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Snipers are DOTTERS ***!!!!!!


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Hey bioware, I have a GREAT idea!!!


Lets make SNIPERS a DOT class and make that spec the HIGHEST DPS SPEC because SNIPERS are DOTTERS!11!!!!1!!!1!!1!!!


herp to the derp! are you there derpina?!


you've seen the parses. even playing marksman perfectly, marksman will not touch lethality's dps. WHYYYYYYYYYY!!!!


Marksman = what I think of when I think of a sniper. NOT A POISONING DOTTING DODDERING FOOL UGH




Had to go lethality to be competitive with other dps classes in my guild for hard mode denova. Sad since I've been marksman since beta. Please bring back the Marksman Sniper!!! I hate lethality play style, and I miss my old spec

Edited by Nevimore
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If you literally "hate lethality" I'm surprised that you'd play it. I fail to understand why anyone would play a game or a toon they claim to hate.


Also it's pretty easy to respec. You can switch to lethality only when you need the extra dps. Which should only be required when running nightmare

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After doing research the OP is correct. Bioware... Snipers are not experts with knives and poisons. So why make our AC stronger while using them? I know you buffed us twice since 1.2 but according to all of the merged logs it was not enough.
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How come i am always (or mostly always) number 1 most damage done in a BG? (I am marksman specced btw.)


You QQ too much.


Naw bro. I'm top DPS in my group, but Lethality in the parsers is doing 100-200 more DPS.

I hate it though... I didn't choose sniper to poison people..

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Hey bioware, I have a GREAT idea!!!


Lets make SNIPERS a DOT class and make that spec the HIGHEST DPS SPEC because SNIPERS are DOTTERS!11!!!!1!!!1!!1!!!


herp to the derp! are you there derpina?!


you've seen the parses. even playing marksman perfectly, marksman will not touch lethality's dps. WHYYYYYYYYYY!!!!


Marksman = what I think of when I think of a sniper. NOT A POISONING DOTTING DODDERING FOOL UGH




Had to go lethality to be competitive with other dps classes in my guild for hard mode denova. Sad since I've been marksman since beta. Please bring back the Marksman Sniper!!! I hate lethality play style, and I miss my old spec


I kick the crap out of lethality in pvp. Marksman kicks the crap outta me. In the long run DOTs always do the most dps, but not short term. It's about what's more useful in what scenario. Sometimes a damage guardian is better than a sentinel - all depends what you're doing.

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Hey bioware, I have a GREAT idea!!!


Lets make SNIPERS a DOT class and make that spec the HIGHEST DPS SPEC because SNIPERS are DOTTERS!11!!!!1!!!1!!1!!!


herp to the derp! are you there derpina?!


you've seen the parses. even playing marksman perfectly, marksman will not touch lethality's dps. WHYYYYYYYYYY!!!!


Marksman = what I think of when I think of a sniper. NOT A POISONING DOTTING DODDERING FOOL UGH




Had to go lethality to be competitive with other dps classes in my guild for hard mode denova. Sad since I've been marksman since beta. Please bring back the Marksman Sniper!!! I hate lethality play style, and I miss my old spec


Every spec for any class that focus's on DoTs is currently outparsing other specs. Annihilation for marauder, Madness for sorc etc etc...


It's just... DoTs = high dps due to you being able to move around and still have damage going off on the boss at all times. Just the way it works. I do agree though, I believe that Carnage should be the HIGH DPS spec for marauder, Annihilation being a higher survivability/mobile spec, as well as marskmen being the big DPS winner for sniper and lethality being a closs second with survivability/mobility specialty.


Oh well.. Bioware follows WoW... and WoW likes DoTs. It is what it is.


Pro Tip though. Using things like "Herp da Derp" is quite stupid... I see it very often on this forum and I shake my head each time. It makes you sound like you are 12. If they were real idiots they wouldn't be able to say things like that, they would just drool and press their faces on the keyboard.

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Every spec for any class that focus's on DoTs is currently outparsing other specs. Annihilation for marauder, Madness for sorc etc etc...


It's just... DoTs = high dps due to you being able to move around and still have damage going off on the boss at all times. Just the way it works. I do agree though, I believe that Carnage should be the HIGH DPS spec for marauder, Annihilation being a higher survivability/mobile spec, as well as marskmen being the big DPS winner for sniper and lethality being a closs second with survivability/mobility specialty.


Oh well.. Bioware follows WoW... and WoW likes DoTs. It is what it is.


Thanks, didn't realize it was DOTS in general that are leading the DPS charts. The sound of DOTs with a sniper sounds so unappealing. I guess if we ever have a problem with an enrage timer I will reconsider but MM and Carnage should top the charts.

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It's basic game design if you think about.


Most games that want to differentiate DPS specs usually do it on the axis of Burst vs Sustained vs Utility


They will make one spec good at Burst damage, able to output large amounts of damage and switch targets quickly. But their Sustained damage will be poor.


And another spec will have good Sustained damage, able to keep up high DPS on a single target. But their Burst is poor, it takes time to ramp up and they have difficulty target switching.


This is precisely what Marksman and Lethality are - Marksman is the burst tree with less sustained, while Lethality is the sustained tree with less burst. Yes Cull does a lot of damage when you pull it off, but it's not something you can pull out at will. For example you used Corrosive Grenade on the ball carrier and he passes to someone else - now you have to wait 12 seconds before your Corrosive Grenade cools down before you attack the new ball carrier. On the other hand, the Marksman sniper doesn't slow down at all - he can lay down his burst damage immediately on the new ball carrier.


