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Why no ETA on Rated?


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So, my guild is basically holding on to a short string. More and more inactivity, due to the "Nothing to do here" state pvp is in atm. I'd be lying if I didnt say Gw2, Tera and Diablo 3 seems quite great right now. So people, let's get bioware to think about us, let's say how much we want rated, and why!


I want it because, well for us in the PvP community it's basically a shovel of a game, we've got great to get yes. However, to get it we basically just have to que 4 people over, and over again. Theres no point in doing it, since it's so boring when theres no competition..

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So, my guild is basically holding on to a short string. More and more inactivity, due to the "Nothing to do here" state pvp is in atm. I'd be lying if I didnt say Gw2, Tera and Diablo 3 seems quite great right now. So people, let's get bioware to think about us, let's say how much we want rated, and why!


I want it because, well for us in the PvP community it's basically a shovel of a game, we've got great to get yes. However, to get it we basically just have to que 4 people over, and over again. Theres no point in doing it, since it's so boring when theres no competition..


this is what all of our guild has pretty much decided... when GW 2 comes out, we will continue our subs to this game, but only play it raid nights to take advantage of the lack of endgame content. We all did the GW 2 beta and were amazed at how much was already in the game IN BETA! this game has no excuse to not have things such as dual spec, server transfers, x server ques, these things have been out WAY too long not to have in release. it was just lack of effort on BW's part IMO, and now they are playing catch up.

Edited by TheRiddick
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So, my guild is basically holding on to a short string. More and more inactivity, due to the "Nothing to do here" state pvp is in atm. I'd be lying if I didnt say Gw2, Tera and Diablo 3 seems quite great right now. So people, let's get bioware to think about us, let's say how much we want rated, and why!


I want it because, well for us in the PvP community it's basically a shovel of a game, we've got great to get yes. However, to get it we basically just have to que 4 people over, and over again. Theres no point in doing it, since it's so boring when theres no competition..


I will give you the only date that matters: After May 15th.

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I am hoping they are holding of for :


Gear balance

Make sure stats are good

Class balance

X server

Optimized WZ servers

Clear any remaining ability delay/ client server lag (see optimized WZ servers above)



If not we are f'd. But, if so I wish they would come out and say it.

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Its not ready for pvp in general. Chainstuns/expertise are doing nothing positive for the game.


You know what i noticed the most in gw2 wvwvwvw? No chainstuns 0 expertise/No gear grind No lying about content. There delivering a awesome pvp product and saying very little and showing youtubes about what they have.


Gw2 really feels like they took all the negative's from swtor and fixed it in their beta.


Tell you something else thier REALLY listening to thier customers thier. If they were listening here we would have server transfers over legacy or anything else. Hell on gw2 you can even transfer yourself to another server within an hour the most 2.

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I am hoping they are holding of for :


Gear balance

Make sure stats are good

Class balance

X server

Optimized WZ servers

Clear any remaining ability delay/ client server lag (see optimized WZ servers above)



If not we are f'd. But, if so I wish they would come out and say it.


This, realistically. ranked warzones are a gaming farce waiting to happen without getting those things going on first. Unfortunately, they all appear to be a long way off.


And yes, GW2 looks good. They didn't take what was wrong with STOR(or any other gear based MMO) and fix it, though. They took their own Guild Wars product and built a new game along the precepts of what made the old one so solid. It'll be a great game, no doubt, but the concepts don't transfer over to a WoW in space clone.

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Rated warzones was just a ploy to get people staying subbed. First of all, it is extremely easy to cheat using packet editing software hence the hacker threads. You also need cross server queues. These are two main things that will take long to fix not counting other obstacles. I wouldn't expect rated for a while.
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When the dev team didn't give an ETA on rated WZs after canceling it for 1.2, you should have had one of those classic "I've got a bad feeling about this..." moments. That mean they had no idea how long it would take. They must've know canceling rateds would piss off the PVP community mightily (why else with the ninja cancel).


When weeks went by and not one peep of news or rumor came out you should have had an "It was if millions of voices cried out and were silenced." moments. Because many threads on the forum were started can commented on. In all those threads Bioware threw no bone to the PVP community. They must have known that the only answers they could give would only further annoy the PVPers or they didn't care. The silence was the mass exodus who had had enough. Cancel the only thing I've been holding out for? See ya!


I'm not one of those people, but this is a joke. At least a simple "We know you want it, we are working hard, but it's not ready yet" would molify people in most cases. Silence is not the way to show you care.

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no free tauntauns and a free month is. If they dont get the rated/open world done before gw2 launch it wont mater afterwards all the free months even f2p will be meaningless. That gw2 pvp is the most fun and awesome pvp i have ever seen....


When the dev team didn't give an ETA on rated WZs after canceling it for 1.2, you should have had one of those classic "I've got a bad feeling about this..." moments. That mean they had no idea how long it would take. They must've know canceling rateds would piss off the PVP community mightily (why else with the ninja cancel).


When weeks went by and not one peep of news or rumor came out you should have had an "It was if millions of voices cried out and were silenced." moments. Because many threads on the forum were started can commented on. In all those threads Bioware threw no bone to the PVP community. They must have known that the only answers they could give would only further annoy the PVPers or they didn't care. The silence was the mass exodus who had had enough. Cancel the only thing I've been holding out for? See ya!


I'm not one of those people, but this is a joke. At least a simple "We know you want it, we are working hard, but it's not ready yet" would molify people in most cases. Silence is not the way to show you care.

