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Someone explain the LFG tool hate?


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It's your fault for staying on the low pop server. You have the option to re-roll on another server. It is your fault for not choosing to. Christ, do you people need to be hand held for everything


How is it our fault for wanting to keep toons we spent so much time (and money) creating?


You guys kill me, the dead servers are not our fault, why should we throw away the time and money we spent to make our existing toons? We acted in good faith and followed BW's instructions to spread out and you feel we should be forced to kill off toons we worked so hard to create?


Is there any gurantee that if we spend a month rolling a new lvl 50 on a new server that this new server will not go silent in that month like so many other servers have?


Maybe you have nothing better to do with your time than to reroll toons all over the place but most people do not have that kind of time to just throw away.

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It's your fault for staying on the low pop server. You have the option to re-roll on another server. It is your fault for not choosing to. Christ, do you people need to be hand held for everything


Troll is trolling.

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First off you aren't even quoting me on the right game. I commented on Rift now WoW. Good job at paying attention


The post you quoted mentioned both WoW and Rift. You never specified which game you were refering to. If you did mean Rift, then yes, I stand corrected since I only played Rift in beta (liked it but not enough friends interested) and therefore can't speak for it.

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How is it our fault for wanting to keep toons we spent so much time (and money) creating?


You guys kill me, the dead servers are not our fault, why should we throw away the time and money we spent to make our existing toons? We acted in good faith and followed BW's instructions to spread out and you feel we should be forced to kill off toons we worked so hard to create?


Is there any gurantee that if we spend a month rolling a new lvl 50 on a new server that this new server will not go silent in that month like so many other servers have?


Maybe you have nothing better to do with your time than to reroll toons all over the place but most people do not have that kind of time to just throw away.



The fact is, Bioware isn't stopping you from having a great MMO experience right now. You are. You could reroll to a heavy server, play a different class story to make it feel new and then transfer your main when transfers are available. Or, you can stay on your dead server and complain. Both seem like worthy options...

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Let's start with a single-server tool that doesn't do auto-matchmaking and also offer free server transfers designed to help smooth out severe population imbalances. This is what we have coming in 1.3 now, so let's roll with it and see if it works.


Community is defined by me as the circle of friends, associates, and your guildmates that you regularly and repeatedly interact with. In my experience the number one way to meet new people and form the kinds of lasting in-game relationships that collectively get defined as "community" is via grouping with them to take on content that cannot be handled solo.


Given that grouping together is necessary, and there may not be enough people on one server, I conceed a cross-server tool may be needed. However if it is simply implemented ala WoW or Rift without any thought to building or preserving communities it would be a grave disservice to the game's long-term health. A good tool has to do the following:


* Matchmake groups only from within servers of the same broad type (RP-PvE, RP-PvP, PvE, PvP) - people initially picked a server type to best match their playstyle and no new features should be actively detracting from that.


* Allow /friend and /whisper and /invite to work cross-server on a character-by-character basis. The idea here is that you can /friend a good cross-server player, then /whisper them tomorrow and /invite them to group with you prior to queueing for your next flashpoint. Account-level friending would be a nice addition to this, but should not be the only option for cross-server friends. I might like to group with someone again, that doesn't mean i want to enable them to see me wherever and whoever I am playing on my account.


* Allow for a certain number of free server transfers per account per month, quarter, or year. Something that would allow me to join the guild of cool people I've met online and grouped with and enjoyed grouping with.


* And a blacklist type functionality that prevents me from grouping with someone again but doesn't actually ignore them. I may be fine talking to them, but holy goodness I don't ever want to group with them again. Said list should be unlimited.


Do these things and I wouldn't mind the idea of getting ninja-looted in Athiss or Mandalorian Raiders because, ideally, by the time I am getting into higher level flashpoints I have a large and robust friends list and never have to use a random again... in other words the tool allowed me to find my cross-server community - to build it and sustain it.

Edited by Katahn
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The fact is, Bioware isn't stopping you from having a great MMO experience right now. You are. You could reroll to a heavy server, play a different class story to make it feel new and then transfer your main when transfers are available. Or, you can stay on your dead server and complain. Both seem like worthy options...


So you're volunteering to work people's characters up to a level they're at right now on their dead servers, on a busier server?


And when that busier server's population crashes, you're offering to pay for their transfer or level another character for them?


