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Everything posted by Cryonic_Preacher

  1. the new proc chances are 45% FB and 60% RP, but if I checked both with my ship-doll , or in real combat, FB triggered much more often the proc then RP. (for testing i wait until cooldown was over ((RP)) and I'am not spamming FB for proc) Has anyone else noticed this or I'am totally wrong ?
  2. So we have a constructive thread, but after a week no dev give us feedback, after looking today's patchnotes, i got the feeling that bioware will totally ignore our feedback and didn't look inside this thread. really disappointing without fixing the heat issue problem with the 6 seconds, the fun has gone. I can't understand that they didn't test this change, with the 6seconds you can't use skills like IM with 25 Heat to refreshing our second dot.
  3. ignore the kids, they trolling for fun without having arguments , they look only on words like damage without using there brain, and see that this thread isn't about damage nerf or buff crys
  4. I hope bioware read this really constructive thread and give us a feedback and don't ignore our suggestion to this overheating issue. I'm looking forward to got an response from them, that they actually proof the possibillity to make a change
  5. problem is PvE raids, you overheat faster with 6 seconds then you think it can be true at boss fights, so damage is not the problem because it is fair, we have no survive tools, attack is our only defense ! pyro is the PvE spec and AP the PvP version they fix actually.
  6. /sign 4.5 seconds will rebalance the heat issue, currently heat management is horrible with 6 seconds, other option is to reduce TD to 8 heat and IM to 16 heat, because of the 6 sec they become unusable and the merc rotation (tracer missile => tm => tm) come back to us => rapid shot => rapid shot => rapid shot
  7. not at all, it will be better to move "pneumatic boots" to the cylinder itself and make another talent in exchange to round the tree up. Then it will be perfect
  8. agreed, PT DPS was the only class i like to play and enjoy, this PvP change of cost of the PvE Players, will stop me to pay anymore. With this change PvE will be broken, because you got huge heat issues at long fights so champions and bosses (like the ones in operations) will overheat you totally. AP will be a broken tree for now and in the future, so there is no fall back option. It looks like Bioware isn't intertested anymore in PvE
  9. Dear Mr. Zoeller, I read the BH nerf at IGN, this ist not a whine post, it is the fear that PvP imbalance issues will destroy PvE Balance, there is a huge base of PvE only Players, and there is a fear of some People looking forward to Patch 1.2. Just take a look: a BH nerf might be include the shared tree "Pyro", if there will be a nerf (at the look of a PvE player) Mercenary have there Top Damage Tree => Arsenal. But players like me, enjoing the powertech DD, has only one DD possibillity the Pyro tree, this is our first DD tree, just like the Mercenary's Arsenal tree. As Powertech we have no fall back, because the prototype tree doesn't compare at the moment. The Problem will be if a Powertech DD (pyro) look at a place for operations, people will tell him "go away since nerf you have no really damage spec, we just took another real DD with us" So the fear is, that Bioware doesn't look at the PvE balance and people who enjoy there class and spec. Please Mr. Zoeller, have a look and take us the fear to get a class and spec that is to be damned to play alone. thx very much and sorry i am not a native english speaker
  10. What is the ominous BH only nerf (patch 1.2), IGN talks about ?
  11. wobei man auch direkt merkt, daß er überhaupt keine Ahnung hat, von dem was er da von sich gibt. Ist nicht mehr als ein Trollversuch, oder kennt ihr eine Klasse die tank, heiler und DD ist , man merkt daß er das er noch lernen muß von daher wurde der nerf auf wunsch direkt eingebaut. Kommando => Heiler oder DD Frontkämpfer => Tank oder DD wunsch wurde erfüllt, kann geschlossen werden.
  12. I think you have no idea what your talking about we talk about railshot, and not about lucky damage output with the time of 4 global cooldowns, within 4 global cooldowns other classes output is much higher. But that's not the point in this thread
  13. vote for close, and to nerf the OP to prevent her to start the Xth nerf thread.
  14. Jediduckling lie's, i can't understand why people starts lieing to get attention. with full of trinkets and best equipment 4k railshot is sometimes possible, 6 to 8k is nothing then "i start an op thread to get attention";) don't feed the troll
  15. I play only PVE, and I switched very often the last time between those two trees. What I found is, that Pyro really outperformes AP, but !... at Flashpoints and Raids, the AP is much better than the Pyro, because the AP shines at long boss fights, because with AP you can do much damage at a really long distance in long fights, without combat log we can't proof this, but the key is heat at long runs. with Pyro, I have the problem at long fights, that sometimes I can't get the RS free. with AP, I do the following at bosses: RB, RS, IM, RP ...between those FB with 5 stacks then FT, without having heat Issues for the whole distance. And that is realy really horrible for me, because I like them both, and spending all my credits in figuring out
  16. I really like the style from the AP , but it's true this spec must be rebalanced and buffed. But I didn't know if bioware interested in these things and see the problem also like us
  17. Die Story vom Sith-Inquisitor ist mit die schlechteste, ziemlich stereotypisch, ebenso die Dialoge des Protagonisten. Storytechnisch wärst du mit den anderen Klassen besser bedient, von daher kannst den Kritik Punkt streichen.
  18. Der Blutungsschaden von Einziehbare Klinge liegt bei mir bei 430 Schaden (laut Skill Beschreibung). Habe die Verbesserung gezackte Klinge ausgebaut, was nun zur Folge hat das Einziehbare Klinge 15% mehr Blutungsschaden verursacht, dieser liegt laut Skillbeschreibung allerdings immer noch bei 430. Wird das in die Anzeige nicht einberechnet, oder handelt es sich bei mir um einen Bug ? vielen dank im voraus.
  19. ..to compare with Pyrotech tree, at the moment this DPS tree is outperformed by the pyrotech tree and needs a rebalance, maybe increasing RB's impact damage, or some extra damage while the HEGC is equipped.
  20. Das Spiel ist doch klasse, endlich mal ein MMORPG mit Story, sowas haben sich MMO begeisterte sich schon lange gewünscht, aber an alle die nicht von WOW kommen, kann ich nur sagen...haltet es 30 Tage aus, dann sind die wieder in Ihrer Zombie Nation 30 Tage später ereignete sich im kunterbunten BiBo-BaBo-BoBo-Panda Land folgendes Ereignis: Bratwurst: hey war 30 Tage off und hab nen jediPWn3r gemacht Bernd der Brot-Druide: und wie war es imba ? Bratwurst: ne voll ne singleRPG Bude, mit Story voll Mind4ickng, konnt net in ruh Grinden und Pawnen, Gelaber voll der störfaktorZ Markklöschen: wenn single RPG oWnen willst, is bald Diablo3 von unsern Meistern, da hast echte RPG erfahrung, kannst lvln pawnen und sammeln , halt echtes RPG Tja, seltsam aber so steht es geschrieben P.s. ist nur Satire und spiegelt lediglich den Eindruck wieder, der mir derzeit vermittelt wird, Namen der fiktiven Spieler sind rein zufälilg gewählt und stehen nicht in Verbindungen mit real existierenden Personen, Spielern oder Produkten und Nahrungsmitteln
  21. Then you never played other MMO's , look at LOTRO much older but with DX11 effects and optional HiRes Textures:rolleyes:
  22. definitiv NEIN ! , Dungeon Finder schwächt die Sozialkompetenz;)
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