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Cross-Healing? 4 or 5 healers? INSTANT WIN! EPIC PVP!!!!!


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My recommendation to defeat cross-healing as you post here is to try a spot of cross-killing. Gang up on their healers first. Once they are dealt with, there is no more cross-healing.


Have you ever tried it without well synchronized premade? You are probably as insane as people who claims that the solution is to group 8dps players and than you will win :rolleyes: (like they can buy dps players in supermarkets just in front of the force wall at the start of the WZ)


Healers are too squishy to carry anyone through a PvP match. All it takes is a little concerted effort on your team's part. once the healers start to drop, they are screwed.


It is quite difficult to kill healer in case of 1vs1. On one healer you need 2 dps to kill him quickly (and if you do not kill him quickly, you already lost anyways).



As someone who only just got started in PvP in TOR, I have to completely disagree with you here.


Because of lack of experience in WZs, you can disagree. That is all.

Yesterady's Thomb of Freedom Nadd: 11 WZs in a row without any or only one healer on the Imps side and 3-4 healers on the Reps side (Imps had one healer exactly 2times - I counted it for fun and mere curiosity). None of those WZs were victorious for Imps. Guess why ;-)

Sometimes, despite the fact I am relatively well geared and experienced PvP DD, I was not able get over 8 kills per match! Few of those WZ had 15sec survivability. It was a real joke.

After several hours of this pain, you just leave WZ queue and never come back (until next day ;-) I would like to add that I am core anti-RQ. I am not used to leave WZs until they end cmpletely.).

Edited by WmongerCZ
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Have you ever tried it without well synchronized premade? You are probably as insane as people who claims that the solution is to group 8dps players and than you will win :rolleyes: (like they can buy dps players in supermarkets just in front of the force wall at the start of the WZ)


I've not tried anything with any kind of pre-made, unless by 'pre-made' you could include the fact that I queued for the warzone with a friend. But if you have someone leading, and I mean actually leading instead of just having the star next to their name, then why couldn't this work?


Some of the WZs I did at the weekend, we had someone who actually lead, and even though we were a PUG, everyone knew how to read, and people followed the instructions given.


It's that easy. No need to pre-make anything.


It is quite difficult to kill healer in case of 1vs1. On one healer you need 2 dps to kill him quickly (and if you do not kill him quickly, you already lost anyways).


Being a healer, I can agree with this... Great isn't it :)


But, anyways, when I made that comment about killing the healers, I didn't mean 1-on-1. I refer you to the first part of my post that you quoted, regarding 'Lob On' tactics (ie. 1 healer, many people hitting it).


Because of lack of experience in WZs, you can disagree. That is all.

Yesterady's Thomb of Freedom Nadd: 11 WZs in a row without any or only one healer on the Imps side and 3-4 healers on the Reps side (Imps had one healer exactly 2times - I counted it for fun and mere curiosity). None of those WZs were victorious for Imps. Guess why ;-)

Sometimes, despite the fact I am relatively well geared and experienced PvP DD, I was not able get over 8 kills per match! Few of those WZ had 15sec survivability. It was a real joke.

After several hours of this pain, you just leave WZ queue and never come back (until next day ;-) I would like to add that I am core anti-RQ. I am not used to leave WZs until they end cmpletely.).


Ok, coming back to my lack of experience with WZs... anti-RQ?


And yeah, it might be I can disagree due to a lack of experience, but I was pointing out that what the OP said in their post about it being ofputting to PvP newbies like myself wasn't necessarily true. I had never even looked at PvP in TOR beyond thinking 'Huttball, ***???' yet when I went into PvP, I thoroughly enjoyed myself, and that was with sometimes being the only healer on the Empire's side, and occasionally with one other.

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Last night on Dark Reaper, there was a premade vs premade in Voidstar filled completely with some of the best pvp'ers on the server (including a very well known imp pyrotech who was the subject of the monster pyrotech dps thread on this forum). I would say that the imp team would probably win 2/3rds of these matches but as the gear levels of the pubs are catching up the gap is closing.


Now granted this was a Voidstar but the imp team had 4 heals and we had 2 and we got one door cap and they didn't even come close to capping.


