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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Feedback request from James Ohlen - potential future planets


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Kashyyk. Do it right, though.


  • Add a lower level quest line on Kashyyk, say a 10 to 15 level arc after chapter 1, for those leveling alts as an alternative to the linearity of the current leveling experience.
  • End game quest line, dailies, Flashpoint(s), and an Operation, all tied to an epic story line, with it's own tier of gear.
  • A new Warzone set in Kashyyk.
  • A chance to go through some sort of grueling trial to attain a new Wookie companion. Make it difficult and rare to attain.

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Onderon! - To see what happened with the leadership, after the Exile had her influence there. To visit the castle once more, walk around the quarters.

- Undercategorised is Duxn, which I would simply love to revisit. Both the huge sith-temple part, and also the deep forests and Mandalorian camps.


Telos - Again, see what has happened here in 300 years. Perhaps even visit Atris' sanctuary.


Dantooine - To visit the destroyed jedi enclave, the small town and other recogniseable places.

Those are my most wanted planets to visit.

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You guys mentioned you're adding player species this year. I think it'd be kind of cool if you associated quests or a flashpoint with each race you ad. As an example (selfish as it may be since this is the race I'm hoping for) I think it'd be neat to do a quest chain on Mon Calamari and once you complete it, you unlock the Mon Cal as a player race in your legacy. That's accessible for everyone and has a cool reward for doing it.


Besides Mon Calamari, I like the Kashyyyk suggestion for a wooded planet. Rodia would be cool as a scum and villainy sort of place (though I wonder if that'd be too similar to Nar Shadda?)


And I think the Kessel idea is great. How about a flashpoint in the Kessel Spice Mines?

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Csilla or Naporar by far.

I must admit I was disappointed by the lack of Chiss-lore despite it being a playable race. And I would love to see more Chiss related things in the game such as one of their planets or wearable Ascendancy armor.

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1. Kashyyyk. (fully explorable)

2. Mandalore (fully explorable)

3. Dagobah (more segmented like Nar Shaddaa or Coruscant)

4. Lehon (fully explorable)

5. Myrkr (fully explorable)

6. Mon Calamari (more segmented like Nar Shaddaa or Coruscant)

7. Manaan (love to see that shark again) (more segmented like Nar Shaddaa or Coruscant)

8. Mustafar (fully explorable)

9. Ruusan (fully explorable)

10. Ragoon 6 (fully explorable)

11. Kamino (more segmented like Nar Shaddaa or Coruscant)

12. Geonosis (fully explorable)

13. Rhen Var (fully explorable)

14. Bespin (more segmented like Nar Shaddaa or Coruscant)

15. Thyferra (fully explorable)


In order of what I would like to see most.

Edited by SerikFox
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