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Everything posted by Nevimore

  1. this would not be an issue if i had dual specs!
  2. If I raid I want to do the most dps possible, and at the moment, that spec is lethality... which makes me sad. I did go marksman for pvp today which made me a happy sniper, until raid time at least (((((
  3. Hey bioware, I have a GREAT idea!!! Lets make SNIPERS a DOT class and make that spec the HIGHEST DPS SPEC because SNIPERS are DOTTERS!11!!!!1!!!1!!1!!! herp to the derp! are you there derpina?! you've seen the parses. even playing marksman perfectly, marksman will not touch lethality's dps. WHYYYYYYYYYY!!!! Marksman = what I think of when I think of a sniper. NOT A POISONING DOTTING DODDERING FOOL UGH /endrage Had to go lethality to be competitive with other dps classes in my guild for hard mode denova. Sad since I've been marksman since beta. Please bring back the Marksman Sniper!!! I hate lethality play style, and I miss my old spec
  4. Hey bioware, I have a GREAT idea!!! Lets make SNIPERS a DOT class and make that spec the HIGHEST DPS SPEC because SNIPERS are DOTTERS!11!!!!1!!!1!!1!!! herp to the derp! are you there derpina?! you've seen the parses. even playing marksman perfectly, marksman will not touch lethality's dps. WHYYYYYYYYYY!!!! Marksman = what I think of when I think of a sniper. NOT A POISONING DOTTING DODDERING FOOL UGH /endrage Had to go lethality to be competitive with other dps classes in my guild for hard mode denova. Sad since I've been marksman since beta. Please bring back the Marksman Sniper!!! I hate lethality play style, and I miss my old spec
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