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Price drop for game WHAT!?


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Regardless, the more people who buy it and play for even one month has the chance to enhance your own playing experience, whether it's socially, someone to buy your stocked up stuff, someone to run flashpoints with, or someone to stun in the fire in Huttball.
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It must be "Stockmarket May!", now where did that Groundhog go? Hmmm. Ya think it's maybe so they can say (again) that subs haven't dropped (but you gave out free 30 days, re-activating accounts? SSSHH! OMG SSSHH!). :D
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Riding my 30 days with fingers crossed, praying that something appealing is implemented or at least PLANNED before then. Would love to re-sub, but can barely even stand to log in anymore. The price drop was to be expected with dead servers and especially with EA in charge. I'm positive the execs at Bioware are ruing the day they let EA have their company. I know I am.


Nah. The High End executives made out like bandits (which is what they are), I'm sure they are laughing all the way to the bank.


Price drop is because the game is unpopular.

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Price drop is because the game is unpopular.


You meant to say "Sale ends May 6th". Right?


It's not a price drop, it's a sale, for one week. They did this a couple months back too. It's called marketing and promotion. A lot of people deliberately wait until something is on sale, then they snap it up. It works, it sells lots of product. If it didn't, every company would not be doing it it....year after year after year.

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MMOs generally drop in price more quickly than single player games as well, the exception being Warcraft. Subscriptions are the major revenue source in comparison to the box purchase.


And Cata expansion for WoW is still the same price here locally. So is Starcraft 2.

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I hope you used to play some of this stuff.




Your mind = blown.


heh I love GOG.com :)


Downloaded Might and Magic 1-6 for $6.99 a while back :)


As for OP and responces.

Yes every game eventually drops in price.

But 50% in 4 months?

Yeah I honestly cant think of a single MMORPG to do that so quickly.


And people right, prices are set by demand of product.

So the reality of the price drop flies in the face of EAowares recent announcement that the population staying the same and game not losing subs (but I think anyone that thinks about it knew that was EA spin all the way anyways).


50% drop in price 4 months in, the F2P at the 12 month mark (like Rift did with limited F2P) looking more and more likely based on the FACTS.


OP, a price drop however is not a slap in your face because you paid full price. You felt the product was worth full price at launch and thus you paid the market standard. If you had ordered game last week at full price and then days later the price dropped, THATS A SLAP IN FACE (and it happened sadly).


Those of us that ordered the game at the start felt the game was worth it.


Nothing wrong with what happened here and EA doesnt owe us anything for this price drop.


Now for all those that bought Collector editions and DDE versions at pre launch that didnt get the free month because they didnt play the game as much as EA wanted (so didnt hit Legacy 6 or level 50) . EA most definately owes those folks something.

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heh I love GOG.com :)


Downloaded Might and Magic 1-6 for $6.99 a while back :)


As for OP and responces.

Yes every game eventually drops in price.

But 50% in 4 months?

Yeah I honestly cant think of a single MMORPG to do that so quickly.


And people right, prices are set by demand of product.

So the reality of the price drop flies in the face of EAowares recent announcement that the population staying the same and game not losing subs (but I think anyone that thinks about it knew that was EA spin all the way anyways).


50% drop in price 4 months in, the F2P at the 12 month mark (like Rift did with limited F2P) looking more and more likely based on the FACTS.


OP, a price drop however is not a slap in your face because you paid full price. You felt the product was worth full price at launch and thus you paid the market standard. If you had ordered game last week at full price and then days later the price dropped, THATS A SLAP IN FACE (and it happened sadly).


Those of us that ordered the game at the start felt the game was worth it.


Nothing wrong with what happened here and EA doesnt owe us anything for this price drop.


Now for all those that bought Collector editions and DDE versions at pre launch that didnt get the free month because they didnt play the game as much as EA wanted (so didnt hit Legacy 6 or level 50) . EA most definately owes those folks something.

Please refer to my post on Page 3


Now that you have go look in the mirror and see the shame I just brought upon your face.

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The game is not in demand right now so the price went down


This is actually wrong. I spoke to someone a couple weeks ago from Best Buy who said they were having trouble keeping both the game and time cards in stock... I was there buying time cards as gifts for my guild's officers.