That's very generous. I personally don't need to take you up on that offer, but I'm sure there are lots of players with jobs and families and other commitments who gladly will.

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You have to explain this math you are trying to quote my friend.


If more people can group where normally they could not they will get the chance at better gear now and then and learn content making them a better player and this means "MORE" and "STRONGER" players to form groups with. Without some form of the LFG tool you have maybe 5% of the players with the ability and gear to form groups with.


It's quite straight forward, as people tend to take the path of least resistance those that were available to group, and are currently grouping, will if they aren't that bothered about picking their own groups move over to LFG which dilutes the pool that was available for those who do not want to do it.


"Having to raid"?


You do know this is marketed as a MMO right? Do you think it should only have single player content just with a lot of people around doing the same single player content?


Generally what defines the MMO these days is the raiding. If you eliminate the raiding, most people would not pay their $15 a month.


"]Way to generalise. If the end game of an MMO is raiding how come 50%+ of accounts in WoW don't do it? Most people are still paying them $15 per month.


WoW is raid only? Glad you told me, I made a little over 12k from the auctionhouse with my crafted items, made some food and flasks for the raid groups, am currently leveling my 8th toon (shammy) to go with the 7 lvl 85's I already have. My guild chat was filled with teasing and jokes and I recruited a couple new players over the last couple days.


Glad you enjoy it, I played with my friends on a Sunday but in the end that wasn't enough justification for the £9 per month after I'd leveled every class to 85 (bar a shammy) some multiple times. This game currently has space battles, which I hope will improve datacrons but could improve some of the crafting functions, increase the different type of dailies (using vehicles perhaps), swoop bike racing and a number of other things that can be used by groups/soloists. In the other game it was basically down to making gold and pretty similar dailies.

All of these games are about teamwork to beat content for better gear that makes your toon stronger. This game and every other MMO has endgame raiding as the ultimate goal so please do not be silly.


In your opinion! See responses above.


The main point against a LFG tool is the false claim that it hurts the game, well this simply is not true, I keep point out that if this was true we would not see so many new guilds on the servers all do so well. This is hard fact, and fact nobody can refute


In your opinion, from my experience of running 'dungeons' the groups became progressively worse over a period of 3-12 months following the implementation..


Opinions are opinions

Edited by mothear
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The fact is, Bioware isn't stopping you from having a great MMO experience right now. You are. You could reroll to a heavy server, play a different class story to make it feel new and then transfer your main when transfers are available. Or, you can stay on your dead server and complain. Both seem like worthy options...


So, reroll to a new server and restart my legacy whenever my current server dies.


Might as well scrap the entire legacy system with what you're suggesting.

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So you're volunteering to work people's characters up to a level they're at right now on their dead servers, on a busier server?


And when that busier server's population crashes, you're offering to pay for their transfer or level another character for them?


That's very generous. I personally don't need to take you up on that offer, but I'm sure there are lots of players with jobs and families and other commitments who gladly will.



I have a 50+ hour a week job and 2 kids. I play maybe 2-4 hours a night after my kids are asleep. I have a level 40+ Guardian on "The Courageous" that I had to abandon due to that server being absolutely dead (along with 7 other characters ranging from 14-30). I now have a 40+ Vanguard on Jedi Covenant and the entire experience has been amazing since I rerolled.


Leveling in this game isn't difficult and it's much more fun actually finding groups for flash points and heroic quests. No one has any excuses. If you're going to be playing anyway, starting over on a new server or continuing to play your level 50 doesn't really matter. Either way, you're spending that time in the game. If you're not having fun on your dead server, there is an alternative.

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In your opinion, from my experience of running 'dungeons' the groups became progressively worse over a period of 3-12 months following the implementation.


LFG tool is an optional feature - not mandatory.


You can still form grps the old fashioned way and guess what; guilds do it a lot. Nobody in WoW is forcing you to use the LFG tool. Our guild runs multiple 5 mans with alts every day the old fashioned way.

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So, reroll to a new server and restart my legacy whenever my current server dies.


Might as well scrap the entire legacy system with what you're suggesting.


Exactly! We level a toon to 50 on a server that we were ASSIGNED to and that was once active. We get our Legacy into the 20's, the server dies...and it's somehow our fault that we're on that server? And it's somehow a crime that we don't want to abandon all that invested time? And it's somehow a crime that we'd like to play with the few friends we still have there? It's a crime that we don't want to leave behind the guild bank that we invested all that in-game currency in?

