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UI Feature Feedback Request


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Having the ability to customize Buffs and stacks and how we view them on the screen would be great. The best example is can give was a mod for wow called power auras that allowed you to create custom sounds/effects when thing happen or proc, for example someone gets to 30% health and its time to vicious throw, or a sin get his 3 stacks and its time to lightning etc...
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I'd like to see the "Open Quick UI Customization Menu" button moved off of the Main Quickbar along with the "Lock The Quickslot Bar" padlock and moved somewhere where you can't accidently click on it. I've done that several times during a fight and loaded different interfaces while I'm fighting. It's pretty easy to do.
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Ability to change font sizes.


I play on a 60" screen and some of the items, like quest tracker are hard to read. Something simple like in the chat pane would be wonderful for other panes as well.

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- Snap Toolbars

- Global Configs for Keybinds


And much more importante than anything else...


- Mouseover Healing


I just refuse to heal without mouseover

Edited by Liedros
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I love the save feature so that you can transfer your UI layout to other characters w/o having to re-do it every time, but please add keybinds to this. I use a Razer Nostromo and I have to redo all my keybinds on every character... not fun. =/
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I'd like to see the ability to Flip Horizontally and Vertically the Quickbars. I don't particularly like playing with bars 12 buttons wide. i like a more compact setting. My initial idea is to create quick bars of 12 buttons but make them 8 buttons per row. This forces the bar to have an 8 button top row and 4 button bottom row. Flipping the 2nd bar once vertically and horizontally would actually allow for the fitting of the two bars together and making a 8x3 grid which is what I am aiming for. Still 24 buttons, but less spread out. I use the other 2 quick bars in other locations so the option to create 3, 8 button bars isn't really a desired option. It would reduce my side option bars by one.


Of course you could always just add one bar giving us a total of 5 and that would help as well.

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I'm not certain this directly applies to the UI but I want to make sure it's tossed into the mix somehow.



1. Separate chat boxes for individual conversations. A tab that doesn't mix up multiple whispers and blinks when there is a new message. Much like can be found in WoW.

2. Chat bubbles for /say.



1. Raid markers for positioning would be great to have for raid leads.

2. Ready Check for FPs and Ops groups.


Ability Bars

1. At least 2 or 3 new bars for use would be nice.

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Add a pushpin button to lock the position of the "standard" waindows (inventory, character sheet, item modification, crafting, companion). I want to setup the locations of these windows and then lock them into a position once I get it into position.
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Add a pushpin button to lock the position of the "standard" waindows (inventory, character sheet, item modification, crafting, companion). I want to setup the locations of these windows and then lock them into a position once I get it into position.


set them where you want then turn off movable secondary windows.

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We desperately need a stealth bar for stealth classes similar to the cover bar.


I'd also like some way to differentiate buffs and debuffs cast by you on the buff bars. If you are teaming with another persone from your class it can be difficult to tell at a glance if that is your dot on an enemy or if you need to reapply it.

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Most of these probably already re-iterate what others have said.


1. snap-to grid for lining up hotbars

2. separate buffs/debuffs from the player/target frames

3. default chat window (right now, everything goes to my secondary chat window, and I have to constantly click over to the left to my my inputted text start in that box. after it's typed, it always shows up in the correct box, but I would like to be able to have the cursor start on the left box instead of the right when I hit enter to start typing.)

4. Save a set of keybindings (server side preferably, otherwise, local would work) so we don't have to re-do everything for every new character

5. Make self buffs/debuffs larger icons that buffs/debuffs from other PCs/NPCs. This way I know which ones I have to re-apply.

6. A 5th hotbar.

7. Ability to make a smaller portrait or remove the portrait from a frame (player, target, focus, companion, group, etc)

8. Glowing icons when on an ability when something procs (like the talent for Vanguard that makes Stock Strike cooldown go to 0 immediately; this way we can easily tell it's available again)

9. I also like the idea of the stances being part of the player UI as long as they are compact and fit in nicely with the UI instead of jutting out. I like to have all of my UI components flush and lined up if possible. Having a rectangular player and target frame is nice so it's easier to line them up without empty space between them.

10. Flip mission tracker horizontally as well as vertically. I would also like to see mine on the left. Actually, the ability to flip all UI elements horizontally and vertically.

11. Friends list across characters or even a global account for friends (i.e. someone adds you as a friend, and you get a message, "would you like them to see all characters on your account?" This way, I can see when he/she is playing an alt as well.)

12. Having a "test" ability, as others have mentioned, to put in fake party members or raid members so you can see what it will actually look like instead of just in the UI editor.

