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SWTOR needs Arena system


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:wea_03::wea_03: Please bring serious competetiv pvp into the game instead of premade bg's wich no ones ever gonna play, unless maybe huttball:wea_03::wea_03:


Arena system with 2vs2, 3vs3 is the best way for a game to actually see the imbalances and get to do something about them. And for the second part its just ton of fun and super duper competetiv.


Regards 2.7k rated 3vs3 WoW player

Hahahaha Arena hahahahaha is hahahahaha serious hahahahaha competitive hahahahaha PvP hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.


Thanks man. I needed that.

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And little boys who think they are studs refer to other players as scrubs because they need to feel superior. Exactly why arenas are not wanted. Go outside, workout, exercise, find a babe, live a life, get a degree, get a decent paying job and that will help with your esteem issues son.


Lol what difference will it be when I have a better rating then you in rated warzones and your still a 1200 scrub? WoW has arenas, GW2 has arenas, Diablo 3 is revamping its arena system... Notice a trend hear mouth breather?

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As the official spokesman for PvPers in this game, I declare we have no interest in baddie arenas. I recommend that all scrubs that think think 2v2 deathmatch qualifies as legitimate, skill-based pvp go back to the bad game that gave them this idea.


Lol what a joke, yea us pvp'ers are totally content with the amazing warzones and world pvp this game has to offer... 3v3 or 4v4 arenas in this game would be amazing, the one time I ran an "arena tournament" in Outlaw's Den was probably the most fun I've ever had in this game. Too bad trolls with a stealth class can completely ruin tournamanets in outlaws den or I wouldn't be advocating arenas so much.


Anyone I've spoken to that plays this game for pvp wants arenas.

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Lol what difference will it be when I have a better rating then you in rated warzones and your still a 1200 scrub? WoW has arenas, GW2 has arenas, Diablo 3 is revamping its arena system... Notice a trend hear mouth breather?


Here's a news flash for ya pimple face........


Wz's = 8v8.

Arenas = 4v4


MASSIVE PVP scale there ya think? BW/EA need to figure a way to increase their PvP scale not lower it, or they will be F.O.R.D., quite simple.


And BTW, I had no probs breaking 2k rating in WoW every season. But I also realize this game needs MANY other things PvP related before Arenas so little boys can /flex in fleet.


Now go do the dishes before mommy and daddy get home.



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Here's a news flash for ya pimple face........


Wz's = 8v8.

Arenas = 4v4


MASSIVE PVP scale there ya think? BW/EA need to figure a way to increase their PvP scale not lower it, or they will be F.O.R.D., quite simple.


And BTW, I had no probs breaking 2k rating in WoW every season. But I also realize this game needs MANY other things PvP related before Arenas so little boys can /flex in fleet.


Now go do the dishes before mommy and daddy get home.




Well thank you for reminding me to do the dishes. So what are the many things this game needs pvp related before arenas? Let me guess, zomg balance (insert class here) is so OP!! I think we can give up on the thought of massive pvp in this game after the disaster that was Ilum.

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make PvP as diverse an experience as playing a FPS like halo online. CTF, Oddball, slayer, bomb, territories. all with different team sizes. thats my mmo PvP dream.


I agree, too bad nobody on this forum plays for fun. People here tend to treat this game like a second life/online career.


KOTH, Zombie fortress/infected, PVE/PVP experiences, Arenas, FFA, Payload. There are a lot of unexplored game modes from other online multiplayer games, it'd like to see a modern mmo use them, though i doubt it'll happen any time soon.

Edited by namelless
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:wea_03::wea_03: Please bring serious competetiv pvp into the game instead of premade bg's wich no ones ever gonna play, unless maybe huttball:wea_03::wea_03:


Arena system with 2vs2, 3vs3 is the best way for a game to actually see the imbalances and get to do something about them. And for the second part its just ton of fun and super duper competetiv.


Regards 2.7k rated 3vs3 WoW player


Have to disagree here very strongly and it's not because I don't want WoW-Fanboys to have what they want, it's because of the various implications it would have for those who prefer 8v8 on strategic Maps with different objectives, rather than simple 2v2 or 3v3.


Here are my reasons why:


1) 8v8 requires more skill, because more players have to work together. You could compare it with Micro and Macro from RTS-games, with Micro being controlling your Character well, and Macro is strategy and working with the other teammates. you could compare 2v2 and 3v3 VS 8v8 in the macro aspects with early VS lategame in RTS-games: In the early-game (2v2 and 3v3) you have less Units, so you need less macro and can focus more on Micro, in the lategame, Macro gets more important and you might not have time to micro as well, but because in SWtOR, 1 player control 1 Char all the time, you can micro just as well, but you need increased Macro.


2) It's way easier to balance a game for bigger teams than for 2v2's or 3v3's and I have no Idea why you think the opposite: In 8v8's, certain disadvantages in Chars can be extinguished by playing together with other Characters. The smaller the Team, the more is it necessary for Characters to be "Jack-of-all-trades". With bigger Teams, you can actually have specialized Chars and not have them be completely useless, because you can seek out situations in which the Pros outweigh it's cons and have him supported by other classes to make up for it's disadvantages.


3) It's easier to balance teams if you use different Maps with variing Goals than balancing classes in a simple deathmatch-scenario. Take this example: If there where infinite ways to win a scenario, every class would find a good way to utilize its strenghts, if there is just "kill this while you survive", there might be whole classes left out, just because others are simply better in this particular aspect. Let's take Huttball:

- You can have ppl that dish out a lot of DMG--> useful in Huttball, also useful in Deathmatch

- You can have ppl that heal --> useful in Huttball, also useful in Deathmatch

- You can have very tanky chars that don't do much DMG --> useful in Huttball, not useful in Deathmatch, cuz you'll just kill the other Chars first and don't mind the Tank until he's the only char left (I'm not counting for the guard, bc it's just an example)

- You can have very mobile Chars --> useful in Huttball, not so useful in Deathmatch


There are hundreds of other aspects that come into play onto the different Maps, that wouldn't count for much in a small Deathmatch-Arena.


So why am I against Arena?


- Depending on the success of Arena, BW would have to balance it towards Arena, or, if the 8v8-system had more success, balanec towards 8v8. In any case, balancing stuff for 8v8 with different Maps is completely different than balancing for teams of 3 in a Deathmatch. Take for example a team of 8 which will have probably 2 Healers and a team of 3 which would probably have 1. In 8v8, the healer would have to heal up 4 chars, in 3v3 only 3. Another example could concerne stuns/CC/interrupts. In 8v8, 8 players could arrange it to stun/interrupt/CC 1-2 players, probably the healers. In 3v3, only 3 chars could do the same thing, so in 8v8, stuns etc. would be much more effective when you wanna take out heal-power of the opponent (3 to 4 ratio).


- You cannot simply balance an MMO towards teams with a small number in a Arena with no variing objectives and think everything will be fine for 8v8 as well, that's not how it works.

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Ok so arena is death match 2vs2, 3vs3 or so were when you die your dead?

If so then i dont want it but they can add it if they like but not ranking system that demand that you do it.

Edited by skidrows
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