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Server population is dropping...


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Paid MMO Server status in all countries- an hour or so ago.


( I don't know what D3 auction houses are but i'm counting them as a server. Nor does D3 have a high, medium, low status)


wow- 36 high, 124+ mediums, 58 light

D3- 9 available servers, 9 servers are down for maintenance

Tera- 2 high, 3 medium, 6 light

Rift- 11 medium, 21 light


pretty much Diablo 3 isn't an MMO in the traditional sense. They really don't have servers, communities, etc. What are the #s for SWTOR?

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Paid MMO Server status in all countries- an hour or so ago.


( I don't know what D3 auction houses are but i'm counting them as a server. Nor does D3 have a high, medium, low status)


wow- 36 high, 124+ mediums, 58 light

D3- 9 available servers, 9 servers are down for maintenance

Tera- 2 high, 3 medium, 6 light

Rift- 11 medium, 21 light


The problem is, we have no real idea what the population caps for those games are. For example, WoW could require less then 1000 for a light destination, whereas TOR we pretty much know with certainty that the number for light is less then 350. Ergo, a TOR server could have 40 people on it and be light, whereas a WoW server could have 900 and it too would be labeled as such.


Personally, I played WoW for 7 years on 4 different servers (2 PvP and 2 PvE) and I rarely, if ever had a problem finding people to do anything unless it was really off peak - and now, with cross server LFG its never a problem.


I'm also in Tera. I've said it multiple times, but I've found more people at obscure questing hubs (think like Quesh) in the second channel then I've seen on fleet. Seriously.


I've never played a game where the population was such a perverse and overbearing issue - especially not a month in from launch. Don't believe me? Check some of the original versions of the sever transfer/merger threads. People were asking for transfers/mergers in JANUARY.

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pretty much Diablo 3 isn't an MMO in the traditional sense. They really don't have servers, communities, etc. What are the #s for SWTOR?


It isnt a true MMO but heck i can still find parties faster than 90% of the servers in SWTOR.


The problem is, we have no real idea what the population caps for those games are. For example, WoW could require less then 1000 for a light destination, whereas TOR we pretty much know with certainty that the number for light is less then 350. Ergo, a TOR server could have 40 people on it and be light, whereas a WoW server could have 900 and it too would be labeled as such.


Personally, I played WoW for 7 years on 4 different servers (2 PvP and 2 PvE) and I rarely, if ever had a problem finding people to do anything unless it was really off peak - and now, with cross server LFG its never a problem.


I'm also in Tera. I've said it multiple times, but I've found more people at obscure questing hubs (think like Quesh) in the second channel then I've seen on fleet. Seriously.


I've never played a game where the population was such a perverse and overbearing issue - especially not a month in from launch. Don't believe me? Check some of the original versions of the sever transfer/merger threads. People were asking for transfers/mergers in JANUARY.


Even when i played WoW a light server still had plenty of players and never had trouble doing anything, same with Rift. And i do agree out off all mmos i have played i never had a population issue til SWTOR that is.

Edited by evildestroyer
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Paid MMO Server status in all countries- an hour or so ago.


( I don't know what D3 auction houses are but i'm counting them as a server. Nor does D3 have a high, medium, low status)


wow- 36 high, 124+ mediums, 58 light

D3- 9 available servers, 9 servers are down for maintenance

Tera- 2 high, 3 medium, 6 light

Rift- 11 medium, 21 light



Right now on Sun. night in all countries -


SWTOR- 8 medium, 220 light servers

wow- 32 high, 163 medium, 51 light

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What guy over there at BW said, "hey, lets create as many servers as WOW has! What could go wrong? Huzzah!"


lol its star wars, George Lucas probably thought it was going to out do WoW and said "here's the money, buy the servers"...? And maybe BW thought like him too or vise versa. Just cause it's star wars doesn't make it "hot on the market" /rolls eyes


I think they were ACTUALLY going off by the # of LIKES on BookFace Y_Y ...


