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FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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If we took off our rose tinted glasses back in February we could see what was starting to happen and that something had to be done to address the server population issue that was developing.

People in BW get paid to spot things like this, they should have been acting on it back then. They did nothing about it and the game has haemorrhaged players since, I would hate to even guess at the number of players that have left the game solely because of low population on their server but I bet it is massive.

There are many aspect of this game that I absolutely love, I know it needs work but overall I really enjoy it. I am also usually pretty optimistic and get a little aggravated by the amount of negativity revolving about this game on the forums. That said I think BW are really sailing close to the wind on this one, I honestly believe they could have left it too late to pull around.

If they were thinking 1.2 was going to halt the exodus they were kidding themselves, if anything it accelerated it on my server, and need to not only look at improving the dispersion of the players but also improve how they manage the game in general.

I really hope they can turn it around but they will need to get the fix rolled out sooner rather than later. If it drags on into August I think the game is doomed, if they get something done in June or July we have hope.

My sub ends on 17th August, if character transfers are not in place and having a positive impact by then, as much as it will pain me, I will not be re-subbing .

Edited by PalihoJ
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I really hope they can turn it around but they will need to get the fix rolled out sooner rather than later. If it drags on into August I think the game is doomed, if they get something done in June or July we have hope.

My sub ends on 17th August, if character transfers are not in place and having a positive impact by then, as much as it will pain me, I will not be re-subbing .


The thing is character transfers is the answer to the problem. It WILL fix most of the issues. Overall players are very happy with this game, you only see the complainers on the forums but you rarely see the many people who love the game. Transfers will fix 90% of what is wrong with this game. They need to be working on them 24/7 if they want this game to survive. Those of us that do the 3 month subs will expire in August, release 1.3 in June and then start announcing 1.4 stuff in August and they will be fine. IMPLEMENT TRANSFERS NOW for the love of God.

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The thing is character transfers is the answer to the problem. It WILL fix most of the issues. Overall players are very happy with this game, you only see the complainers on the forums but you rarely see the many people who love the game. Transfers will fix 90% of what is wrong with this game. They need to be working on them 24/7 if they want this game to survive. Those of us that do the 3 month subs will expire in August, release 1.3 in June and then start announcing 1.4 stuff in August and they will be fine. IMPLEMENT TRANSFERS NOW for the love of God.


You went from claiming "overall players are very happy with this game" to "they need to be working on them (the servers) 24/7 if they want this game to survive".

If folks were that happy with this game server transfers/mergers would not be necessary. As it stands they are desperately searching for the bandage to stop the bleeding. Transfers won't hurt, but they be won't the surgery that saves it all either.

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You went from claiming "overall players are very happy with this game" to "they need to be working on them (the servers) 24/7 if they want this game to survive".

If folks were that happy with this game server transfers/mergers would not be necessary. As it stands they are desperately searching for the bandage to stop the bleeding. Transfers won't hurt, but they be won't the surgery that saves it all either.


Im saying that players are pleased with the actual gameplay aspect of SWTOR. If you cant play the game that is a major problem. Fix the population and you will please a vast majority of players.

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Im saying that players are pleased with the actual gameplay aspect of SWTOR. If you cant play the game that is a major problem. Fix the population and you will please a vast majority of players.


See, I totally agree. Most of this game was fun, even after they flunked open world PvP hard.

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As a Guildleader, I would like to know which servers are being targeted for influx. My guild has been asking what our plans are once the transfers go live and we can't really have a decent discussion on it until we know if our server is going to be "phased out" so to speak.
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I really dont understand why it is taking this long to for transfers to happen. The reason I dont understand is simple, they dont go over any of the process. Apparently I am supposed to sit here week after week with my thumb up my tookus and smile like its ok.


Seriously Bioware You need to hurry up with this.

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I agree ...transfers ...especially targeted transfers will only be a very short term solution if at all. The population is so low on a majority of the servers that people transfering to a semi-populated server (so as not to overload the few "really" populated ones) will only find themselves right back at square one a few months down the road. It would be great to get some input from Bioware on how exactly the tranfers will work but honestly I have a feeling they may not even know exactly how they will work yet.
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Found this... thought bioware never did an mmo before... guess they have:


here is "everything u need to know about character transfers"


this is how bioware did it in the past, and i dont expect them to reinvent any wheels:




Below is a quick guide to everything you need to know about server transfers, please use the replies section only to ask questions if you require clarification or assistance. Thank you!


Character Transfers

To transfer your character you'll need to visit the account center (https://accounts.eamythic.com) once you login youll see several options at the top, one being Character Transfers/Copies.


Follow the instructions provided by selecting a character to transfer and choose the destination server that is offered. In some cases you may be required to select a new name if yours is currently taken on the server you are transferring to.


If you encounter an error during your transfer it may be due to a number of reasons, we've provided details in the FAQ below.


Guild Transfers


Guild Leaders - PLEASE READ!


You must follow the below instructions before transferring your characterthat is the Guild Leader. Otherwise your guild will be leaderless andno one can issue the command until the Auto Promote system kicks in 30+days later.


