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Mercenary - great class story, but sucks horribly in PVP


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This is my feedback from playing a mercenary bounty hunter, I LOVED the bounty hunter storyline from start to finish.

However, both arsenal and pyro merc sucks HORIBBLY in pvp, they are terribad against melee classes. No interrupt (not stun) , very low survival in pvp, melee classes eat you alive in a couple of secs, mostly sentinels and guardians . . .


Think im gonna reroll a powertech I hope to Christ they are better in pvp that the lolmerc .

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I wouldnt hold your breath mate, I have a lvl 50 powertech and it is awful now post 1.2. I have decent pvp gear, all the trimmings BUt the class is gimped al la heavy armor nerf etc. I was foerced to go tank spec just to have a few secconds more time before getting spanked big time by all the Mara/sent FOTM players.........The downside of said respec is I do woefully inadequate damage. I have left my BH on the shelf ontil they adress some issues, wont be here at all after june, I aint resubbnig to NOT play... waste of cash.
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Arsenal wasnt OP but even if it was WHY the hell does PYRO sucks??? Pyro = not enough damage to bring someone to half hp.


Bioware THANKS ALOT for nerfing my class I now have a reason to unsub. My favorite class - Merc, SUCKS in pvp . . .

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reported for trolling


I do not think he is trolling. Do not take this the wrong way, but I have a ton of guildies who play regularly and LOVE pvp as a merc, even after the nerf, on both the DPS and Healing side.


It might be time for you to look how your playing your class and even double check your spec. Cause there might just be one thing you are missing that may change your experience as a whole.

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There were significant changes to the class.


You can either whine here or adapt like some already did (and are faring quite well).



Just 'relearn' how to use Merc under these new circumstances.

Edited by Socialist
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I do not think he is trolling. Do not take this the wrong way, but I have a ton of guildies who play regularly and LOVE pvp as a merc, even after the nerf, on both the DPS and Healing side.


It might be time for you to look how your playing your class and even double check your spec. Cause there might just be one thing you are missing that may change your experience as a whole.


Im using the standard pvp builds for both arsenal and pyro, im using the correct rotation on both specs, I have full recruit gear with battlemaster chest and champion relics.


FOTM sentienls and guardians demolishes mercs, not just me but alot of merc players complain that they are cannonfodder for fotm senti and guardian

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reported for trolling


Dear bad player, if you do not know how to take advanatage of one of your most powerful in game attacks, then i don't know what can help. For your knowledge: tracer missle is tech attack: it bypasses any hit rolls, defense stats, shields, and on top of that reduces target armor.

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There were significant changes to the class.


You can either whine here or adapt like some already did (and are faring quite well).



Just 'relearn' how to use Merc under these new circumstances.


says the FOTM sentinel? If no, then I suggest you go play a merc as pyro or arsenal in pvp and then come here and tell me you adapted. PVP for mercs is BROKEN

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Dear bad player, if you do not know how to take advanatage of one of your most powerful in game attacks, then i don't know what can help. For your knowledge: tracer missle is tech attack: it bypasses any hit rolls, defense stats, shields, and on top of that reduces target armor.


Dear mr Obvious, go troll someplace else

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Im using the standard pvp builds for both arsenal and pyro, im using the correct rotation on both specs, I have full recruit gear with battlemaster chest and champion relics.


FOTM sentienls and guardians demolishes mercs, not just me but alot of merc players complain that they are cannonfodder for fotm senti and guardian


Heres your problem. Do not let the Marauder get you into melee range.


They are a Melee class and will own you, just like I would own you on my assassin, another melee class. Just like assassins and marauders would own me on my sniper.


In PVP there is always going to be a class or two that will own you... the fact is you have never felt that on your BH til now, welcome to the rest of the SWTOR community. Maybe (just throwing this out there again) its time for you to relearn the class like 90% of the other mercs have, cause most still seem to enjoy the class, even if your not the over powered class you where before.

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says the FOTM sentinel? If no, then I suggest you go play a merc as pyro or arsenal in pvp and then come here and tell me you adapted. PVP for mercs is BROKEN


It is all a matter of adaptation. There are multiple ways of PvP'ing. Find a way around the nerf.





Heck I was a bloody Shaman on WoW. I do know quite a bit on nerfs.


PS: If you are being destroyed by melees, perhaps you should try not letting them get in melee range?

Edited by Socialist
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says the FOTM sentinel? If no, then I suggest you go play a merc as pyro or arsenal in pvp and then come here and tell me you adapted. PVP for mercs is BROKEN


I own the supposed FOTM class on my sniper. Wanna know my secret? Do not let them in Melee range.


There is nothing wrong with the buff sent/mara got. They are the king of melee dps, and know their class reflects that. You are a ranged DPS, use those 30 meters to your advantage.

Edited by Pesh
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This is my feedback from playing a mercenary bounty hunter, I LOVED the bounty hunter storyline from start to finish.

However, both arsenal and pyro merc sucks HORIBBLY in pvp, they are terribad against melee classes. No interrupt (not stun) , very low survival in pvp, melee classes eat you alive in a couple of secs, mostly sentinels and guardians . . .