(look at how many "likes" it has compared to everything else)


Edited by Rezarect
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I rerolled a few months back to a healthy Ajunta Pall, however in the past few weeks since 1.2 pop is dwindling down. We has 56ish on the fleet around 7 PM PST, I went to the Fatman listed at full: 108 on Koriban and 124 on The Jedi starting planet.

They really need to make transfers happen, f the LFG tool if there's no one to use it with what's the point. It should be all hands on deck attending to this.

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lol its star wars, George Lucas probably thought it was going to out do WoW and said "here's the money, buy the servers"...? And maybe BW thought like him too or vise versa. Just cause it's star wars doesn't make it "hot on the market" /rolls eyes


I think they were ACTUALLY going off by the # of LIKES on BookFace Y_Y ...


(look at how many "likes" it has compared to everything else)



Actually one of the reasons why they had so many servers is also one of the top reasons why the game is failing and that is their choosing of a subpar engine(Hero) that they obviously had no experience with. Once it was obvious that their horrible choice of an engine could not handle large groups of players in one area, they began to "section" the environment and ultimately had to reduce the amount of target players per server.


Had they chosen a better engine or figured a way to optimize it instead of stacking bad code on top of bad code, they could have at least doubled each server size, launched with half the servers and wouldn't be bleeding subs right now due to players leaving because their servers are dead.

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I can't even complete a pvp daily at this point. My server had a small but highly involved pvp population up until D3 launched. Since then there are roughly 16 people on server in PRIME TIME. Some of those will come back when the shine of D3 wains. Others will just not renew and move on to other stuff.


I have felt like this game had another 90 days to get server transfers/mergers in order. I'm now starting to think that if something isn't done by the end of June there won't be enough people online on any server for anyone to play.

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hey on the bright side atleast they have 21 pgs of avatars to choose from for the forums right?


The word for today kids is- Priorities. Not brought to you by- BW :i_tongue:


WAIT!! I LOVE MY AVATAR! You are eeevil >_>

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I think it's actually funner to talk on BW's forum than actually playing by myself, in their game, with the LFG up on my toon's name. I think, sometimes, it now stands for L for Loser =(


Btw my server (Wall of Light) use to be standard in peak hours/days. Yesterday (Sat.) at around 12-6'ish it was light when it use to be standard and more than 16 in the fleet! I signed off and went over to my friend's house, who was playing D3. Y_Y


I JUST freaking bought this game. Well, in Jan. but still!

Edited by Rezarect
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I rerolled a few months back to a healthy Ajunta Pall, however in the past few weeks since 1.2 pop is dwindling down. We has 56ish on the fleet around 7 PM PST, I went to the Fatman listed at full: 108 on Koriban and 124 on The Jedi starting planet.

They really need to make transfers happen, f the LFG tool if there's no one to use it with what's the point. It should be all hands on deck attending to this.


That's the scariest part. You would think that it would be an all hands situation but it seems like they're treating it with mild urgency...

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lol its star wars, George Lucas probably thought it was going to out do WoW and said "here's the money, buy the servers"...? And maybe BW thought like him too or vise versa. Just cause it's star wars doesn't make it "hot on the market" /rolls eyes


I think they were ACTUALLY going off by the # of LIKES on BookFace Y_Y ...


(look at how many "likes" it has compared to everything else)



You mean Twittface? Only company I know which uses a outside program rather than thier own foruns to keep the players updated.


As to this thread... I was on my server last night..prime time. 25 in Fleet Repub and 22 Imper.

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They are holding it with the purpose of relasing Char Transfer one week after GW2 is launched to bring people back, same with ranked WZ, we are talking about crack dealers here guys!


^This. (Maybe 1 week before instead of after. So people will be too busy enjoying their level 50s to start the other games)


At this point it's hard to believe this is a technical issue. It's clearly a marketing/business issue.


