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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

FREE Character Transfers are Coming!


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I have been directed to this post for discussion. This post is about brand identity but a moderator insists that I place it here so here it is...




11 Days Left On My Free Month


Why I Haven't Logged In Since A Long Time Ago


It isn't that the game is bad. The leveling experience is fun, despite the repetitive world designs. It is not for a lack of content. Though my preference for world PvP keeps me out of the warzones, I still have yet to clear any of the new content nor have I finished any nightmare modes. This is not because I find most of the boss fights dull and boring, tho I certainly do besides like the occasional gem like Mentor or Soa. It is not because I lack access to these for I found my way into a guild that runs everything. It is because the server is dead, and I expect a massive multiplayer experience.


I know some do not believe these dead servers exist. This belief is factually incorrect. These are the most recent headlines;


EA's The Old Republic Sees Sharp Drop In Subscribers -Forbes

EA loses Star Wars users, shares tumble – Chicago Tribune

Star Wars: The Old Republic's subscriber numbers fall -BBC

Last Call: Electronic Arts, Star Wars and a disturbance in the Force -CNBC

Electronic Arts's cuts to cost 40 million -San Francisco Chronicle

Electronic Arts Drops as Forecast Misses Analyst’s Views -Bloomberg




There is a factual observable drop in subscription numbers.


The single most important issue is the loss of players, and we know this is due too few people spread across too many servers. This is worsened by the verbal attacks of those playing on full servers who are not suffering from any debilitating issues and the lack of any true forum moderation. Compounded by a lack of concrete information on the when-and-where of server mergers and/or transfers, it has lead to a gut wound of a 400k loss in subscriptions. (see references)


There are two relevant guilds on my server, and there is only one for the republic. This is unacceptable for a game sold as a Massively Multi-player Online Game. This is false advertizement. Nowhere did Bioware or EA preface that the MMO experience would be limited to a few unmarked servers. This is the single issue plaguing the game, and without an immediate response I fear it will do irreparable damage.


As a long-time Bioware customer, this is how I feel....


I have purchased every game since Baldur's Gate 1 with the exception of Mass Effect 3 and Dragon Age 2. The lack of deep character creation turned me off to DA2, and my experience with SWTOR has barred me from purchasing ME3 or any future Bioware product. This brand use to mean something. It use to mean quality, but the only thing left that seems to be of any quality is the writing. I don't mind the cloned WoW game mechanics for it is fun, but it is not innovative and not exactly indicative of the quality I once expected from the brand.


However, where I am most disappointed is the lack of customer service. Bioware should remind people that the forums are for everyone, not just those who entirely love the game as it is, since their own server is full and their personal experience is good. When others report the factually accurate presence of dead servers, the moderators ignore the verbal abuse levied at the critic and lock the thread. This behavior severely disappoints me. The lack of information on a definitive date for the transfer and/or mergers disturbs me. The lack of any details as to how or where these population shifts will be directed unsettles me even further. When I combined this with the previous over-all customer disservice in the form of excessive DLC content, I find myself less enamored with the brand I had grown to trust.


Is Bioware dead?


A great single-player experience, due to the hard work of a good group of writers, is not enough to save a game billed as an MMO. They get you through the single-player RPGs, but the expectations are different now.


200$ x 2 people for two collectors edition boxes

15$ per a month x 2 people x 4months



That is 520$ dollars for a game. I expect more than a single player RPG. I am a paying customer and I have been since this company first started making RPGs. All of your customers, people just like me, deserve more information than you have currently given. We deserve more than to be left in the dark for who knows how long. If I and the person I bought this game to play with do not get an MMO experience at the end of these 11 days or at least some definitive information when that said experience can be expected, I doubt in my ability to remain loyal to this brand and resubscribe. You are asking for too much on faith. I'm sorry.


This brand has 11 days to give me more than Early Summer, for once I am gone I doubt my return, and If this game fails, I will never view the brand Bioware the same way again.

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Funny, how there is still no date announced.

* Did the devs ditch the game!?


its hardly surprising. forum poster are not known for there adult behavior. if BW gave us a date, but then got delayed, there would be a million "this is rubbish i'm unsubbing" threads


all a date does is give ppl another thing to cry about

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its hardly surprising. forum poster are not known for there adult behavior. if BW gave us a date, but then got delayed, there would be a million "this is rubbish i'm unsubbing" threads


all a date does is give ppl another thing to cry about


Perhaps we should take the date away from elections, since that too is a date. Responsible people give dates to products. Reaction to something being pushed back is not only appropriate, but necessary. Companies must be held to standards, this includes clear and honest communication to its subscribers.

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Perhaps we should take the date away from elections, since that too is a date. Responsible people give dates to products. Reaction to something being pushed back is not only appropriate, but necessary. Companies must be held to standards, this includes clear and honest communication to its subscribers.