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seems like some people always thinly advertises for GW2 and TERA and other mmo with these repeated complaint post.. every time i see it degrades into 'fix xxx before i quit swtor and move on to yyy, btw yyy is much better and blablabla'
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You won't get a ETA on rated because they need to put it back on the test server and they need to have level 50's copied over to test it enough that was the problem with the 1st testing only a hand full of 50's were copied over not nearly enough for proper testing. Edited by Kaizersan
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i cant speak for tera but i know %100 that there is no way atm or that i can see this game bieng able to compete with gw2 pvp. When you have what was advertised to be in this game in gw2 its quite concerning. Why continue to pay 15 bucks a month to do the same 4 warzones over and over and nothing else? That game i can tell you has 100vs100 and real BOLSTERING in thier warzones. We cant even choose the warzones we want still. Servers are dying despite what james ohlen says not all servers healthy see for yourself go to hedar soongh and others by the time they get the transfers ready theyre will be very little to transfer at this rate


seems like some people always thinly advertises for GW2 and TERA and other mmo with these repeated complaint post.. every time i see it degrades into 'fix xxx before i quit swtor and move on to yyy, btw yyy is much better and blablabla'
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I don't dispute that complex things take time, but I am surprised by the lack of functionality put into SWTOR given that scope of functionality is fairly well tested in MMOs.


Too much focus was put on voiceovers and not enough on actual gameplay mechanics and game functions.

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I don't dispute that complex things take time, but I am surprised by the lack of functionality put into SWTOR given that scope of functionality is fairly well tested in MMOs.


Too much focus was put on voiceovers and not enough on actual gameplay mechanics and game functions.


And for this reason I feel PvP was left to wither on the vine.


Today a guildie asked when the next rated warzone practice was. My reply: when we get a real release date on rated warzones. We get everyone together in outlaws den, drop guild and form teams for weekly practices. Then the plug is pulled last minute and I sit and watch as some team members leave the game while others start progression raiding instead. Organizing guildies for PvP is getting more difficult with each patch.

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So, my guild is basically holding on to a short string. More and more inactivity, due to the "Nothing to do here" state pvp is in atm. I'd be lying if I didnt say Gw2, Tera and Diablo 3 seems quite great right now. So people, let's get bioware to think about us, let's say how much we want rated, and why!


I want it because, well for us in the PvP community it's basically a shovel of a game, we've got great to get yes. However, to get it we basically just have to que 4 people over, and over again. Theres no point in doing it, since it's so boring when theres no competition..


I think BW realized that with current balance if WZ go live the game will die -TOR. People would just rage quite in masses.

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So, my guild is basically holding on to a short string. More and more inactivity, due to the "Nothing to do here" state pvp is in atm. I'd be lying if I didnt say Gw2, Tera and Diablo 3 seems quite great right now. So people, let's get bioware to think about us, let's say how much we want rated, and why!


I want it because, well for us in the PvP community it's basically a shovel of a game, we've got great to get yes. However, to get it we basically just have to que 4 people over, and over again. Theres no point in doing it, since it's so boring when theres no competition..


adding the rated warzones would only cause more problems more complaining as for one the pvp system how it is right now is broken and adding content over broken content is a bad idea.

they will only lose more players from doing this.

so they are proberly stalling the rated warzones for now until they have come up with a solution


hope that helps :) <3

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adding the rated warzones would only cause more problems more complaining as for one the pvp system how it is right now is broken and adding content over broken content is a bad idea.

they will only lose more players from doing this.

so they are proberly stalling the rated warzones for now until they have come up with a solution


hope that helps :) <3


Solution? Like nerfing and buffing classes?


Wow! I just fixed the game!

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This game is absolutely not ready for rated WZs.


I certainly am probably wrong. I love the game. But I've had a sneaking suspicion this game was not planning to launch until Spring 2012 and Lucas Arts wanted the time bumped up to coincide with Episode I 3D as part of product placement and at that point they decided to go ahead and bump it up another month to grab Christmas sales.


The downside being that once the game was bumped up, they had to pull development time off of things they still had on the board to have ready at launch and start focusing those people on fixing bugs and making adjustments to things already in the game.


This will obviously never be verified one way or the other, but it's my personal conspiracy theory.

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I certainly am probably wrong. I love the game. But I've had a sneaking suspicion this game was not planning to launch until Spring 2012 and Lucas Arts wanted the time bumped up to coincide with Episode I 3D as part of product placement and at that point they decided to go ahead and bump it up another month to grab Christmas sales.


The downside being that once the game was bumped up, they had to pull development time off of things they still had on the board to have ready at launch and start focusing those people on fixing bugs and making adjustments to things already in the game.


This will obviously never be verified one way or the other, but it's my personal conspiracy theory.


It's pretty obvious they rushed it so EA could use the sales on their 2011 Q4 Earnings report. No developer would choose to launch a game the week before Christmas.

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It's pretty obvious they rushed it so EA could use the sales on their 2011 Q4 Earnings report. No developer would choose to launch a game the week before Christmas.


You both are absolutely correct. No conspiracy theory here, you're telling the truth.


And developers would launch a game when It's finished, and that's always too late for the publisher. Unless your name is Blizzard.

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See GW2 might have that massive pvp deal but I have seen vids of people playing the beta with a good rig and 20+ people on the same screen make it unplayable frame rate wise.


It was the most overated noobish pvp I have ever encountered, it will be popular amongst the same cretins that think the 1-49 bracket is really great here.....

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So, my guild is basically holding on to a short string. More and more inactivity, due to the "Nothing to do here" state pvp is in atm. I'd be lying if I didnt say Gw2, Tera and Diablo 3 seems quite great right now. So people, let's get bioware to think about us, let's say how much we want rated, and why!


I want it because, well for us in the PvP community it's basically a shovel of a game, we've got great to get yes. However, to get it we basically just have to que 4 people over, and over again. Theres no point in doing it, since it's so boring when theres no competition..


Rated not going to change anything. They ll be able to delay the inevitable nothing more.

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