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Games drop in prices because they:

1 are old. Newer, better, shinier games are out and drive down the price for stuff already out there. Exception: games of such high popularity and quality that stores can justify keeping the prices at MSRP. After 6 months SWTOR is old? ***? Most MMOs are still going full swing and are in honeymoon mode after 6 months (unless they suck...)


2 suck. The game is such poor quality that in order to get it off the shelves, the only way anyone will buy it is if the price is lowered.


Which category do you think SWTOR falls into?

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this is hilarious.. everytime i visit GENERAL DISCUSSION someone always post some kind of 'end of the world' and its variety lol..


by comparison, DIABLO III is free for WOW subscriber who subscribe for 1 year straight. this is an unreleased game.. giving away their primary game free for millions of WOW players, this means DIABLO III = bad ? no its just promotion and marketing move..


same with SWTOR price , or any other software , or any other stuff in the world..

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I didn't read the whole thread, just the OP.


I just wanted to say that the reason I bought the game was because of the price drop. I had been wanting to play the game, but money can be tight and I wanted to wait until a few months after launch so that they could work out bugs and such.


1.2's update and the price drop were enough incentive to make me finally fork over the cash.


I'm still not sure how long I'll play. (For purely gameplay reasons, but I won't get into those.) But I am almost done with my included 30 days, and I will be subcribing for another month.


So, I'd say the price drop was a good thing.

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I didn't read the whole thread, just the OP.


I just wanted to say that the reason I bought the game was because of the price drop. I had been wanting to play the game, but money can be tight and I wanted to wait until a few months after launch so that they could work out bugs and such.


1.2's update and the price drop were enough incentive to make me finally fork over the cash.


I'm still not sure how long I'll play. (For purely gameplay reasons, but I won't get into those.) But I am almost done with my included 30 days, and I will be subcribing for another month.


So, I'd say the price drop was a good thing.


I have to agree. The price drop is a good thing. I know some people irl who was waiting for that. Right now, they enjoy SWTOR, they saved some money and they join the wonderful SWTOR community. I can just be really happy for them and the SWTOR community.

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I didn't read the whole thread, just the OP.


I just wanted to say that the reason I bought the game was because of the price drop. I had been wanting to play the game, but money can be tight and I wanted to wait until a few months after launch so that they could work out bugs and such.


1.2's update and the price drop were enough incentive to make me finally fork over the cash.


I'm still not sure how long I'll play. (For purely gameplay reasons, but I won't get into those.) But I am almost done with my included 30 days, and I will be subcribing for another month.


So, I'd say the price drop was a good thing.


This post proves the strategy is working. I say anything brining more people in is a good thing. I am sick of waiting for wz queues.

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retailers started wanting the excess amounts off the shelves in January, picked up a copy of standard for the wife for $40. Saw some sales shortly after that where it was $29. No doubt if it did sell as great as they want you to believe retailers would still have it up at $60 cept for special sale events.


It is still $60 at my Best Buy (at least, as of Monday night when I bought a copy for a friend ...)


Sounds like your store just over-ordered for your area and are trying to recoup ....

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EVERY game has a price drop when it gets around the 6 month mark.... This is nothing new.... The only game that surprised me to do it so soon was Rift, they had the price down to $9.99 after just 2 months.... And then it dropped to $4.99 at the 4 month mark...


But yeah this is nothing new.... I usually buy all my games (except for MMO's) around the 6 month mark so I can save money, The $60 games drop to $29.99 ... I'm waiting for Mass Effect 3 to drop in price before I buy it.... plus if you wait 6 months most of the bugs are fixed and game companies usually throw in a free DLC or two ...

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Maybe they wanted to put on sale?

I'm sure they did want too - the community has been slowly dieing off and they need more people. My entire guild of 47 people just recently quit for guildwars 2; it sucks. Even at peek hours, there's no more than 20-30 people on the imperial fleet on my server.

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Please refer to my post on Page 3


Now that you have go look in the mirror and see the shame I just brought upon your face.


Why would I read anything you posted?


People need to get over themselves.


Sorry buddy, I read OP and maybe 2-3 responces, yours clearly didnt qualify.

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