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So, reroll to a new server and restart my legacy whenever my current server dies.


Might as well scrap the entire legacy system with what you're suggesting.



They already said that when transfers hit, the higher legacy would be the one that sticks. So, if you started a new character, you'd later be able to transfer your old character to your new server along with his legacy.



Again, you guys can play mad and annoyed, or you can have a good time. You know good and well Bioware won't put out transfers until they're ready, so you're currently only hurting your own play time.


And if you want to stay on your dead server and just have a Xserver LFG tool, it still doesn't change teh fact that you're on a dead server with a dead economy, etc.

Edited by Galbatorrix
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They already said that when transfers hit, the higher legacy would be the one that sticks. So, if you started a new character, you'd later be able to transfer your old character to your new server along with his legacy.


Again, you guys can play mad and annoyed, or you can have a good time. You know good and well Bioware won't put out transfers until their ready, so you're currently only hurting your own play time.


Agreed. And that's why I unsubbed and wont pay them a penny till they are ready to release their server transfers and LFG feature.

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Agreed. And that's why I unsubbed and wont pay them a penny till they are ready to release their server transfers and LFG feature.



Well, there you go. You found a n alternate that worked for you. Personally, I was having to much fun, so I just rerolled and kept going. I'll transfer my Guardian once transfers hit, but otherwise I'm good to go on my new server.

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Exactly! We level a toon to 50 on a server that we were ASSIGNED to and that was once active. We get our Legacy into the 20's, the server dies...and it's somehow our fault that we're on that server? And it's somehow a crime that we don't want to abandon all that invested time? And it's somehow a crime that we'd like to play with the few friends we still have there? It's a crime that we don't want to leave behind the guild bank that we invested all that in-game currency in?


So instead you come to the forums and act like a child that won't get their way? Give me X-LFG or I quit? Grow up

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The fact is, Bioware isn't stopping you from having a great MMO experience right now. You are. You could reroll to a heavy server, play a different class story to make it feel new and then transfer your main when transfers are available. Or, you can stay on your dead server and complain. Both seem like worthy options...


Again, you refuse to address toons already made and the time/money spent to create them being flushed down the toilet.


There is no gurantee that even if we did roll a new toon on a different server that the new server will stay populated. Many of us started out on a populated server but by the time we leveled to 50 everyone dissapeared.



Another point you refuse to address is how even servers considered full are still very inactive for sometimes 20 hours a day, I have seen the fatman listed as low many, many times. The problem goes much deeper than just one or two servers, this issue is a problem for most of the players of this game.

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They already said that when transfers hit, the higher legacy would be the one that sticks. So, if you started a new character, you'd later be able to transfer your old character to your new server along with his legacy.



Again, you guys can play mad and annoyed, or you can have a good time. You know good and well Bioware won't put out transfers until their ready, so you're currently only hurting your own play time.


Nice...so there's no point in rerolling at the present time then...because, if you're right (which I'm not doubting) whatever legacy we end up with on that new server will be overwritten by the old legacy when we transfer toons...which means we lose the new legacy which makes it a waste of time. Or, depending upon how long it takes for transfers to arrive, we lose the old legacy...hence more time wasted...sound like it's better to simply not play until transfers come out. Now, if they were to merge the legacies in such a way that the legacy xp's from one were added to those of the other...then I could see it not being a complete loss. Shrug....Yes, much of the above is sarcastic and facetious.


By the way, many of us are actually happy with the game overall, but there are things that could make if better. xrealm LFD is one of those things (despite trolls claiming it ruins communities...while ignoring the fact that they don't have to use it lol).

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Again, you refuse to address toons already made and the time/money spent to create them being flushed down the toilet.


Nonsense. Nothing is flushed down the toilet. Within two months you will be able to move your precious time/money investment to more populated servers, and can do so again later if that server pop falls off.


Chill, relax, do something in game (maybe roll to test some other servers) or unsub for two months. According to your tears, it's not like you have anything to do where you are now.

