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Sorcerer's need buff or something!!!!!


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I'm tried of getting my but kick by every other class in PvP. Sorcerer's are useless as heals or any real damage unless protected, which in pvp is usually not the case. Were to slow, castime to long for level 50 Pvp, gear suck, no good defense and stuns not all that great. Where only basicly good for PVE. If I stay in the back to do AoE heals or dmg, assassin or shadow will just stealth, stun and kill. B.S man. Stun breaker is useless I mean you have a 2 min cool down. I get stunned, use it, then stun again by same person and I'm screwed. Just B.S. And for the trolls, it's not because I suck, but go ahead and say it if it make feels better about yourself. But I can't be the only one that thinks this way Edited by rnmedic
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This is so obvious the case that you really didn't even need to make this thread. This is the result of having enjoyed overpower since launch.


Chip up, sport. The nerf bat will come back with a vengeance on everyone else and we will resume carnage.


For the record I'm Sage heals working on my 3rd piece of WH gear. I still pretty regularly get top heals but by god has it gotten harder, and the margins slimmer. Best game post 1.2 has been 600k

Edited by RJChief
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L2P issue. Sorc I know hit 600k heals on alderaan and me personally hit 500k DPS often with ~3-5 deaths (0 pre 1.2). Use your snare and use the 30m range you have rolling 0/12/28 build


If your only taking 3-5 deaths per warzone ON AVERAGE then the Op Fac on your server needs to L2P... not this poor Sorc who has seen the wrath of the new FOTM's

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I agree that Sorc burst is a joke, and it's much harder now to burn people down than it was before. We were adjusted according to BW "metrics" (i.e. number of qq forum posts, it appears mara/sent is next).


However, our damage is still pretty good, with our tool box of cc and escapes. Sorcs can still squeeze performance out of the class, it really comes down to spec and especially attack rotation. I run 0/23/18, and burst potential is there, it's just all about rng. I can tell you that I can pop trinkets, get a fast cast force barrage, proc insta-LS, it forks, procs CL, it forks, follow up with a death field, then a doublestrike shock, and someone with 15-18k hp is dead in a single rotation. Obviously, this takes the stars to align to happen, but it does.


Experiment with your setup, your mileage may vary.


edit: hey there Chief

Edited by XenonParsec
l2p baddie company
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L2P issue. Sorc I know hit 600k heals on alderaan and me personally hit 500k DPS often with ~3-5 deaths (0 pre 1.2). Use your snare and use the 30m range you have rolling 0/12/28 build


You are either in premade or are against horriable players to get those numbers.


Or most likely both.

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I agree that Sorc burst is a joke, and it's much harder now to burn people down than it was before. We were adjusted according to BW "metrics" (i.e. number of qq forum posts, it appears mara/sent is next).


However, our damage is still pretty good, with our tool box of cc and escapes. Sorcs can still squeeze performance out of the class, it really comes down to spec and especially attack rotation. I run 0/23/18, and burst potential is there, it's just all about rng. I can tell you that I can pop trinkets, get a fast cast force barrage, proc insta-LS, it forks, procs CL, it forks, follow up with a death field, then a doublestrike shock, and someone with 15-18k hp is dead in a single rotation. Obviously, this takes the stars to align to happen, but it does.


Experiment with your setup, your mileage may vary.


edit: hey there Chief


=p You're still rocking the hybrid?? I did a little tinkering with my spec today and when I get home I'm going to try it out. 31/6/4

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Sorcs/sages are fine my friend can still put out 500k+ healing in any given warzone and DPS I still see them put up good numbers, more than me and I am a tank sin I should out damage everyone...
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I agree that Sorc burst is a joke, and it's much harder now to burn people down than it was before. We were adjusted according to BW "metrics" (i.e. number of qq forum posts, it appears mara/sent is next).


However, our damage is still pretty good, with our tool box of cc and escapes. Sorcs can still squeeze performance out of the class, it really comes down to spec and especially attack rotation. I run 0/23/18, and burst potential is there, it's just all about rng. I can tell you that I can pop trinkets, get a fast cast force barrage, proc insta-LS, it forks, procs CL, it forks, follow up with a death field, then a doublestrike shock, and someone with 15-18k hp is dead in a single rotation. Obviously, this takes the stars to align to happen, but it does.


Experiment with your setup, your mileage may vary.


Sage has a good burst. Double dipping psychic projection if it ticks 1100 4 times = 8.8k in 3 seconds on top of weakended mind and mind crush.

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I kind of agree and I kind of disagree.


I agree because healing sorc's / concelors in PUGs are getting pwt without guards.

I disagree because when there are guards a guarding and the teams are well thought

out it's fine.


Edit[Well meaning but, wrong post, sorc's concelors are fine]

Edited by VoidJustice
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You are either in premade or are against horriable players to get those numbers.


Or most likely both.


I always que solo. But yes against not so good enemys its 400-500k damage. Against a premade or good people its 300k. 3 people with DoTs on them and AoE, its not hard.

Edited by LoL-K-Noob
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And if you like to heal go with 21, x, x . You just want the channeled heal from heal tree. The rest is all great if you are already winning or are guarded. With the 20 points, if survivability is the problem, go for the longer interupt, AE root, shorter speed cooldown, and AE stun. If not get some DPS and kill people before they kill you by kiting and healing yourself. Remember to get yourself a mana regen ability if you go only 21 in healing.


No one will want you for PVE raids but you can respec for the AE heal if needed and respec back. Respec costs reset every Tuesday, if I'm not mistaken, so just don't go on too many raids as the cost will reach 99k or so.

