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UI Feature Feedback Request


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I agree with the most of the first page (all that I read)… let the player base make UI changes for you. BW’s history of producing bugfree content ain’t the best.


Focus target of target.

Snap to grid for windows.

Lock specific windows when moving stuff around.

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Add to UI:

  • Target of Target of Target (important for healers)
  • Target of Focus
  • See Focus as operations frame (I use it sometimes to overcome you bug in WZs when people doesn't appear on the Raid Frame and it's annoying to be forced to see it as a target)

Add to preferences:

  • Target Focus (why Focus if I need to click on the frame to quick select ?)
  • Aquire Focus target (Same)
  • Target center screen enemy/friend (as it is now, think it's a bit useless since you'll never want to select a friend AND an enemy at the same time)


  • Ability to scale and filter buffs/debuffs.
  • Buffs/debuffs need a countdown timer function you can turn on/off
  • Ability to turn off Portraits
  • Ability to "lock" certain buffs so they can't be clicked on to remove
  • Better buff/debuff seperation

and i'd like to add an option to what buffs/debuffs we want to see. As it is now, it's simply impossible to get decent information since someone can stack 4 rows of debuffs ! :mad:

Edited by wolfmith
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  • Snap to grid or at least let us be able to move each element with arrow keys
  • Color schemes
  • Ability to hide the "page toggler", Lock/Unlock, and UI quick button (all on main quickbar)
  • Another quickbar
  • Keybinds to local file
  • Mouse over heals on operation frame

Edited by OrionsBelt
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Chat Window



  • Filterable chat -> file logging similar to the combat log. (I might want to see /general chat but not log it). But logging loot rolls / wins in a raid might mean I could do some form of DKP without switching on master looter.


Buffs and Debuffs



  • Hide all class specific buffs / debuffs on targets except my own. I need to know how high MY stacks of heat signature are on the boss. I couldn't give a hoot about anyone elses. Again maybe some control happy raid leader might want to check up on everyone, every time - so have some sort of in combat toggle. Likewise, I'm not interested in if some inquisitor's affliction is on the target or not.


If you're feeling particularly adventurous create a new UI element for tracking loot and loot rolls, instead of just spamming chat. Maybe just "loot and winner and winner's roll plus MY name and MY roll initially, with dropdown list to show everyone's if I click it. (ie. initially small, but explorable). Maybe even exportable.


Oh and as a tentative UI thing... I still can't bind the Grave Accent ( ` ) key on a UK keyboard.

Edited by Woetoo
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Release the UI API to the modding community, and do it yesterday.


No matter what you guys do to the UI you will never touch the custumization imagination your entire community could bring.


1.2 was nice, but not close to what anyone coming from (the game that will not be named) will tolerate for long.


Releasing the API is a bad idea IMO. Sure, you'll get a handful of useful add-ons but you will also get hundreds of sloppily coded mods that are going to destabilize the client and put a massive burden on Customer Support. Now, if you have 12 million+ active subscribers, you can afford to expend a large amount of resources on beefing up that section of the company, but if you have 1/10th of that, it probably makes much less sense.


Economies of scale guys. I'm amazed how many people just chuck it out the window when they start drawing comparisons and making demands.

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Add to UI:

  • Target of Target of Target (important for healers)
  • Target of Focus
  • See Focus as operations frame (I use it sometimes to overcome you bug in WZs when people doesn't appear on the Raid Frame and it's annoying to be forced to see it as a target)

Add to preferences:

  • Target Focus (why Focus if I need to click on the frame to quick select ?)
  • Aquire Focus target (Same)
  • Target center screen enemy/friend (as it is now, think it's a bit useless since you'll never want to select a friend AND an enemy at the same time)



and i'd like to add an option to what buffs/debuffs we want to see. As it is now, it's simply impossible to get decent information since someone can stack 4 rows of debuffs ! :mad:



Snap to grid or at least let us be able to move each element with arrow keys

Color schemes

Ability to hide the "page toggler", Lock/Unlock, and UI quick button (all on main quickbar)

Another quickbar

Keybinds to local file

Mouse over heals on operation frame


My only addendum: Use on mouse over functionality not just for healing but also for anything we want. For example, in my case, Taunt on mouse over would be SUPER useful. With a shift or ctrl modifier for Mass Taunt.

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Maybe a threat percentage on mouse over or the target frame would be nice for tanking. A damage meter even if it only shows you your own damage so you can improve your rotation or test different augments or stat choices without uploading it to a website to break it down for you. Stats on target dummies for regular and operation dummies for defenses and armor in the tooltip.
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Improve Chat Windows.


Move the size and position to the Interface Editor.

Have a Click Through options.

Have a no controls and input area option for chat windows.

Have an option to keep the frames transparent on mouse over.

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I am generally very happy with the UI of the game. I have just a few little complaints.

  • The whisper system reply button still misdirects whispers. Even if you're mid-way through typing to one person, and another whispers you, the reply system sends it to the last person to whisper you. This is frustrating.
  • There is no option to key-bind raid icons, to speed up marking and/or allow marking on the move as a fight changes. I'd like to see an option to keybind these.