***? patch and transfer dates are being lumped in with the election?


You can't compare building something with code to an opinion survey

Edited by Holden_Dissent
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***? patch and transfer dates are being lumped in with the election?


You can't compare building something with code to an opinion survey


One event that demands a date with another event that demands a date.


Another can be a movie release, or store hours even. Companies must be give dates to consumers about events. If you want to keep it in the realm of gaming it's not a good history for companies who leave product time lines as _ _ _ _. Yes there are certainly exceptions, but they are not the rule.

Edited by Exlithra
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But I'm pretty sure in their heads, they want to say something along the lines of "Hey, we know most of you are about to have your free 30 days end, and just to screw with you a little more, we're going to introduce the services you have been asking, no BEGGING, and waiting for, right when your time runs out. So, jump on the wagon, and come experience the things you wanted to experience, now with more people, BUT, you'll have to RENEW your SUBSCRIPTION first! Yay!".


I lol'd :D

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its hardly surprising. forum poster are not known for there adult behavior. if BW gave us a date, but then got delayed, there would be a million "this is rubbish i'm unsubbing" threads


all a date does is give ppl another thing to cry about


I completely disagree.


People are more forgiving than they are patient. People will accept set-backs in production, as long as they're being made aware of the delays and being kept informed as to what/why the delays are occurring. Silence is what kills and what breeds complete discontent.

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One event that demands a date with another event that demands a date.


Another can be a movie release, or store hours even. Companies must be give dates to consumers about events. If you want to keep it in the realm of gaming it's not a good history for companies who leave product time lines as _ _ _ _. Yes there are certainly exceptions, but they are not the rule.


When is GW2 being released? Gimme a date. They should have a date by now, right? Because that's what responsible companies do, right?


How about you go educate yourself on online gaming production then come back and tell us more about 'dates'.

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I completely disagree.


People are more forgiving than they are patient. People will accept set-backs in production, as long as they're being made aware of the delays and being kept informed as to what/why the delays are occurring. Silence is what kills and what breeds complete discontent.


Really? Are you sure about that? Did players here accept the set back of ranked warzones?

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When is GW2 being released? Gimme a date. They should have a date by now, right? Because that's what responsible companies do, right?


How about you go educate yourself on online gaming production then come back and tell us more about 'dates'.


I know plenty about the online gaming production, and I know when a community is writhing from lack of communication.


Really? Are you sure about that? Did players here accept the set back of ranked warzones?

Again with communication. Most players didn't know ranked warzones were pulled until after the patch had been implemented. The hardcore pvp'ers knew only hours before. How is that unjustified anger exactly? Stop posting your fails.

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I know plenty about the online gaming production, and I know when a community is writhing from lack of communication.



Again with communication. Most players didn't know ranked warzones were pulled until after the patch had been implemented. The hardcore pvp'ers knew only hours before. How is that unjustified anger exactly? Stop posting your fails.


My 'fails'?


If you 'know plenty' about online gaming production, then you would KNOW that firm dates are a no-no... mainly because issues can arrive late and delay... i.e. ranked warzones. That's exactly why GW2 still has no release date... oh, and nicely done sidestepping my question to you about that.


And my point to the other poster about the setback of ranked warzones was not a fail, but actually spot on.


So please don't refer to my posts as 'fail'... anyone with half of a reasonable mind could tell which of us is 'fail'.

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Really? Are you sure about that? Did players here accept the set back of ranked warzones?


The day they were pulled, yes. The week they were pulled, yes. 5 weeks afterwards with absolutely NO follow-up and NO indication of what is happening with them at this point, absolutely NOT!


As I said, they need to COMMUNICATE when there are set-backs, and I'm not talking some flippin tweet or youtube video link, someone HERE needs to update us. Honestly, if we simply had a (singular) known issues thread where they updated the outstanding issues twice a week with both issue and resolution target, that would go a tremendous way in earning good will.


When we go 5 weeks without an update, yeah...people lose their patience. Again, we'll forgive most set-backs, but we do NOT like being treated like children when we ask when a product we PAY for will be ready, nor do we like being ignored altogether.


Compare it to this: If I'm at a restaurant and they bring out 3 of our 4 meals, and explain to me that my steak wasn't ready yet, I'll understand that, I'll also ask about how long before they think it'll be ready. If they tell me 10 minutes, I'm ok with 10-15...if the waiter simply says 'soon', and walks away, then I have a problem. If my only follow-ups are from hearing conversations between my waiter and adjacent tables, I'd be upset. After 30 minutes and no word or follow-up from the waiter, I'd expect someone to be irate. We're at the 30min mark with this game and rated warzones.

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Transfers/Mergers... either/or... the game is suffering from a lack of either. Logged in today and found all of 3 people on Alderan. Early summer is too late. I doubt I'll resub when my sub runs out. No point playing on a dead server. You can't get a group, the economy is borked. It's flat out boring as hell.


