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Warrior Kick's and cc's- it's to much


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In my opinion he biggest issue in the game at the moment for me is that Juggernauts and Marauders can kick every 6-8 seconds (6skilled for maros) (that disables the interrupted action for 4 seconds) [Everyone else got 12 seconds cd for at least some brathing room]while having still tons of other CC.

The current balance state is that you have to play perfect to survive as healer vs a non interrupting bad playing marauder because the damage alone negates the healing.


I generally really love healing in MMO's but here i really want to spit the one who is responsible for this in his face (sry just a feeling). There's no fun. Its frustrating.


Now, when they suddenly use their kicks and cc's, it's getting rightout stupid!


I don't know why they don't playtested both sides before or just want to statisfy the larger amount of peaople (dd's), but at least on my Server searching for a Healer is just a pain in the ***. For a Reason by now.


My juggi is just so much more fun but i really, really would like to heal but huttball will be the only rated bg where a heal would make sense (sorc alone additionally). Yes, i'm quity happy thats this isn't the balance state of rated bg's! This really needs to be adressed.


as Juggernaut f.E you just can interrupt -> force choke -> force push -> charge -> interrupt (when he isnt dead already anyway and every listed action interrupts a cast) -> (even if the enemy got a full resolve bar... that's the next big frustrating issue!)


it CANNOT be that you can be interrupted with a full resolve bar! It's plainsimly horrendous Gamedesign to add a function like resolve and then only allow classes with many instantcasts to continue his Role after they got chainstunned(ask mercenaries there :p). so they patched warriors to what Operatives were at release -> you can watch and get killed without beeing able to react without your 2 min cooldown that doesnt even help that much at all vs quick reacting enemy. Just....WOW. so you got a full reolve bar how that hels you? oh you can moveeeeeee...and die; because you will get interrupted anyway. That's just so frustrating :(


Thanks to the people that read my Text with probably horrible Grammar ( english isn't my 1st Language, if you find mistakes please pm me or post it additionally in your response i'll try to correct it then)

Edited by Flyingcookie
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How would you be able to klll a healer who is interrupt immune for half the game without using half your team.


If a melee is snared he has exactly the same problem as a ranged dps that gets interrupted, even worse as he can't just switch to the other castable heal for as long as the rupted one is on CD.

If a melee manages to close the distance to a ranged/healer you are supposed to be in trouble, not just stand there and ignore the melee.

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How would you be able to klll a healer who is interrupt immune for half the game without using half your team.


If a melee is snared he has exactly the same problem as a ranged dps that gets interrupted, even worse as he can't just switch to the other castable heal for as long as the rupted one is on CD.

If a melee manages to close the distance to a ranged/healer you are supposed to be in trouble, not just stand there and ignore the melee.


They do have enough slows to stay at their target actually(esp. in the rage tree). And yes he should be in trouble but he shouldn't be 80-90% useless because of this, what actually happens with that much kick's cc's even when resolve is filled!

additional there's is further healreduce per ability (more than the 30% with traume in general in Pvp combat) -20 more % what scraps the ability of the healers to stay alive even more while expertise grants even additional damage in PvP now the Numbers just shifted a little bit out of control

Edited by Flyingcookie
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Try juke casting.


Imo, if you get interrupted, you shouldn't be able to use most your spells and you should be locked out for longer. That's not the case.


Damage is overall high, theres no question there, but putting interrupt immunity on a white bar would be stupid.


Resolve is a dumb game mechanic by itself. This game copied a lot of Wow... should have also copied the DR system.

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Try juke casting.


Imo, if you get interrupted, you shouldn't be able to use most your spells and you should be locked out for longer. That's not the case.


Damage is overall high, theres no question there, but putting interrupt immunity on a white bar would be stupid.


Resolve is a dumb game mechanic by itself. This game copied a lot of Wow... should have also copied the DR system.


So you think that a Sentinel should be able to spend one GCD in 4 to lock out all a healer's spells while having the other 3 free to do damage while the healer should just what... stand there and die? Be forced to attack badly and not heal?


If you were making those sorts of changes you'd need to massively increase the frequency and cost of interrupts.

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yea i know, unable to do something forever allowed by game mechanic is just a small flaw, nothing to bad, na?


Again. Since interrupts don't lock the school of the ability, you can simply cast your other heal... Smart people usually do cast their lesser heals to catch the interrupt and than proceed with their normal/big ones.

And @Ateou,


if schoollock would be implemented, the CD on the interrupts would require to be increased thats obvious :)

Edited by Twor
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So you think that a Sentinel should be able to spend one GCD in 4 to lock out all a healer's spells while having the other 3 free to do damage while the healer should just what... stand there and die? Be forced to attack badly and not heal?


If you were making those sorts of changes you'd need to massively increase the frequency and cost of interrupts.




I'm saying you should be penalized more for getting locked out on cast. The sentinel/mar vanguard/powertech interrupts should be on a longer cooldown, but if they land they should lock out several spells and that lockout should be longer than it is now (4-6 seconds depending).


Sentinel's force kick is off the GCD

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You do know powertechs have be same ability to interrupt if not overall better abilities to interrupt right?


It's not on a 6 second cooldown (provided you're annihilation) and they only get charge if they are tank spec.


Yeah, interrupts should lock you out for 6 seconds, so you can't cast at all!

Edited by DweezillKagemand
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Actually if anything they need to make interrupts lock out all like spells.


If he interrupts your healing spell you shouldn't be able to cast any heal. I dislike all the healer whines because for some reason they think that they should be immune to being killed. If you play a healer you are playing a strict support character ... you need support just as much as you support your team.


As for the warriors interrupt being on a lower cooldown, well that is one of their perks that they have....


long story short - nothing to see here folks, move along

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Actually if anything they need to make interrupts lock out all like spells.