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FYI: For those of you commenting about the garbage that surrounds all the windows and frames, the artwork that was amusing for the first five minutes but annoying after that and so forth, the term for that and those UI elements is chrome. You want them to change the chrome, give control over the chrome, get rid of the chrome, et cetera. (and yes, please, to all of the above, IMO)


My own suggestions have already all been stated in one form or another, but just to pile on:


  • Complete breakout and control over the player frame sub-elements. Complete. Whether the portrait is shown or not, whether the level and class display is shown or not, the width and height of the health and combat resource bars.
  • There should be an option to have the party frame include yourself. As a healer you're looking at the party frame constantly and it's very convenient for your own status to be with the party's.
  • The buff icons are awful. These need control at the same level as the button bars: vertical vs. horizontal, sizing, independent placement and alpha. Debuff and buff need to be split out, as well, and the main target frame's buff/debuff icons should be given the same level of control.
  • Control over the frame that displays combat error messages: Size, placement, alpha.
  • Add a new frame that displays current credit balance. Since with 1.2 this statistic is a central part of the game, and arguably was before that anyway, have a frame or some kind of information bar, like Titan from WoW, that does this. Then you wouldn't have to stick it in the chrome in various windows.

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My feature requests relate the buff/debuff system, which is incredibly important for some classes.


  • Filter Castable Buffs - This should show only buffs I cast, so I can more easily track stacks of my heal over times on raid members.
  • Filter Long-Duration Buffs - I don't need to see your Lucky Shots buff, thanks. (This just filters it out of the raid window, you can still target them to see full buffs)
  • Also, it would be really nice if certain classes could somehow make certain key buffs more easily tracked. Upper hand for Scoundrels. Particle Acceleration and Harnessed Shadows for the Jedi Shadow... etc.
  • Finally, I had a guildmate request a target of focus target bar. I'm sure a lot of healers would love that feature.


Thanks for requesting feedback on this! :)

Edited by Azaranth
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Please allow us to split buffs and debuffs, move them (as a set) and resize them. This has been frustrating since release. Thanks!


edit: prioritizing buffs to appear more near the front of the list would be awesome too

Edited by beastcleave
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I would like to be able to target an ally and attack who they are attacking without having to use the focus target keys.


Or as a healer be able to target an enemy and heal my ally they are targeting again without having to use the focus target.

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Please, for the love of all that is holy, if you do absolutely NOTHING else, put in a proper focus cast modifier key. So if I hold my modifier key, I cast whatever skill I hit or click on my focus target. That would be the best thing ever, and a godsend for healers.
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I am generally very happy with the UI of the game. I have just a few little complaints.

  • The whisper system reply button still misdirects whispers. Even if you're mid-way through typing to one person, and another whispers you, the reply system sends it to the last person to whisper you. This is frustrating.
  • There is no option to key-bind raid icons, to speed up marking and/or allow marking on the move as a fight changes. I'd like to see an option to keybind these.


Uh, you can keybind marking targets now. Implemented with the last patch. Just check your keybind settings, it's there. :)

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I would love to see the ability for mouse direction to control camera movement/facing without having to hold down both mouse buttons. In addition, I'd like to have a hot key toggle the cursor on and off.


While the current controls are usable, I personally find them to be a bit clunky, especially when faced with a choice of either the WASD keys or holding down mouse buttons.

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I would like to see:


  • A more customizable floating combat text.
  • More customizable buff bars.
  • More Hotbars.
  • Being able to macro emotes to hotbars
  • Unlocking mouse look while moving forward without it snapping back to front.


Thank you.

Edited by Mordris
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I'll go along with all the other people saying "open up the UI API to modders". Failing that, in no particular order, I'd like:


Turn off portraits

Independently scale the name/health/power texts on the player/target/etc. frames.

Hide frames out of combat; show/hide frames on mouse-over.

Scalable wardrobe (gear preview) window (it's so small right now that it doesn't give you a very good idea of what the gear's actually going to look like).

Preview of weapons in the wardrobe window (preferably with the option to preview just the weapon, rather than the weapon equipped by the player)

Keybind for the inspect window

Keybind directly to skills without having to put them in a quickbar

Ability to add more quickbars

Ratings for implants, relics, earpieces so that they can be directly compared in the same way as other gear can

Numeric timers for buffs. Filters to hide buffs you don't care about or to group and highlight buffs/debuffs you've applied.

Bigger (much, much bigger) buff indicators on Ops frames.

Macro functions to allow me to fold multiple functions onto one button (qualified, hostile/friendly, etc.)

Option to share keybinds between characters

Threat meters

Threat indicators on enemy nameplates

Combat logging that doesn't require you to get all 8/16 members of your ops group to both log and upload before you get any worthwhile information out of them (seriously, it's all but useless as it stands)

Better, clearer indications when you proc conditional abilities (like the Knight's Riposte). Power Auras, basically.

Ability to hide the XP bar once you reach the cap.

Hide the quickbar cycle button (e.g. when you've got all of the bars open already so it does nothing when you click on it)

Ability to separate loot messages from party text so I can put it in a separate tab and not flood chat with it.


While I'm thinking about it, and it's off-topic because it's not a UI issue: I frequently can't click on mobs because there's a bigger, closer mob with a ridiculously large transparent hit box in the way. Even though there's a clear line of sight to the mob I want to click on, I end up clicking on the closer mob instead.

Edited by NJMorf
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