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Sorcs/sages are fine my friend can still put out 500k+ healing in any given warzone and DPS I still see them put up good numbers, more than me and I am a tank sin I should out damage everyone...


Not sure if trolling or... trolling. Suggesting that a tank should have highest dps without a :D or :p takes your credibility level to 0

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If your only taking 3-5 deaths per warzone ON AVERAGE then the Op Fac on your server needs to L2P... not this poor Sorc who has seen the wrath of the new FOTM's

Chiefy, it varies so greatly. As heals, I can go with 1 death and 400k healing against a random group of pubs in huttball, or if you and five other bad company are in aldaraan I can die 13-15 times trying to assist taking mid, watching my team jump into the meat grinder and doing my best to stop the sage healing while Theboss pumps rounds into my FACE.


Most of the FotMers on imps aren't terrific with their maras, either. I fight them plenty enough to know.

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I've found the best way to compensate as a Sorc Healer in 1.2 is to never put the bubble up on anyone, that way you always have it available as your only quick "heal" in the event a friendly gets spiked.


Then you just have to pray some noob doesn't go around slapping his shield on everyone ruining your panic heal option.

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Chiefy, it varies so greatly. As heals, I can go with 1 death and 400k healing against a random group of pubs in huttball, or if you and five other bad company are in aldaraan I can die 13-15 times trying to assist taking mid, watching my team jump into the meat grinder and doing my best to stop the sage healing while Theboss pumps rounds into my FACE.


Most of the FotMers on imps aren't terrific with their maras, either. I fight them plenty enough to know.


LOL! Thank you for that. I'm impressed you can get 400k off in a huttball. Even I have lost some huttballs so fast that 200k healing would be impressive.

But yes, Badcompany does manage to get lots of games with 4-8 players. If you want to see how to take out a sage healer, watch Raw or Hardwood murder me at least 15 times any game they see me. I'll still get 300k healing but thats all self-heal

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I'm not saying that our damage or heals are bad, when you can preform them. We have awsome AoE. I can kit all day , but not matter what you say sorcerer doesnt stand a chance in hell against anyone other than force users, unless they are under geared. We're to slow, cast time to long , gear sucks, and defense is terrible. It's not about LtP, I know how to play fine, though I knew that is what some of the post where going to say, along with probably beefing up ther numbers/ stat. It's about balance, and Jug's and assassin/shadows are to OP. plain and simple.I have done a least 200 or more WZ and I have yet to see anyone's damage 400k, most seen is 290k dmg by single player. If you hit 400k plus, give me your ingame name, I'll PM to Q with you and I want to see this for myself. Edited by rnmedic
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LOL! Thank you for that. I'm impressed you can get 400k off in a huttball. Even I have lost some huttballs so fast that 200k healing would be impressive.

But yes, Badcompany does manage to get lots of games with 4-8 players. If you want to see how to take out a sage healer, watch Raw or Hardwood murder me at least 15 times any game they see me. I'll still get 300k healing but thats all self-heal


I'm just glad raw is on my side!

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Logic of some people in here: Big numbers = balance

So if you think so and look at this http://imageshack.us/f/13/screenshot2012042720121.jpg/ you get to think that sorc is op or what? These numbes just tell us that sorc is a AoE- (dps aswell as heal) and DoT- (dps only) class. PvP is about burst. Sorcs have NO burst. See the difference?


Below is my experience as a heal-sorc.

Sorc is fine as long as he is in a 1on1 against an equally geared player.

Sorc is fine as long as the enemies let him freecast.

Sorc is everything but fine if the enemy team is just halfways competent. They will focusfire the sorc with 3 people, this will result in a sorc who can't get away/kite with 3 people on him, but he also can't heal because his channeled heal will get interrupted, the small heal won't outheal just the damage of ONE Dps and the big heal won't ever get through. So he has NO way to do anything, even with cc and peels you have no chance to survive this..

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. It's about balance, and Jug's and assassin/shadows are to OP.


Ok I lost my head because I have Concelor buddies I retract my statement that they may need help. NERF Sorcerors they still do too much damage, the snare is ridiculous and any healing class shouldn't put out 400k damage in a WZ, they should be healing.


Sorcerors will not be happy untill they can tank 3 AC's and win, this is the definition of delusional..

Edited by VoidJustice
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I'm not saying that our damage or heals are bad, when you can preform them. We have awsome AoE. I can kit all day , but not matter what you say sorcerer doesnt stand a chance in hell against anyone other than force users, unless they are under geared. We're to slow, cast time to long , gear sucks, and defense is terrible. It's not about LtP, I know how to play fine, though I knew that is what some of the post where going to say, along with probably beefing up ther numbers/ stat. It's about balance, and Jug's and assassin/shadows are to OP. plain and simple.I have done a least 200 or more WZ and I have yet to see anyone's damage 400k, most seen is 290k dmg by single player. If you hit 400k plus, give me your ingame name, I'll PM to Q with you and I want to see this for myself.








Have a bunch more, but its possible, and actually simple unless you get stomped, max range yourself, aoe a ton, pop relics/power adds if biochem.


my build is http://www.torhead.com/skill-calc#201ZMsrbbMrZcrcRsMzz.1


main thing you use is wraith---> CD----> Affliction (hope for crit) double dip the FL. Rinse/repeat



To get away, shield, FS, overload + stun combo ( at least 2 stuns per pounce).


Range is your friend, also stun/WW/force slow.


In recruit gear in those, started about 2 weeks ago in pvp, sucked real bad at first, still learning, my best learning tool is this guys stream.



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