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Wouldn't adding non-common speaking species be easier?

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(EDIT: I mean playable species)


I've heard that one potential reason for not having wookies and stuff that don't speak English (or common :p) is because the voices are a focus of the game and that would somehow make them mean less.


I'm here to say, if that's the case, I don't freakin' care. I love voice. But give me a wookie that growls randomly while talking if you have to. Give me a jawa that "houdini!"s. Or even a droid that beeps. They won't take anything away from the experience of voices. Just let there be enough variety in growls, houdini's and beeps or whatever to make it not seem too repetitive.



:w_smile: Grrrawwwlllrrrr!!!


Honestly, as someone who regularly watches subbed things like Anime or foreign films I don't mind it. I don't think most would.

Edited by ISDEnterprise
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Yes, at least from other perspectives as well. Fewer sound files to assign, fewer to download for updates, and, unlike the voice actors currently used for player characters, they wouldn't neccessarily need to use the same people to provide new "dialogue." I don't know, though, how actor/talent unions would look at the idea of a scab Jawa.
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I think the voice acting is too much of a selling point for Bioware to allow a player to not speak basic. I can't see the harm, a lot of people dont listen to the dialog, in group play the wookie player would only speak approx 1 in 4 replys and f you are playing a wookie you know you wll have to read subtitiles. Still I dont think it will ever happen.
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Right, with the amount of whining ive heard about how the aliens only use a few phrases over and over, i doubht it would be a popular thing to just have some random gibberish when your character speaks.

If they were going to do it right, they would have to record a whole lot more dialogue anyway, just so you dont hear the same 5 phrases over and over for the rest of the game.

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I've always thought the "Must Speak Basic" requirement for a playable species was pretty lame. If you like it, you'd play it. If you don't like it, nobody is going to force you to play it. So what's the problem?


Op, /agreed.

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This is a good idea, but some of the Alien voice acting kinda bugs me already. I know they're steched thin, but it gets annoying when the subtitles say someone is yelling something, or taking a pause, or stuttering, and they just say it in the same monotone they're always talking in. I don't think I could stand playing a character that talks like that all the time. But I'm not one of those people that spacebars through conversations.
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