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1.2 owes me 2000 Warzone Commendations and I want them back


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So I was stocking up on Mercenary Commendations and have 1000 of them, I paid 3000 Warzone Commendations for it before 1.2.

Now with 1.2 Mercenary Commendations are GONE, and I can only exchange them back for 1000 Warzone Commendations, loosing 2000 WZ Commendations I originally spent?? How stupid is that? 1.2 stole 2000 WZ commedations I want the same 1.3 exchange rate back.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Yeah I bought cent gear just before the patch, because....well I was drunk. Cent was then instantly useless and I had to buy recruit for cash, but what the hell comms dont take long and you'll need thousands to get the BM gear anyway I've nearly got my full BM set now.
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They gave plenty warnings about merc comms being removed in 1.2 and lowering the trade in to a 1:1 trade in. The smart players made sure they had 1k of each prior to the change. Sounds like you were not in the group I just listed.


You should unsub in protest.

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Is it BWs fault that you didn't bother to read the patchnotes from the PTS? It was clear for a month or so that merc coms would be only used as a placeholder after 1.2..


so the game forces me to dig through patchnotes, to prevent to get ripped off in the future?

Yeah, GREAT concept really.


So what exactly is the sense in not offering the same exchange rate back, now that I have useless merc comms? Someone explain this in a reasonable way why they are now worth 66,66% less, which equals about playing about 20 warzones for nothing, 20 wz * 15 minutes = 5 hours worth of rewards ripped off? Yeah thanks BW, so smart of you, that is how you make your subscribers REALLY happy.

Whatever, just one more nail in the coffin, I'm done with the subscription anyway.

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so the game forces me to dig through patchnotes, to prevent to get ripped off in the future?

Yeah, GREAT concept really.


So what exactly is the sense in not offering the same exchange rate back, now that I have useless merc comms? Someone explain this in a reasonable way why they are now worth 66,66% less, which equals about playing about 20 warzones for nothing, 20 wz * 15 minutes = 5 hours worth of rewards ripped off? Yeah thanks BW, so smart of you, that is how you make your subscribers REALLY happy.

Whatever, just one more nail in the coffin, I'm done with the subscription anyway.


Well currently they are worth 0. BW is letting you exchange them for something else that actually has value. Next major patch, they will probably be removed from the game.

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so the game forces me to dig through patchnotes, to prevent to get ripped off in the future?

Yeah, GREAT concept really.


So what exactly is the sense in not offering the same exchange rate back, now that I have useless merc comms? Someone explain this in a reasonable way why they are now worth 66,66% less, which equals about playing about 20 warzones for nothing, 20 wz * 15 minutes = 5 hours worth of rewards ripped off? Yeah thanks BW, so smart of you, that is how you make your subscribers REALLY happy.

Whatever, just one more nail in the coffin, I'm done with the subscription anyway.


I know this is hard to understand. So you spent 3,000 WZ comms to get 1,000 merc comms. You know what would have happened if you converted merc comms back to WZ comms pre-1.2? You would have 333 WZ comms because the conversion rate was 3:1 both ways.


In 1.2 you can convert merc comms to WZ comms at 1:1 so BW did you a favor. Stop whining and be glad you are coming out even instead of losing out again on the conversion. Complaining about a conversion rate when you would have lost out worse before doesn't even make sense.

Edited by DarkDruidSS
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so the game forces me to dig through patchnotes, to prevent to get ripped off in the future?

Yeah, GREAT concept really.


So what exactly is the sense in not offering the same exchange rate back, now that I have useless merc comms? Someone explain this in a reasonable way why they are now worth 66,66% less, which equals about playing about 20 warzones for nothing, 20 wz * 15 minutes = 5 hours worth of rewards ripped off? Yeah thanks BW, so smart of you, that is how you make your subscribers REALLY happy.

Whatever, just one more nail in the coffin, I'm done with the subscription anyway.


I'm not going to lie. I was actually going to make a post about this. Even though people are against you on this, I agree that we should get our Comms back. Yeah, I am lazy.... I won't deny that, but I play the game to have fun, not to grind for weeks.

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I'm not going to lie. I was actually going to make a post about this. Even though people are against you on this, I agree that we should get our Comms back. Yeah, I am lazy.... I won't deny that, but I play the game to have fun, not to grind for weeks.


I'll file a complaint at customer support, they can give me 3000 ranked warzone comms or the regular ones, but there is absolutely no logic reason in making comms worthless if someone does not read each patchnote. This is a very bad joke, Bioware.

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Most of the responses in this thread are idiotic...


The vast majority of SWTOR players never check these forums. It's the same of all MMOs. And since the patch notes aren't available until the day of the patch, how are the majority of people supposed to know about changes like these to be sure they plan accordingly?


There needs to be official announcements on the login screen when changes like these occur. Burying a note like this in a huge patch note is simply not acceptable. 2000 WZ comms might not be a huge amount, but people averaging 75 per warzone are still wasting 6-7 hours getting that many. Some people don't play that many hours per week...

Edited by DeeMoneyBig
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Most of the responses in this thread are idiotic...


