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Why send one guy to your natural in Alderaan?


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Well, besides asking the question of why anyone would play in Alderaan in the first place, I constantly see people send one guy (or better yet, zero) to their natural. Most teams will tend to send at least one guy to attack/harass the other side from capping. Now, in a 1on1, assuming both side sent their best player you can say the chance of you beating the enemy is about 50%. However, if you beat him the enemy failed their harassment attack so they'll be at a disadvantage elsewhere, but it's not crippling. However, if you lose the 1on1, your side basically just lost the fight. Also consider that the guy doing the solo attack usually arrives with a WZ buff while there's no way for the defender to do the same (neither of the powerups are anywhere near the path to your natural) you actually have a significantly higher than 50% chance to lose unless you use a WZ adrenal to counter.


So basically sending one guy to defend your natural has basically at least 50% chance of causing your game to lose the game instantly if the enemy attacked your natural with ANYBODY. And yet people still do it over and over.

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What's a natural? And why wouldn't we play Civil War?


Natural is the turret closer to your side, i.e. snow for Imp and grass for Rep.


Civil War is decided in the first 30 seconds of the game so I don't really like the map because there's no excitement once you figured out how it works, no matter which side you're on (though it's slightly more tolerable on the winning side).

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Since I play a Sith Assassin I usually end up going to the natural turret. I always pick another person, mostly a Sith Marauder to come with me and intercept possible incomings in order to buy me time to cap.

He then goes to the mid to join the others after I have capped.

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if you lose the 1on1, your side basically just lost the fight.


Civil War is decided in the first 30 seconds of the game


Are you one of those who leave immediately when the game starts with a double-cap for the opponents?

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No but you'd have to be stupid to not realize the game was already over.


I'll be objective here if you can answer this: can you honestly tell me that you have never won a game where the other team double capped at the start of the match?

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Natural is the turret closer to your side, i.e. snow for Imp and grass for Rep.


Civil War is decided in the first 30 seconds of the game so I don't really like the map because there's no excitement once you figured out how it works, no matter which side you're on (though it's slightly more tolerable on the winning side).


It's because the still way OP healers, they just stand in formation and cross heal eachother, that's the rebel PvP.

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So you have never had a come back from 2 cap? I call BS. Defenders are humans too. They make mistakes.


If both teams are good, the first team to cap the FIRST turret wins. You don't even need to have a second turret capped because the game is going to end with a score of 10-0 but you wouldn't be able to do anything about it.


Alderaan is a great map played in ignorance, or if your enemy routinely makes crazy mistakes from guaranteed win positions.

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No but you'd have to be stupid to not realize the game was already over.


Ive seen so many turnarounds in this warzone, that youd have to be stupid to think its coffin nailed in the first 30 seconds.

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I'll be objective here if you can answer this: can you honestly tell me that you have never won a game where the other team double capped at the start of the match?


I don't consider a comeback victory against horrible opposition to be worth mentioning. I've won games where we were behind more than 1 to 2 on score by 3 capping the enemy and while that makes great bedtime stories, the point is that the other team made some incredibly dumb mistakes when they could've just send everybody to their only turret and still won.

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I'll be objective here if you can answer this: can you honestly tell me that you have never won a game where the other team double capped at the start of the match?


I can honestly tell you that we lost a match where we double-capped at the start of the match. So, yeah, it does happen.


We got the Rep base down to 30%, then lost one of the turrets. After that, we lost the match with their base still on 30%. Not sure what happened with the other turret though. We kept control of one throughout the match, but after losing the second turret, it seemed to do nothing.

Edited by dazednconfuzed
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