13. Some kind of identifier of the mission before we pick it up. The name of the FlashPoint (Red Reaper) / (Cademimu) or maybe even the type and level (heroic 25) or something to that affect after the quest giver's name. This way we know, "Oh yeah, this is Cademimu, 5 levels below me. I need to pass on this quest." I often don't remember every single quest giver. Maybe at least different colors for different levels of quests? (green = low level, white = your level, yellow/red = above your level). I have picked up a lot of quests that I did not want to complete because I couldn't remember if I had done that quest from that mob before or if it was level appropriate. Maybe at least make all mobs the same level range as the quest so I can determine if the quest is in my level range. This is true some of the time, but not always. There are several quests on the Republic Station where a lvl 18 mob gives an Ops quest, or a lvl 20 mob gives a lvl 40 quest, etc.

14. Companions in Ops frames or the option to add them as part of the Party frame.

15. The ability to populate Ops and Party Frames from the bottom up instead of the top down. THis way, you have less blank or empty space when you don't have a full party or Operation.

16. Color scheme of the UI (not so much for me, but a lot of others seem to want this. I can see how this would be something a lot of players would like).

17. Someone else mentioned having your inventory in "sections." I like this. So all my consumables go into one section (until it fills up and goes into empty space), and another section for all my crafting materials/harvested items (until it fills up), etc. Maybe a section for alternate gear, etc. This one is a stretch, but would be cool.


I think that's all I can think of for now.

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  • Mouseover macro healing with raid frames. I really want to be able to keep the boss targeted to watch what he's doing and to whom and still be able to heal whomever I want, this game should not have been put into beta without that capability; let alone released.
  • Buff/debuff control (filters for buffs cast by player, buffs that can be removed, capability of putting buffs and debuffs in different locations, size and placement control independent of the size the target frame)
  • All potential target frames should have the same options available. e.g. I should have the option of showing the cast bar/health numbers for my focus target.
  • Option to turn off portrait for any target frame, player inclusive.
  • Customizable debuff indicator on raid frames.

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I'd love to see an option that allows me to only see MY debuffs (or buffs) on my target (enemy or friendly), so I can keep track of when certain abilities are going to ware off. Also, I'd REALLY appreciate it if you guys can fix your targeting system. During AoE abilities, if a friendly is in the zone, I constantly target them instead of an enemy. Also, when you kill a target, but that target left an DOT on you, you'll keep targeting that (dead) enemy instead of what you're trying to kill next. Actually, an option to turn off auto-targeting when something is attacking you would be nice too.




EDIT: Also the ability to swap the mission log horizontally so we can place it on the left side.

Edited by Jaspless
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This was my last WoW UI, I spent as much time testing and tweaking this as I did anything else. [...] Until I can make my swtor ui do all these things, I wont be happy. API please.


This. Again.


API please.


I am sorry to say this, but the current state of your GUI, extremely unpolished at almost every possible level, should have already made you realize that your GUI design ability is just not there.


EDIT: You should start by fixing your design team: less art, more engineering. a few random examples:



Green red and blue frames on customization mode are uber pretty to set up, yet, if I do align your pretty frames, I end up with a UI full of gaps between pieces. :confused:


Why is 75% of the character frame used to tell me either nothing, or things I already know, in huge, clear text?:

My name. My level. My Class. My face. A lot of nothing (unused space).

Then I have my resource/hp bars set on tiny lines, with a fade to dark effect on top and bottom, and tiny text, A DIFFERENT SHADE OF THE SAME COLOR AS THE BAR, slammed on top, looking at me while I try to figure out whether I am at 26 or 28 heat... :confused:


Mandatory filters on GTN? Does the GTN operate on MS-DOS or what? :confused:

On a serious note: dropdown mandatory menus where optional categorized expandable headers would sufice is bad UI design. 1 click is better than 2 clicks. 2 clicks is better than 4 clicks. You see where this goes.


The current icons that identify strong, elite, etc, are hard to "assign" when looking at tight packs, and is useless during cluttered combat. Could you instead (or at least additionally) make the border of the health bar on the NPC nameplate reflect the type of mob? it would be SO MUCH MORE READABLE...



TL;DR: Constructive post to tell you that it is too much for you to fix on your own, and a single UI will never please everyone, just like no single UI mod pleased everyone (and they were lightyears ahead of your UI). API please.

Edited by Urkanan
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Target of Focus Target. Currently, in encounters where you are changing targets a lot, there is no way to keep track of who a particular target is attacking.


Can we have an option to make tooltips always-on-top?

Oh, and this too! There isn't any point in having a tooltip if it gets hidden by your other windows (in Moveable Secondary Window mode anyway).

Edited by Tuhalu
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> I would like for empty buttons on quickbars to be hidden.


> You said you are working on more customizable buffs/debuffs. I would like to be able to segregate buffs of say 30 seconds or less (procs) from the rest of my buffs and move just those buffs to the center of my screen. This way I do not have to stare at my unit frame and try to discern my procs from my current buffs.


> I would like to be able to freely move certain UI elements (Inventory, character panel, quest log, etc.) without having to open the interface editor. If this is currently possible, I have not figured out how.


