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Make the Republic Cry


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As a Sith, I would find it very appealing to dock my ship on the Republic Fleet and proceed to cause many tears and broken keyboards from the poor Jedi. Please give me this feature Bioware. This game is of course called Star "Wars". Why are there no Wars? Give me the ability to unleash some Sith destruction. Thanks.
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As a Sith, I would find it very appealing to dock my ship on the Republic Fleet and proceed to cause many tears and broken keyboards from the poor Jedi. Please give me this feature Bioware. This game is of course called Star "Wars". Why are there no Wars? Give me the ability to unleash some Sith destruction. Thanks.


If you landed on my fleet I'm collect you in a garbage bag and toss you in the trash can..just saying. :D

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As a Sith, I would find it very appealing to dock my ship on the Republic Fleet and proceed to cause many tears and broken keyboards from the poor Jedi.


Translator droid: "As a griefer I would like to gank lowbies from the opposing faction in their supposedly safe zone"

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I don't really think the OP just means him, if he does he is a little mistaken. I think it would be cool if/when they add full space combat, not the rail crap, to get into a large op group and atttack/bored republic and for vice versa sith ships, much like battlefront II. I think that would be amazing.
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Am I a griefer, or are you a crybaby? A paradox! The glass is half empty sir.


The two posters above have the right idea of what I meant.

The entire Star Wars story revolves around the Empire and Republic being at war with one another. Why is this not reflected in the game? Sure, Flashpoints are fun, but wouldn't it make it that much more exciting if you're clearing trash in a flashpoint and all of a sudden a group of jedi and/or sith appear to take down your entire raid group? Why shouldn't one faction be able to board another factions fleet and/or encampments on the different planets? Is this not about war?

How much mindless npc bashing can one person endure before it becomes boring? This game needs more spice. Spice spice spice.

Edited by HeCTiCLOB
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Am I a griefer, or are you a crybaby? A paradox! The glass is half empty sir.


The two posters above have the right idea of what I meant.

The entire Star Wars story revolves around the Empire and Republic being at war with one another. Why is this not reflected in the game? Sure, Flashpoints are fun, but wouldn't it make it that much more exciting if you're clearing trash in a flashpoint and all of a sudden a group of jedi and/or sith appear to take down your entire raid group? Why shouldn't one faction be able to board another factions fleet and/or encampments on the different planets? Is this not about war?

How much mindless npc bashing can one person endure before it becomes boring? This game needs more spice. Spice spice spice.


You need to find a sandbox MMO. That genre will probably suit you alot more than Themepark MMO's like WoW & SWTOR

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I don't really think the OP just means him, if he does he is a little mistaken. I think it would be cool if/when they add full space combat, not the rail crap, to get into a large op group and atttack/bored republic and for vice versa sith ships, much like battlefront II. I think that would be amazing.


I laughed. Not due to comedy, but the idea of this development team being able to handle real space combat. THAT is hysterical.

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Am I a griefer, or are you a crybaby? A paradox! The glass is half empty sir.


The two posters above have the right idea of what I meant.

The entire Star Wars story revolves around the Empire and Republic being at war with one another. Why is this not reflected in the game? Sure, Flashpoints are fun, but wouldn't it make it that much more exciting if you're clearing trash in a flashpoint and all of a sudden a group of jedi and/or sith appear to take down your entire raid group? Why shouldn't one faction be able to board another factions fleet and/or encampments on the different planets? Is this not about war?

How much mindless npc bashing can one person endure before it becomes boring? This game needs more spice. Spice spice spice.

The glass in never half anything. It is completely full half from liquid the other half air...Sorry the kids rolled imp. Glad I didn't even though pub side is dead. Never really had many of these annoying people playing on Pub side.

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So, what, you get to kill the 1 or 2 people that are on the fleet?


Yeah if each fleet was able to go to war with each other on every server you might end up with more people than a WHOLE SINGLE BF3 match! :)


MMO my butt...

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The glass in never half anything. It is completely full half from liquid the other half air...Sorry the kids rolled imp. Glad I didn't even though pub side is dead. Never really had many of these annoying people playing on Pub side.


This is Star Wars. The glass is in space. Now what wise guy?