Edit: Months ago I rerolled to Helm of Garush due to fairly balanced and healthy population. That server is #2 for East Coast PVP after - you guessed it - Fatman. And speaking of guessing, guess where I rerolled after waiting 1 hour for a warzone during "primetime."


What's really scary is that even the servers near the top of the list are feeling dead.


Edit #2: For a good laugh, go to the first page and look at the date of the original post

Edited by LarryRow
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I know of many guilds on my server who have gone kaput due to losing players, and not being able to recruit suitable replacements due to deflated pool of players to recruit from.


What is even more irksome is that BW are not listening to common sense or their player base, and are only talking about character transfers, and not server merges. Please tell me how character transfers will fix server population? Why would I want to transfer to another server and leave my game friends behind? This tbh is just another nail in the coffin, and makes me feel that they dont care about its player base, and their needs. Reminds me of the server forum debacle tbh.


Please BW do the right thing to keep this game alive which started with so much promise, and merge your servers :)

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I know of many guilds on my server who have gone kaput due to losing players, and not being able to recruit suitable replacements due to deflated pool of players to recruit from.


What is even more irksome is that BW are not listening to common sense or their player base, and are only talking about character transfers, and not server merges. Please tell me how character transfers will fix server population? Why would I want to transfer to another server and leave my game friends behind? This tbh is just another nail in the coffin, and makes me feel that they dont care about its player base, and their needs. Reminds me of the server forum debacle tbh.


Please BW do the right thing to keep this game alive which started with so much promise, and merge your servers :)


The thinking might be that you'll communicate with your friends and guild-mates and all pick a server to go to, together.


If they allow free transfers from many light servers onto few light servers, they'll build up a few standard to heavy servers, which is great.


After that, they might have some clean-up to do in the form of forced transfers off of the nearly completely dead servers, then they close them.


The alternative seems to be getting a similar active player base to what they had shortly after launch... :rolleyes:

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I am so frustrated, it's time to leave a message in the - what is it, 7th or 8th installment of this - thread about dropping population.


I am trying since early April to get a group for the Battle of Ilum flashpoint, normal mode. No luck yet! And I'm on one of the servers which sometimes even has medium population. Less and less often though. There are never more than 3 entries in the social window LFG (usually for Esselles or Hammer) and in all these days, I only got a reply to my LFG request for Ilum once. And we never found a willing third person, not even in my guild. In FP-Channel, no one even bothered answering my requests.


I am co-founder of a guild which in March had 70 active players. We now threw out 20 who haven't been online since then. We are 50 now, out of these, there are 5 who are actively playing and some more 5 to 10 who login once per week or so. The rest will be thrown out soon (we give people ~60 days time to re-login).


My friendlist contained 50+ people. I just deleted 40 who I haven't seen in many weeks either. Now I have 10 left of which I have seen 5 during the last 2 weeks. And I am online quite often.


Even worse is the market situation. Not only do prices drop tremendously, you also don't find good stuff anymore, or let's say, only as rarely as a random world orange bracers drop. ;)


Warzones... I unlist myself after 30 minutes in the queue. Guess when I played my last warzone?


And the worst thing: I am playing on an RP-server and there is no roleplaying going on anymore. The server is full of immature puberty boys who spam the general chat causing me either to fill my ignore list with entries or staying on the guild tab - where usually just one, max. two other players are.


I'm leveling up my alts through space missions and then running through lower level planets, so that I can play the heroics alone. It doesn't feel right though.


And finally, the very most terrible part for me: I got 3 x 60 days playing time cards left over (presents from friends), in addition to the 30 days I got from Bioware as a present. That makes 210 days left to use. Argh! :confused:

Edited by JattaGin
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Subscription....Canceled. Sorry but I can't play a game that is a single player game 90% of the time due to server populations and actually pay a sub fee for it. I paid for a MMO...not just an RPG
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