Using /TransferGuild


All current guild members including you will be removed from the guild and the guild will be deleted. All claimed keeps, calendar events, and guild vault contents will be deleted. Your guild Rank and guild Renown will be saved to this character, and the next guild you create on your new server with this character will be created with the saved guild rank and renown. All previous guild settings will be reset, and you will be able to choose a new guild name, guild tactics, and guild heraldry.


Please be sure to move any items or coin that you do not wish to be deleted out of the guild vault and into your or another character's bags before confirming the guild transfer in game.


Free Character Transfer FAQ


Q: Why did my Character Transfer not go through when the website said my Character Transfer Request was complete?

A: Please check the Transfer Status and click on “More Info” for an explanation. This may be due to the following reasons:

The character was logged on at the same time the service attempted a transfer.


You already have a character(s) of the opposing realm on your destination server. Please see above for the solution to this issue. (Under Character Transfer Conflicts)


Your character may have a duplicate name as another character on the destination server.



Q: I did not get prompted to fill in a new name for my character, but the website says it failed due to the name already in use.


A: Players must log in their character on the Destination server in order for the name to be updated, so it may be another player has moved a character with the same name over, but has not yet logged into that character on the new server.


Q: Some of my characters aren’t showing up as an option to Transfer but I know they are on the server.


A: This may be because the character has not been logged on for a very long time. Please physically log the character into the game, and then try your transfer again.


Q: How will I know when my character transfer is complete?


A: You can either view your Transfer Status on the Account Management website https://accounts.eamythic.com/ or you may wait for an email confirmation. An email will be sent to the address provided in your account center to provide the status of your transfer automatically.

James Nichols

Community Forums Manager

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning

BioWare Mythic | An EA Studio






if this is the way it is going to work, my entire guild will have to make a list of the most populated servers in which they do not have to rename (if they care) and we will have to match up this list. not so bad i guess.

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The thing that gets me is how so many people can just overlook the fact that transfers are already in the game. To say there not is just blindness. They did it for the apacs. Now yes i understand that it needs to be scaled and modified to roll on all servers.


But the base system is infact there, And i gaurantee it isnt that big a step to take that base system and mod into open useage.


The real reason they dont already have it moded and released is because they know that once it is they will have to either merge or close some servers. As they are ghost towns now. So when the few remaining people on them servers can transfer they will go from ghost towns to pergatorys.


And closing or merging will be viewed as game decline. It will give the company a percieved black eye. But once it settles down and the ones needing transfers move it will begin to increase again as people will be alot happier and more active. Since they will have more people to actualy play with.


They need to stop with the half truths and soons and maybe and just get it done so the game can recover grow and move on.


Better for them to take a black eye and win the fight, Than to keep dancing around and slowly get beat down to a point they cant get up from.


i agree ive been here since launch and the most ive done is black talon hard mode because i cant get my guild of the ground due to lack of players i now have 3 lvl 50s but nothing to do on them untill i have a realm where theres a chance of makeing freinds roll on free transfers and keep up the good work bioware doing a good job in a hard buisness

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If we took off our rose tinted glasses back in February we could see what was starting to happen and that something had to be done to address the server population issue that was developing.

People in BW get paid to spot things like this, they should have been acting on it back then. They did nothing about it and the game has haemorrhaged players since, I would hate to even guess at the number of players that have left the game solely because of low population on their server but I bet it is massive.

There are many aspect of this game that I absolutely love, I know it needs work but overall I really enjoy it. I am also usually pretty optimistic and get a little aggravated by the amount of negativity revolving about this game on the forums. That said I think BW are really sailing close to the wind on this one, I honestly believe they could have left it too late to pull around.

If they were thinking 1.2 was going to halt the exodus they were kidding themselves, if anything it accelerated it on my server, and need to not only look at improving the dispersion of the players but also improve how they manage the game in general.

I really hope they can turn it around but they will need to get the fix rolled out sooner rather than later. If it drags on into August I think the game is doomed, if they get something done in June or July we have hope.

My sub ends on 17th August, if character transfers are not in place and having a positive impact by then, as much as it will pain me, I will not be re-subbing .


i too think this game is awsome i have and will continue to play alone untill were given the chance to migrate but ide rather be here than world of warcraft

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As a Guildleader, I would like to know which servers are being targeted for influx. My guild has been asking what our plans are once the transfers go live and we can't really have a decent discussion on it until we know if our server is going to be "phased out" so to speak.


i am guildleader also but most of my players have left so im cutting the cord migrateing and starting again as soon i get the chance

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If we took off our rose tinted glasses back in February we could see what was starting to happen and that something had to be done to address the server population issue that was developing.

People in BW get paid to spot things like this, they should have been acting on it back then. They did nothing about it and the game has haemorrhaged players since, I would hate to even guess at the number of players that have left the game solely because of low population on their server but I bet it is massive.

There are many aspect of this game that I absolutely love, I know it needs work but overall I really enjoy it. I am also usually pretty optimistic and get a little aggravated by the amount of negativity revolving about this game on the forums. That said I think BW are really sailing close to the wind on this one, I honestly believe they could have left it too late to pull around.