Launching the game without the tools in place to manage server populations was a mistake. A big one.


I'm enjoying the game, but I'm not going to continue to pay to play on a dead server while Bioware develops tools that should have been in place at launch. Simple.

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Free transfers.... i was in live chat with a customer setvice rep yesterday.... Bioware isnt sure if they will add this to the game. the asia pacific servers have this available to them... my server is lowly populated ....in the day there isnt even enough people to do a hardmode flashpoint..no pvp.... swtor needs server transfers.... if they choose not to allow it it would be a very costly mistake for them....i know i would stop playing and many others would too. payung miney each month and logging on and not being able to do hardmodes or raids or pvp.... just being left with dailies seems like a very big over sight in my opinion. i have one toon and dont have the time to raise another into a high lv 50. this game is a MMO yet sunday after noon there was 12 people at fleet on my server and less than half were 50 s... fix this please
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If you read what bio-ware stated about the free transfers in early summer it will be only to specific servers. And if you want to go to any other servers you will have to pay for it.


Works for me, I hope they don't back peddle. As is I have cancelled. But I have 2 months to go. We'll see if they change my mind and I stay.

Edited by SikrouDeco
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This is a joke. Bioware, thanks for dumping the game and running with the money. Maybe a dear John letter would be nice. But hey w/e. My whole guild will be playing on D3 tonight, while we wait for the release of GW2. My server... whats left of it. We were talking about how our server will be soo empty tuesday morning when the servers come back online. Most of the server is talking about D3. When the player base is talking about another game and not the game they are playing... I think its a good note that this game is over.
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Please Bioware, announce server transfers soon!


Death Wind Corridor is dying! I can spam LFG in the Imperial Fleet chat for hardmode flashpoints for hours and get no takers. If one person in our guild can't make it to an operation, we can't run it that night because its impossible to find a person to pug. Occasionally I've hoped onto my Republic alt to find out there's less than 10 people on their fleet.


I love this game and want to keep playing, but at this rate, I will stop playing in the next month because there will be no one on my server to group with. And I have put too much time and effort into all my characters - I will sadly stop playing before I reroll and start over on another server.

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Compare it to this: If I'm at a restaurant and they bring out 3 of our 4 meals, and explain to me that my steak wasn't ready yet, I'll understand that, I'll also ask about how long before they think it'll be ready. If they tell me 10 minutes, I'm ok with 10-15...if the waiter simply says 'soon', and walks away, then I have a problem. If my only follow-ups are from hearing conversations between my waiter and adjacent tables, I'd be upset. After 30 minutes and no word or follow-up from the waiter, I'd expect someone to be irate. We're at the 30min mark with this game and rated warzones.


That comparison would only work if you went to the restaurant and purchased the chicken cutlets and a side of summer vegetables, then the waiter came and said that with the 20 bucks you paid for the dinner, they decided to also give you a new steak that they are developing the seasoning on.


You say 'oh boy, golly gee that is cool, thank you!' and sit tight and wait, cause oh by the way, they said it would take 20 minutes to cook.


After 18 minutes, they come out and tell you that the steak seasoning wasn't ready yet, or fit for consumption, but they will get it out soon, but not today.


You then choose to pay your bill and sit in the restaurant all night and complain to everyone sitting around you and coming in the door how they promised a steak free with your normally charged 'fee', then apologized it wasn't ready and they will not give it to the public yet due to an issue with it... but you deserve it anyway, and are upset that the chef isn't coming out and telling you about this new seasoning, or when it will exactly be ready.


In other words, you are the one siting around awaiting word on something that is a new 'menu' item that was pulled prior to release, and you would get in your normal paid bill. Would you like word, sure, but it isn't like you paid special for it, nor like you really ordered 4 things and only 3 came. Yeah, not even if you 're-subbed' for the 4 things, as they were expected to come, not a guarantee with your dinner. Kinda like how a restaurant can run out of menu items on a very busy run.


So bottom line is, you can leave the restaurant and come back when the menu has that new item.


That said, I can no longer get into the game and play it since the population and lack of doing anything but single player leveling is not really fun for me. 30 minute queues for pvp, only 1-2 people to try and do H4 missions, etc, spamming for folks to do a fp with only 24 folks in fleet... it isn't fun - and I refuse to re-create characters I already got to 50 when the server was full. I expect transfers.

Edited by skinthinner
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They keep saying, we have no official word on that yet, like its in beta and no one is allowed to know about the game, I mean really? I'll say it again since this thread is entertaining.


1. Too many US servers ROFL

2. No word besides getting ready for 1.3

3. People are getting impatient with no response for so many weeks.

4. "It's coming soon."(that statement doesn't help)

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