necessary for a positive perspective of it, just a thought.
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1. fix bugs: novare coast wz frame resets it`s position, companion frame resets it`s position in group, target of target frame sometimes shows up in wrong position.

2. fix portrait lag when you switch targets and rework targeting in general.

3. make it possible to move companion abilities.

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thanks for asking! here's a top-three list in order of priority, with some explanation.


1) buff/debuff sorting and scaling, especially on player/target


this sort of feature is amazingly helpful for DoT classes (colorize their own debuffs, grayscale for others) in large-group environments. it's also of paramount importance for healers and anyone concerned with removing hostile effects. my biggest complaint with the current ui options as a healer is that debuff sizes are so small and not sortable, especially in operation frames. on that note...


2) reduce the chrome in operation frames


there is so much wasted space in operation frames. names can be written over health bars. corner icons can be enabled for key effects (force armor, rejuvenate, SRM, etc.). debuffs can appear with larger icons in the center. many healers have probably become accustomed to this kind of layout thanks to some other MMO that we won't mention, which has a whole host of excellent unit frame addons.


3) focus target cast bar


an easy one, right? we have cast bars for player, target, target of target, and companion, but not for focus target. please add this; it makes the focus target modifier key infinitely more useful!


some other requests, much lower priority:

- a threat meter (or "current threat on target" meter)

- focus target's target window (i loved this in that other MMO)

- mouseover healing (wait, what?)

- increase height of player/target frames

- remove chrome from quickbar frame #1

- one or two more quickbars (yes, really)

- item set swapping feature (actually a much higher priority than a lot of this stuff)

- ability to scale secondary windows (inventory, character, crew, etc.)


thank you for your consideration!

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