Think im gonna reroll a powertech I hope to Christ they are better in pvp that the lolmerc .


You loved the bounty hunter storyline?



wow, it sucked if you ask me (and i love bounty hunters and mandalorians as well, although not really a "fandalorian").

It didnt get even slightly interesting until act 3, and by then its almost too late since act 3 is over so quickly.

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You weren't here pre-1.2, were you?


Absolutely everyone was horribly complaining about Arsenal being insanely overpowered with the Tracer + heatseeker combo.


And here it is, nerfed blindly.


I never saw any complaints about Grav Round spam after mid-January when people start hitting 50 en masse. Most people hit 50, got gear and realized any Commando that spams Grav Round is only gimping their damage. The big problem was hybrid healing specs that specced into Gunnery to pick up Grav Round. Those specs had too much damage for the survivability and healing they were capable of putting out. So BW nerfed Grav Round instead of adjusting the talent trees to prevent hybrid specs (it didn't work FYI). So instead the rest of got a severely nerfed Grav Round and lower damage to go with lower survivability in a pvp environment where burst damage was increased for every class except Commandos. Good times.

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I own the supposed FOTM class on my sniper. Wanna know my secret? Do not let them in Melee range.


There is nothing wrong with the buff sent/mara got. They are the king of melee dps, and know their class reflects that. You are a ranged DPS, use those 30 meters to your advantage.


We have one knockback of any use, its cooldown was increased 5 second in the last patch. Assault can sort of kite, but most melee have gap closers or can vanish and reopen easily. We have one defensive CD on a 2 minute timer and it only reduces damage by 25%, which might as well be 0% given the burst in pvp these days. Tell me again how I'm supposed to keep range? Our knockback doesn't have a root, we don't have leg pin or any other stuns or roots. If we use our knockback once and then use Cryo Grenade they're at full resolve, so even if the knockback CD does come back up, we can't use the knockback to get range again. So please Mr. Sniper, please continue to tell me how to play my class.

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We have one knockback of any use, its cooldown was increased 5 second in the last patch. Assault can sort of kite, but most melee have gap closers or can vanish and reopen easily. We have one defensive CD on a 2 minute timer and it only reduces damage by 25%, which might as well be 0% given the burst in pvp these days. Tell me again how I'm supposed to keep range? Our knockback doesn't have a root, we don't have leg pin or any other stuns or roots. If we use our knockback once and then use Cryo Grenade they're at full resolve, so even if the knockback CD does come back up, we can't use the knockback to get range again. So please Mr. Sniper, please continue to tell me how to play my class.


So I am guessing you just stand there and do not move around, while never using the terrain to your advantage. Let alone using the many teammate you have available.


I have already stated you cannot beat them 1v1 in melee range, sometimes you will also not be able to keep them away.


But your class is built to fight from a distance, if you cannot do that, I am sorry you are bad at pvp and should look to reroll. I am not going to pretend I know how to play a merc, but I have been a sniper since December and can draw the parallel of using range to your advantage.


I have many merc guildies who are very much enjoying PVP after the nerf. I have seen many range classes play stationary, and they get lit up, and my money is this is happening alot to you... if not then your just bad.


As a sniper, my class is built to be stationary, and I still get off my *** and move around. Thats the point of pvp.

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1) It is impossible to 100% balance when you have a PvE game, PvP game, and it is based off class and not skill.

2) There is the option of Powertech that full fills a more direct combat role. That is why it exists in the first place.


You are complaining that a sub-combat role class is loosing to a prime-combat role class. It is going to happen and it should happen because there are other balance consideration. Still give it a month and I'm sure BioWare will mess it up in your favor.


It is like all those people that complained the Intelligence Spec hero in CO couldn't do as much melee damage as a Strength Spec one. Because their brain should physically hit something? Now there is no point to stats at all.

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So I am guessing you just stand there and do not move around, while never using the terrain to your advantage. Let alone using the many teammate you have available.


I have already stated you cannot beat them 1v1 in melee range, sometimes you will also not be able to keep them away.


But your class is built to fight from a distance, if you cannot do that, I am sorry you are bad at pvp and should look to reroll. I am not going to pretend I know how to play a merc, but I have been a sniper since December and can draw the parallel of using range to your advantage.


I have many merc guildies who are very much enjoying PVP after the nerf. I have seen many range classes play stationary, and they get lit up, and my money is this is happening alot to you... if not then your just bad.


As a sniper, my class is built to be stationary, and I still get off my *** and move around. Thats the point of pvp.


I love how you just throw out the insults. I think my class is bad at pvp so that means I'm automatically bad and don't have a clue how to pvp. I do well on my Commando, in Gunnery or Assault, but anyone capable of critical thought can see they don't have the tools they need to compete in pvp at the same level with every other class, especially if/when ranked warzones come out. If you want to discuss commando pvp then do it, but don't insult people just because their experiences have led them to a different conclusion than you about the state of a class.

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