>I only want to see MY debuffs on the target. I don't want to figure out who's crushing darkness or whatever it is on the boss. I just want to see mine.


> I would like to see a snap to option for UI elements.


> I would like to see a "graph paper" feature for the interface editor. I want a grid to overlay the screen so I can make sure I have things centered properly.


> I would like to be able to adjust the size of every element individually.


>When I have the GTN open and my inventory open. I would like to be able to shift click on an item, and have the name be linked into the gtn search bar.


> I would like the GTN to be able to auto divide stacks. (If I throw in a stack of 25 of something, I want to be able to tell the GTN that I want this sold in 5 groups of 5.


> I would like to see a "Per Item" price on the GTN. Seeing a stack of 99 [insert item name here] for 150000 credits is nice. but I would like to see the how that price breaks down per piece of each item in the stack without breaking out my calculator or pad and pen.


> Could the quest icon for daily quests please be a different color from normal quests (light green, light blue, whatever) This way we know which quests are dailies and which aren't. They should still be the normal gold color until they are done for the first time (if possible)


I will probably have more requests to post later.

Edited by Dejoule
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I'm sure it's been mentioned somewhere but an assist frame for ops. Or barring that a target of target option when using an ops frame.


I'd also like to see a pane for mobs that I am currently on the hate table for. Tab Targeting is an unwieldy beast and Mouse Targeting is not any better. A window that shows all my potential targets in a similar fashion as the ops frame would go a long way in helping targeting.

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Most of these probably already re-iterate what others have said.


1. snap-to grid for lining up hotbars

2. separate buffs/debuffs from the player/target frames

3. default chat window (right now, everything goes to my secondary chat window, and I have to constantly click over to the left to my my inputted text start in that box. after it's typed, it always shows up in the correct box, but I would like to be able to have the cursor start on the left box instead of the right when I hit enter to start typing.)

4. Save a set of keybindings (server side preferably, otherwise, local would work) so we don't have to re-do everything for every new character

5. Make self buffs/debuffs larger icons that buffs/debuffs from other PCs/NPCs. This way I know which ones I have to re-apply.

6. A 5th hotbar.

7. Ability to make a smaller portrait or remove the portrait from a frame (player, target, focus, companion, group, etc)

8. Glowing icons when on an ability when something procs (like the talent for Vanguard that makes Stock Strike cooldown go to 0 immediately; this way we can easily tell it's available again)

9. I also like the idea of the stances being part of the player UI as long as they are compact and fit in nicely with the UI instead of jutting out. I like to have all of my UI components flush and lined up if possible. Having a rectangular player and target frame is nice so it's easier to line them up without empty space between them.

10. Flip mission tracker horizontally as well as vertically. I would also like to see mine on the left. Actually, the ability to flip all UI elements horizontally and vertically.

11. Friends list across characters or even a global account for friends (i.e. someone adds you as a friend, and you get a message, "would you like them to see all characters on your account?" This way, I can see when he/she is playing an alt as well.)

12. Having a "test" ability, as others have mentioned, to put in fake party members or raid members so you can see what it will actually look like instead of just in the UI editor.

13. Some kind of identifier of the mission before we pick it up. The name of the FlashPoint (Red Reaper) / (Cademimu) or maybe even the type and level (heroic 25) or something to that affect after the quest giver's name. This way we know, "Oh yeah, this is Cademimu, 5 levels below me. I need to pass on this quest." I often don't remember every single quest giver. Maybe at least different colors for different levels of quests? (green = low level, white = your level, yellow/red = above your level). I have picked up a lot of quests that I did not want to complete because I couldn't remember if I had done that quest from that mob before or if it was level appropriate. Maybe at least make all mobs the same level range as the quest so I can determine if the quest is in my level range. This is true some of the time, but not always. There are several quests on the Republic Station where a lvl 18 mob gives an Ops quest, or a lvl 20 mob gives a lvl 40 quest, etc.

14. Companions in Ops frames or the option to add them as part of the Party frame.

15. The ability to populate Ops and Party Frames from the bottom up instead of the top down. THis way, you have less blank or empty space when you don't have a full party or Operation.

16. Color scheme of the UI (not so much for me, but a lot of others seem to want this. I can see how this would be something a lot of players would like).

17. Someone else mentioned having your inventory in "sections." I like this. So all my consumables go into one section (until it fills up and goes into empty space), and another section for all my crafting materials/harvested items (until it fills up), etc. Maybe a section for alternate gear, etc. This one is a stretch, but would be cool.


I think that's all I can think of for now.


Number 8, please give us number 8!!!

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-Bigger debuff icons.


-Secondary target. Kind of like Warhammer had. Basically you could have two targets. One would be offensive, one defensive. For example if the tank was your defensive target you could cast a heal on them without targeting off of the enemy. (this is completely dif. than focus target which requires to actually target your focus target)


-More color customizations

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