Also in that confined area of the top floor in voidstar and filled with 16 very geared and skilled players, the TTK did not seem bad at all (of course there were 6 healers in the game).

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Too many healers. This is starting to be some sort of joke. I hate healing all together in PvP but I dealt with it in most MMOs but...but...this...


I have never, ever ever ever seen this type of "crap" in any MMO ever.


Sure, you had people who brought healers, but when half the team is healing causing ?


WAY too many and it's being abused? I don't care what "nerf" they got. It didn't seem to help as healing is much worse than it's ever been. Every game, its always 4-5 people cross healing over and over. We didn't even WIN a game until our guild also made a premade with four healers. And even then it took forever for each side to take something. And I know it's the healers because when the healers AREN'T there we can progress instead of chasing around ONE character with healing, sheilds and knockbacks until help arrives.


This is exactly why TANKS are almost useless. When almost EVERY class can technically tank and do everything a normal tank can do.


Before 1.2 I had never seen this so it's very strange how so many healers complain about the nerf yet I only see empire healbots. Usually all Sorcs.


Cross Healing works because it's HARD to focus down someone when they are getting heals from FOUR sources. This is why HEALING on PLAYERS needs restrictions. Especially in a game where almost EVERY single FOTMer is playing a class that has sometype of heal in it's tree.


The REASON cross healing is ruining Warzones is because we can't kill anyone at a point. Especially for PUGS. My server Republic side has been losing games non stop for a week because it's ALWAYS the same teams filled with cross healing players. And people are complaining about DPS?


People SHOULDN'T be getting carried through games by healers.


In most Warzones everything is TIMED based.


The type of PvP this game has is DISCOURAGING new people from playing and DEMORALIZING.


There is nothing fun about it except to the people who think they are "skilled" by getting carried by healers.




That's what rebs call PvP. ROLF, they stand up in formation and cross heal eachother, safety PvP nobody gets hurt. Rebs used to be the same in SW always heals,buffs, running, hiding, afraid of fight, crying on the forum that's the rebel arsenal.

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Too many healers. This is starting to be some sort of joke. I hate healing all together in PvP but I dealt with it in most MMOs but...but...this...


I have never, ever ever ever seen this type of "crap" in any MMO ever.


Sure, you had people who brought healers, but when half the team is healing causing ?


WAY too many and it's being abused? I don't care what "nerf" they got. It didn't seem to help as healing is much worse than it's ever been. Every game, its always 4-5 people cross healing over and over. We didn't even WIN a game until our guild also made a premade with four healers. And even then it took forever for each side to take something. And I know it's the healers because when the healers AREN'T there we can progress instead of chasing around ONE character with healing, sheilds and knockbacks until help arrives.


This is exactly why TANKS are almost useless. When almost EVERY class can technically tank and do everything a normal tank can do.


Before 1.2 I had never seen this so it's very strange how so many healers complain about the nerf yet I only see empire healbots. Usually all Sorcs.


Cross Healing works because it's HARD to focus down someone when they are getting heals from FOUR sources. This is why HEALING on PLAYERS needs restrictions. Especially in a game where almost EVERY single FOTMer is playing a class that has sometype of heal in it's tree.


The REASON cross healing is ruining Warzones is because we can't kill anyone at a point. Especially for PUGS. My server Republic side has been losing games non stop for a week because it's ALWAYS the same teams filled with cross healing players. And people are complaining about DPS?


People SHOULDN'T be getting carried through games by healers.


In most Warzones everything is TIMED based.


The type of PvP this game has is DISCOURAGING new people from playing and DEMORALIZING.


There is nothing fun about it except to the people who think they are "skilled" by getting carried by healers.




This happens on both factions republic and empire and I understand where you are coming from, I don't know however what the answer is.


for example the premade group my guild faced up against consisted of 2 x sages 2x commandos plus a operative and a scoundrel (lucky pop to have 6 in one guild in the match) All on voice comms cross healing. If we 3 - 4 player focused we could kill them, however on voidstar it was relatively impossible to cap a door.


They are however working within the constraints of the game so all the power to them.


I've been chatting with my guildies trying to think of a good counter to them.


Hopefully someone can figure it out and post away so we can work it into a rotation.

Edited by Odahviin
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Cross healing is only a problem in the deathmatch WZs.