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Personally, I want a xrealm LFG feature. My lone point is that there IS a current way that you can have fun and play with a lot of people. Both Jedi Covenant (pub) and Canderous Ordo (Imp) normally have over 100 people on fleet when I play from 9-1AM EST. If I'd have stayed on The Courageous, where fleet is lucky to have 5-10 people during this time, I'd be pretty upset right now too.
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So instead you come to the forums and act like a child that won't get their way? Give me X-LFG or I quit? Grow up


A child usually isn't the one paying for what they want ;) And yes, if at some point the game quits being fun, I will take my money elsewhere without shedding a tear. This is just one aspect of the game where there are alot of strong opinions. But if it makes you feel better to picture this 40+ year old man in a corner crying his eyes out then knock yourself out :)


BTW, 3/10 on the troll attempt (have to give you something since I did choose to respond)

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Personally, I want a xrealm LFG feature. My lone point is that there IS a current way that you can have fun and play with a lot of people. Both Jedi Covenant (pub) and Canderous Ordo (Imp) normally have over 100 people on fleet when I play from 9-1AM EST. If I'd have stayed on The Courageous, where fleet is lucky to have 5-10 people during this time, I'd be pretty upset right now too.


And that is a valid point. My friends and I of late have more or less abandoned our Republic toons and now play Imp ones on a server that usually has 150-180 on fleet during peak. And we do get occasional groups there, but still, even there have to spend time, sometimes in vain, spamming general. It would be nice though at some point to be able to play those Republic toons again without having to reroll them from scratch.

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All I have to say is this. Who do you think Bioware will cater to? The people already playing the game and loving it? Or the people who just complain about wanting something simply because their last MMO had it? Seeing as Galaxies was destroyed because of the latter, I assume they are going to go with the former.
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Personally, I want a xrealm LFG feature. My lone point is that there IS a current way that you can have fun and play with a lot of people. Both Jedi Covenant (pub) and Canderous Ordo (Imp) normally have over 100 people on fleet when I play from 9-1AM EST. If I'd have stayed on The Courageous, where fleet is lucky to have 5-10 people during this time, I'd be pretty upset right now too.


Sure if it is implemented with....


1. Ability to /friend characters (not accounts) regardless of server, /whisper them (regardless of server) on those characters, and /invite them to groups prior to queueing for XLFG.


2. Includes an ignore-like "blacklist" that will hold an unlimited number of people and only blocks grouping with them when using the xlfg tool (I might want to blacklist someone mid-run but not ignore them because the latter would impede group communications).


3. Only pools servers into LFG queues based on their type (RP, PvE, RP-PVP, PVP) and doesn't ask people to group with people who don't share the most broad of gaming preferences at a minimum. After all, why have server types if they aren't going to matter?


4. Includes a limited number of free character transfers to facilitate joining the guild of friends from another server you happened to meet via cross-server grouping?


5. Rewards you for pre-forming your own groups rather than taking randoms.


Call for these features to be added and I'll support you. Ask for a mindless, faceless, friendless cross-server group that typified my experiences with them in WoW and Rift.

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Sure if it is implemented with....


1. Ability to /friend characters (not accounts) regardless of server, /whisper them (regardless of server) on those characters, and /invite them to groups prior to queueing for XLFG.


2. Includes an ignore-like "blacklist" that will hold an unlimited number of people and only blocks grouping with them when using the xlfg tool (I might want to blacklist someone mid-run but not ignore them because the latter would impede group communications).


3. Only pools servers into LFG queues based on their type (RP, PvE, RP-PVP, PVP) and doesn't ask people to group with people who don't share the most broad of gaming preferences at a minimum. After all, why have server types if they aren't going to matter?


4. Includes a limited number of free character transfers to facilitate joining the guild of friends from another server you happened to meet via cross-server grouping?


5. Rewards you for pre-forming your own groups rather than taking randoms.


Call for these features to be added and I'll support you. Ask for a mindless, faceless, friendless cross-server group that typified my experiences with them in WoW and Rift.


I actually have no objections to those suggestions, in fact I'd love to see those. It would also be great if they'd do as some others have suggested and limit Need rolls to gear that your AC can use. I don't see many people saying that WoW's xserver LFD was perfect, but for many of us, it greatly improved our experience. Sure there were bad groups but there were many more good ones (and same server groups before the tool were just as likely to be bad too). I also have friends who had never raided before who, after the tool came out were able to start joining us for those. Before the tool, I usually had one, maybe two raid geared toons. After the tool came out, many of my toons got to raid which also added to my enjoyment. And those who didn't like it, simply didn't use it (I know many of those too).

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