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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Feedback request from James Ohlen - potential future planets


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Naboo, Just so I can get the Gungan bombing run as a daily mission, you will have to give us a rail shooter gungan mission, Bioware get on this one right away! This one mission is for both factions, everyone knows the Gungans must die!


The reason the Gungans live in underwater citys, SWTOR bombed the **** outta them!






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Csilia and/or Mandalore would be my faves for continuing the epic story telling and either a droid planet or a ship building planet (Mon Cal, Kuat, Fondor, etc.) for immersive game play reasons, since I can't wait to see what's coming for the space game.
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I'd love to see Malastare. With lots and lots of Dugs. <3


RE: Dagobah: Why do people want this so bad? There are no cities there. It's never been occupied. You'd just be running around on a completely deserted planet. From Wookieepedia:


" Dagobah (pronunciation (help·info)) was an Outer Rim planet in the Dagobah system. A remote world of swamps and forests, it served as a refuge for Jedi Grand Master Yoda during his exile, but otherwise had no notable intelligent life. "


Thiiiink people. :| Suggest a planet that can provide missions!

Edited by ChaosKirin
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Kashyyyk - This one is a given, as it was in KOTOR1 and Wookies are very popular.. Not to mention adventuring amongst the giant trees.


Naboo- Despite the Jar-jar hate, Naboo could be interesting. At this point in the timeline Naboo was not part of the Republic, so quests could involve trying to win the Gungans or the Humans to the Empire or the Republic

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Fully explorable planets/moons:

Yavin 4



Flashpoint/operation planets:



Planet that should NOT be in the game:

Dathomir. Most people will probably think I'm crazy for saying that, but that's because most people probably don't realize that the Witches of Dathomir were founded 3000 years after when SW:TOR is set. And frankly, even if BioWare came up with a point of interest for the planet on their own (ala the Starship Graveyard on Hoth), a Dathomir with no witches would be incredibly disappointing.

Edited by The_Dark_Lord
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Kashyyyk could have some amazing stories to tell as well as the fan favorite wookies! Want to return here to the village and shadow lands to hunt so bad! See how our buddy zaalbar is doing as chief! Also dantooine to explore Jedi ruins and khoonda after metra surik aka exile saved the day there! and dathomir for some epic nightsister and force related questing
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Dantooine, Kashyyyk, Manaan!

Telos, Coruscant for Empire, other parts of Dromund Kaas. Onderon, Dxun, Yavin IV, Felucia, Raxus Prime, Falleen, Kalee, more Korriban, Sullust, Bothawui, Shili, Cathar, more of Nar Shaddaa, Kuat, Anaxes, RYLOTH.


I pretty much appreciate any new content :)

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#1 Dathomir (I wanna fight whatever that creature is that terrifies rancor!)


#2 Dantooine (for continuity purposes)


#3 Wayland (I'd love to see anti-force hazard zones created by Ysalamiri!)

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I want to see Dathomere (spelling?) Dantooine Endor Naboo Yavin 4. I want to see the night sisters in a way similar to the GORMAK is setup on VOSS. I want the game to have alternate leveling paths. So each new character I play has an option to go one way or the other. I want to Fly there. I want to Land on the planet myself and ride my speeder out of my ship onto the planet. I want to feel like I am really in the middle of nowhere and need to explore.


I want a planet that has VAST (Go Back to Mass effect 1 Look at those planets give us vehicles Like the MAKO.) open areas that player controlled TANKS/WALKERS can be used in battles with other players or PVE environments. I want to Have the option to call in air support from my guildys and they fly into the zone and attack the enemy. I dont want to use my player ship as a fighter. I want true fighters like the ships used for the interfleet transport.


I would like to see new species 2 different for each faction. Ide like with these new species have new group setups and expand it to 6 players. Keep the current content as it is but the new planets make those have 24 man raids or 12 man OPS and 6 man FPs. I would Like to not have to choose between which of my guildies gets to go on a mission.

I would like to have a Guardian Sage Shadow Smuggler Trooper and sentinal in the same group.


I would also like content designed so that smugglers can participate without having to move constantly. Some of my friends are having a hell of a time because the mob has area targeted spots that are random and they get hit or cant keep up DPS without getting dropped. I have stopped leveling my smuggler and see myself avoiding inviting people who are smugglers because of this.

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