The vast majority of SWTOR players never check these forums. It's the same of all MMOs. And since the patch notes aren't available until the day of the patch, how are the majority of people supposed to know about changes like these to be sure they plan accordingly?


There needs to be official announcements on the login screen when changes like these occur. Burying a note like this in a huge patch note is simply not acceptable. 2000 WZ comms might not be a huge amount, but people averaging 75 per warzone are still wasting 6-7 hours getting that many. Some people don't play that many hours per week...


Oh I see... people that get upset about not knowing information prior to a huge content release shouldn't bother finding out about what is coming and how it will effect them. They should just complain to BW that they don't understand how anything works and despite the information being plastered on the official forums, announcements of the patch on the website and log in splash screen and then all the unofficial websites covering every single aspect of the 1.2 patch....


Sorry if I don't sympathize with you. If you really cared about what happened in this game then you would have known what was coming. The fact that you can't be bothered to find out anything about a game you claim to care about shouldn't be BW's responsibility when they never hid the fact of a change coming and made it painfully obvious that large changes were coming.

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Is it BWs fault that you didn't bother to read the patchnotes from the PTS? It was clear for a month or so that merc coms would be only used as a placeholder after 1.2..

I agree with the OP, you should not need to read patch notes. The average player should have been informed in some manner about these changes. The changes to BM and Champ commendations as well. I would imagine the player who doesn't visit the forums is actually pretty upset about this if he didn't know.

Edited by richardya
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I agree with the OP, you should not need to read patch notes. The average player should have been informed in some manner about these changes. The changes to BM and Champ commendations as well. I would imagine the player who doesn't visit the forums is actually pretty upset about this if he didn't know.


It was announced that large changes were coming and anyone that played the game in the last 2 months knew 1.2 was coming. It shouldn't have surprised anyone that mattered.

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I'm really confused as to what exactly your problem is. Essentially you spent 3000 WZ commendations to get 1000 Mercenary commendations. Now I can only assume you did this because there was something you wanted to buy with those 1000 commendations or as a way to store the commendations. I'm going to guess you wanted to buy something with them since you say you didn't read the patch notes so would not have known to store commendations ready for change. Assuming there was something you wanted to buy that item will now cost WZ commendations as opposed to Mercenary commendations and thanks to the new change you will still have 1000 commendations due to the change. As others have said the change was that pre-1.2 if you had converted them back to WZ commendations you would have had only 333 WZ commendations left from the 3000 you originally traded as it is you now get 1000.


I'm really lost to what the problem is. Pre 1.2 you would have got 333, post 1.2 you get 1000.

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Really? I get that you're upset, but the information is out there and it's your own fault for not getting to it. Stop acting self entitled. You can't be spoon fed EVERYTHING..do a little research, it's good for you. The information has been in QnA's and was in the PTS's 1.2 update patch notes, which was there for a while before 1.2 hit public servers. If you don't read it you have only yourself to blame.
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What a great community, defending BW for ripping me off my stored merc commendations I needed to exchange in the first place because of the idiotic 1000 wz comms cap. Yeah it is my fault I do not have time to study x-pages of patchnotes, and BW is a nice company because, hey, they wrote it somewhere in those patchnotes! This forum is full of biodrones eager to blame subscribers rather than BW's highly intelligent commendation value changes without any logic foundation.

Next time BW, if you plan to rip me off 6 hours worth of commendations, changing exchange rates which devalues my stuff, put a damn WARNING to the login screen.

Edited by Lord_Ravenhurst
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Actually, you are REALLY lucky: before 1.2 Merc Commendations were used to get bags (nothing else)


Now that are UNAVAILABLE, you basically stored 1.000 additional warzone commendations, which will grant you 1+ BM piece.


My friend has 1000 Merc Commendation, purchased before 1.2 (he is 45 now), and I kinda envy him because with my alt (at lvl46) I don't have ANY.


--> It means, at lvl50 I can spend 2.000 WZC in gears (stored before 50), while he can spend 3.000 and get more pieces (the 2.000 and his Mercenary Comm).


be grateful

Edited by TheNotorius
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Most of the responses in this thread are idiotic...


The vast majority of SWTOR players never check these forums. It's the same of all MMOs. And since the patch notes aren't available until the day of the patch, how are the majority of people supposed to know about changes like these to be sure they plan accordingly?


There needs to be official announcements on the login screen when changes like these occur. Burying a note like this in a huge patch note is simply not acceptable. 2000 WZ comms might not be a huge amount, but people averaging 75 per warzone are still wasting 6-7 hours getting that many. Some people don't play that many hours per week...


If you bought 1000 merc comms prior to 1.2 you paid 3000 wz comms that is TRUE


HOWEVER ladies and gentelman.... your cap for wz comms was 1000 so NO WAY COULD YOU STORE 3000 additiona lwz comms anywhere.


the ratio to buy wz comms back was 3:1 so again if you bought wz comms back prior to 1.2 you would get 333 ONLY.


But you could not cos you were stocked up anyway




Bioware gave you 1000 free wz comms against potentially nothing if you wouldnt store them you wouldnt have them anyway, if you store them you couldnt make transaction to 3.000 prior cos cap was 1000.


So YOU PROFIT more than you would with old system



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