If they were thinking 1.2 was going to halt the exodus they were kidding themselves, if anything it accelerated it on my server, and need to not only look at improving the dispersion of the players but also improve how they manage the game in general.

I really hope they can turn it around but they will need to get the fix rolled out sooner rather than later. If it drags on into August I think the game is doomed, if they get something done in June or July we have hope.

My sub ends on 17th August, if character transfers are not in place and having a positive impact by then, as much as it will pain me, I will not be re-subbing .


Obiously you dont understand all the steps that are required to create a system that would accomodate the population problems however, by the time line (assuming that 1.3 will release around June 19th) they more then likely recognized and started to do something about it back in January or February. In an MMO you can not just be like owe here's the problem and instantly do something about it, you must 1st find the best solution for the problem(few weeks), then create a program to solve that problem (month or two) after that you test the program on a closed, static environment and fix as many major bugs as you find (a couple weeks to two months depending on findings), then you go to public testing in a real active environment, which they did last month witht the small scale transfers for EU while they did that they would have been load testing and fixing more bugs that were reported from players (another several weeks to a month to fix and then another couple of weeks to balance needed power for the extrapalated load they would have when it goes fully live) when you add all those up you get somewhere in the neighborhood of 18-24 months required to pushout something as a fix,and that would put them sometime in Mid-January to Mid-February when they had started the process.


I am sorry for your lack of MMO knowledge and hope this will enlighten you to some degree, and understand taht even now there are new problems that exist that they are working on that they will be releasing in most likely the same time frame, so if you dont like the game how it is now wait 6 months and dust it off again then you'd be suprised how much things change. For all you REAL fans and gamers taht have hung in there like myself, I applaud you in understanding what is happening and how only the ignorant and impatient are the losers here that left the game before things could be ammended.

Edited by Robbygoof
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i am guildleader also but most of my players have left so im cutting the cord migrateing and starting again as soon i get the chance


Same boat here. We all came from Wow, but most have left. I'm thinking its MMO burn-out more then this specific game. We are down to seven raiders atm. Not sure what I'm going to do but I know if we don't find applicants soon we are going to end up dying out.


To me, sever mergers is the top priority at this point in time.

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12 for me. Let's hope they hurry up!


im on 10 and would be just happy if they gave us some info and when and where we can move instead of all this "early summer" crap we keep hearing....

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im on 10 and would be just happy if they gave us some info and when and where we can move instead of all this "early summer" crap we keep hearing....


Didn't they say transfers will be on or before 1.3?


1.3 is on the test server today. So I think it's safe to say that the transfers are coming real soon.

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Didn't they say transfers will be on or before 1.3?


1.3 is on the test server today. So I think it's safe to say that the transfers are coming real soon.


so we are ment to just and pay for a game we cant play because the servers are dead and wait for "real soon"


Nobody would be here asking over and over again if they would just give us all something to go by as "real soon" and "early summer" is just nothing

Edited by Ipea
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Joveth said:

I know you are all eager for information regarding character transfers and I just wanted to let you all know that this is definitely a studio wide priority. We’ve just about finished up on the development side of things, but in order to ensure a high quality service, the system needs to undergo extensive testing. The testing cycle, as some of you may know, is variable and highly dependent on a number of things. With that being said, as soon as this process is complete and we are confident in the quality of the service, you can expect to hear more detailed information.


Allison said:

Hey everyone - we know you're very eager to hear more about this, but we don't have any new information right now. As always, we're working to get information about character transfer and other important topics to you as quickly as possible, and we appreciate your patience in the meantime! As soon as we have more info, you'll see it!


So to be clear, yes you have to keep paying. No, you won't be getting server transfers in a reasonable amount of time. They will be coming soon. At some point in the future, the developers will be confident enough in their work to proceed from development to testing and they will do so. The testing cycle will likely take quite a while due to the fact that it will be extensive. Once they're confident in their testing, we will hear more. I would like Joveth to clarify "a studio wide priority" in the sense of "a priority" being ahead of or behind things like legacy and colored capes for taun-taun pets, but I suppose that isn't relevant.


As Allison said, they will let us know more as soon as they can. They cannot tell us how these transfers will be implemented because they haven't decided yet. If they had a plan for implementing transfers they would tell us, as is evident from community relation's desire to keep us informed. Once the developer have figured out what direction they want to go with this game they will promptly tell us.


They are being clear. No transfers any time in the near future. It would be nice if they could tell us 3 or 4 billing cycles. Maybe give us a 4 billing cycle max, so if we want to wait it out we can be assured it won't cost more than $60. But they can't do that, because depending on how testing goes it might be more than 4 months. It would be nice if they could tell me I will be able to play my abandoned characters again, but they haven't decided yet if that's the direction they want to go. (I suspect they're trying to decide how to monetize the transfer, but that is pure speculation on my part.) It just seems like they're being quite about this because we don't want to hear it. I want them to fix the game because I want to keep playing it, but that just isn't going to happen.

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