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Everything posted by Jeka

  1. Hi. At present all the client buttons, when clicked, would start to do their actions only when you release the mouse button. Try to click: a menu bar button, any crew skill, a talent tree element, a quick slot item, or even this "emotions" popup menu in the chat frame. Try to select someone in the raid frames. This fact that all of them are bound on WM_LBUTTONUP instead of WM_LBUTTONDOWN is one of the main reasons why the game's UI feels so slow and unresponsive in general. Please consider changing this behavior in favor of button DOWN wherever it is possible. I think this should be relatively simple thing to do, which could greatly improve UX nonetheless. Thank you.
  2. 1. I'd like ops frames to be improved to show (and highlight!) really meaning buffs/debuffs (especially HoTs). 2. I want quick-slot buttons to be more informative too. I want them to show me if the corresponding buff/debuff/HoT/DoT is already present on target/me and what's the duration left. 3. Double specializations. And personal equipment sets.
  3. How happy you are about the current Fleet architecture? Don't you think it's too monotonous and forces players to constantly check the map to move between very few points of interest across all those deserted corridors, twists and a huge central pit-trap named "cantina"?
  4. I second everything said on buff/debuff scaling/highlighting/separation. Would be greate to have Heroic Moment Bar/Social Bar/Stealth Bars too. But most of all I would like to double-stress the following: This! But not only debuffs on the target, buffs on myself too. Please check this WoW addon for the tip. All of these too, especially the ones related to targeting and of those tab targeting is a most annoying one (BTW, it seems the the Target Nearest Enemy ability is bugged, sometimes it takes SECONDS to switch to the really nearest one). edit. It would be nice to have an option to have normally hidden toolbars which would popup only when I hold a key or only when I click (right-click, ctrl-click, whatever) a player in my ops frame (and would disappear after I invoked any action from it). And it would be nice if those magic toolbars would be drawn as a small circle around my current mouse cursor. This can make ops healing much easier.
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