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thread is dumb. if you wanted an open world pvp game, then you shouldnt be playing SWTOR? in most MMOs nowadays, everything is instanced because of all the tears, and people that want their game on easy mode.


personally i agree with the OP and i think open world pvp is the only way to go. warzones, pvp "games", and other instanced versions of pvp are incredibly lame, and have essentially killed pvp in mmos.



but everyone likes something different, you and me might enjoy different things (big shock i know). so instead of an all or nothing tear-a-thon, people should cry harder not about changing the existing system, but adding an alternative CHOICE of an open world pvp server.


successful MMOs all have 1 thing in common, they offer many choices. No company can go wrong by adding optional choices for players that want to play an mmo like they were playing back in 99-04



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Am I a griefer, or are you a crybaby? A paradox! The glass is half empty sir.


The two posters above have the right idea of what I meant.

The entire Star Wars story revolves around the Empire and Republic being at war with one another. Why is this not reflected in the game? Sure, Flashpoints are fun, but wouldn't it make it that much more exciting if you're clearing trash in a flashpoint and all of a sudden a group of jedi and/or sith appear to take down your entire raid group? Why shouldn't one faction be able to board another factions fleet and/or encampments on the different planets? Is this not about war?

How much mindless npc bashing can one person endure before it becomes boring? This game needs more spice. Spice spice spice.


I get your idea and all but its sounding alot like Aion Dredgion a instance with mobs and people and a objective and you know what it mostly turned into a giant pve dps race to the boss very little did pvp happen in it. We would have to attack or pvp would never happen and we normally rolled over groups...plus talking about huge trains of mobs behind you... seriously some groups would send one person out to gather a ton of mobs and just train the other group of people the whole time and eventually they would have to sit in their spawn till its over so personally id say no mobs and stright up pvp and im in. Im a hardcore pvper and I mean hardcore and when I see mobs put into pvp its a huge joke to the serious pvpers. For star wars i dont understand why they wouldnt just add a big *** pvp planet for world pvp thats going on 24/7. Along with some huge republic/empire ships you could take over...Like i said though im personally not a fan about having mobs in pvp areas when there are SO many ways around that and other things you can do instead of killing a NPC boss to take a area over or win it over. Im all for just attacking the imperial/republic fleet and let the carebears cry on a PVP server because pvp is happening...

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I heard it was possible in pre-beta?? At first I laughed at the concept, it sounded like an "Ilum-Hero" wanting a new "slaughter zone" where he can bring his Imperial Gaggle and ruin the game. ... again. As the current imbalance still exists, allowing the Imps to dock at the Republic fleet would just essentially move the Imperial fleet into the Republic fleet, and we would have Imperials bunny hopping around the republic fleet killing people while they Q for warzones.


If we can fix some balance issues I do actually like the concept. Can we integrate it with the space combat system?? Perhaps remove the current tunnel game and make our space combat more like SWG? I see no reason why 100 Imps in their single-flyer ships can't have the option of testing the Republic Fleet.


Someone mentioned making this instanced. How would players like having a possibility of ops raids against the opposing fleet where you could either be assaulting or defending, and if you broke through the defenses then you could dock on the opposing fleet. This would make all those ship upgrades and fleet comms I've been gathering more useful.



Edited by RJChief
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This is Star Wars. The glass is in space. Now what wise guy?


The space is between your ears not in star wars. Obviously if you have done space missions in the game you know its nothing to talk about.

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" Hey, Awesome! i made it to the Republic Station! But..but.. why is noone here?? wait-.. 2 pubs over there! and DEAD! MUHAHAUA i am A: True and B: SO damed Evil!!. Took me so long to kill them and they didnt had a chance to fight back.

-20 min later-

Bored... noones fighting.. heck there is noone i could fight.. why.. WHY!! /open forum to post about empty pub fleet /flame//flame"



Sorry all i can get into my mind if i actually see a imp trying to get on the pup station. Could be different to 1 or 2 server but it would probably happen the most time.

Tbh.. BW actually should allow that so even the last 2-3 ppl disapear from pup fleets and imps like that, have this game just for themself...imagine.. same faction WZ all day!



** for those that take ideas like that serious:

- get older and learn = lighting is bad for your eyes and your brain

- Smash your head against a wall till u belive u are true evil

- Drink till u dont know if u are male/female then log in and belive u are evil


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