If Marksman has superior burst, better target switching AND highest sustained damage, there would be absolutely no reason for anyone to play Lethality.

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It's basic game design if you think about.


Most games that want to differentiate DPS specs usually do it on the axis of Burst vs Sustained vs Utility


They will make one spec good at Burst damage, able to output large amounts of damage and switch targets quickly. But their Sustained damage will be poor.


And another spec will have good Sustained damage, able to keep up high DPS on a single target. But their Burst is poor, it takes time to ramp up and they have difficulty target switching.


This is precisely what Marksman and Lethality are - Marksman is the burst tree with less sustained, while Lethality is the sustained tree with less burst. Yes Cull does a lot of damage when you pull it off, but it's not something you can pull out at will. For example you used Corrosive Grenade on the ball carrier and he passes to someone else - now you have to wait 12 seconds before your Corrosive Grenade cools down before you attack the new ball carrier. On the other hand, the Marksman sniper doesn't slow down at all - he can lay down his burst damage immediately on the new ball carrier.


If Marksman has superior burst, better target switching AND highest sustained damage, there would be absolutely no reason for anyone to play Lethality.


Intelligent post.

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My opinion I don't care what spec i play as a sniper as long as its top. learn to be flexible its going to happen a lot. Marks will shoot up to be the best spec once in awhile then Lethality will do the same. I played both specs and i like the mobility of Lethality for ops while doing 1500 damage + to HM Denova. But i could also play marks and see those high bursts, yea i do less damage over a period of time but its still fun... If your really want to be competitive to any other sniper then you must play where ever the game might lead you. :)
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Both are good enough to get the job done. Play what's fun.


If your guild is having trouble to the point where they're not taking you on HMs because they can't down bosses fast enough, that's their problem for being bad and/or not geared enough. 100-200 extra DPS isn't going to break the bank.

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Thanks, didn't realize it was DOTS in general that are leading the DPS charts. The sound of DOTs with a sniper sounds so unappealing. I guess if we ever have a problem with an enrage timer I will reconsider but MM and Carnage should top the charts.


Technically speaking the DOT tree for sentinel is not the highest damage (don't know the marauder terms); the combat one is. However, it will lead DPS charts because it is much tougher than the other two specs. It survives with much more ease. In general, DOT specs seem so much better for DPS because, if you kill me, I can still kill you. If you kill me, I can still hurt you. Specifically things like lethality have one area DOT and it does a lot of damage. With expertise it applies a weaker version if removed. And then the top level expertise ability brings that DPS to a new level. The other major factor is that most DOTs are internal or elemental - they ignore standard armor. So, against things like guardians and troopers, they rock. Against shadows, not always so good. Against sentinels and marauders they tend to do pretty good; although with the watchman sentinel spec and a sufficient crit rating, the effects of DOTs on me is hard to see. However, it means I can't heal myself back up while fighting very easily.

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Sniper design should not have a ac that is dot based imo. i.e Lethality. Playing as this spec feels so wrong on many levels.


I've always been MM in both pvp and pve and I come a very close 2nd to full rakata augmented geared maruaders.

But my biggest gripe for MM spec is the energy maanagement is much harder the nmaruaders who have it much easier then MM's snipers.


We need more energy regen about10-20% more


Increase proc chance of sniper volley for energy regen from 15% chance to perhaps 25-30.


Make it crit based chance just like lethailty


IMO, bioware should just get rid of lethality altogether and make us just a 2 spec class until they can come up with something better for snipers. Combine engineering with lethialty, how that works idk.


But snipers should be more like the marksmen spec in my opinion doing high damage that is as consistent as "good" maruaders. Im not talking about the horribad mars btw, just the good ones.


Marksmens greatest weakness is the energy regen, if u get below 30% ur comepletely hosed for the ops boss fights and it can be damn difficult to recover.


Something needs to be done for this.

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Sniper design should not have a ac that is dot based imo. i.e Lethality. Playing as this spec feels so wrong on many levels.


Lethality isn't the Sniper design. Lethality is the Agent design. It's the tree that both the Agent and Operative have in common, and it plays off the abilities that are specific to the base class, not the Advanced Class. If you want to play as a Sniper, you go Marksmanship or Engineering. If you want to play Operative, you go Medicine or Concealment. If you want to play as an Imperial Agent, you go Lethality.


Why is it no one seems to look at it that way?

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I kick the crap out of lethality in pvp. Marksman kicks the crap outta me. In the long run DOTs always do the most dps, but not short term. It's about what's more useful in what scenario. Sometimes a damage guardian is better than a sentinel - all depends what you're doing.


^ This


Nothing drives me nuts more when someone says "my spec is better than your spec". It all depends on what you are doing as to how you should be spec'd. In PvP MM is going to do the best, in long fights like in PvE then it's leth. Eng is good too but more for hold-the-line scenarios.

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^ This


Nothing drives me nuts more when someone says "my spec is better than your spec". It all depends on what you are doing as to how you should be spec'd. In PvP MM is going to do the best, in long fights like in PvE then it's leth. Eng is good too but more for hold-the-line scenarios.


In a 1v1 situation a lethality will beat a marksman all day erry day unless it's in an area with nothing to los behind. Even if there isn't...I'm fairly certain a leth might still come out on top.


Against light armor, marksman is definitely king. Against heavy armor, lethality is definitely king. Personally I'm going to take the 'no weakness' over 'more strength'.

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