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Feedback request from James Ohlen - potential future planets


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Dathomir or Felucia. Maybe Ryloth.


Don't do Kashyyyk, its too cliché. Dantooine could be good but it would look very similar to Voss. Don't do Menaan cos it would have to be all underwater and as Vash'jir has shown water areas are a total pain in the ***.


They will probably end up and selling out and doing Kashyyyk so whatever.


Also, when you make the new new planets, design them so the don't take 50 billion years to load like all the current planets do!

Edited by DarthZaul
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Futher to my suggestions for Kamino and Mandalore, you have to have Trandosha and Kashyyyk (to play off one another). Also, how about something like Irmenu in the Belsmuth Sector (it's Natasi Daala's homeworld)? it's outter rim (almost mid rim) and it borders the Mandalore Sector, so it would be a sketchy place to be during those times.


just a thought... but Kamino and Mandalore for sure

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I really liked Kashyyyk in KOTOR, would love to find the star map and explore The Shadowlands again! :)


Also, Manaaan and Endor are tops on my list, I love the big an oceanic / Jungle worlds with vast amounts of life, opposite Tatooine or Korriban (I love those too, but its nice to see both sides) ;)


And Onderon and Yavin IV would also be sweet :)

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I'd like to see a new planet. One that hasn't been visited in the EU before. The magic of Star Wars is in seeing new places with bizarre technologies populated by weird aliens that have novel problems.


Seeing the same worlds repeated in every licensed product is boring. The aliens aren't alien anymore.

Edited by Rhudian
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Hello! here are my ideas for future Planets to explore, they are not in order of preference

Naboo-(easy on the Gungans)

Dathomir- this is a world rich in lore of all eras

Yavin IV- Vast Jungles, Ancient temples and spirits of powerful sith legends like Naga Sadow and Exar Kun, this would be a great addition

Kashyyyk- its the wookie homeworld!


Endor-this planet wasnt discovered by the republic yet so i dont know how you'd pull this off but introducing Ewok culture into the game can only be a smart move!

Mon Calamari would be neat, any world where the primary civilizations are underwater would be cool


Ziost- the original home of the sith empire if i have my lore correct, regardless, cant have too much Sith Lore!

surprised i didnt see this world mentioned more

these are my picks and id be delighted to explore any of these worlds in future updates


those are

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Kashyyyk for definite, as there needs to be more wookies in the game imo, but I would also like to visit places like Yavin 4, Byss, Bespin (as in the cloud city), Dantooine, and maybe Kessel.

However, I do not now, nor at any point in the future, ever want to have to quest on Endor. No Ewoks, ok?

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I'd love to see Kashyyyk and Trandosha... as the starting planets for two new race/class options. Similarly, Klatooine would make an excellent chapter 1 destination for a new Hutt-based faction (with its capital in Hutta, I guess... dunno how that would work).


Dathomir would be nice, despite the fact that TOR happens before the Nightsisters show up. Still, perhaps something along that line can be worked out. If nothing else: rancors.


Felucia would make for interesting landscapes.


I've always been a fan of Onderon. In TOR times it would still be fairly independent, with plenty of local wildlife to make non-city areas interesting. With nearby Dxun and its history, you might even be able to create cross-planet quests. Of course, that might not be a great idea.


And Yavin IV. This seems pretty easy, too. Jungles and temples with all the possibilities you'd want for republic and empire quests, as well as dark & light resolutions.


Endor... no thanks. Lore kind of precludes anything interesting from occurring there. A flashpoint might be possible... but I'm not sure that's worth it.

Edited by Malastare
Forgot Yavin IV
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