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Everything posted by Liedros

  1. Honestly, I was expecting something like a new flashpoint. Just a nightmare more and lame double xp weekends seems kinda dull.
  2. - Snap Toolbars - Global Configs for Keybinds And much more importante than anything else... - Mouseover Healing I just refuse to heal without mouseover
  3. I loved all the planets, but if I have to choose the least favorite it would be Tatooine I guess. But I strongly agree with the guy who said the bonus series should all be lv 50, no point doing them while leveling.
  4. Yes. Imersion and exploration is great on this game, something most other MMOs are really terrible at. There is much room for improvement, but so far thumbs up for TOR
  5. This is damn cool. Will we be able to send attached items or just mail? I really would like to know this before I decide where to create my republic toons.
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