If he interrupts your healing spell you shouldn't be able to cast any heal. I dislike all the healer whines because for some reason they think that they should be immune to being killed. If you play a healer you are playing a strict support character ... you need support just as much as you support your team.


As for the warriors interrupt being on a lower cooldown, well that is one of their perks that they have....


long story short - nothing to see here folks, move along


Yeah, lets do that, so healers die faster than they already do. I mean, it's not like ranged classes will become utterly useless in any form of pvp!

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All right stop this, BEFORE 1.2 Juggs, Mauraders, mercenary's, & even Powertechs (and their republic counterparts) ALL had an 8-6 sec cd on their interupt. It's nothing new it's been there since beta and people just didn't use it correctly until recently. Play style's have changed not the skills.


This is just another QQ thread like so many others.

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OO thread i never say this but learn to play. interupts and stun and CC have been part of MMO PvP forever. Jugg/gaurds may have interupts but they do not have the burst to kill most all healers. sure they can annoy the hell out of you but they will need help to get a GOOD healer down. with the RESOVLE system there is always times that you can get away and pop a heal. i have seen many GOOD healers take 2 gaurdians/juggs beating on them and still stay alive for quite some time. you just need to learn your counters. yeah you may not be healing your team but you are causing more to focus on you if you would just LEARN 2 PLAY.


i jsut laughed at the title of this thread and the fact the OP says this is ruining PvP balance.

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All right stop this, BEFORE 1.2 Juggs, Mauraders, mercenary's, & even Powertechs (and their republic counterparts) ALL had an 8-6 sec cd on their interupt. It's nothing new it's been there since beta and people just didn't use it correctly until recently. Play style's have changed not the skills.


This is just another QQ thread like so many others.


The TTK has increased hugely. Therefore interrupts play a bigger role as range classes simply stand there spamming their useless instant cast damage abilities while being pummeled by marauders.

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Guardian/Jugg damage isn't even in the same realm as Senti/Mara damage.

Not even close... With our interupts we can kill healers quite easily, but it may take

close to a minute to kill a good healer in a duel, and if no one else on your team comes to

your aid in 20 seconds or more, well... it's not really the Guardians fault you died. If this is a situation

where you are getting 2v1'd or 3v1'd then realize no one should survive long in those situations.


The only thing Guardian/Juggs really bring to the table offensivily is craptastic but steady damage and

interupts. At best we put out 300k a Wz unless AOE spec't and when AOE spec't were not really single

target killers.

Edited by VoidJustice
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Well if you have a tank gaurding you like they should then you wouldnt have a problem. When you wz you are thrown into a team. This team youre assigned to work together. When you see someone in trouble you help them win and vice versa. Maybe if ppl worry less about their individual score and play as a team they would cry less. warrior class are supposed to go after healers and long casting classes because they can interrupt. Stop whining and just practice more or play with guildies or friends willing to gaurd you.
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It's not on a 6 second cooldown (provided you're annihilation) and they only get charge if they are tank spec.


Yeah, interrupts should lock you out for 6 seconds, so you can't cast at all!


Both Marauders and powertechs can spec for 6 second CD's on their interrupts...

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The TTK has increased hugely. Therefore interrupts play a bigger role as range classes simply stand there spamming their useless instant cast damage abilities while being pummeled by marauders.


Maybe you shouldn't play Tracer missile.


TTK hasn't increased Hugely. It takes me just as long to kill someone and i die just as fast.

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Maybe you shouldn't play Tracer missile.


TTK hasn't increased Hugely. It takes me just as long to kill someone and i die just as fast.


after 1.2 healing is no fun anymore sniper or juggernaut so much more fun its easy to kill healers when you do it right :(



yea and you die hell a lot faster after 1,2 in pvp

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Maybe you shouldn't play Tracer missile.


TTK hasn't increased Hugely. It takes me just as long to kill someone and i die just as fast.


What? You don't think so? There's a reason why I spec'd my tank/healer characters to dps post 1.2, no point in being a support class in pvp anymore because it's a dps gibfest now.

Edited by Sookster
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It's annoying but I can still kite and survive even a really good marauder/sentinel on my merc. The trick is not being more than 10 meters away because they will just leap, but also being outside their interrupt range by using LoS whenever you can. I really only get worried when I am alone and a second warrior type shows up, but even then I can still get away if I pay attention to avoiding their leaping.


Honestly a healer should be surrounded by other players most of the time anyways, you are not a melee and you are not supposed to be by yourself healing no one. A marauder can lock me out for a bit but if he is chain locking me then someone is doing something seriously wrong.


People who think you cannot heal now or it is pointless being a healer are simply not very good healers. You may be a good player, a good DPS, a good tank, whatever you may be good at, but to say the problem is with healing is not correct. I am actually better as a healer than a DPS or a tank and I think it works well enough.

Edited by Zerogates
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It's annoying but I can still kite and survive even a really good marauder/sentinel on my merc. The trick is not being more than 10 meters away because they will just leap, but also being outside their interrupt range by using LoS whenever you can. I really only get worried when I am alone and a second warrior type shows up, but even then I can still get away if I pay attention to avoiding their leaping.


Honestly a healer should be surrounded by other players most of the time anyways, you are not a melee and you are not supposed to be by yourself healing no one. A marauder can lock me out for a bit but if he is chain locking me then someone is doing something seriously wrong.


People who think you cannot heal now or it is pointless being a healer are simply not very good healers. You may be a good player, a good DPS, a good tank, whatever you may be good at, but to say the problem is with healing is not correct. I am actually better as a healer than a DPS or a tank and I think it works well enough.


Hm maybe you're right thats not them it's me!


because i have no knockback no interrupt resistance like mercenary

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