Wait, what's that? There are no deathmatch WZs?

Well, if cross healing is only a problem in deathmatch WZs and there are no deathmatch WZs then it stands to reason that cross healing is not a problem.


Learn to Objective!


Can't take an objective if you can't kill the people to take it and they can just sit there interrupting you non stop.

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Too many healers. This is starting to be some sort of joke. I hate healing all together in PvP but I dealt with it in most MMOs but...but...this...


I have never, ever ever ever seen this type of "crap" in any MMO ever.


Sure, you had people who brought healers, but when half the team is healing causing ?


WAY too many and it's being abused? I don't care what "nerf" they got. It didn't seem to help as healing is much worse than it's ever been. Every game, its always 4-5 people cross healing over and over. We didn't even WIN a game until our guild also made a premade with four healers. And even then it took forever for each side to take something. And I know it's the healers because when the healers AREN'T there we can progress instead of chasing around ONE character with healing, sheilds and knockbacks until help arrives.


This is exactly why TANKS are almost useless. When almost EVERY class can technically tank and do everything a normal tank can do.


Before 1.2 I had never seen this so it's very strange how so many healers complain about the nerf yet I only see empire healbots. Usually all Sorcs.


Cross Healing works because it's HARD to focus down someone when they are getting heals from FOUR sources. This is why HEALING on PLAYERS needs restrictions. Especially in a game where almost EVERY single FOTMer is playing a class that has sometype of heal in it's tree.


The REASON cross healing is ruining Warzones is because we can't kill anyone at a point. Especially for PUGS. My server Republic side has been losing games non stop for a week because it's ALWAYS the same teams filled with cross healing players. And people are complaining about DPS?


People SHOULDN'T be getting carried through games by healers.


In most Warzones everything is TIMED based.


The type of PvP this game has is DISCOURAGING new people from playing and DEMORALIZING.


There is nothing fun about it except to the people who think they are "skilled" by getting carried by healers.




Geeze take a chill pill.

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Funny, last match I did today I had a opposing team of 4 healers and rest were 3 DPS and 1 tank (no sentinels)


While I, With my ALMIGHTY DPS (<-- marauder) did soo much damage on them they just healed each other like I was hitting them with a tissue.


only killed 8 and did 400k damage, now that's waht I call invincible.

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Is there anyway of going back in levels. After hitting 50 and gearing up with BM gear, I find Warzones utterly boring as it is impossible to kill anyone . So many healers cross-healing and did I mention I am tank, ha ha ha why the hell bother playing tank its useless now anyone can tank with super healing.


Make some limitations make Warzones lvl 50 bracket fun again


And am I the only one seeing 3 dps needed to kill a healer? seems heals outperform dps by far.


should tanks not have any thing to offer in Warzones?, give us something, and let shield work also for Tech and Force attacks. utterly useless now.


Cant wait for dual specs, will def. go DPS in Warzones and Tanking in PVE.

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I can't be the only player in this game that thinks having 4 healers on your team sucks unholy balls in this game...


Granted I can understand how it'd be annoying to take 4 healers on when you don't have any...However the second the other team has 1 healer or 2 healers, They automatically have it better then the team with 4 healers.


God help you if you're unlucky and get 1 or 2 tanks as well, Cause then you're not going to win the Warfront at all.


I've been in matches like that.. Where it is basically just me doing enough DPS to kill people, and you can't win Warfronts like that, because no matter how much damage I put out, I can't kill fast enough (no one can) to win a Warfront where troops are constantly coming back into the field.


So 4 or 5 healers cross healing, Doesn't scare me.. I can kill 4/5 Healers with just 1 DPS assisting me rather easily... and I know that i won't be dying either.


I'm more afraid of teams that have 6 DPS/2 healers instead.

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My solution to the "too many healers makes for an unstoppable team" is that you make the healer choose, either healer your team or yourself and put a debuff for 15 secs that lasts till death... so if you hit your heal target button, your a team healer and you can only heal your teammates and vice versa with self heals.


Right now with multiple healers matches number look something like this, team A. with 4 healers has 30-40 kills each, while team B. with no healers has 2-3 kills each, Ive seen it many times on my server, and it will continue to be a problem.

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